Whose name is Alfia? The meaning of the name Alfiya, character and fate

is an Arabic name that means “long-liver.” Alfia's main qualities are prudence, calmness, and kindness. Alfia is an obedient, smart girl who prefers quiet games to noisy tricks and pranks. She also likes to help her parents around the house: cooking, cleaning, caring for younger family members.

Alfia is a phlegmatic person; it is difficult to read any emotion on her face. But she is sensitive and responsive, and restraint is inherent in her from birth. When Alfia is upset about something, she does not panic, preferring to act rationally, without hysterics. Alfia's self-control is truly incredible; it helps her find a way out of any, even the most difficult situations. She remains calm even when trouble happens in her life. Alfia acts after carefully considering every step, which helps her and her loved ones overcome all obstacles. Family for Alfia is the most important thing in life. For the sake of her family, she is ready to forget about everything in the world, including her own plans and desires.

Alfia is a wonderful friend. She treats all people equally well, without showing her hostility to anyone. She does not like cold, selfish and self-righteous individuals, and she also cannot stand rudeness, rudeness and impudence. Alfia is always ready to help her friends, even if it requires a lot of time and effort from her. She is able to forget about her own problems for the sake of someone close to her, which, of course, brings her love and respect from her friends. She herself also needs support and help, but does not like to “burden” anyone. Sometimes some people take advantage of Alfie's kindness by manipulating her and showing her their helplessness.

Alfia is sociable and does not like loneliness and boredom. She prefers to spend time with her friends or family members and generally finds it difficult to do anything alone. Alfie enjoys the comfort of home and evenings in the company of loved ones. She is not one of those who often goes to clubs and parties.

Alfia has a rare gift - she knows how to listen. She is able not only to listen to her interlocutor, but also to help him with advice or a kind, encouraging word. Alfia prefers not to communicate with tactless and superficial people; she appreciates kindness, tact and intelligence in others. Her delicacy allows her to keep her distance, and a person will never guess that she doesn’t like him. This quality allows Alfie to achieve success, including in the professional sphere.

Alfia's first love, as a rule, is not happy, but in the end she manages to marry a worthy man for love.

Diminutive forms of the name Alfiya

Alya, Alechka, Alfiyusha, Alfiyok, Alfiyushka, Alpha, Alfi.


Energetic, purposeful, ambitious. Sometimes she behaves aggressively, especially if she needs to prove her point. Has a penchant for exact sciences, is interested in technology and cars.


Persistent, it is difficult for her to compromise. He does not listen to anyone's advice, preferring to act based on his own considerations. She lacks a sense of humor and takes everything too seriously.


Cheerful, cheerful, loving compliments and attention. She has a calm, easy-going character, although in some situations she can be straightforward and adamant.


Infantile and naive. He is afraid to take responsibility for anything and make important decisions. He often suffers from his shyness and shyness, but does not try to fight them.

a lion

A person with morbid pride. She pays a lot of attention to her appearance, she likes to look good, she loves beautiful clothes and shoes. Tries to please everyone without exception.


Balanced, reasonable, smart. She is very vulnerable and sentimental at heart, but does not show it. She loves traveling, especially to unusual places where you can get a lot of vivid impressions.


Tactful, polite, delicate. She can immediately distinguish a good person from a bad one, which allows her to avoid disappointments. She carefully chooses her friends, of whom she has few, but they are all real.


A girl with a complex character who does not accept anyone's help or advice. She can be harsh, especially when dealing with people who do not share her views and beliefs. She believes that she is always right in everything.


Frivolous, naive, cheerful. She cannot stand loneliness; it is important for her to have friends and relatives nearby. Sometimes he trusts those who should not be trusted.


Honest and straightforward, does not recognize lies and falsehood. She is hardworking, has many interests and hobbies, and considers inaction to be the worst thing for herself.


Knows how to get along with different people and find an approach to them. He has enviable restraint and never loses his temper. Loves to travel and visit unusual places.


An idealist and dreamer, living in a world of her fantasies. She is trusting and constantly forgets that the people around her are not always honest and kind. She needs to learn to understand them.

The main task is not to arouse spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the unity of style, soft lines and, just as important, general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing makes the same unpleasant impression as a worn-out, stale part of the suit. Try to learn to understand styles. Otherwise, the desire for a certain average type can lead to you looking like a “gray mouse”.

Compatibility of the name Alfiya, manifestation in love

Alfiya, it cannot be said that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first for you, and you will choose a partner based mainly on how well he can correspond to your life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, determination and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, should one happen, you will first of all value in your partner the ability to empathize with your ideas and the ability to provide support.


You strive to “embrace the immensity.” Your soul longs for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, one might say, does not exist for you. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that you can and should force them to “go in a water sled” with you, in the direction of your choice.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need outside assistance, and above all, as a “restraining principle.” Otherwise you may want to “turn over the earth.”

But if you are forced to use other people’s opportunities, then you need to learn to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the greater your chances of keeping your soul pure and your heart healthy.

The meaning of the name Alfiya, like any other name that is not familiar to a Russian person, is of interest. It's good that there is anthroponymy. Thanks to it, you can find out not only the meaning of a given name, but also what imprint it leaves on the character of its owner. And since the topic is interesting, we will talk about it now.


The first thing you need to do is talk about it. The Muslim name Alfiya has several meanings, as well as versions of its origin.

One of the most popular says that it was formed from the name of a letter of the Greek alphabet. Alpha, as we know, means "first".

The second known version is rooted in Arab culture. The meaning of the name Alfiya in Islam is very deep - it is translated as “close to Allah.” By the way, there is a similar male version - Alfir.

In some nations, this beautiful female name sounds differently. There are variations such as Alfina, Alfira, Alpiyat and Alpia.


The girl, whom her parents named Alfiya, has a good disposition and an easy-going character. She loves affection and attention, laughs a lot, and also pleases her parents with her activity and energy.

The baby starts talking early. It turns out that she has an excellent memory - she instantly remembers songs and poems, and then declares them with pleasure.

Alfiya respects adults and tries to please and help in everything. He is also friendly towards his peers - he actively makes new friends, but just as easily loses them.

Her character traits are formed from early childhood. It is almost impossible to somehow correct or change them over time. That is why parents must take a responsible approach to raising their baby. The most important thing is to instill in her the standards of high morality.


Continuing to study the meaning of the name Alfia, it is necessary to make a reservation that with age she does not lose her best qualities. Her memory is still good, as is her academic performance. The character is still soft, but there is more practicality in it. Despite her inherent kindness, Alfiya steadfastly faces life's difficulties and overcomes them.

In adolescence, the girl is sociable, but does not impose her society on anyone. If she understands that those around her are indifferent to her, she simply stops communicating. But no offense.

The girl named Alfia has minor flaws. Sometimes she lies and gets irritated. May also suffer from excessive demands and excessive self-importance. And she doesn’t always manage to restrain her emotions.

But in general she is a very romantic, dreamy, peace-loving girl.


Above, something was said about the meaning of the name Alfia in Tatar, as well as how it affects its owner. What does she become as she gets older?

This woman is the life of the party, constantly in the spotlight. She is distinguished by ingenuity and wit, she is able to generate various interesting ideas. However, with age, Alfiya becomes a very contradictory nature. So much so that sometimes it is not clear to her what she wants.

The girl’s speeches and thoughts can be chaotic; during a conversation she can change her mind ten times. But this quality does not negate her kindness and friendliness.

Her intuition and optimism also grow stronger with age. Thanks to these qualities, she overcomes difficulties with ease. She is moving up the career ladder successfully, but sometimes resorts to intrigue and lies for this.

Hobbies and work

This topic also needs to be given a little attention, talking about what the name Alfia means. Its owner is a creative girl. So her hobbies, as a rule, are various types of art. The girl also loves to experiment and most often fulfills this desire by cooking.

What about work? Alfiya does not strive to achieve career heights. And he always chooses his profession by following his heart and ignoring the advice of strangers. I must say, she manages to prove herself in a variety of areas of activity. However, money is not the goal for this girl.

Of course, it is difficult to imagine her in the image of a businesswoman or leader. Alfia does not have the main qualities for this - the ability to lead people and instantly make the right decisions. And strategic thinking is not very developed.

Friendship and camaraderie

Considering in detail the meaning of the name Alfia, it is worth discussing what the owner of this name is like in friendly relationships.

She's a very good friend. For the sake of her loved ones, a girl is capable of sacrificing everything. Unfortunately, many people know this and use it. And she, being a trusting person who doesn’t understand people well, often does not suspect anything wrong. When she makes a mistake, she becomes disappointed and then suffers from betrayal and misunderstanding.

But being a positive person, she does not lose faith in people. In adult life, communication is something like a hobby for her. She likes to make like-minded people and friends and spend time with them. Gaining experience, she begins to understand people well, and therefore leaves next to her only devoted, faithful, honest, trustworthy comrades.

And these friends really appreciate Alfia. She is honest and sincere, never imposes her opinion, does not insist on her own. On the contrary, it often even yields.


And this topic should be given a little attention when talking about the meaning of the name Alfia. This girl begins to be interested in guys early, and she herself has a magical effect on them. Almost every man who interests her instantly falls under Alfia’s influence.

She does not wait for the young man to make the first move. The girl is able to get acquainted herself, even make a date. By the way, first love may well end in marriage.

But if the young people do not get along in character, then Alfiya will not withdraw. After the divorce, she will continue to gain experience in relationships and will marry successfully the second time. Only a few things are important to her - loyalty, care and mutual respect.

Alfia herself is a caring and attentive wife. She is one of those ladies who find their calling in the role of homemaker.

Astrological symbolism

Finally, it’s worth talking about this. The following astrological aspects correspond to the name Alfiya:

  • Talisman stones - topaz and amber.
  • Patronizing planet - the Sun.
  • Totem animal and plant - scarab and mimosa.
  • The favorable time of year is summer.
  • A good day for successful achievements is Sunday.
  • The patronizing element is air.
  • Suitable zodiac sign is Leo.

And the number of this name is one. It gives Alfia straightforwardness, perseverance and determination. These qualities may be hidden, but appropriate upbringing will help reveal them. Having become a leader, a girl can achieve impressive success and heights.

Many names have ambiguous origins and several versions of their origin. The name Alfiya was no exception. He also has several theories:

  • The Muslim population of Russia generally believes that Alfiya means “close to Allah”, so this name is very common among them
  • Alfia came to us from the Ancient Turkic state, where it had the meaning “friendly”. This etymology of the name is popular among the Tatars and Bashkirs.
  • There are unpopular options for the meaning of the name - “fair”, “magnificent poem”.
  • Complete – Alfia
  • Abbreviated as Alfie, Alya, Alka, Fiya, Alf, Fairy, Filya.
  • Affectionately - Alfiyushka, Alfiyka, Alfushka, Alfochka, Alfiechka, Alfik, Alechka, Fiechka.
  • The passport will indicate ALFIIA.
  • There is no such name in the Orthodox and Catholic churches.


Little Alfiyusha is an easy-going and kind girl, sensible beyond her age. She prefers quiet games, although she also likes to play active games with friends. Alfia is ready to help, responds to someone else’s misfortune, which others often take advantage of. Alfia is surrounded by many guys and she can become their leader.

Thanks to his perseverance, Alya studies well. She is very proud, which also gives her an incentive for development. Nature has endowed Alfia with a creative streak. Since childhood, she has been drawing, dancing, and music. In any direction she will be successful, and teachers will be proud of their favorite.

Over time, Alfia's character changes. Her leadership qualities are bursting to the surface. She is very active and cannot help but do anything. She is always surrounded by many people, attracting her like a ray of light. She radiates positivity and charges the most inveterate pessimists with optimism. Alechka has exquisite taste, a subtle sense of beauty and noble manners.

Alfia is too pragmatic. Sentimentality is alien to her. She does not like books and films with deep meaning and conclusions.

Alfia is smart and friendly. Sometimes he may flare up, but this passes very quickly. She can't sit idle. Strives for comfort in everything - both in the soul and in life. She is constantly looking for her purpose, directing all her strength towards it. Her head is simply teeming with ideas.

Her artistic abilities are top notch. Likes to be the center of attention, the life of the party. However, he does this not with revealing or strange outfits, but with his charisma and energy. Her main features are openness and honesty. She is capable of lying only as a last resort, and only if it is a white lie. She is friendly and does not enter into all sorts of conflicts.


Alfia's vitality is very high. By adulthood, she remains very active and active. Ali's health is slightly above average. She gets sick infrequently, but if she does get sick, she can hardly tolerate a common cold. Preventative measures must be taken.


Alfia is very efficient. She is full of energy and always active. Alya will try to make her favorite hobby and decent income one and the same thing. She won't do anything she doesn't like. But he won’t work for pennies either. However, if she works in a profession unrelated to her hobbies, for example, an accountant or engineer, she will devote a lot of time to her hobby in order to realize her full creative potential.

Alfia will strive throughout her career to become an experienced leader. And she will succeed. The main thing is not to frighten your team with rash and reckless actions at the beginning of your management journey.

If she works in an ordinary non-creative position, then in small steps she will climb up her career. As an employee, she is very punctual and responsible.

Family and marriage

Alfia's family is going well. Having made the choice of a spouse, she will find a calm, happy life. She and her husband will complement each other and will be caring and faithful spouses. An atmosphere of love, mutual understanding and the comfort of home reigns in their home.

Alfiya devotes a lot of time to her family and children. They often relax together, preferring an active pastime. She deals a lot with children in their development and cares for them. Tries to gain authority among household members. Hospitable hostess.

Astrological characteristics

  • Zodiac sign - Leo.
  • Stone - Amber.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • Name color - Yellow.
  • Plant - Mimosa.
  • Totem animal - Scarab.

Famous women named Alfiya

  • People's Artist of Tatarstan Avzalova;
  • one of the richest women in Kazakhstan Kuanysheva (according to Forbes magazine).

The name Alfia, of Arabic origin, means “long-liver.” Alfia is an active, cheerful, restless and curious child. She easily memorizes rhymes and then recites them to her parents and guests. She loves her family very much. Therefore, parents need to do everything to keep the family together. Or not to divorce until the girl is three and a half years old. Having become more mature, she shines with the originality of her ideas and almost always tries to be in the center of attention in any society. Very often, she likes to express sometimes chaotic thoughts that contain a rational grain. Her worldview is often a unique mixture of different, sometimes directly opposing, philosophical systems. Alfia does not shy away from lies if she believes that they are justified by good intentions.

At heart, this is a soft, romantic, kind and sensitive nature, which is not indifferent to other people's experiences. But at times, Alfia can be shy about her soft nature, so she often likes to disguise it with practicality and a sober outlook on life. Alfia does not have much willpower, although she often skillfully demonstrates it. She is energetic, sociable, but she cannot be called intrusive.

She also has an excellent memory and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. That is why she is one of the best students in the class, and then at the institute. He can often show interest in technical areas of science, and sometimes he can become an innovator and even an inventor. Alfiya always has a creative approach to any work and organization of everyday life. As a rule, he likes to get involved in amateur activities and is almost always the life of the party. This is a bright and noticeable personality who is able to charge everyone not only with optimism, but also with creativity and charm.

This woman never gets lost in difficult situations. “Summer” Alfiya has such qualities as kindness and responsiveness. This is a very sensual nature, which is always ready to pay tribute to beauty. It is extremely important for her to be loved and to love. Qualities such as openness and charm often help her overcome various obstacles encountered along the path of life. Also, this woman tends to squander money, so very often she may experience financial difficulties. Alfia, born in autumn, is not only a leader, but also a strong personality. She is full of energy, businesslike and impulsive. She always strives to lead not only in the team, but also in the family.

Alfia approaches everything creatively

Often takes initiative and demonstrates practicality. This is a very responsible and fair woman who is not afraid to take on the consequences of decisions, as she is confident in herself. “Spring” Alfia is a very spontaneous person, naive and cheerful. She is able to devote herself entirely to science or art. She is a great optimist who almost always infects everyone around her with her positive energy. She does not like conflicts and difficult situations, so she tries in every possible way to avoid them. Sometimes she is indecisive and timid. In achieving his goals, he never resorts to intrigues and workarounds, but tries to act openly. Elderly Alfia always enjoys the respect and love of others. This woman has self-esteem and an understanding of all her strengths. Often, she is somewhat willful, likes to command the household, and can indulge in idleness and laziness. In a word, she rests on the laurels of her successes.

The weak point of the body is the intestines, kidneys and liver. Often, Alfia begins to show interest in men very early. And such qualities as curiosity and bizarre morality, which are often woven from various philosophical movements, can push her to various experiments. As a rule, she chooses men herself. It often happens that the first marriage breaks up, but the second one is often very strong and very happy. In the period from thirty to forty years, Alfiya, as a rule, feels more like a mother and wife than a seductive woman, and her sexuality seems to be dormant, only to rise to its peak again around forty-five years. A woman like Alfia is characterized by such qualities as generosity, a desire for novelty, impulsiveness, a sense of responsibility and justice. She is often persistent and consistent in implementing her decisions.

She is not recommended to go into business. This woman, although she knows how to easily earn money, spends it with the same ease. Alfia's spirituality is entirely related to her determination. Being a purposeful person, Alfiya will always improve her moral qualities and vice versa, paying attention to the moral aspect and the development of spirituality, she often turns out to be a purposeful person. Sometimes Alfia may seem out of touch with reality, but this will soon pass, and a good joke will always bring her back to “ground.”

Alfia's name day

  • Name Alfiya according to zodiac sign: suitable for Leos.
  • Alfia's talisman: amber.
  • Compatibility of the name Alfiya: favorable relationships with the names: Abram, Adrian, Alfred, Andrey, Arseny, Victor, Vladislav, Gennady, German, Elisha, Ivan, Irakli, Kirill, Konstantin, Maxim, Nathan, Oleg, Pavel, Ruslan, Sergey, Solomon, Taras, Fedor, Philip, Eric.

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