Accountant, our chief accountant! Competent accountant Articles on accounting not published.

  • 14:37

    B It’s unlikely that you remember by heart the passwords for all your accounts on social networks and personal accounts on websites. Many people still use simple, popular passwords like “123456” or their birthday. Others change their password regularly. How effective is it? How to reliably protect your account? 65
  • 12:55

    Is it legal to recognize expenses for payment of compensation for loss of ability to work by an employee due to an injury at work as part of income tax expenses? What is the controller's opinion on this issue? What is arbitration practice like? 168
  • 12:50

    We are talking about a situation where a regional operator begins to provide municipal solid waste (MSW) management services. 142
  • 12:14

    Every year the state takes new measures aimed at countering cashing out. This includes the introduction of online cash registers and the establishment of liability for evasion of insurance premiums. But the main means of struggle has been and remains criminal prosecution. 188
  • 11:42

    On November 28, 2018, Federal Law No. 451-FZ was adopted, which introduces a number of major amendments to procedural legislation. The changes are so significant that lawyers have already nicknamed the law a “procedural revolution.” We will consider the 5 most important aspects of procedural reform in this article. 239
  • 10:11

    It's summer and vacation time! But to go on vacation it is not enough just to buy a ticket. If you want to relax outside our country, then you need to be sure that this is not prohibited for you. And a bailiff can easily prohibit such a vacation. According to 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”, the bailiff has the right, at the request of the claimant or on his own initiative, to issue a resolution on a temporary restriction on the debtor’s departure from the Russian Federation. So, when can you face a ban on traveling abroad? 220
  • July 25, 2019
  • 12:39

    The organization at OSNO is engaged in business in the provision of communication services and has three retail stores, which are registered as separate structural divisions, geographically located in the same city on different streets, each of them uses cash register systems. How to organize and document cash transactions in separate divisions (SB)? What are the consequences of not having cash books in the OP or maintaining one book for all departments? How to organize the movement of a small change in the OP? 236
  • 12:31

    Legislators decided to clarify the procedure for providing personal income tax benefits. For this purpose, Federal Law No. 147-FZ of June 17, 2019 was adopted, it was published on the portal on June 17, 2019 and generally came into force on this date. However, the main provisions of the law, in accordance with the adopted procedure, will begin to apply from the beginning of the tax period for tax, in this case personal income tax. For him, the tax period is the calendar year. That is, in fact, the innovations will be in effect from 01/01/2020. 463
  • 12:24

    Of the variety of pricing methods, three main ones can be distinguished: cost-based (based on cost analysis), a method based on supply and demand, and a method of following a competitor (based on a study of market conditions). The cost method is the most common due to the relative ease of its use and the convenience of obtaining source data. 232
  • 11:42

    Let us remind you who is entitled to a child deduction, whether the right to a deduction will remain after dismissal, and how to arrange all this in “1C: Salary and HR Management 8”. 232
  • 11:32

    Office supplies, supplier invoices, travel tickets, travel expenses and much more are paid by employees on behalf of the organization. At the same time, money is most often still issued on account. There are certain inconveniences associated with this: time and paper consumption. A faster and more convenient way is corporate bank cards. 315
  • 11:24

    The reform regarding cash register equipment is approaching its final stage. Some received a deferment until 2021, while others can do without a cash register at all. 1 561
  • 10:28

    The existing practice of applying provisions on review of newly discovered evidence, which prevents the admission of new evidence previously hidden from the court for one reason or another, was formed when new evidence could be provided to both the cassation and supervisory authorities. In particular, in the Textbook on Civil Procedure of Moscow State University, you can read that “evidence discovered after a decision is made can serve as the basis for reviewing the case by way of supervision.” The Training Manual prepared by Ural proceduralists also states that “the presentation of new evidence that was not examined when issuing a judicial act, including due to the fact that the person participating in the case did not know about its existence at the time of the court hearing and issuance a judicial act is not a basis for its revision due to new or newly discovered circumstances. In this case, the judicial act may be reviewed by the court of cassation or supervisory instance with the case being sent for a new trial for examination of additional evidence presented.” 313
  • July 24, 2019
  • 12:48

    Individual entrepreneurs are subject to social insurance in the event of temporary disability and in connection with maternity in a special manner. Let's talk about what a woman who is an individual entrepreneur needs to know if she is going on maternity leave. 352
  • 12:40

    Officials of state and municipal institutions must take into account new types of administrative liability for “accounting” violations. Since June 2019, the system of fines for non-compliance with requirements for the presentation of budgetary or accounting (financial) statements, as well as for budgetary (accounting) accounting, has changed. What should chief accountants and heads of institutions prepare for? 698
  • 12:30

    An individual entrepreneur and a legal entity applying the taxation system for agricultural producers plan to enter into an agreement on joint activities for the purpose of growing vegetables, which will be distributed among the participants. A legal entity provides land, water for irrigation, individual entrepreneurs provide seeds, agronomic work, and hired workers. How should the relationship between an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity be formalized? Does the conclusion of a joint activity agreement entail the loss of the right to apply a preferential tax regime (payment of Unified Agricultural Tax)? Who should submit a report on land and crops to the statistics agency? 272
  • 11:24

    From March 1, 2019, the procedure for filling out travel forms has undergone a number of changes. But some organizations ignore the new rules for filling out travel forms and continue to issue them in the old way. For this, the tax authorities may exclude the company’s expenses for fuel and lubricants, charge additional income tax and refuse to deduct VAT. 967
  • 11:16

    Now more and more enterprises are switching to non-cash payment of labor, and the most convenient way to implement non-cash payment is a salary project. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to create and set up a salary project in “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8”, ed. 3. 300
  • 10:52

    In addition to standard payments in the form of wages or vacation pay, the employer can pay various types of compensation or give gifts. And if the situation with “standard” payments in terms of withholding personal income tax and calculating insurance premiums is clear, then “non-standard” payments can bring a lot of headaches to the accountant. 404
  • July 23, 2019
  • 12:29

    Is an organization located in the Far North obliged to compensate for the costs of travel for employees to and from their vacation destination? Does she have the right to take these expenses into account for the purposes of calculating income tax, including if the vacation location is not the territory of the Russian Federation? What documents can be used to confirm the expenses incurred? 445
  • 12:22

A smart boss calls his accountant sincerely and gratefully - “my back, my protection and conscience.” But, indeed, each of us who has worked for even a short time at any enterprise, in any institution, knows at the axiom level that there is no employee more irreplaceable than an accountant.

Yesterday our dear accountants celebrated their professional holiday. The editors of the newspaper “Life” are pleased to join all the congratulations and wish the tireless accounting workers inspiration and success in their work, love and prosperity in life, health, prosperity and all the best!
Well, today we decided to find out from our accountants how they themselves see their profession, what interesting things they can tell us about themselves, how they are used to taking a break from their hard work, what they wish for themselves and their colleagues on holiday.


Irina Pakhomova, head of the financial and economic support department, chief accountant of the executive office of the Donetsk Regional Council:

– I started my career as an accountant - at the age of 20 I came to the material department at the mine. At the age of 24, I was appointed chief accountant of the district administration. And after ten years of work, it seemed to me that I had grown in all this, as I began to be invited to other services. As a result, I was invited to the supervisory authority, and I began working at the control and control department. It must be said that when a person wants to work, he can work anywhere. But it so happened that, although everything worked out for me, I felt that it was not mine. So I returned to accounting, to the specifics with which I started. Accounting is a job that helps you both discipline yourself and feel the real need of your work for the team and management. When the system is debugged, you feel a sense of pride and the importance of your work. And when grateful people come, sincerely and openly saying thank you, then this is probably the most precious thing.

I am sure that the team understands the need for our work, because everyone has the basis for everything to be fine - so that salaries are paid on time, so that no one thinks about whether it is easy or simple, since thinking about this is our mission . Our leader must have a solid rear, and I think that we are succeeding.

As for taking a break from work, it’s hard to think of anything more complicated than that. You think about work all the time, sometimes you can’t fall asleep in the middle of the night, analyzing how to deal with this, do that... But, in my opinion, family is the best way to help. I come home, where it’s good, where there’s a child, a husband who treats me with understanding. For me, this is probably happiness, this is relaxation.

Well, on this holiday, from me personally, from the entire Donetsk Regional Council, I would like to wish all my colleagues the professionalism that we all need so much, so that, and this is also very important, our work is adequately appreciated. After all, when you come to work and know that your work is needed by everyone else, you have an even greater desire to do your job well and correctly. In addition, I wish everyone health, financial stability, prosperity in their personal lives, so that everything is united - when it’s good both at work and at home, then a person is happy! I wish everyone that we have plans in front of us, that they are implemented, no matter what, that the work of an accountant is not just dry accounting of numbers, but sincere human work with understanding and joy!

Elena Adylkanova, chief accountant of the newspaper “Life”:

“Of course, it is difficult to express in words the understanding of all the responsibility and importance of our work. An accountant is not just an employee. We root for our team, for our enterprise, knowing that sometimes very, very much depends on us. Undoubtedly, a feeling of genuine joy comes when you realize that everything is working out, everything is fine. Then you realize that your work is not in vain, that people are grateful to you.

Well, rest for me is nature. Leave the walls of the office, be by the sea or in the forest, listen to the sounds of nature, the crackling of a fire - then everything bad is forgotten, strength is accumulated for future work.

I would also like to wish stability to all accountants, and to myself, of course, without it it’s quite difficult. May success and respect from colleagues contribute to all of us! Love and health to everyone!”

Elena Braga, accountant of the newspaper “Life”:

“I can’t say that I once simply dreamed of being an accountant. Like everyone else, in my youth I wanted something high, creative, I even wanted to be a doctor... Although now I am sure that I am in the right place - I love my job, I understand the importance and responsibility of accounting work. Previously, even under the USSR, this work was quite boring - one instruction for centuries, a huge amount of data, the same thing every day. Today everything is different: an accountant has to be a lawyer, a financier, and a planner. Nowadays, work constantly keeps you on your toes, allows you to develop, work truly, interestingly and intensely.

Of course, I often really want to relax. I love the sea, the garden, the singing of birds. Sometimes it’s enough to take a walk around our beautiful green city or just read a good book - although this happens rarely, it allows you to gain strength and inspiration.

I would like to wish myself and my colleagues patience – we all need it and it is very important. Appreciate yourself, take care of your health and treat your work as something you love! All the best to everyone!”

The newspaper “Life” is pleased to join all the congratulations and wishes the tireless accounting workers inspiration in their work, love and prosperity in life, health and all the best!


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...Could Vyazov schoolgirl Galya Karnaukhova have imagined in the distant 70s that her whole life would be connected with accounting? I think no. Truly kind, cheerful, active, well-read, loving and sensitive to nature - this is how her classmates and friends from her youth remember her.

She studied almost perfectly. In public affairs - one of the first! - says her friend O. S. Zubareva (Zavertyaeva). - I really loved the hikes that E.V. Raevskaya, our wonderful class teacher, constantly took us on.

Relatives and friends have always been unanimous in their opinion: Galina is a very tactful, polite, but principled person, who has her own informed opinion on any serious issue, be it politics, culture, moral problems or relationships between people. She is still like this today! Knowing G. B. Bakaldina, her erudition, ability to quickly understand and learn everything, find a common language with colleagues, visitors, specialists from institutions and organizations with which she collaborates on duty, we can say with confidence: she would become an excellent specialist in any profession , any type of activity.

But there are moments in life that years later you realize as turning points. For Galina Karnaukhova, a 10th grade graduate of Vyazovskaya Secondary School, such a moment was a conversation with her father. Boris Ivanovich advised his daughter to get a specialty that would always be in demand.

I really wanted to be a teacher in a kindergarten or a primary school teacher,” says Galina Borisovna about her choice of profession. - I love children, I like working with them, helping them learn about the world around them. I thought about entering a pedagogical school or institute. But I didn’t dare: someone said that you must be able to sing and play a musical instrument.

And Galina entered... the Volgograd Irrigation and Reclamation College, choosing the specialty “Accounting”. I studied, as in school, mostly with excellent marks. Later, already working as an accountant, I treated getting a higher education with the same responsibility.

G. B. Bakaldina gained extensive professional experience when she worked as an accountant at the Avangard collective farm for 13 years. And for 17 years she has been the chief accountant of the publishing and printing complex - the municipal unitary enterprise “Editorial office of the newspaper “Elanskie Vesti”.

The work of an accountant is usually completely unnoticeable to the team, but without it not a single unit will operate, argues G. B. Bakaldina, and the work of the enterprise will stop.

The list of job responsibilities of the chief accountant takes up more than three printed sheets. And of course, Galina Borisovna fulfills them all - responsibly and competently.

But today, an accountant, especially the chief accountant responsible for the financial and economic situation of the enterprise, must not only have professional knowledge and skills, but also be a generalist, almost a lawyer and a tax inspector specialist, says S. A. Spornik, accountant at the editorial office newspapers "Elanskie Vesti". - Galina Borisovna is always aware of all the innovations, adopted laws and legislative acts. Knows how to apply them.

And, of course, the chief accountant is a support, first assistant and adviser in all financial (and not only!) matters for our leader - director and editor-in-chief L. F. Strotskaya.

Galina Borisovna is an initiative, responsible worker, a professional, and a reliable person. Despite the fact that our enterprise is small, accounting, tax and financial policies, reporting are all the same as in a large enterprise. Galina Borisovna copes with the entire volume of work. With such a chief accountant, it’s like being behind a stone wall. In addition, it is very easy and interesting to work with her: she is friendly, sociable, responsive, open to people, with a good sense of humor.

For many years of conscientious work, G. B. Bakaldina was repeatedly awarded with diplomas and letters of gratitude from the management of the enterprise, the head of the Elansky municipal district, and the Press and Information Committee of the Volgograd Region. Her name is included in the Book of Honor of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Editing Office of the newspaper “Elanskie Vesti”. This year she was awarded a certificate of honor from the Volgograd Regional Duma.

This is how highly the work of our chief accountant is appreciated. But honestly, when you look at our Galina Borisovna, communicate with her, you want not only to say thank you for your work, but also to admire, exclaim: “Oh, what a woman!”, and the beautiful half of the team to take an example from her. In everything! Galina Borisovna, like her mother Maria Vasilievna before, is a hospitable housewife: her house is always full of guests - relatives and friends. Still very fond of nature. Who else but she can suggest that the entire editorial staff go on vacation in some picturesque place in our area?! Or at least during your lunch break, take a break from publishing and printing and go into the forest to “rustle the leaves” and breathe in the fresh autumn air...

What about the dream of becoming a teacher? She was fulfilled, but not as a kindergarten worker, but as a mother and grandmother. Galina Borisovna raised two wonderful children who followed, so to speak, the financial path. Son Boris lives in Moscow and works in one of the capital's banks. And daughter Marina Yankovskaya - attention! - also chief accountant. It turns out that she chose my mother’s specialty and works at the Elansky Defense Ministry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. She herself is the mother of two daughters. Grandmother Galya dotes on Yulia and Polina, gives them her love, care, affection - like a real teacher, only very, very dear and the best!

These days, our irreplaceable chief accountant is celebrating his anniversary.

Galina Borisovna!

We wish you health and prosperity, joy, warmth, care from your family and friends. Let life bring only good surprises. We not only respect and appreciate you - WE LOVE YOU!

Nov 14

What is attractive about working as an accountant?

Good day, dear reader. I hope that you have already missed new blog posts. A little earlier, I promised that each of you can express your interesting thoughts and views.

Today our guest is Sergey Trtsnov-Turbin. Please love and respect. We met Sergey on the Arthur forum, where copywriters are happy to help each other in learning, professional growth and more. Join me, I will write about the forum in more detail some other time.

Working as an accountant: all the pros and cons

The topic chosen for the article is quite interesting - accounting, work as an accountant, all the delights of this profession. Although a little late, we congratulate all accountants on their professional holiday! And we give you this gift. By the way, non-accountants also read the post. He's interesting. Honestly…

From the author. Dmitry asked me to write a short introduction about the connection between the accounting profession and writing. Although I became interested in web writing relatively recently, about two years, I generally really like writing on such seemingly dry topics. Watching how she gradually “blooms” turns into a fascinating story. I love such complex topics, I love “answering challenges,” as they say now. I always feel and live the topic I describe. And I always enjoy it. I hope that a little of these emotions spill out into the text and are transmitted to the readers. What does accounting and work as an accountant have to do with it? But read it and somewhere in one of the last paragraphs you will find the answer.

Working as an accountant: truth and myths

At the words " accounting", "accountant" what comes to mind? Probably a dull office with gloomy people who are feverishly counting something on calculators or even abacuses and fussily rearranging pieces of paper? That's the stereotype. And there is some truth in it. Only a share.

But what really?

An accountant, a real ACCOUNTANT, is a magician. Yes Yes exactly. No more, no less. Because:

- a good accountant is able to “lift up” and “put firmly on its feet” a mediocre or even unprofitable enterprise;

Just a moment :)

Surely, you are interested in making extra money on the Internet.
I offer tools that I have been using myself for several years:

- a bad accountant can make even a successful company writhe in the agony of debt.

Why not a good wizard and an evil sorcerer?

But who is an accountant really, no joke?

Seriously about working as an accountant

Judge for yourself. Accounting, work as an accountant is the magic and music of numbers. And not some abstract one. An accountant is in charge of the finances of an enterprise, organization, firm, etc. That is, simply, money. And, figuratively speaking, money is the lifeblood of an enterprise. That's why:

— a good accountant’s “blood” circulates rhythmically and supplies the organs in need without delay. Such an “organism” develops steadily and confidently achieves its goals.

- for a bad accountant, money - "blood" - accumulates and bursts some organs, while others at this time "starve" and wither. Sick people, of whom there are plenty around everyone, perfectly illustrate what is written.

Moreover, a smart, forward-looking manager always tries to drag the accountant along with him when moving to another place of work. If he's good. These evil tongues hint that “the accountant knows everything about the boss,” so they say... In fact, a good accountant is very rare. And often the manager simply tries to make friends with a good accountant. And you need a friend nearby everywhere. By the way, an accountant often earns no less than a manager. There is a reason.

Now there are many companies specializing in providing accounting services. Professionals who work and succeed! They can literally pull almost any business out of the swamp of financial troubles by the ear.

What is a modern accountant like?

You will be surprised to learn that the stylish young man you met in the business class cabin of the plane is an accountant of a large enterprise. Or that an imposing, well-dressed elderly gentleman in a company in a restaurant is an accountant of a serious organization. Or that a confident, beautiful young lady in a prestigious car is an accountant of a young promising company. What can I say, the accountant may now very well find himself among a group of cheerful young guys on roller skates!

A modern accountant almost never uses a calculator, let alone an abacus. The most powerful computer works on his desk. A skill that even some programmers will envy. Accounting is a complex science and requires impeccable accuracy of calculations.

I hope you understand that the current accountant is:

- a highly educated and successful person;

- a profession that is in high demand. After all, new businesses are growing like mushrooms after rain and they need accounting support like air;

— an accountant knows how to not only work well, but also relax with pleasure.

In conclusion, a short story from personal experience. Once upon a time, I was hired as a programmer at a newly formed organization. That’s what it was called back then, but in fact, in modern terms, it was called a system administrator. Of the men, apart from the chief and the driver, I was the only one. We had to assemble furniture and install computers. We needed tools and had to lay grounding bars. The boss threw up his hands, saying, “There’s no money allocated for this.” And he advised me to go to an accountant. Let's call her Natalya Nikolaevna. The lady smiled her signature fox smile and asked: “Seryozha, do you really need this?” After chaotic explanations that it wasn’t just me who needed this, she handed me the sheet: “Write” And the “sorceress” did her job! On my next shopping trip for all sorts of things that are so necessary in any newly opening organization - such as a carpet for the boss’s office or a set of cups for corporate events - I picked up the most high-quality set of tools. And the most expensive. And I got what I wanted without any questions! Those computers and chairs are probably still “alive.”

What's all this for? And for those young people who are now choosing the path of life. Businessmen who disdain accounting. In general, it’s a shame for accountants. So that people know more about these simple but very necessary specialists.

What do you think about the accounting profession? How suitable is it for a modern young man to choose? Your comments can become a decoration of the blog.

P.S. If you liked the publication or touched some strings of your soul and you would like to receive something similar about a profession, company or product on your website or blog, please contact us by email: [email protected] or [email protected]

On Skype: Serge_Trunov

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I rarely look here now; I’ll answer the first two communication options faster.

Enjoy quality music :)
