What to do if the cough does not go away: an effective remedy

There are situations when a cough, regardless of treatment, does not go away, but becomes protracted. This condition cannot be ignored; urgent measures must be taken immediately, re-examination, and drinking effective remedies. A persistent cough can be diagnosed if it lasts more than 2 weeks.


Various reasons can contribute to the development of a persistent cough. Most often, this condition occurs due to ineffective or untimely treatment.

Duration 1-2 weeks

If your cough has been bothering you for more than 2 weeks, then you need to go to the hospital to see a doctor. Most often, the cause of a lingering cough is a repeated infectious attack on the body, which has not yet been able to overcome the disease. This is facilitated by mycoplasma or pneumocystis. Tuberculosis can also provoke pathology, but this is a very rare case. If the doctor makes an incorrect diagnosis, this can negatively affect your health and cause complications such as pneumonia.

The month goes on

When a cough bothers a patient for a month, then most likely the reason for its formation is an allergic reaction to wool, pollen, cosmetics, and medications. Often an allergic cough turns into bronchial asthma; this is caused by past illnesses such as the flu.

Therefore, it is very important to identify the allergen and try to protect yourself from the irritating factor. But if the cough goes away but the sputum remains, you should definitely see a doctor.

He will tell you what to do if your ear is blocked with a runny nose.

  • But a lingering cough may also indicate the presence of a respiratory infection. These symptoms bother the patient for a month, since the inflammatory process is still concentrated in the body. Other causes of a lingering cough may include the following diseases:

  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;


Therapeutic measures

A lingering cough requires immediate treatment, otherwise it can develop into a more serious pathology and become chronic. Treatment of cough depends on the cause that provoked its formation.

You may also be interested in reading in more detail about.

  • Treatment of dry cough
  • Tusuprex;

In addition, therapeutic measures for a prolonged dry cough should include medications that have an antitussive effect. These include:

  • Libexin;

These wet cough tablets reduce the sensitivity of the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract.

  • Delsim is a suspension that has a long-lasting effect and eliminates the symptoms of dry cough;
  • Robitussin - blocks cough reflexes.

Read about inexpensive and effective cough medicines.

Homeopathic remedies can be used to eliminate dry cough. To prepare the most effective one, use a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice. The dosage should be determined by a doctor.

You can read more about green sputum.

If a wet cough does not go away

With a prolonged wet cough, it is very important to remove phlegm from the bronchi, since coughing with phlegm is very dangerous to health. For these purposes, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids.
  2. Take herbs and herbal medicines that have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and bronchodilator effects. Thanks to them, it is possible to reduce irritation of the bronchial mucosa.
  3. Inhalations based on sodium bicarbonate, plant extracts. This treatment helps to moisturize the mucous membrane and has an analgesic effect.
  4. Mucolytic drugs that help thin sputum and normalize bronchial secretion.

Does not go away after bronchitis

It often happens that after treatment for bronchitis for 14 days, the patient still has a cough. This indicates that something is wrong in the body. To prescribe effective therapy, it is worth undergoing diagnostics again.

To treat residual cough, the doctor uses the following techniques:

  • strengthening protective forces;
  • phototherapy;
  • ethnoscience;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage treatments.

An adult has a cough to the point of vomiting, you can read what to do about it.

Therapeutic exercises or massage are of great benefit in the treatment of prolonged cough after bronchitis in both adults and children. You can perform such manipulations at home. The effect of such therapy is aimed at improving sputum discharge, as a result it is possible to speed up recovery and restore the normal state of the bronchial tree.

Gymnastics includes squats and bends. As for massage, patting and tapping movements are used.

Read why a dry cough won't clear your throat.

Any lingering cough, if accompanied by a runny nose, is a symptom of an untreated inflammatory process that occurs during a cold. The disease can be cured with inhalations and rinses. But they have a positive effect at the early stage of acute respiratory infections, but they cannot eliminate a lingering cough. Here it is first necessary to establish the cause of the pathology, and then prescribe treatment.


To eliminate residual cough after a cold, a vibration chest massage will help. It will help remove mucus and quickly clear the lungs of accumulated mucus. The manipulation should be performed by an experienced doctor.

Antibacterial therapy

Use an antibiotic for cough only on the recommendation of your doctor. The choice of medications should be based on data obtained from x-rays and bacterial analysis of sputum.

If there is no bacterial infection in the patient’s body, then treatment will include alternative therapeutic methods aimed at eliminating an old cough. If a cough does not go away after a stroke, you must inform your doctor about this. Read about antibiotics for children with coughs.

After whooping cough

Why is it important to drink plenty of fluids all the time?

If you have a chronic cough caused by whooping cough, then you should drink the following drinks:

  1. Warm milk with garlic added. To prepare it, take a glass of boiled milk and add a crushed clove of garlic to it.
  2. Fig decoction with milk. Its preparation is similar to the previous option.

Massage your chest/chest

When a cough does not allow all the accumulated mucus to be removed, specialists prescribe a massage. Massage the upper back and chest. For these purposes, fir and pine essential oils can be used. Then it is possible to overcome the surviving bacteria in the patient’s upper respiratory tract.


The presented remedy can eliminate inflammation, strengthen and restore the general condition of the patient. To prepare the composition you will need 0.1 g of mumiyo and add it to 50 ml of water.

The medicine must be taken before meals for 10 days.

Remedies that can treat long-term cough, pneumonia in adults and children

An old cough can be treated with pharmaceutical medications. Antibiotics, ointments and syrups are very effective, but if the cough does not go away after antibiotics, then immediately consult a doctor.

Medicines (antibiotics, mucolytics)

For an old cough, doctors prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic to their patients. It is also very important to take medications, the purpose of which is to liquefy mucus and remove it from the body; it is important to expectorate. The following medications are considered effective:

  • Fluditek;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Bronholitin.

Expectorant syrups effective for illness

When taking syrups, it is possible to have an expectorant, antispasmodic and antimicrobial effect. Preference should be given to drugs that contain natural ingredients. Almost all syrups have a pleasant taste and aroma, so taking them is a very pleasant procedure. But during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor before taking such drugs. The most effective syrups for a prolonged cough include:

  • overslept;
  • Flavamed;
  • Bronholitin;
  • Alteyka;
  • Doctor Mom.

Ointments (apply if there is a very strong cough, sputum, pharyngitis, runny nose, flu)

What to apply to the chest to relieve a cough is a rather private question. Cough can be cured with the help of transparent badger fat. It is considered the most effective method of eliminating cough. It is very simple to use: rub (rub) the chest area for several days. In addition to this ointment, you can use pork, interior, and goose fat. The presented fats can be supplemented with aloe and onions. Rub the resulting composition into the chest, back, and neck for some time. But after such a procedure, it is very important to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, otherwise you will not be able to get a positive effect. also speaks of its effectiveness in combating coughing attacks.


This video will tell you what to do if your cough does not go away for a long time.

A chronic cough is a very dangerous symptom that may indicate the presence of a serious illness. In this case, timely therapy is very important, which could not only eliminate all the unpleasant symptoms, but also overcome the inflammatory process. The use of badger fat for coughing is described in detail.
