How to write the written alphabet. Correct spelling of written letters, or "letter with a secret"


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Every day a person uses uppercase and lowercase letters in writing. Previously, only capital letters were used, which were the same height. They had clear boundaries. After writing began to develop, the symbols acquired more rounded shapes.

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What is important to know

In modern Russian, the use of capital letters causes problems for many people, since not everyone knows how to write lowercase or uppercase characters. Despite the constant improvement and development of the language, there are a few basic rules that will help determine spelling depending on what the writer wants to convey.

Basic moments use of capital characters:

  • The positions indicated in the official document are written with a capital letter;
  • the beginning of phrases containing the words Central, State, International, Russian;
  • separate stylistic use of the words Motherland, Man, Center;
  • polite address expressed by a pronoun;
  • religious books: the Bible or the Koran;
  • abbreviation: VLKSM;
  • literary books;
  • production brands of technical products.

Lowercase characters are written in such cases:

Distinctive features of lowercase characters

There are several differences you should know about:

  • Font. A lowercase letter is smaller than an uppercase letter.
  • Writing. Capital letters are written with features that are taught about in school.
  • Use. Small symbols can be found much more often.

Using symbols in Word

Due to the rapid development of information technology, users often use the Microsoft Office Word program in their work. However, not everyone knows that you can also write lowercase or uppercase characters in it. To do this, use a combination of certain keys.

Features of printing alphabetic characters in Word:

  • you need to type the required text on the computer;
  • select it and press the Shift and F3 keys together;
  • we get the spelling “lowercase characters of the Russian language”;
  • if you click them again, you can see “Lowcase Symbols of the Russian Alphabet”;
  • if you need to work with the text further, you should press Shift+F3 again.

Capital letters: example

Capital characters are used in such cases:

Capital letters in gadgets

Often when using a smartphone The question arises how to include capital letters. To do this you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • the keyboard opens first;
  • select a key with an arrow indicating the upward direction (the key is usually located on the left);
  • a capital letter is written;
  • If you want such letters to appear all the time, you need to press the button twice in a row.

Lately, many people are often confused When should you write in capitals?, and when a lowercase letter. This affects the attitude of other people, especially if the mistakes are serious.

Every parent strives for their child to have beautiful and understandable handwriting. Copybooks come to the rescue. The notebooks for written work contain calligraphic samples of letters, syllables, and numbers. They help children learn proper writing by outlining the principles and basics of calligraphy. Adults also resort to copybooks. With regular practice, they correct sloppy handwriting.


Adults rarely write by hand, often only when absolutely necessary. Writing has been replaced by computer text. This is convenient, but the handwriting of adults deteriorates due to lack of training. Children in schools and kindergartens are taught to write correctly and beautifully, regularly consolidate the skill, train their hand and learn to write using special aids at home.

The simplest copybooks are made independently; they are suitable for children 2 years old and 3 years old. You need to take a notebook in a box and draw simple shapes with dotted lines: lines, squares, triangles. And the kids, with the help of their parents or on their own, will trace the figures. Examples for beginners are presented below. There are copybook templates in pdf, word and other formats on the web.

For preschoolers

Children 3 – 4 years old

45 years

5 – 6 years

For the preparatory group

By points

Patterns: sticks - hooks

For 1st grade

For 2nd grade



For adults

The printed alphabet is simpler than the written alphabet because the letters are not connected to each other. Such educational notebooks are suitable for kindergarten, when children are just being introduced to the alphabet. Copy-book coloring books will introduce your child to the alphabet in a playful way when he colors a picture starting with a certain letter. For example: a watermelon, if we are talking about the letter “A” or a hippopotamus, when we are talking about the letter “B”.

When learning the printed alphabet, the child should explain what vowels and consonants there are, how hissing sounds differ from voiced sounds, hard from soft.

Calligraphy letters

The capital alphabet is studied before school. These are complex characters where the spelling of capital letters is different from lowercase letters. In this case, it is important to connect the symbols correctly. Parents and teachers use modern types of school notebooks or copybooks from Soviet times.

Adults and children of high school age can use wide-lined copybooks; for children, narrow-lined notebooks are used. You can print out a copybook with all the letters on one sheet - this will help you quickly remember the sequence of letters in the alphabet.

How to write numbers

Mathematical symbols are easier to write because there are significantly fewer of them: only 10 numbers versus 33 letters of the alphabet, and the numbers are not connected to each other. For copybooks, checkered notebooks are used, where each number is clearly limited and does not go beyond the limits.

School copybooks with numbers are equipped with shading, arrows and other signs that help you understand at what point the symbol begins and the writing algorithm. Printouts with examples of numbers are used for teaching both preschoolers and school-age children.

Handwriting Workbooks

Teachers and educators recommend purchasing special notebooks designed to prepare your hand for writing. The best copybooks were developed and created by domestic teachers, which include the Nekin simulator, working copybooks by Bortnikova, Zhukova, Kolesnikova. The manuals are designed for children of different ages.





How to prepare your hand for writing

To prepare the hands of future first-graders, teachers have compiled a list of special tasks.

Regular exercises train fine motor skills in children of any age:

  1. Finger games will help prepare your hand, but you should not give priority to only one hand, regardless of whether the child is right-handed or left-handed. The limbs should be equally used.
  2. Coloring pages are a fun pastime that develops your creative imagination and gets your fingers ready to write.
  3. Special notebooks for future schoolchildren. The authors suggest tracing pictures or large letters at the dots, drawing lines without lifting the pencil from the paper (labyrinth).
  4. Copybooks - the first teaching aids are developed for children 4–5 years old, 6–7 years old, for grades 1-2, for grades 3, 4. Copybooks introduce kids to printed and capital letters and syllables. There are also mathematical textbooks with figures and numbers, notebooks in Russian, English, German, French and other languages.

A child of senior preschool age learns from a copybook. They can be purchased at stationery stores, bookstores, or downloaded for free online.

How to fix handwriting

Many people believe that beautiful handwriting is formed at school age, and adults will no longer be able to correct it. In fact, it can be improved regardless of age: both a first-grader and an adult are able to place a hand. However, this is the result of long and regular training.

It is important to follow the rules and take into account the nuances:

  • A comfortable place for writing - good lighting is necessary, choose a table with a hard surface, a chair with a back. These conditions are especially important for babies, children 3-6 years old, and primary schoolchildren, but are also recommended for adults.
  • When working, you cannot rush; maximum concentration on the process is necessary.
  • Suitable stationery. Previously, experts argued that to succeed in calligraphy and develop good handwriting, you need to use a fountain pen. Today, ball-type ones are also allowed, but with a thin rod.
  • Educational material - children use copybooks for the appropriate age. They learn to write using dots, hatches or dotted lines. Adults can keep a notebook in a narrow line and practice in it. If desired, download ready-made online copybooks and learn to correctly write combinations of letters, their elements, syllables and sentences.
  • Initially, you should write straight and parallel lines, circles and other simple shapes. Then move on to letters and syllables.
  • If necessary, turn to calligraphy masters, they will tell you how to write letters and connections that contain errors. They will recommend exercises that improve fine motor skills and handwriting.

Don't expect quick results. Calligraphy will improve with hard and regular practice.

How to learn to write correctly and beautifully

It is easier to teach a schoolchild beautiful handwriting right away than to reteach and correct mistakes later.

Parents of preschoolers and first-graders will benefit from advice from experienced teachers:

  • Calligraphic handwriting is impossible without developed finger motor skills. To do this, you need to draw with pencils more often, sculpt from plasticine, do origami, and beadwork. Games with cereals will be interesting and useful for the little ones. To do this, an adult needs to mix a little buckwheat and rice, and the child will sort them out.
  • Beautiful handwriting is directly related to straight posture. The baby should not hunch over while he is writing in copybook. The back should be straight; for this, he is seated on a chair with a hard back. However, computer and swivel chairs are not suitable.
  • High quality writing pen. It is necessary to select office supplies with a thin rod. When choosing between a gel pen and a ballpoint pen, the latter is preferred because it does not scratch the paper. The finger grip area should be made of rubber. This handle will not slip in children's hands, unlike its plastic or metal counterpart.
  • Handle grip. The correct position in the hand: the pen lies on the middle finger, the thumb and index finger hold it, and the ring and little fingers are pressed against the palm. If you grip incorrectly, you cannot achieve beautiful handwriting.

Following the rules of calligraphy will help your child learn to write letters from A to Z, words, numbers and numbers beautifully.

When I was looking online for good copybooks for my son, I came across a presentation on the correct spelling of written letters, “A Letter with a Secret”:

Marabaeva L.A.. Starting point of a letter Point of the upper and lower third of a line Inclined stick “Secret” Hook line “Rocking chair” “Klyushechka”

When my 5.5-year-old son asked to teach him the written letters, I pulled out a long-prepared and waiting in the wings Writing trainer .

The simulator is a plastic plate, on both sides of which are printed and written letters and numbers, as well as their elements, in the form of in-depth sensory tracks with a relief bottom. Such letters are easy to trace (if you know the correct writing sequence), the pen practically does not go beyond the letters.

The son, of course, immediately “rushed” to trace the block letters he knew. But the written ones caused difficulty, since the correct sequence of writing the elements of the letters is unknown to my son. In addition, they turned out to be too small for his age.

Then I compiled the copybooks from the presentation of L.A. Marabaeva. into a printable pdf document:

It contains 33 cards on 9 pages, one letter per card.

The pages of the file need to be printed and cut into cards.

The cards can be laminated or simply inserted into a photo album for photographs measuring 10x15 cm.

How to use the guide:

1. Trace letters repeatedly with a dry erase marker, memorizing their spelling and developing motor skills.

2. Repeat letters, for example, on semolina, or on paper, practicing writing letters and developing hand-eye coordination.

Then you can move on to writing smaller letters on

Before starting to learn the Russian language, any student must know its basis - the alphabet. You need to learn it in the very first lesson and you need to master this knowledge properly.

Any word in the Russian language consists of sounds, which are the basis of the shell of any word. Each word consists of a different sound design. The combination of letters in a word, as well as the stress, is of great importance.

In any language, including Russian, transcription is used to distinguish letters in words. It is transcription that helps to understand how a word sounds, giving it a generally accepted written form. The transcription will show the softness of the consonants, which syllables are in the word, as well as where the stress is located and which letters fall under it.

The letters of the alphabet can be divided into groups such as vowels and consonants. In addition, vowels can be stressed; this is only six letters. Stressed vowels are those vowels that, when pronouncing a sound, do not encounter any obstacles in the oral cavity. You can put your hand to your throat and feel how the ligaments vibrate. Any vowel can be shouted and sung. It is vowels that are the basis of any word, but stressed syllables sound distinctly, while unstressed syllables sound more colorless.

Consonant sounds usually encounter an obstacle in their path during pronunciation. Usually such sounds are quite difficult to pronounce if they are in a row. The Russian language does not have words that consist only of consonants. Consonants can also be divided into voiced and voiceless, as well as paired and unpaired sounds.

Capital letters

When studying the alphabet, you must also study the writing of letters, as well as punctuation marks. Large capital letters will be very important and needed in all further education of children. To develop handwriting, you will need to show your child different fonts that are used to write one or another capital letter.

For the correct design of letters while writing, you can make reminders for children. You just need to take sheets of paper that are in A4 format, on which to print suitable and various stencils with capital letters. Use a wide variety of fonts so that children can best remember how to write one or another letter of the Russian language. Such pictures can be colored, you can draw small elements of decoration on them, but in such a way that they do not distract from the information that the stencils contain.

You can use classic comb-over fonts, original writing, floral and festive designs, the main thing is to show your imagination and involve children in creating such an alphabet; they will be interested in decorating and coloring capital letters on paper that is in A4 format.

Lower case

Learning the rules of how to write lowercase letters is just as important as uppercase ones. Therefore, in order to learn the entire alphabet this way, it would also be a good idea to use similar stencils and different fonts that can be printed on paper that is in A4 format.

Then lowercase letters will be learned much easier by children, and if printed pictures are hung up as an example, then children will better remember the Russian alphabet and learn to write different fonts using printed stencils as an example. It is the stencils that will become the basis for children to quickly memorize certain lowercase letters.

Russian alphabet
