How is aloe and honey used in folk medicine?

Both aloe and honey are mentioned in many effective traditional medicine recipes. Aloe is found in almost every home, because this miraculous home plant has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and analgesic properties.

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Honey is known for its tonic and antibacterial effect. And together, these two products can help fight a wide variety of ailments.

Aloe with honey is a highly effective remedy for boosting immunity, treating and preventing many diseases. From these natural ingredients you can easily and quickly make a tincture, paste, ointment, lotion or drops.

By placing the finished product in a small jar and storing it in the refrigerator, you can extend the life of your homemade medicinal drug.

Medicinal properties

Aloe It’s not without reason that he’s considered a family doctor. People have long discovered valuable substances, vitamins, phytoncides, and allantoin in the leaves of the plant. Thanks to such a rich composition, aloe relieves inflammation and has astringent and regenerating properties.

Aloe has also proven itself well in the cosmetic field. The disinfecting and bactericidal properties of the plant make it possible to use its juice and crushed leaves to care for problem skin. The face is cleansed of acne, ulcers, inflammation, redness, blackheads.

Girls whose skin suffers from moisture deficiency also find salvation in aloe extract. Rubbing the face and neck with gauze soaked in plant juice moisturizes and tones the skin. Older women treat their aging skin with aloe wipes and cotton pads to refresh and tighten it.

The combination of an evergreen healer with honey acts on the body like a powerful energy charge, filling it with useful elements. All vital processes are activated, organs and systems begin to function correctly and smoothly.

A mixture of aloe and honey produces the following effect:

  • stimulates tissue regeneration;
  • is a storehouse of nutrients, minerals, vitamins;
  • relieves pain, itching, irritation;
  • acts as an antibacterial agent;
  • normalizes the function of the digestive system;
  • When applied to the skin, honey enhances the effect of allantoin, the skin receives even more nutrition, hydration, and tone.

Attention! It is important to use aloe that is 4-5 years old. This plant optimally combines beneficial elements. It is better to cut off the lower leaves. They stop watering 10 days before cutting.

Possible harm and contraindications

Aloe with honey has a powerful effect on the body, which is why this remedy is not suitable for everyone. Patients with cancer, as well as allergy sufferers who cannot tolerate any of the components of the recipe, will have to forget about the home healer. Other contraindications include:

  • benign tumors, lumps, polyps, fibrosis, metastases, lipomas, sarcomas;
  • during the period of waiting for a child and breastfeeding, it is allowed to use externally;
  • high blood pressure;
  • hemorrhoids in acute or chronic phase;
  • diseases accompanied by regular bleeding;
  • transition of any chronic illness to an acute form (cystitis, kidney and liver diseases, diseases of the urinary system);
  • menstruation.

If you experience unpleasant sensations while using the product, and your health clearly changes for the worse, then you should immediately stop taking aloe and honey.

The course of treatment lasts on average 3–4 weeks; you should not exceed the recommended time of use. It is important to consult your doctor first. He has data on the tests and examinations of his patients, so he knows exactly whether you can take this remedy.

Homemade Recipes

Aloe with honey is almost a panacea for all ailments. An open wound can be anointed with a paste of aloe juice and liquid natural honey. It will instantly cleanse the microflora around the cut, disinfect it, and prevent the entry of dirt and bacteria. The mass is applied in a thin layer. The remaining pulp is not thrown away, but transferred to a small container and stored in the cold.

In addition to scratches and wounds, honey and green healer cope with ailments:

  • eye;
  • digestive system;
  • epidermis;
  • respiratory system.

Aloe juice is often used in recipes. To get it, cut some leaves into small pieces and place them in a juicer.

Mild laxative for constipation

You will need: 150 ml aloe juice, 150 ml liquid honey.

How to cook: mix the ingredients and pour into a small container. You will get one glass of the product. Drink a third of a glass three times a day on an empty stomach. In the morning, prepare a fresh portion.

Remedy for gastritis

You will need: 200 grams of pulp from chopped aloe leaves, 100 grams of honey.

How to cook: combine the components, drink one spoon in the morning, afternoon and evening, washing down with plenty of warm boiled water. The course of treatment is 21 days, after which a break for 14 days and a repeat course.

Cough syrup

Helps get rid of dry cough, as well as smoker's cough.

You will need: 150 ml aloe juice, 150 grams of honey.

How to cook: Place the ingredients in a container and stir. Drink a dessert spoon three times a day.

Eye drops

The remedy relieves diseases such as corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis, cataracts and other ailments.

You will need: 50 ml aloe juice, 15 grams of honey.

How to cook: Place a few aloe leaves in the refrigerator for 2–3 days. Pour the juice of these leaves into honey and stir thoroughly. Place one drop of the mixture in your eyes three times a day. For convenience, you can use a bottle of any medicine. Don't forget to rinse it well before pouring the homemade product into it.

Tincture for cleansing the body

You will need: 150 ml of aloe pulp, 150 grams, 150 grams of butter.

How to cook:
Mix the pulp with oil and place in a small saucepan. Place over medium heat, wait until it boils, remove from heat and place in a water bath. Wait 20–25 minutes and put it in a dark place.

When the tincture reaches room temperature, pour honey into it in a thin stream. Pour the product into small bottles (suitable for baby food) and put them in the refrigerator. Take a spoonful three times a day before meals on an empty stomach.

Hair Mask

The product restores the hair structure, accelerates its growth, fills it with vitality, gives shine and silkiness. Blonde hair responds especially well to the components of the mask. Honey maintains a light shade and makes curls silky.

You will need: 10 ml garlic juice, 10 ml lemon juice, 10 ml aloe juice, one yolk, 10 ml liquid honey.

How to cook: mix all ingredients. Rub the paste into the scalp for one minute and distribute over the entire length of the hair. Leave for 20–25 minutes. Rinse off under running warm water.

  • Advice for owners of blond hair: rinse clean hair with a decoction of chamomile flowers or nettle infusion.
  • Recommendation for dark-haired girls: rinse your curls with a decoction of oak bark.

Medicine for sinusitis, stomach pain and asthma

You will need: 400 grams of aloe juice, 600 ml of Cahors, 600 grams of liquid honey.

How to cook: mix everything, place the jar and seal it tightly. Place in the refrigerator. Drink the resulting tincture a quarter glass in the morning, afternoon and evening before meals.

Drug for acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and bronchitis

You will need: 500 grams of crushed aloe leaves, a glass of sweet amber, 800 ml of red wine.

How to cook: grind the plants in a blender, add the beekeeping product, place in a dark, dry place for 2-3 days. You should drink the tincture every day before meals. Enough to take a dessert spoon.

Medicine for gout, sinusitis

You will need: 800 ml of honey, 500 ml of high-quality vodka, 500 grams of ground leaves.

How to cook: mix everything, put it on the refrigerator shelf for 60 days. Take out and drink before meals along with butter. You can first melt it into a liquid state.

Cold medicine

Onion, which is part of the product, perfectly kills bacteria and improves immunity. Use until complete recovery.

You will need: a dessert spoon of golden amber product, a dessert spoon of onion juice, three dessert spoons of home healer juice.

How to cook: Onion juice is extracted using a blender or meat grinder. The pulp is placed in cheesecloth and the juice is squeezed out. Place all ingredients in a container and mix. The finished tincture is instilled twice a day, a few drops. It is important to apply the product to both nostrils.
