How to properly cleanse the intestines of fecal stones

Once in the stomach, food undergoes primary processing under the influence of gastric juice. Next, the food is sent to the small intestine, where nutrients are absorbed. The remainder is sent to the large intestine, through which it is excreted by the body.

A healthy intestine is the key to good health.

Failures in the digestive system lead to the formation of fecal stones - deposits that interfere with the normal absorption of food and the removal of waste products. Fecal stones often bother older people, but pathology can also occur in younger people.

They are formed as a result of poor nutrition, digestive problems and stress. The pathology negatively affects the immune system, causing hemorrhoids and other problems.

Rules for cleansing at home

Most methods of detoxification are based on traditional medicine recipes. You can use one or another method after consulting a doctor. Experts recommend cleaning after following a special diet.

How to remove fecal stones at home

Cleansing feces begins with cleansing the large intestine. To do this, you can do an enema.

How to cleanse the liver?

Recently, our readers often write to us with questions: “How to cleanse the liver? How to cleanse the body, etc.” And it’s true that most often all problems in the body are caused by liver pollution. After all, the liver meets face to face with harmful and incorrect nutrition, alcohol, nicotine, etc. Previously, we reviewed modern drugs that are currently the most relevant. Our reader wrote about her experience of cleansing the liver in her personal blog. We recommend reading.


Cleansing products:

Spinach and carrot salad is very healthy. During the day you should eat a mixture of 300 g of spinach and 300 g of carrots;
A fasting day on fruit cleanses the colon well. Two kilograms of fresh apples are eaten per day. You can drink water and herbal teas. This cleaning is carried out once a month.

Porridge from waste and toxins

Porridge allows you to get rid of old stones, waste and toxins. In addition, the dish strengthens the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and promotes their healing. The porridge is prepared as follows: rice and oats are taken in equal proportions. The total volume of cereal is one glass. The cereal is washed and boiled until tender. The porridge is eaten without oil; you can add a little salt to it.

Preparing porridge for cleansing

Medicinal plants

A collection of hops (one spoon), coltsfoot (one spoon) and calendula (two spoons) will help get rid of fecal stones. Pour a glass of boiling water over the grass and leave for about an hour.

Bran for colon cleansing

Clearing stones with bran takes a long time. The minimum duration of the course is a month. Before each main meal, you need to eat one and a half to two tablespoons of bran (a total of three times a day). The bran is washed down with non-carbonated mineral water or regular boiled water at room temperature. This method is good because in addition to cleansing feces, it promotes weight loss.

Home colon hydrotherapy

The method is based on the use of saline solution. A teaspoon of salt is diluted in one liter of water. Drink up to 12 glasses of salt water in one and a half to two hours. The abundance of liquid gives a powerful laxative effect, resulting in the release of waste, toxins and other harmful substances. The saline solution should be drunk until clean water begins to come out instead of feces. The optimal time for the procedure is morning. You need to drink water on an empty stomach. After clearing the stones, you are allowed to eat light food (vegetables, fruits, porridge with water).

Vegetable cleansing

For cleaning, you need to set aside a whole day, during which you eat only vegetables. Any other products are prohibited on the fasting day. You can drink plain water. Cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, herbs, peppers, and spinach are best suited for this cleansing. You can eat green apples (up to three per day). Fresh salads are prepared from vegetables; it is allowed to add a small amount of salt and olive oil.

Cleaning with enemas

It is convenient to do an enema using an Esmarch mug, which can be bought at any pharmacy. The minimum amount of liquid is two liters. Enemas are done with plain water or herbal infusions. Sometimes cleansing consists of a whole series of enemas (2-3 enemas in one session). However, doctors do not recommend such a number of rinses, since beneficial bacteria are removed along with harmful substances.

Expert opinion on the use of enema

Freshly squeezed juices for cleansing

Cleansing with fresh fruit juices is recommended no more than once a month. Peaches, apples, and citrus fruits are suitable for this purpose. You should drink at least two liters of juice throughout the day. No food is allowed. In addition to juices, you can drink plain water or non-carbonated mineral water.

Cleaning with dried fruits

For this cleansing of feces, you need to take 300 g of prunes, dried apricots and figs. All ingredients are crushed and then mixed with 100 g of honey and 50 g of aloe. You need to eat several spoons of the mixture per day. The cleansing lasts ten days. During cleaning, you should drink as much plain water as possible. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator.

Flax seeds

A tablespoon of flax seeds is poured into a liter of water, and then put on fire. After boiling, heat for 20 minutes. The broth is cooled and mixed with two tablespoons of mustard oil. Mustard oil can be prepared from a teaspoon of mustard powder and a glass of vegetable oil. The resulting composition is introduced into the intestines using an Esmarch mug. The next day, the enema volume is increased by half a liter. On the third day, take two liters of water, two tablespoons of flaxseed and the same amount of mustard oil. On the fourth day they take a break. Then the three-day course is repeated.

Cleaning with flax seeds is easy!

Juices and kefir

You need to do an enema in the morning. After all, for the rest of the day they drink only kefir. If you have a strong feeling of hunger, you can eat a piece of rye bread. The next day, in the morning, the enema is done again. Then during the day they drink only fresh fruit and vegetable juices. For the entire third day, they adhere to separate meals, and only fruits, vegetables and greens are allowed. Cleaning is carried out once a month.

Fir water for cleaning

Two handfuls of fir needles are poured into 500 g of boiling water and left for about 30 minutes. The infusion is filtered, after which an enema is done with it. The liquid should be moderately warm. You need to retain water in the intestines for three minutes. The duration of the course is seven days. On the first day take half a liter, on the second - a liter. The next day there is a break. On the fourth day, use one and a half liters of fir water, then take a two-week break. The maximum dose is two liters and occurs on the seventh day. You can repeat the cleaning only after a month. Then one month is added to the break, as a result the break between cleanings should be six months.

Each of the listed methods has its own advantages. It is worth choosing the method that causes the least discomfort for the intestines. In any case, before using this or that technique, you should consult your doctor to prevent possible negative consequences. Regular cleansing of the intestines allows you not only to get rid of old deposits, but also helps to improve your overall well-being. Your appearance will also change: dark circles under your eyes will disappear, skin rashes will disappear.

Experience using different methods at home

And a little about the author’s secrets

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