How to prepare curd pudding according to a step-by-step recipe with photos

Recipes for delicious casseroles for every taste

curd pudding recipe

45 minutes

220 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Hello, dear readers! Among you, there are probably not many lovers of cottage cheese in its pure form. Do you know how useful it is? Just imagine: about 30 different vitamins and minerals in one product! In addition, cottage cheese is great for almost all diets. After all, it is low in fat and high in protein – ideal for losing weight! And I will be happy to share with you the recipe for “delicious cottage cheese”, namely everyone’s favorite cottage cheese pudding. There are many options for preparing it. I’ll tell you about the simplest and most delicious ones that I’ve tried on myself. Some of you, of course, will say: “Baking is not my thing.” Believe me, I understand you perfectly. I thought so too. And so, after a thousand unsuccessful attempts to make at least some dessert with my own hands, I decided that cottage cheese pudding was my last experiment. And what do you think? The first time it turned out amazing! Although no, not like that. At that moment it was a masterpiece for me! Since then, I believed in myself, which helped me learn a lot in the future. By the way, now I work as a pastry chef in one of the best establishments in our city. Are you ready to surprise your family and friends? Then let's go! Let's just choose the right products first. And then you look step-by-step recipe for making cottage cheese pudding with photos . I hope you don't mind.

Selection of ingredients

To make a dish perfect, you need to choose the right ingredients for it. Let's look at the main one.

It is best to take homemade cottage cheese. But if this is not possible, then a store-bought one will do. Choose grainy cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%. If it is too dry, you can dilute it with a few spoons of kefir or sour cream. In addition, it is desirable that the packaging be hermetically sealed.

Important! Always pay attention to the expiration date of products! Good cottage cheese should last no more than 5 days.

Well, have you figured it out? Then feel free to turn on your favorite music and get to work with me!

Curd pudding in the oven - recipe with photo

This is the version I use most often because this is how my mother prepared it for me. Warm childhood memories make the whole process more than just baking. Besides, recipe for making cottage cheese pudding in the oven not only the most common, but also quite simple.

Kitchen appliances: mixer, oven.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. This stage is not at all mandatory. But if you want the pudding to be especially tender, the cottage cheese should be rubbed through a sieve. I don’t skip this step because I don’t like it when there are grains of cottage cheese in the finished product.

  2. Carefully cut out the cores of 3 apples. If you don’t have a special knife on hand, you can do this with a regular teaspoon (after cutting the fruit in half). Then peel the apples, cut them into small cubes (approximately 0.5 cm) and place in a deep bowl.

  3. Next, add 3 tbsp to the bowl with apples. l. semolina, 4.5 tbsp. l. Sahara,

    3/4 tsp. vanilla sugar, 3/4 cup milk and 3 tbsp. l. raisins

  4. In a separate bowl, separate the whites of 3 eggs from the yolks. Add the yolks to our mixture. Beat the whites with a mixer until thick foam and also add to the dough.

    Mix all this carefully until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  5. It should be remembered that protein affects the fluffiness of the pudding and the formation of a golden brown crust. To beat it to the required consistency, you can add a pinch of salt and a couple of drops of lemon juice.
  6. Grease the baking dish generously. We put our dough into it.

    Bake for 45-50 minutes until golden brown at 180°.

Important! In order for the curd pudding to bake evenly, you need to place it in a half-heated oven. During cooking, it is better not to open the oven lid, otherwise the dish will immediately settle.

Video recipe

I know from myself that there is nothing more useful than seeing the cooking process with my own eyes. Especially if you are a novice housewife. So keep the video and don't thank me! Only it uses a mold that is not as large as mine. Therefore, the number of products used is 1.5 times less.

#33 Curd pudding with raisins and apples. Pudding recipe

How to make curd pudding with raisins and apples


I used apples and raisins in my recipe. But you can use completely different additives. If you love experimenting with food, be sure to try it. It will also not leave you indifferent. And for connoisseurs of semolina, I suggest preparing. But don't overdo it with the amount of filling. This may result in the dough simply not rising in the oven.

This delicious dessert can also be prepared in a slow cooker. It will take a little longer, but it will turn out very tender and airy. Interesting? Then read on!

Cottage cheese pudding in a slow cooker - recipe with photo

On the Internet I came across many different recipes for curd pudding in a slow cooker, as shown in the photo , and without them. In my opinion, my method is one of the simplest. Whether this is true or not, judge for yourself.

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 45 minutes
  • Number of servings: 1 pudding.
  • Kitchen appliances: mixer, multicooker, blender.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. In a deep bowl, mix 500 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of sour cream, vanilla on the tip of a knife, 150 g of sugar and 2 tbsp. l. corn starch.

  2. In a separate bowl, separate the yolks of 5 eggs from the whites. Add the yolks to the mixture and mix with a fork.

    Then beat with a blender until creamy.

    Separately, beat the egg whites with a mixer until stiff peaks form (5-7 minutes at maximum speed). Carefully introduce the whites into our mixture and stir with a spatula clockwise so that the dough is homogeneous.

  3. Grease the multicooker bowl with butter and pour in the curd dough, distributing it evenly.

  4. Select the “Oven” mode. We set the cooking time to 1 hour 05 minutes. at a temperature of 110°.

    After the end of the mode, turn off the heating and leave in the multicooker, without opening the lid, for 40 minutes. After the time has passed, we take out the most delicate curd pudding and delight our loved ones!

Video recipe

In the video below you can watch the entire process in detail. Believe me cottage cheese pudding in a slow cooker simply amazing!

Curd pudding in a slow cooker

Curd pudding in multicooker Philips HD 4734


If you want to significantly save time and effort, then I offer you the fastest and easiest cooking method. For this you only need a microwave. This option is a real lifesaver when guests unexpectedly arrive and there are no sweets in the house. Despite my profession, this happens to me quite often.

Curd pudding in the microwave - recipe with photo

  • Cooking time: 9 min.
  • Number of servings: 6.
  • Kitchen appliances: microwave.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. In a deep bowl, break 2 eggs and add 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Beat with a whisk.
  2. Add 0.5 tsp. vanilla sugar and 1 pinch of salt. Continuing to beat, slowly add 2 tbsp. l. semolina.
  3. Pour 200 g of cottage cheese into the resulting mixture and mix everything until smooth.
  4. Grease a silicone mold with sunflower oil and pour our dough into it. If you have a portioned pan like I do, simply distribute the dough evenly. Then put it in the microwave for 3 minutes at the highest power. After turning off, wait 3 minutes and turn on the microwave again for 3 minutes. Now our pudding is ready and you can safely serve it on the table.

Video recipe

Is it easier for you to cook while watching a video? Please.

Cottage cheese pudding.

Curd pudding in the microwave is an excellent dessert. A sweet dish would be appropriate for breakfast, an afternoon snack, or as a treat for children. It will also become a lifesaver in case guests suddenly arrive and you need to quickly come up with something in a hurry.
The main ingredients of curd pudding are dairy products, cottage cheese, and eggs. Cottage cheese pudding belongs to the category of desserts. By the way, this dessert can also be eaten by those who adhere to a diet, since there are few calories in the pudding.
Be sure to prepare curd pudding in the microwave for your loved ones.

Cottage cheese pudding in a microwave is an excellent dessert. A sweet dish will be appropriate for breakfast, for a snack, as a treat for children. And it will also become a wand-rescue machine in case the guests suddenly come up and need to quickly invent something in a hurry.
The main ingredients of the pudding are dairy products, cottage cheese, eggs. Pudding from cottage cheese belongs to the category of desserts. By the way, this dessert is also available to those who adhere to the dietary diet, since there is little calorie in the pudding.
Be sure to cook for your friends curd pudding in the microwave.


What to serve with

Regardless of which of the above recipes you like, of course you will want to decorate everything beautifully. I serve curd pudding with any jam, honey or sour cream. Sometimes I even use condensed milk. I can also garnish the pudding with a couple of mint leaves and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Here the flight of your imagination is not limited!

So, you have seen that curd pudding is not only healthy and tasty, but also very easy and quick to prepare. Even a novice housewife can cope with it. In addition, the range of products is not particularly affordable. So try, experiment and please your loved ones.

Don't forget to add a pinch of love and a dose of good mood to the main ingredients! Share your experiences and impressions in the comments!
