What is the normal length of the working week? Normal and reduced working hours

Employment is an important moment in the life of every person. After you find a place to work, you will have to go there and perform your job duties. But only in a certain quantity. It's about time. How long is a normal working day? What standards are provided by modern legislation regarding the duration of work (per day, week)? Who is entitled to benefits in this sense? All this is extremely important to know and understand. Otherwise, the employer will simply be able to deceive you after employment, constantly forcing you to work longer than provided for in the employment contract. Or, initially, the duration of your shift will be beyond possible restrictions. All of these are extremely unpleasant moments, so you should know exactly your rights regarding how much you should work.


In Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation reveals a concept that plays an important role in work. Namely, what is working time? Not everyone is fully aware of what is involved here. Therefore, before studying labor duration, you should understand what working time is.

This period represents the period of time during which the employee must perform his job duties, in accordance with the employment/collective agreement. It also includes other time provided for by Federal acts and laws, as well as the agreement between the employer and employee related to work time. This is the simple concept of working time.

We can say that this is simply a period in which you have to fulfill your duties. “Sitting at work,” as some employees in Russia say. Everything is very simple. A much more complex issue is the topic of the length of the working day.

Weekly norm

In Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation specifies not only the concept of the working period. The point is that some more norms for the duration of this are prescribed here. So, for example, you can say exactly how much an employer has the right to load employees with work per week.

A total of 40 hours are allocated for this. This is the maximum amount each able-bodied citizen can work in a week. There are exceptions, but there are not so many of them. By the way, if you think about it, it’s not very difficult to distribute 40 hours over a week. Much depends directly on your schedule, but some norms in the Labor Code are also provided for in this regard.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that every employer is required to keep records of the periods worked by each of its subordinates. Otherwise, the leader violates the laws of the country. And he can be held accountable.

Deviations from the norm

We already know the concept of working time. Moreover, it is no secret how much maximum work is allowed per week. Only, as already mentioned, there are sometimes some exceptions. Both in relation to the working day and in relation to the working week.

A reduced weekly schedule is provided for minor applicants. If a citizen is not yet 16 years old, then he can work 16 hours less per week than everyone else. After reaching this age level and up to adulthood, the norm will be 36 hours in 7 days. No more.

Normal working hours are reduced by 5 hours for disabled people of groups 1 and 2. In some cases, such employees, for medical reasons, are able to work less than is allowed (to the maximum). But the norm for disabled people per week is 35 hours.

Some personnel are employed in dangerous or hazardous work. The Labor Code also provides its own bonuses for them. Such employees are allowed to perform their job duties 4 hours less per week than ordinary employees. Their work week is limited to 36 hours.

Not completely

There is such a thing as a normalized working day. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for some deviations from the norm. For example, part-time/week assignment.

According to the legislation of the country, the employer, at the request of the employee, must provide him with “part-time” work. But not everyone can count on such opportunities. As a rule, only pregnant women, as well as parents of children under 14 years of age (or disabled people under 18), including those caring for a sick relative, are entitled to part-time work.

Please note that in this case there should be no consequences for the social package. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a (part-time) working day under such circumstances does not in any way affect the provision of paid leave, sick leave and length of service. But your earnings will directly depend on how much you worked or how much work you completed. It turns out that part-time employees usually have lower earnings than those who work regularly.

Norm for minors

But now you can think about how long a normal working day is. We must immediately note for ourselves that the category of citizens in question plays a huge role. As already noted, the working week differs in length in certain cases. Likewise, this is reflected at the bottom (shift).

The first step is to understand how much work minors are supposed to work at maximum. The normal working hours for able-bodied persons under 16 years of age is 5 hours. This is the maximum amount a schoolchild can work. But only when we are talking about a period in which the personnel are not trained. While studying, you can work no more than 2.5 hours.

A working day of 7 hours is established for minors from 16 to 18 years of age. Again, taking into account the fact that the subordinate does not undergo training anywhere. For example, in the summer. Otherwise, his working day cannot exceed 3.5 hours. Such restrictions are imposed on the employer. Failure to comply with them can lead to certain negative consequences. Although, as practice shows, modern schoolchildren usually work 4 hours a day if they work part-time in their free time from school. And on weekends they can work 8-12 hour shifts. Such actions are not entirely legal, but in practice they happen all the time.

Dangerous and harmful

Of course, citizens working in harmful or dangerous industries also have some peculiarities in our current issue. The thing is that their normal working hours may be different. It all depends on the length of the working week of such personnel.

If it is 36 hours, then the shift cannot exceed 8. In practice, this is how long employees usually work in hazardous/harmful production. But when the working time per week should be a maximum of 30 hours, then shifts are scheduled for 6 hours, respectively. It is not difficult to guess that you will have to work at this pace for 5 days. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for any other features in relation to personnel in dangerous or harmful production.

Other citizens

The duration of the shift for some categories of employees is determined in a very interesting way. The thing is that sometimes it is the employer who dictates how much a subordinate must work per day. But at the same time, taking into account all the norms and peculiarities of the country’s legislation.

Thus, workers employed in the media sector, as well as film/theater associations, actors and other creative teams have working hours established by the labor/collective agreement. That is, their employer sets the maximum value for them. Or Federal regulations of the country. For some professions, the country itself dictates limits on the length of work per day. Please take this into account.

Generally accepted data

All the peculiarities of working hours do not end there. Now is the time to find out exactly how much the average citizen works on average. That is, someone who does not have any bonuses or benefits in our current question.

How many hours is the standard working day for an employee of a particular organization? This indicator is equal to 8. That is, this is exactly how long the average shift of an ordinary statistical employee lasts. 8 hours of labor is not that much, to be honest. In this situation, your working week should not exceed 5 days. Otherwise, the 40-hour weekly limit will be exceeded. And your work must either be paid according to special principles, or not take place at all.

As practice shows, most often employers simply offer to work under one set of conditions, but in reality the results are completely different. The employment contract says one thing, but reality says something else. With all this, a maximum shift of 8 hours is usually indicated, but in practice, citizens are required to “plow” 10-12 hours. Additional time is not paid or rewarded in any way. Although, if we talk about processing, then it must somehow be covered by the employer in one form or another.

In some cases you have to work at night. These periods have legal features in their duration. Night is considered to be the time period between 22:00 and 6:00 inclusive. Not all employees have the right to work in this mode. For example, pregnant women and minors are prohibited from working at night. Disabled people are also included here. Under no circumstances are they allowed to work at night. Even on your own initiative. The employer must take all this into account, otherwise he can be held accountable for violating the laws established in Russia.

But other special categories of citizens (caring for disabled children, relatives, as well as children under 3 years of age) are able to work at night, but only with prior written personal consent. At any time, such personnel have the opportunity to refuse night work. No one can prohibit this.

The normalized working day, when it comes to night shift work, is an hour less than during the day. That is, about 7 hours maximum. There are exceptions too. Namely, the reduction in labor does not apply to those hired specifically for night shifts. Such personnel will work as long as stipulated in the employment contract. Usually, from 10 pm to 6 am, hired workers perform their job duties at night.

Near the weekend

Working on weekends and holidays is another subject of eternal debate. In Russia, the law regulates the norm of working hours before official non-working days.

The normal shift should be reduced by 1 hour. That is, you are supposed to work 60 minutes less than usual before weekends/holidays. Remembering this rule is not so difficult. It turns out that during the specified period the average working time will be 7 hours instead of 8.

If we are talking about companies that cannot stop activities on weekends, then employees are entitled to remuneration. Either it is expressed by moving the holiday to another period of time, or the shift is paid in double (or more) amounts. Typically, the conditions are specified in the employment contract or negotiated by the parties.

Above the norm

In some cases, you can legally work more than the required 40 hours. Either at the request of the employees or at the request of the employer. These two concepts are very different from each other.

In the first situation, we will be dealing with a part-time job. It cannot exceed 4 hours of additional labor per day, and 16 per week. With all this, the company’s activities should not cause damage in any form to your main place of work. A citizen can have as many part-time jobs as he wants, as long as it does not harm his main activity. The social package is provided in the same way as for all other employees.

But in the second case, overtime is called overtime work. In this case, you can work for two days in a row, but no more than 4 hours per day. And there is a certain limit of overtime work per year. It is currently 120 hours. Please note that such work is paid double. And part-time work is calculated according to the usual principles, without allowances.

In principle, this is all that can be said about the normal working day, as well as the peculiarities of working time. As a rule, you have to learn about your rights at work in advance. Indeed, in Russia, established schedules are often violated, and employees are left to work overtime without additional pay. The established principles are not that difficult to understand. We now know generally accepted standards regarding working hours. Remember, violation of these is unacceptable. You have every right to complain about

Any employee who is a party to an employment relationship sooner or later encounters the concept of working time.

It is necessary to know the rights guaranteed to the employee by the Labor Code so as not to be deceived by the employer in this matter.

Employers have to deal with working time, keeping track of it for employees.

The legal documentation providing the interpretation of working time is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The concept under consideration contains a complex of legal, economic, statistical and sociological aspects.

For example, from an economic point of view, working time acts as time intervals during which work occurs. Breaks are not included in this concept.

However, the article will discuss a legal concept.
According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, “work time” is closely related to “rest time.”

These are concepts belonging to the same socio-legal category.

What it is?

Working time is the time interval during which an employee needs to perform work duties, guided by the requirements of the internal order of the company.

The concept also includes other periods of time.

Working periods are established according to internal regulations. The management of the enterprise is obliged to monitor compliance with work periods by all employees.

If for some reason the company does not have a provision on periods for performing work duties, the employee has the right to determine the time intervals himself.

This must be done taking into account the performance of work during working hours in the interests of the employer.

During the labor process, labor time records must be kept.

This need lies with the employer. The accounting must contain both the periods during which the employee directly performs his duties, and the breaks included in the work process.

The employer may include certain periods in working hours if local legal acts, or an order from a court or state inspectorate, force this to happen.

Both parties to the labor relationship have the right to influence the boundaries of working time, namely, to establish the beginning of the working day, the end and the lunch break according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The term includes periods of main, preparatory and final activities.

Primary time is the time spent directly performing work duties.

What may be included in the preparatory activities:

  • familiarization with the documentation;
  • cleaning the workplace;
  • preparing the place for work;
  • delivery of manufactured products.

These actions must be provided for in the technology for constructing the workflow.

Not included in preparatory activities:

  • time spent walking from the checkpoint to the place of work;
  • washing or changing clothes before starting work;
  • lunch break.
  • Legal regulation

Regulation from the legal side is based on standardizing the duration of the labor process and determining the number of hours that need to be worked for a specific period.

Functions of standardization of working time:

  • warranty, i.e., the establishment by legislators of a maximum duration of time for work of no more than 40 hours in a seven-day week;
  • protective, i.e., restoration of the employee’s ability to work;
  • production, i.e., the desire for high labor productivity.

Necessity of application

The need to regulate work time is to ensure labor freedoms for certain categories of employees.

All types refer to normal working hours.


Normal duration is the norm established by law, necessary for compliance by both parties to the labor relationship.

The duration of such a 5-day work day is no more than 40 hours.

The consequence of such normal working hours for an employee of an enterprise is payment to him in an amount not lower than the minimum wage.

A legally significant circumstance that determines the normal length of work time is the number of working hours actually worked by the employee.


Reduced work time in accordance with labor legislation is a duration of work that is shorter than normal, however, paid in full.

Reducing working hours for groups of workers in accordance with Art. 92 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Here's an example:

Vasily is in 9th grade at school. He is currently 15 years old. In October, he decides to work on weekdays after school.

Let's calculate the required duration of his working time:

  • As a person under 16 years of age, Vasily cannot work more than 24 hours a week.
  • Since the work takes place during the training period, the working time standard is divided in half. Total: 24/2 = 12 hours a week Vasily can work.

In real conditions, employers sometimes assign minors a working day of 10 or 8 hours.

However, this is incorrect, since the standard of reduced time per week is also subject to Art. 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (establishing the standard duration of stay at work daily).

It follows from this that a minor cannot be forced to work “2 through 2”. Establishing a shortened working day is the responsibility of the employer.

Shortened working hours can also be established for those categories of workers that are not listed in the table.

The costs of redundancy in this case must be borne by the employer.

The legal consequence of such a working day for the employee is that he retains all his privileges and benefits, as well as receiving a salary not lower than the minimum wage.

The employee's rights are not infringed. Thus, according to the conditions for the employee, this type does not differ from the normal duration.


The interpretation of the term applies to both part-time work and part-time work week.

Like reduced work time, part-time work is established with a duration of less than forty hours per seven-day week. However, it is established by agreement between the two parties to the labor relationship.

This agreement may also be in writing.

The employer cannot establish partial time without the consent of the other party.

Disagreements between the parties may be punishable by the employer by paying the employee for idle hours that arose through no fault of his own.

An exception to the rule is a reduction in working hours at the initiative of the employer, with the employee notifying the employee about this in writing no later than 2 months in advance.

In a situation where an employee refuses to continue working under changed conditions, the employment contract may be.

The reason is explained - reduction of staff or reserve of workers, with payment of compensations and guarantees to them.

Part-time working hours should be established for the following categories of persons:

  • pregnant women;
  • persons who care for patients on the basis of a medical certificate issued in accordance with Russian legislation;
  • having a disabled minor child or a teenager under 14 years of age.

If the above persons provide written statements, the employer is obliged to establish a part-time day for them.

Part-time work involves fewer hours in the organization. For example, not eight, but four. Another option is to reduce the number of days spent in the company, for example, from 5 to 3.

At the same time, the length of the day remains unchanged.

Such conditions do not reduce the number of vacation days, but labor is paid in proportion to the time the employee works.

Therefore, for such persons the salary is lower than on a shortened day. Payments also become less.

Study methods

The time spent by employees on work is studied through observations.

This is done for the following purposes:

  • find out the structure of employee periods of stay at the workplace in order to more fully reveal their potential;
  • labor efficiency assessments;
  • determining the most optimal daily routine;
  • determining the rational sequence of performing labor operations in the workplace;
  • calculating the norm of stay at the workplace;
  • establishing the reasons why standards are not met or exceeded.

Methods are divided into 2 groups:

  • Direct observation.
  • Instant observation.

1 type includes:

  • self-photographing;
  • photographic timing.

Instant observations are based on the application of mathematical statistics and probability theory.

They consist of simultaneous observation of a large number of objects, periodically, at a certain interval, recording their state.

In order to study the cost of working time in this way, you need to establish its duration, observation route and interval.

Based on the data received, the employer compiles statistics for himself.

Establishment procedure

The working time regime is a set of measures that can be established at the centralized and local level and are aimed at the use of labor and ensuring competent management of the organization.

How can it be installed:

  1. In an organization, working hours (working hours) are coordinated based on internal labor regulations. They must be attached to.
  2. Since a collective agreement can be concluded within the company itself, if it is absent, working hours are regulated using internal regulations.
  3. If the organization employs people whose health or other reasons do not allow them to work every day, then the employer can establish different ones for them.
  4. The internal regulations indicate the length of the working week. The employer himself determines which of the employees can work part-time or reduced.
  5. The work schedule is also justified by the employer.
  6. The positions of employees working irregular hours are fixed in the collective agreement, internal regulations and agreements.

The working time regime can also be regulated by agreements.

The legislation relates to working time:

  • length of the working week;
  • time of going to work and leaving work;
  • length of the working day;
  • duration of breaks in work;
  • number of shifts per day;
  • shift schedule;
  • alternating non-working and working days.

Most common work schedules:

  • 8 hours with a 5-day work week with fixed departure and arrival times;
  • 2 after 2, when an employee works for 2 days and then rests for 2 days;
  • sliding, when the time of departure depends on the time the employee arrives at work.


One of the documents for establishing a certain working time schedule is an order.

The order states:

  • length of the working week;
  • the possibility of establishing irregular working hours;
  • start and end of work;
  • duration of shifts, shifts at the enterprise.

The order provides for the possibility of approving norms relating to the issue of working time set out in local acts of the enterprise. In addition, based on the order, .

An example excerpt from an order on working hours:

Due to production needs I order:

Set the following operating mode:

  1. The working day begins at 8:00 from Monday to Friday, and ends at 16:30. Set a lunch break from 12:30 to 13:00.
  2. The working day begins at 10:00 from Saturday to Sunday, and ends at 16:00. There is no break.

An order for part-time work is drawn up in a similar way.

Inner order rules

The rules are presented by a normative act that determines, based on the Labor Code and other laws, the dismissal of employees, the rights and obligations of labor relations, the working regime, rest periods, incentives for employees and penalties for failure to fulfill powers.

In accordance with the internal regulations, the employer resolves issues arising as a result of labor relations.

As for working time specifically, it is indicated in the rules as follows (section of work and rest time):

  • The length of the work week and weekends are recorded;
  • time of going to and leaving work;
  • breaks;
  • reduction of working hours for a number of workers;
  • possibility of establishing partial time;
  • the maximum duration of labor is fixed;
  • availability of fact of work time recording;
  • leave provisions.

As a result, all information on the employee’s time at work is recorded in.

Based on this statement, the employer draws conclusions about the efficiency of the enterprise, and the employee knows that his rights will not be violated.

Working hours in the Internal Labor Regulations

Collective agreement

It is a legal act and is aimed at regulating social and labor relations in the company. This agreement includes mutual obligations of both parties.

This document also contains a clause on work and rest time.

It states the following provisions:

  • The length of the work week is indicated (40 hours).
  • Rest days are recorded.
  • Pay for leaving work on weekends is prescribed.
  • Payment and additional days of rest for certain categories of workers are fixed.
  • A reduction in the work week before holidays or non-working days is prescribed.
  • Additional holidays are recorded.
  • The order of vacations is prescribed.
  • The right to use vacation/additional leave by employees is prescribed.

The legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the rights of working citizens, contains provisions on what normal working hours are and how long it lasts. The estimated time is taken not by days, but by weeks. With specialized by-laws, instructions, regulations, this indicator may vary, depending on the requirements of the position and the functions performed. When an employee is registered under an employment contract, it must indicate the number of hours he must work per month.

The procedure for applying such special working conditions as part-time work to an employee is established at the legislative level. It is applied by the management of the enterprise, in accordance with the agreement reached with the employee. And also according to the internal standards of the enterprise in relation to certain positions.

In the Russian Federation, the duration of an employee’s work is regulated by labor legislation. Working hours in organizations of various forms of ownership are divided into full, part-time and reduced. The conditions for how long an employee needs to be at work are displayed, by agreement of the parties, in the employment contract; this indicator should not differ from the established standards not only on paper, but also in reality. Violation of the duration of the work shift is a direct violation of the employee’s rights.

How long should a workday be?

The duration of work, whether it is reduced or normal, directly depends on the established norms of labor legislation in the Russian Federation, and not on orders and decisions at the enterprise. Based on these standards, the employer develops a collective agreement and contract with employees. It would be useful to know who has the legal right to apply for part-time work:

    Pregnant women and mothers of small children (under 14 years of age).

    Parents of disabled children.

    By individual agreement, the provision of a confirmatory medical report - an employee whose relative requires care due to a serious illness.

Working hours

The long working week is forty hours. The legislator did not limit these hours to daily limits. That is, going out at night is a normal shift if the profession requires it. Special standards have been drawn up within the company regulating the procedure for interaction with personnel.

The normal working hours should not exceed the limit established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If necessary, the owner can temporarily offer employees to work overtime or set them to work part-time. But only if the employee does not object to the change in working conditions (they are considered significant) and has given his consent on paper.

If rights are violated, the employee has the right to go to court with claims to recover wages for working overtime. And carry out an independent recalculation of the amounts due to him for payments.

Case from practice

On April 21, 2011, the Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow ruled in favor of the employee to recover the underpaid amount of wages for engaging in overtime work. Taking the position of the plaintiff, the court qualified the work of the plaintiff, and that it was of precisely the declared nature.

According to the procedure determined by Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, work beyond the established schedule at the enterprise is paid slightly differently than the employee’s salary is calculated.

Working outside normal working hours is a special requirement. It must be reflected in the contract or an additional agreement to it (if changes in work hours are not permanent, but are temporary).

In terms of the employer’s right to hire an employee to perform overtime work. The Code of the Russian Federation determined that overtime work should be paid at double rates. Established a circle of people who are unacceptable to be involved in performing work duties overtime. Such work must be reflected in the time sheet. If you are not happy with something and you think that your employer is violating your rights, you will definitely need advice on labor law.

How long are working hours?

The unified conditions of labor legislation in the Russian Federation on what should be the norm for the length of the working week apply to all categories of workers: permanent, seasonal, part-time, temporary and home-based employees of organizations of all forms of ownership.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation did not limit participants in labor relations to the opportunity to cooperate on a five-day basis with two days off. It is generally accepted that weekends are Saturday and Sunday. But a specific organization has every right to independently approve a sliding weekend schedule.

The articles of the Labor Code contain provisions on the following length of the working week:

    five days of work and two days off (5/2);

    six days on and one day off (6/1).

Working without days off ⏤ is unacceptable and is a direct violation of the rights and freedoms of a citizen. Even with a staggered schedule, normal working hours correspond to the legal norm. When the employee does not forget about this, not allowing their legal rights to rest to be violated, it is easier for human rights activists to defend their interests before employers and in the courts.

If a person is constantly late for work, and sometimes does not show up at all, such an employee can be fired without any problems for absenteeism. So be careful!

It is recommended to pay special attention to ensuring that in the text of the contract the manager clearly states how many hours per week the working hours will last for a specific position. It would not hurt for a future employee of the organization to discuss with his manager whether he is expected to work outside of normal working hours. To know what conditions he can expect, whether there will be processing. If there is overtime, make sure that it is recorded in time sheets and other documents.

Working on a reduced schedule

A special feature of working under short-time working conditions is that the number of hours worked does not affect the employee’s salary. This privilege is not available to everyone.

Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation clearly defines the circle of persons to whom employers do not have the right to refuse to reduce working hours:

    Minors (under 16 years old - this norm is 24 hours a week, and from 16 to 18 - no more than thirty-five).

    The norm of 35 hours per week applies to disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups.

    The norm is 36 hours - for persons who perform dangerous and/or harmful work (in accordance with a special assessment of working conditions, if the hazard rate is 3 or 4).

For the latter category of workers, it is important that the contract clearly states the normal duration of the work schedule, working conditions, start and end times of work. For them, it is allowed to increase the working time to 40 hours only in emergency cases. Moreover, with the consent of the employee engaged in hazardous work. As the time spent on work increases, financial compensation increases.

What is part-time work?

Incomplete is the time of work reduced from the total. Wages are calculated not on a full-time basis, as with a shortened working day, but on the number of hours actually worked. This system began to be used for freelancers of an organization who are not hired but carry out project work for the company. Normal and reduced working hours for project employees depend on the agreement of the parties.

Working hours may be revised at the request of a person interested in working part-time. If the initiative comes from the employee, he justifies the need for a part-time working day and for what period he needs to change the time of the workday. You must know not only your rights, but also the rights and obligations of your employer.

Full and part time

Sometimes employers confuse the concepts of full-time and part-time. Thus, there is a misconception that working at night is overtime, and that the normal working hours of employees cannot include night hours. This is a wrong opinion. Night shifts are regulated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In some cases, normal working hours are reduced.

In addition to these persons, any citizen has the legal opportunity, due to certain circumstances, to work part-time. This situation may arise if the working conditions for a non-full shift were announced during the initial interview; the work does not, by specificity, require a full day of work. A feature of remote work that has not yet been regulated by relevant legislation. It can be full, incomplete and piecework.

The normal working hours for part-time work are determined by agreement of the parties.

In the pre-revolutionary period in Russia, working hours was not regulated in any way and was established by the owner of the enterprise or the owner of the farm.

Often people were forced to work hard for 14-16 hours a day without a single day off.

At the end of the 19th century, the working class insisted on passing laws and the time was limited to 11.5 hours, with a six-day week.

This value changed several times and under the Soviet Union was equal to 48, 42, 41 and 40 hours per week.

What do we have today and how long has the owner of the enterprise or company been has the right to demand work from your subordinate? Every person who receives income from hired labor should know their rights, and in this article we will look at the basic provisions on the length of the working week.

Time standards

First, this is necessary in order to know and be able to defend your rights in a dispute with employers, and the second – to understand the whole responsibility for breaking laws.

Therefore, thoroughly study the laws that relate to your field of activity and feel confident in any situation. And it doesn’t matter who you are - or an employee. As they say, forewarned is forearmed!

The standard working time is the amount of time that an employee must work during a calendar period of time (per month, quarter, year). The standard working time for a specific period is calculated based on the duration of working hours per week.

Thus, according to the calculated schedule of a 5-day 40-hour work week with two days off on Saturday and Sunday, the norm is calculated based on the duration of daily work (shift), which is 8 hours. And if the working hours are less than 40 hours per week, then the duration of daily work is determined by dividing the number of hours per week by 5 (clause 1 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2009 N 588n).

In addition, the calculation takes into account that the duration of the working day (shift) immediately preceding a non-working holiday is reduced by 1 hour (Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, the formula for calculating the standard working time for the month of 2017 with a 5-day working week looks like this:

The standard working time for 2017 is calculated in a similar way.

Normal working hours and standard time for 2017

What are the normal working hours per week? In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, normal working hours cannot exceed 40 hours per week (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This is the maximum value. But since the standardization of working hours must take into account the working conditions of workers, their age and other factors, the working time per week may be less than 40 hours. For example, 36 hours a week (Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). With such a length of the working week, the standard working time, for example, in August 2017 is:

  • with a 40-hour work week - 184 hours (8 hours x 23 work days);
  • with a 36-hour work week - 165.6 hours (7.2 hours x 23 work days).

In 2017, there are only 3 days when working hours must be reduced by an hour, as they immediately precede public holidays: February 23rd, March 8th and November 4th. That is, the total reduction in time is 3 hours. And the total number of working days in a year is 247. As a result, the standard working hours for 2017 is equal.
