What is she like, the mother-in-law of different zodiac signs. How to tame Scorpio: relationship with mother-in-law according to zodiac sign Mother-in-law Cancer daughter-in-law Libra

Stubborn as a ram, emotional, persistent and impulsive. Don’t try to offend her son - you’ll get war and peace in fifty volumes in just one week. Loves starting new things, involving the whole family in them, yes, yes, you won’t be able to sit in the trenches either. And try not to object when General Aries orders how to cook soup or iron her son’s shirts; this is fraught with scandal. This type of mother-in-law is especially sharp-tongued and in less than five minutes you will feel extremely humiliated and insulted, but do you need that?


In general, a pleasant option for mother-in-law. She will patiently teach you how to cook borscht and deflope with casius seeds, fill the pantry with preserves from her own garden, and give you her perfectly preserved crimple suit from 1979. It is difficult to quarrel with her; Taurus is extremely patient. But it’s still not worth bringing matters to a boil; when they are angry, Taurus are unpredictable and dangerous. But such a mother-in-law will not allow you to seriously quarrel with your husband - family values ​​come first for her.


Such a mother-in-law is extravagant and unpredictable. Museums, concerts, hikes and travel are guaranteed, even if you resist. It's easy to make friends with her, you just have to call her more often and chat about everything in the world. Children with such a grandmother find it easy and interesting, because she never minds playing hide and seek, telling scary tales and causing chaos in the house. And how to correct it is none of her business, because she is in a hurry to the Van Gogh exhibition!


Try to call her “mom” and demonstrate in every possible way how much you love her son, surround him with care and comfort, because for Cancer, family and home are the main thing in life. Even if she is not delighted with you as a daughter-in-law, she will put up with it, since it was you who was chosen by her boy to be his wife. But get ready for the fact that all your shortcomings will be noticed and recorded in the memory of your mother-in-law. The most important rule is never criticize her son in her presence, do not complain that he earns little or behaves differently. If you follow her simple rules and habits, there will be no conflicts. And yes, she will always be happy to take care of her grandchildren.

a lion

The only thing we can say is - hang in there! No matter how good you are, your Leo mother-in-law will always feel that you are not suitable for her son. Don't interrupt her, don't call her by name, don't contradict her, and admire her. Yes, all my life. Otherwise, you will find yourself in the circle of those who are despised, with whom they do not speak until the guilty daughter-in-law falls to her knees and sincerely repents. On the other hand, Leo’s mother-in-law is well versed in fashion and looks great; you can always turn to her for advice. But don’t forget about admiration and compliments, we beg you!


We hope that your nerves are strong enough not to take all the comments and valuable instructions from your Virgo mother-in-law to heart. She's boring. Everything in the house should be like in a pharmacy, clean, sterile and in its place. He cannot stand a mess in the apartment, extravagance and squandering. But if you are by nature a house mouse, setting up a hole, then the advice of such a mother-in-law can be an invaluable help in housekeeping.


With her, you will not need TV and the yellow press, because thanks to your mother-in-law you will be aware of all the gossip in the world. She adapts perfectly to her daughter-in-law, but there is one small “but”. If suddenly your Libra mother-in-law is unmarried or widowed, get ready to quickly go through the entire list of single male relatives and acquaintances. And introduce her to them! Otherwise, she will bring down her entire unspent supply of love on your family. More precisely, on his son, demanding attention and care from him every hour, while giving you dubious compliments: “Your Anya looks wonderful today, despite her cute nest on her head instead of a hairstyle.”


This is a real mother-in-law, one hundred percent, as in jokes. She will try to control you, be sarcastic, tactlessly interfere with the family and make a face at the sight of your signature scrambled eggs. Patience, patience and more patience, getting into quarrels with Scorpio is more expensive for yourself. Unfortunately, Scorpio's enthusiasm does not fade with age, so the best option is to live away from her.


Gambling workaholic, with a desire to change places. A domestic chicken that has no ambitions will be difficult to accept by such a mother-in-law. Of course, she raised her son in the hope that he would find himself an equally successful, business-minded girl! Don’t think that she will easily agree to suddenly babysit her grandchildren - Sagittarius’s mother-in-law is planning a trip to Hong Kong to meet with a millionaire, or, at worst, a business forum for residents of Cherry Street. But she has a lot of useful connections, and if you are committed to an active lifestyle, your mother-in-law will always be on your side.


Do you not drink, smoke, swear, or have hysterics five times a day? Then you are already almost an ideal daughter-in-law for a Capricorn mother-in-law. Decency and calm, that's her motto. She won't throw herself into your arms, won't insist on becoming your best friend, and won't help you with money if something happens. But he will certainly give advice, and it’s worth listening to it, because Capricorns are smart and calculating. If you come to visit on time, remember all the dates and do not let her son slide into the abyss of poverty, you are guaranteed a good attitude from your mother-in-law and, possibly, a good inheritance.


She will be happy to chat with you, unconditionally accepting the choice of her son in your person. Aquarius is a most interesting conversationalist, with an active lifestyle and a wide range of interests. Which does not include your scandals, problems and lack of a nanny. She will not, like Cancer, sit with her grandchildren or, like Taurus, pickle cucumbers for you. The world is full of new and interesting things, so it’s as if this mother-in-law is in your life, but it’s as if she’s not there.


She is strange. No, not even that. It’s as if there are two of them, and both are strange. Now she may be crazy about you just because you called and asked how she was feeling, and two hours later she complains to her son that you looked at her wrong. In general, Pisces are cute, they are interested in all kinds of mysticism and the occult, and it must be said for good reason, one can only envy her intuition. It’s not difficult to get along with her; it’s enough to ask your husband to call her more often and ask yourself how she’s doing? But she raised an exclusively independent son. Well, he had to take care of himself while his mother was traveling to the astral plane!

It’s safe to say that in her relationship with her son, she, like a queen, will not tolerate scandals. Your “second mother” is generous and merciful. With the same regal bearing, she will approach her young wife, but only if she perceives her as her own. By maintaining distance in a relationship, you are guaranteed readiness to provide the necessary help. But be careful! Don't get too close to your husband's mother, because you risk becoming her overprotective child.

Mother-in-law - Taurus

She is calm and very rational, and in relation to her son’s young wife she can become simply super caring. If she accepted you into her family, then as a beloved daughter. Care and guardianship await you, but the bonus will be a million niggles about various little things. We advise you to learn to keep a peaceful distance, because in this case your Taurus mother-in-law will not interfere in your family once again. In a conflict, conspiracies and intrigues await you, and maybe even open scandals. So don't become a victim of provocation.

Mother-in-law - Gemini

Such a mother-in-law knows how to avoid conflicts in her relationships with both her son and daughter-in-law and will provide the necessary assistance to the young people in the first years of their life together. But this is if you and her get along in character. Otherwise, you will experience irritability, excessive straightforwardness, and impulsiveness, so be careful. We advise you to build warm, friendly relationships and become a real daughter for your mother-in-law.


Mother-in-law - Cancer

For many daughters-in-law, the character of a Cancer mother-in-law will come as a surprise. Hospitable Cancer will turn out to be a powerful person who wants to control not only her son, but his entire newly-made family. The positive thing is that the mother-in-law will be able to provide emergency assistance and support if necessary. A little stingy, but will always give valuable advice. We recommend maintaining distance from your mother-in-law. In this case, peace of mind is guaranteed to you.

Mother-in-law - Leo

The representative of this zodiac sign is strict with others, but not with her son. If the daughter-in-law was accepted as her own, then the mother-in-law will show her positive qualities in full. If you decide not to get too close to her, then your mother-in-law will be absolutely indifferent to you. An ordinary acquaintance - superficial interest without any concern for your fate.

Mother-in-law - Virgo

A caring Virgo in her relationship with her son turns into a true Capricorn - demanding and domineering, practical and reserved. This attitude does not escape the young daughter-in-law either. The new family has every chance of remaining in a powerless position with the mother-in-law at its head. We advise you to behave with restraint, then your mother-in-law will become homely and caring, and will become attached to the family. After all, her imperiousness is caused only by the fear that the young will make mistakes.

Mother-in-law - Libra

She is sweet and pleasant. Libra has a good friendly relationship with his son. We advise the daughter-in-law to get closer to her mother-in-law, because in this case you will become her own daughter, whom she will be happy to surround with warmth and care.

Mother-in-law - Scorpio

A representative of this zodiac sign, powerful with others, will be loyal to both her son and his young wife. The Scorpio mother-in-law is able to forgive them a lot. However, despite this, we do not recommend quarreling with her, since the mother-in-law’s love of intrigue, curiosity and vindictiveness can significantly ruin your family life. Keep your distance from her, and then your mother-in-law will provide you with the necessary help. Of course, it won’t happen without criticism, but you’ll have to be patient.

Mother-in-law - Sagittarius

Despite the fact that in ordinary life the representative of this zodiac sign is sociable and active, when she becomes a mother-in-law, she turns into a self-centered tyrant. We advise you to keep your distance from her and not become a daughter. Love each other from a distance, so you both have a better chance of maintaining a positive mood.

Mother-in-law - Capricorn

Despite her occupation (business lady or housewife), she is strict and reserved. She tries to act according to the rules of the role assigned to her, and demands the same from those around her. She treats her son and young daughter-in-law calmly, balancedly and without unnecessary emotions. Since communicating with Capricorn is much more pleasant in everyday life, we advise the daughter-in-law to get closer to her. You don’t want to get a suspicious and grumpy “second mother”?

Mother-in-law - Aquarius

Representatives of this zodiac sign in the role of mother-in-law do not change at all. If the daughter-in-law does not move away from her, the mother-in-law will become sociable, but superficial, curious and not very sincere. In other words, the ideal mother-in-law-buddy. If she does not notice any special affection on your part, then she will simply leave you and your husband to live at your own discretion, occasionally engaging in teachings.

Mother-in-law - Pisces

She can easily be classified as impractical and dreamy women. It is not even clear how she becomes rational and caring in relation to her beloved son. However, with a daughter-in-law, a Pisces mother-in-law is capable of displaying the characteristic traits of Cancer: touchiness and capriciousness, care and sincerity. We do not recommend moving away from her, because in this case the attitude towards you will be rather cold.

Every woman, when she gets married, understands that she now has a new family. It is difficult to build a harmonious relationship with the mother of a newly-made husband. Therefore, we present to you a cheat sheet - a real horoscope of mothers-in-law!

You can always find more interesting information and useful tips on our website.

Mother-in-law – Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Well, you are lucky, the “second mother” is generous and kind-hearted. The Aries woman allows no scandals in her relationship with her son. She will have the same approach towards her daughter-in-law. This is possible if the mother-in-law accepts her. You will need help to maintain your distance. But remain vigilant! You shouldn’t shorten the distance too much, otherwise, instead of your daughter-in-law, you will become her overprotective child.

Mother-in-law – Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

As a rule, Taurus mothers-in-law are distinguished by their rationality and calm disposition. However, sometimes a woman shows excessive concern for her daughter-in-law. She is ready to become your real second mother, no less. Then you will find care, guardianship, but... also a million niggles and comments. It is better to keep a small, reasonable distance so that the Taurus mother-in-law does not interfere in the relationship of the young family. But it's better to be friends! Otherwise, get ready to unravel intrigues and quell scandals. Try not to fall for various provocations.

Mother-in-law – Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

In her relationship with her son and his wife, the Gemini mother-in-law will avoid quarrels. She is ready to help the newly-made family, especially in the first, most difficult years. But only if the daughter-in-law matches her character. Otherwise, you will be amazed at how irritable, straightforward, unpredictable and impulsive your mother-in-law can be. Be vigilant. It’s better to immediately build friendly, sincere and warm relationships, then instead of a daughter-in-law you will become her own daughter.

Mother-in-law – Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Many daughters-in-law are shocked by the character of their mother-in-law - Cancer. A previously hospitable and sweet woman turns into a real domestic tyrant who wants to control both her son and daughter-in-law. But if something happens, the mother-in-law will be the first to come running to help. She may seem stingy, but she is always ready to give practical life advice. It's best to keep a small distance. Only then will you remain calm.

Mother-in-law – Leo (July 23 – August 22)

She is strict and harsh with everyone around her, except her son. If her daughter-in-law manages to please her, the Lioness will immediately show all the positive qualities of her character. If, on the contrary, you decide to maintain some distance, then your mother-in-law will also be indifferent. Then expect neutral, superficial interest without worrying about you.

Mother-in-law – Virgo (August 23 – September 23)

Virgos are caring, but in her attitude towards her son she is more reminiscent of Capricorn - domineering, demanding, picky, reserved, but practical. A similar attitude awaits the daughter-in-law. Yes, a young family has many chances to become powerless. It’s better to show restraint at first, then “dear mother” will calm down and soon become homely, sweet and caring. Her imperiousness is just a defense mechanism, a fear that the young ones will screw things up.

Mother-in-law – Libra (September 24 – October 23)

Such a mother-in-law is quite sweet, friendly and pleasant. Libras often build friendly relationships with their sons. It’s better to get closer to the “second mother”, then the daughter-in-law will become her own daughter and will be surrounded by warmth, care and love.

Mother-in-law – Scorpio (October 24 – November 21)

Scorpios will show loyalty to the newly-made family. Surprisingly, the mother-in-law is generous, she can forgive a lot. However, you should not perceive this as softness and it is dangerous to quarrel with her. After all, Scorpios are curious, love intrigue and are extremely vindictive. Domestic wars will ruin your family life. Therefore, it is better to keep your distance, then the mother-in-law will help if necessary. Of course, Scorpios are still critics, but what to do, you need to be patient.

Mother-in-law – Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

It is interesting that, being sociable and active, and becoming mothers-in-law, Sagittarius women suddenly become self-centered tyrants. It's better to maintain restraint and keep your distance. You cannot get closer, move from the status of “daughter-in-law” to the position of “daughter”. It is best to communicate with “dear mother” at a distance, then both of you can maintain a normal positive relationship.

Mother-in-law – Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

It doesn’t matter who she is by profession, the Capricorn woman will always show restraint and severity. She will try to act only within the framework of the new role, and will expect the same from everyone around her. Capricorn will accept his young daughter-in-law calmly, neutrally, without showing any unnecessary feelings. However, communicating with Capricorn is pleasant and useful, so it is better to get closer. You don’t want to see “dear mom” suspicious and overly grouchy, do you?

Mother-in-law – Aquarius (January 22 – February 18)

Aquarius women, in principle, do not change when they become mothers-in-law. It now depends on what kind of daughter-in-law you get. If she is close and does not move away, then the mother-in-law will show sociability, friendliness and curiosity, but will be superficial. In other words, a real mother-in-law is a friend. If Aquarius does not notice a special desire to get closer, he will simply distance himself, leaving the young family to live independently. At times he will only give lengthy moral lectures.

Mother-in-law – Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

This is a dreamy and impractical mother-in-law. Although, with their daughter-in-law, Pisces can show other traits of their character: being capricious, picky, but caring and sincere. It’s better to get closer, otherwise the relationship will become distant and cool.
General advice, one last thing for all daughters-in-law. It doesn’t matter what kind of mother-in-law you get according to your horoscope, just remember: “When it comes around, it will come back!” However, this rule applies to both.

Character of the mother-in-law or mother-in-law of Cancer

Remember: never, ever insult this woman! No matter how stupid and trivial her remark may seem to you, remain silent. She will remember the insult inflicted on her for many years. All women cannot stand insults, but Cancer women take insults doubly. They pass everything through the heart. I would not want to be in the position of a person who offended such a woman, and I do not advise this to you.

The Cancer woman exudes calm and confidence, but if her son or daughter doesn't call her regularly, she will immediately be at their door to make sure everything is okay. It has a lot of disadvantages, but let's first talk about its advantages. She will love her grandchildren like no other grandmother in the world. You couldn't even dream of this. She knows many fairy tales and is able to calm the most violent child. Even if she is sick, she will babysit your children, because her devotion to your family knows no bounds.

She spends more on her grandchildren than she can afford. Her gifts are always thoughtful and valuable. Don’t forget to thank her properly: the silk scarf she gave you was probably sent from abroad and not purchased from a nearby store.

You can talk to her about any problems, she is always happy to listen to you and is ready to take your problems to heart. She has a deep need to help, so you can be sure that your problems will be discussed at a women's club meeting and will certainly be resolved.

Although she will dictate where you should be and at what time, don't expect her to be punctual and willing to follow your own schedule. She likes to show up uninvited, claiming that you invited her to dinner a few days ago, but she just didn't have time to confirm your arrival. She is not precise; she has her own (and the only correct!) point of view on everything. She has tons of friends, but she thinks you have to invite her to all your parties. But she herself will not invite you. She loves surprises, so if you want to see her eyes light up, give her gifts. Flowers will not help you out, because many Cancers are allergic to pollen. Therefore, before giving a bouquet, consult with your partner about the choice of flowers so as not to get into trouble. Cancer women have their own taste in clothing, which gets weirder as they get older, so you'll have a hard time choosing a gift for her. But try, because such a woman deserves the effort. Lend her money from time to time, because she simply cannot count and sometimes gets into difficult situations.

Take the time to get to know her better. This is the only way to understand this amazing woman. Her heart has boundless kindness, but is also demanding at the same time. If you make time for her, she will repay you handsomely. She has something to tell you about; life has taught her many lessons. Just don't overdrink her at your parties, or by the end of the evening she'll be crying on the couch about her high school sweetheart, whom she hasn't seen in fifty years.

Yes, she interferes in everything, but that’s her lot. She wants to be sure that you will be able to take care of her baby. And no matter how old her son or daughter is, they will always remain little children for the mother. But she will never interfere in your relationship, because she understands how important it is for you and for her child.

The Aries character does not allow them to remain aloof from events in the lives of their loved ones. We can say with confidence that from the very beginning of your romance, the potential mother-in-law will keep her finger on the pulse (and it’s good if only there!). Dealing with this is difficult and, most importantly, impractical. It is better to direct the energy in the right direction. Then in the future you will find an proactive and responsible grandmother - a big life bonus in our difficult times!

Mother in law - Taurus

Patience, calmness - these are the traits of a Taurus mother-in-law with which you are lucky. But, as you understand, there are also nuances. For example, it is almost impossible to dissuade Madame Taurus from fulfilling her plans. If your mother decides, say, that she is coming to visit you in April, then the only thing that can hinder her visit is the fact that April will suddenly disappear from all the calendars.

Keep in mind that Taurus are adamant in a dispute, and even if they are miraculously defeated, they remain unconvinced. But if you don’t argue with her too enthusiastically, she can be a real second mother - super caring and understanding.

Mother in law - Gemini

Geminis are changeable and unpredictable. It's always fun and interesting with them, but it's very rarely calm. Whether this is a plus or a minus is up to everyone to decide for themselves! But one of the undoubted advantages is that a Gemini mother-in-law knows how to deftly and successfully solve everyday problems, making life comfortable and enjoyable. This rule also applies to her immediate environment. So don’t miss the opportunity to throw some of your everyday issues off your shoulders!

Mother-in-law - Cancer

The element of older Cancer women is emotional impulses, subtle experiences, high feelings. Family is always a priority for her. She laid down her life on the altar of raising her son. Yes exactly! More pathos in your voice when you read these lines. Then you will more accurately understand your mother-in-law’s mood. Being in agreement with this powerful person is not so easy, but it is possible if you use a little trick. Pretend that you sincerely share her indignation about the bad weather in Mozambique, the Bitcoin exchange rate and the color of the yarn in the handicraft shop. No matter how trivial her experiences may be at first glance, you can be sure that she takes the imperfections of the world very close to her heart!

Mother-in-law - Leo

This lady is a true extrovert and is always at the center of social life. Strict with everyone (except my son, of course). You won't do well either if you don't declare an active life position from the very beginning. Leos are drawn to strong personalities. So if your plans are to storm Kilimanjaro or become the first woman to land on the moon, tell your Leo mother-in-law about this and you will receive comprehensive support. If your plans for life are more modest, just keep quiet. After all, her ambitions are not your problem.

Mother-in-law - Virgo

Her outward calm often hides severe anxiety. The domineering Virgo mother-in-law worries that the young couple will make mistakes and tries her best to test boundaries. In general, an overdeveloped sense of responsibility and concern for loved ones is the real scourge of Virgos. Show your beloved's mother your prudence and you will find a faithful ally.

Mother-in-law - Libra

Incredibly sweet and pleasant. And this is not just a first impression. The Libra mother-in-law is truly like that - sincerely friendly, balanced, and committed to peaceful coexistence. I am ready to surround my son’s family with warmth and care. It happens that potential daughters-in-law develop even better relationships with such mothers-in-law than with their own mother. What should you pay attention to? If you take advantage of your mother-in-law’s kindness too much, she becomes too dissolved in her son’s family and loses her own boundaries.

Mother-in-law - Scorpio

Scorpio will rather harbor resentment than give vent to indignation. Be careful, the Scorpio mother-in-law is a born intriguer, she does not forget anything and can be extremely sophisticated in her impulses to take revenge. Her attitude towards the world around her largely depends on what she managed to achieve in life: losers are sharp-tongued and selfish, but those who are at the pinnacle of success strive to benefit as many people as possible.

Mother-in-law - Sagittarius

This is the case when it is better to love relatives from a distance. The farther, the stronger. Unfortunately, when taking on the role of mother-in-law, Sagittarius ladies often go to extremes and tend to dramatize even simple life situations. As many astrologers admit: being a friend of a Sagittarius is a pleasure, being his relative is a challenge. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule. So, if your Sagittarius mother-in-law is a pure angel, you are extremely lucky!

Mother-in-law - Capricorn

This lady is strict and reserved. She behaves extremely unemotionally, while passions are not at all alien to her. It’s just that people born under the sign of Capricorn hide all their experiences very, very deeply. By the way, we don’t recommend “ingratiating yourself”; on the contrary, it will plunge her into the abyss of unnecessary suspicion. She values ​​hard work in people, which means a well-kept home and a “fed” son, your husband, can melt the ice in her heart.

Mother-in-law - Aquarius

The ideal mother-in-law friend. True, having become close to his daughter-in-law, he loves to teach. Aquarius ladies are easily excitable, often lose self-control, and worry for a long time over the smallest incidents. Keep this in mind and provide the “second mother” with information in measured doses. Especially if you and your husband lead an active lifestyle. For example, calling from an airplane and saying that you are about to jump with a parachute is under no circumstances necessary. And when you land, don’t. A year after the “incident” you can show the photographs.

Mother in law - Pisces

People born under this zodiac sign are subject to emotions throughout their lives that they do not even try to hide. But you can avoid a “volcanic eruption” if, from the first day of meeting your Pisces mother-in-law, you keep your distance, agree with everything, and do it your own way. “Of course, Mom, this dress with purple hydrangeas goes amazingly with the color of the hair on my legs! How lucky you were to choose the style! And how well it hangs in the closet! Let it stay there..."
