Medicinal properties of the serviceberry berry, methods of its use, harvesting rules

The beneficial properties of serviceberry berries include an anti-inflammatory effect on the intestines, as well as the content of high concentrations of vitamins. The plant is credited with the ability to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and prevent atherosclerosis. Having an aesthetic appearance, the round-leaved serviceberry can be used to decorate garden plots, as well as as a hedge. In each season, irga is beautiful in its own way, and its beneficial fruits will help maintain health.

Full description of the plant

Irga ordinary (round-leaved), tolerates frost very well, is undemanding to the composition of the soil, and can easily withstand strong winds. This made the plant an honorable guest of every estate. In addition, the blooming irga is an excellent honey plant.


The plant came to the territory of the Russian Federation from Asia Minor, where there is a lot of both wild and cultivated forms of serviceberry. From Siberian places the plant quickly spread across the European continent.

At the moment, irga is often found in the Northern Hemisphere. Found in America and Africa. On the European continent it is distributed in the Center and South. The plant has spread very well throughout the Caucasus - in the Center, South and East. Often found on the Crimean peninsula. The greatest concentration of the range is observed in Korea, China, and Japan.

For its growth, irga chooses dry, well-lit slopes and edges in sparse forests. A sufficient amount of light is the main condition for the normal growing season of shadberry, allowing the plant to bear fruit well and resist diseases.

What does it look like

Unlike the Canadian serviceberry, which reaches a height of about eight meters, the round-leaved serviceberry grows very compactly, forming a small shrub, up to two and a half meters in height. The diameter of the crown often does not exceed the same indicators, and with heap planting it does not reach them. The shrub can withstand temperatures down to -50 °C. The flowering plant retains the ability to bear fruit down to -7 °C. Irga does not require a lot of moisture and a special air composition. As follows.

  • Roots.
  • The root system of the serviceberry is represented by long, cord-like roots that can penetrate two meters deep into the soil. Often, horizontal roots grow far beyond the shrub itself. Often the diameter of the root system is twice as large as the crown. It is this strong and deep anchorage that allows the shadberry to always receive the necessary substances from the soil, ensuring the plant’s growing season for 70 years.
  • Stems. They are represented by ascending woody branches with powerful trunk-like wood. Since the plant is perennial, the diameter of the trunks increases every year. In spring, shoots begin to grow from horizontal roots, which are represented by young flexible shoots with thin brown bark.
  • Leaves. In the serviceberry they are placed alternately on the branches, the fastening is long-petioled. The leaf blade has an ovoid or elliptical shape, the apex is rounded, the edge is often solid. The color of the leaf blade is rich green or light green, the surface is smooth, the structure is dense, venation is noticeable. By autumn, the leaves turn yellow-red and fall off. Young leaves may be covered with dense pubescence underneath.
  • Flowers. Appear on the plant from the end of April. Flowering can continue until mid-June. During it, white narrow flowers develop, collected 10 pieces in a brush, consisting of scutes. The diameter of each flower is 1.5 cm.

Fruits. The ripening of serviceberry fruits begins in early July and continues until the end of August. A characteristic feature of serviceberry is that one inflorescence can bear fully mature and completely green fruits. Externally, the spherical fruits resemble black currants, but have a bluish bloom. During ripening, the fruits turn red from green, and then turn black. The fruit is a false drupe with moderately juicy pulp and an insipid sweet taste. Greenish fruits taste sour. The diameter of one fruit rarely exceeds 1 cm.

Serviceberry bushes take root well, grow quickly, and tolerate pruning well. To form hedges, heap plantings are made to ensure compact shrub sizes.

What it contains

  • All parts of the plant to be harvested are rich in biologically active compounds. The greatest diversity is observed in the composition of the fruits.
  • Phytosterols.
  • They have vasoprotective properties. They normalize the permeability and resistance of vascular walls, improve peripheral blood supply, and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Prevent sclerotic vascular lesions.
  • Pectins.
  • Natural adsorbents that rid the body of toxic products. They have hepatoprotective properties.
  • Cellulose . Improves intestinal function and has mild choleretic properties.
  • Sahara. Sources of easily digestible glucose increase body tone. They charge with energy. Fatty oil.
  • Structural components of cell membranes are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and fat metabolism.
  • Tannins.

They have astringent, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, regenerating properties. Accelerate the healing of damage to the skin and mucous membranes.


Groups B, C, P, carotene. They have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and vascular walls. Vitamin C and carotene act as natural antioxidants that enhance immunity and prevent premature aging of the body.


It has astringent properties, therefore it is used for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, sore throat, periodontal disease). It can also be used to wash purulent wounds, since one of the effects of serviceberry is antibacterial. Serviceberry juice helps strengthen the cardiovascular system, creating reliable prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke, so its use is highly desirable for people in old age. Doctors recommend serviceberry juice as part of complex therapy for atherosclerosis to improve vision. Its additional property is to normalize the excitability of the nervous system, improve sleep quality, and is useful for children and adults. The juice quickly eliminates capillary fragility, relieves inflammation of the vascular walls, preventing their sclerotic damage.

Fresh and dried fruits

The use of serviceberry berries is indicated for adults and children over one year of age. Fresh serviceberry berries have the ability to eliminate intoxication, cleanse the intestines and blood, and treat diarrhea. Serviceberry berries improve metabolism; they can be eaten while on a diet, due to their low calorie content combined with a rich vitamin composition. In this case, the fruits will promote weight loss. The hypoglycemic effect turns irgu into a useful berry for diabetes. The fruits are able to cleanse the body of radionuclides, so their consumption is very useful during radiation therapy.

The medicinal properties of dried serviceberry berries are similar to those of fresh ones. They relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa during gastritis, and the intestinal mucosa during colitis. They have mild choleretic and diuretic properties. The antibacterial effect is appropriate for intestinal infections. For boils, you can apply dried berries, previously steamed with hot milk.

The use of serviceberry berries includes their internal use to prevent visual impairment or restore it. The plant will also be useful for various lesions of the retina and eye vessels.

Leaves and flowers

Treatment with irga at home involves the use of irgi flowers to improve heart function, prevent atherosclerosis, and reduce blood pressure. The leaves of the plant are used to prepare infusions with astringent properties. They can be used for diarrhea, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, and also for external use for skin diseases.


Serviceberry bark is actively used for the treatment of skin diseases - wounds, ulcers, as well as for inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes - stomatitis, sore throat, bleeding gums. A decoction of the bark can cure advanced trophic ulcers and bedsores.

To use for medicinal purposes, all parts of the plant must be thoroughly dried, and for storage, choose a dry, well-ventilated place to prevent the raw material from becoming damp.

Preparation of medicinal plant raw materials

Traditional medicine recommends harvesting the fruits, leaves, flowers and bark of the plant. They are collected at different times and prepared by drying. Serviceberry fruits can be frozen, juice extracted from them, or jam, preserves, or compote can be made. Even dessert dishes can be used in dietary nutrition, thanks to the low calorie content of the berry. The rules for harvesting plant parts are as follows.

  • Harvesting bark.
  • Starts after the first frost. It is better to remove it from branches cut to form the crown. The bark is removed from the wood. Lay out in the open air, protected from ultraviolet radiation, or dry in a dryer at a temperature of about 60 ° C. Store raw materials in a paper bag in a well-ventilated dark room for up to a year. Preparation of leaves.
  • To prepare irgi leaves, it is necessary to combine the beginning of collection with the beginning of flowering of the plant. Leaves are cut or picked and sorted for spoilage. After this, lay out a thin layer in the shade. Dry until completely dry and store in paper bags for a year. Preparation of flowers.
  • It is carried out simultaneously with the harvesting of leaves. The peculiarity of flowers is the need for very fast drying, so the flowers are laid out in one layer in the open air, or with through ventilation, with the obligatory shading of the tray. Harvesting fruits.

The fruits ripen at different times, but do not fall off the stalks, so they can be harvested as they ripen, starting in August. It is undesirable to collect reddish berries; only black ones are suitable for harvesting. It is also better not to pick slightly wrinkled berries, since some of the valuable substances in them have already been destroyed. The berries are dried in a draft or in the open air; it is advisable to place pallets with raw materials in warm attics. Dried serviceberry fruits can be stored in paper bags until the next harvest.


The benefits of serviceberry manifest itself both in treatment and in cooking. For therapeutic purposes, infusions, decoctions, and tinctures are prepared from leaves, flowers and fruits. Berries rich in pectins are actively used for making jellies, fruit drinks, jams and other desserts. Dried fruits are added to porridges and sauces to give dishes a special, unique taste. Juice, wine, compotes, and jelly are also made from serviceberry.


Peculiarities . The method is suitable as a preparation, since the juice is also used for therapeutic purposes and retains almost all the beneficial properties of the fruit.


  1. The collected ripe irgi berries are placed in a dry place for a week, spread out in one layer on sheets of paper, newspaper or cling film.
  2. The juice is extracted using a juicer, mixed with granulated sugar (300 g of sand per liter).
  3. For better dissolution, the mixture can be slightly heated over low heat.
  4. After this, the syrup is rolled into sterile jars.


Peculiarities. It has vitaminizing and restorative properties. Improves digestion.


  1. A kilogram of washed and dried serviceberry berries is poured into pre-cooked, still hot sugar syrup, for which 800 g of sugar and 200 g of water are taken.
  2. To prepare jam from serviceberry, a mixture of berries and syrup is boiled for 15 minutes, stirring the mixture regularly.
  3. At the end of cooking, add citric acid (2 g) to the jam, cool slightly, pour into sterile jars and seal.


Peculiarities. The infusion can relieve prolonged diarrhea and normalize microflora. The medicinal properties of serviceberry berries can eliminate acute manifestations of hemorrhoids.

Preparation and use

  1. A couple of tablespoons of dried berries are poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. After wrapping the container, infuse the product for two hours.
  3. After straining, squeeze out the cake and consume a third of a glass orally, three times a day, before meals.


Peculiarities. The product is suitable for external use to treat any skin problems.

Preparation and use

  1. A tablespoon of bark is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Place the mixture in a boiling water bath and heat for half an hour.
  3. After complete cooling, the product is filtered and used for rinsing and washing in its pure form.

Water tincture

Peculiarities . Helps get rid of diarrhea, gastritis, colitis.

Preparation and use

  1. A tablespoon of crushed dry leaves is poured into a cup of water.
  2. The leaves are infused for an hour, after which they are filtered.
  3. Take several tablespoons orally, three times a day, before meals. Use externally as a rinse.

Flower preparation

Peculiarities. Used for initial forms of hypertension, to reduce blood pressure, as well as to normalize sleep under increased psychological stress.

Preparation and use

  1. A couple of teaspoons of dried flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Infuse the product for 15 minutes.
  3. Drink the strained infusion half an hour before your intended bedtime.

Cautions before use

When planning to start treatment with serviceberry or simply eat the berries, it is important to become familiar with the side effects that the berry may exhibit.

  • Effect on blood. Irga helps thin the blood. If you have bleeding disorders and a tendency to bleed, eating berries can cause hemorrhages. The berry is contraindicated for patients with hemophilia.
  • Effect on pressure. Irga helps eliminate spasms of blood vessels and expand their lumens, which can cause a decrease in pressure. In hypotensive patients it may be excessive.
  • Effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The astringent properties of the berry are undesirable if you are prone to constipation, as well as during pregnancy. Patients who have problems with stool should consume the fruits very carefully.
  • Effect on the central nervous system.

Berries in large quantities can cause lethargy and drowsiness, so drivers and people working with complex mechanisms should use them with caution.

According to doctors, vitamin berries can be given to children as young as one year old. Nursing mothers should avoid eating irgi during the first months of breastfeeding. Contraindications for serviceberry berries include individual sensitivity reactions.

Other benefits of the plant

Serviceberry bushes are very popular in gardening. At any time of the year, this plant will delight its owners: in spring – with snow-white flowers, in summer – with bright fruits, in autumn – with colorful orange-red foliage. Gardeners note the only harm of serviceberry - the rapid growth of root shoots, which the owners will have to regularly fight to maintain the shape of the plantings.
