Polysorb is a miracle powder. Truth or myth?

We receive a huge amount of information about the drug Polysorb :

  • From the admiring words that Polysorb saves lives in cases of severe poisoning and becomes an indispensable medicine for chronic diseases,
  • From words of gratitude that after a course of 14 days the condition of the skin and general well-being improves,
  • To the point of negative thoughts that the powder that cures diarrhea cannot help with allergies and cleansing the body, and in general, removes all useful microelements and vitamins.

We are grateful to everyone who recommends the drug to their loved ones and leaves positive reviews. We gratefully accept criticism about the product, this gives us an incentive to better inform people about , to remove misunderstandings and clearly explain real data based on many years of experience and research. After all, we have something to rely on: over the 20 years that Polysorb has been present in Russian pharmacies, we have collected a huge amount of scientific evidence about the beneficial properties of the drug, thanks to which the lives of millions of Russian residents have become better! And at the moment, Polysorb is conquering the market in Europe and the USA, and this means that the drug has passed quality tests and a lot of clinical studies not only in Russia, but also abroad.

But, despite these facts, people still have a lot of myths and misunderstandings regarding our drug. Here are the most frequently asked questions and misconceptions about Polysorb:

“Polysorb is only for poisoning »

Yes, the most famous reason for using Polysorb is precisely the fight against poisoning. But this does not mean that the range of use of the drug ends there. Thanks to its main sorbent - collect on yourself Protein molecules, Polysorb is able to remove toxins, allergens, heavy metal salts, radionuclides, bacteria, poisons, alcohol breakdown products and many other substances harmful to our health from the body.

That is why Polysorb is a universal remedy and has found its application , And , e , , , .

“Polysorb removes beneficial microelements”

High safety requirements are applied to Polysorb sorbent, in particular regarding the interaction with beneficial intestinal microflora and the preservation of vitamins after taking the drug. It is important to understand that one of the advantages of Polysorb over analogues (smectins, gels, tablets) is that you use a pure active substance in powder form without flavoring or chemical additives, which are not absorbed into the blood and do not injure the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

Polysorb works, and it is in this place that the drug collects harmful substances and toxins, while beneficial microelements are located on the intestinal walls and does not have a significant effect on them. Numerous studies have proven that the use of Polysorb does not have any negative effects on the body. Thanks to all this, Polysorb is approved for children from birth, pregnant and lactating women.

“Cleansing the body with Polysorb does not work”

It works, it still works! The words “doesn’t work” usually hide people’s expectations. Unfortunately, no drug will produce a magic wand effect or visible transformation in one dose.

We value our reputation and do not make false promises, so we say with confidence that there will be no magical effect after 1 spoon of Polysorb, but in the functioning of your intestines and, as a result, you will feel an improvement in your well-being after taking a course of 14 days.

: Our intestines are surrounded by a large number of blood and lymphatic vessels. From there, various toxins, allergens and harmful biologically active substances constantly reach the surface of the intestinal mucosa and are absorbed back into the blood.

It is at this moment that the very opportunity to help our body appears.

, which is already in the intestine, passing through it, these harmful substances (since they are free in the intestinal lumen and some are loosely attached to the villi of its membrane), after which they are excreted along with these substances naturally.

We can conclude that many myths and misconceptions about the drug Polysorb are extremely incorrect. Of course, you always need to know when to stop, use the drug according to the instructions, and not consider that Polysorb is a panacea that will save us from all troubles and suffering. But the fact remains that the drug copes with its main functions (removing harmful substances from the intestines) perfectly, and therefore works perfectly for its indications. This is confirmed by millions of clients across the country who are grateful to Polysorb for prompt assistance in a variety of situations!

Keep Polysorb in your medicine cabinet and stay healthy!

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Application of Polysorb


Why Polysorb MP?


Polysorb MP does not contain any additives or flavorings, so the drug does not have a toxic effect and does not cause allergies. The drug is not absorbed into the blood and does not pass through the liver and kidneys, due to which it has virtually no contraindications. Enterosorbent Polysorb MP is highly safe and is prescribed to children from birth and pregnant women.


The sorption surface of Polysorb MP for internal use is 300 m2/g, which is significantly higher than that of most enterosorbents available on the Russian and foreign markets. The drug is able to bind any harmful substances.


During treatment, the first minutes of illness play a special role, when it is necessary to quickly provide assistance to the victim, relieve intoxication, and improve overall well-being. Here Polysorb MP comes to the rescue again, which, thanks to its unique spatial structure, begins to act immediately after entering the intestines and is able to radically change the situation in a matter of moments.

Operating principle

Harmful substances such as allergens, toxins and all kinds of pathogenic bacteria provoke the development of diseases and a general deterioration in well-being;

Polysorb, entering the intestines, surrounds harmful bacteria and removes them from the body;

Polysorb absorbs toxins and allergens of different sizes, which makes it possible to cope with various poisonings and allergies equally effectively;


Directions for use and doses

Indications for use

pharmachologic effect

Side effects and contraindications

Polysorb - dosage and method of application

Firstly, Polysorb is always taken in the form of an aqueous suspension, that is, the powder is mixed with 1/4 - 1/2 cup of water, and is never taken dry orally.

Secondly, the amount of powder to take depends on body weight, that is, you need to know the approximate weight of the adult or child who will drink it. There cannot be an overdose, which eliminates concerns when determining the dose.

Patient weight Dosage Water volume
up to 10 kg 0.5-1.5 teaspoons per day 30-50 ml
11-20 kg 1 level teaspoon per serving 30-50 ml
21-30 kg 1 heaped teaspoon per serving 50-70 ml
31-40 kg 2 heaped teaspoons per serving 70-100 ml
41-60 kg 1 heaped tablespoon for 1 serving 100 ml
more than 60 kg 1-2 heaped tablespoons per serving 100-150 ml

Patient weight

The specific dosage of Polysorb is calculated depending on the indication for use (see below), the patient’s weight and symptoms. In case of difficulty with the calculation, you can get a free consultation by phone: 8-800-100-19-89 , or in the section .

1 heaped teaspoon of Polysorb contains 1 gram of the drug.
1 gram is the most recommended single pediatric dosage.
1 heaped tablespoon of Polysorb contains 2.5-3 grams of the drug.
3 grams is the average single adult dosage.

Method of use of Polysorb for main indications

Disease Mode of application Reception features Number of receptions Duration
During meals or immediately after
3 times a day 10-14 days
Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water 3 times a day 10-14 days
stomach with 0.5-1% Polysorb solution ((2-4 tablespoons per 1 liter of water)
Next – ingestion of Polysorb suspension depending on body weight 3 times a day 3-5 days
Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water: 1 day - take every hour.
Day 2 – dose four times a day.
3-4 times a day 5-7 days
From the first days of illness
Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water
3-4 times a day 7-10 days
Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water 3 times a day 7-14 days

Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water Reception as part of complex treatment 3-4 times a day 25-30 days
Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water One hour before meals or one hour after meals 3 times a day 10-14 days
Day 1 – take 5 times a day every hour.
Day 2 – take 4 times a day every hour.
Drink more fluids 1 day – 5 times.
Day 2 – 4 times.
2 days

Take 1 dose: before the feast, before bed after the feast, in the morning. 1 per day 3 days


Food allergies

Mode of application:
Reception features: During meals or immediately after
Number of receptions: 3 times a day
Duration: 10-14 days

Chronic allergies, urticaria, hay fever, atopy

Mode of application: Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water
Reception features: One hour before meals or one hour after meals
Number of receptions: 3 times a day
Duration: 10-14 days


Mode of application: Gastric lavage with 0.5-1% Polysorb solution (2-4 tablespoons per 1 liter of water)
Reception features: Next - oral administration of a suspension of Polysorb MP depending on body weight
Number of receptions: 3 times a day
Duration: 3-5 days

Intestinal infections

Mode of application: Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water: 1 day - take every hour. Day 2 – dose four times a day.
Reception features: Reception as part of complex treatment
Number of receptions: 3-4 times a day
Duration: 5-7 days

Viral hepatitis

Mode of application: From the first days of illness. Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water
Reception features: Reception as part of complex treatment
Number of receptions: 3-4 times a day
Duration: 7-10 days

Cleansing the body

Mode of application: Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water
Reception features: One hour before meals or one hour after meals
Number of receptions: 3 times a day
Duration: 7-14 days

Chronic renal failure

Mode of application: Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water
Reception features: Reception as part of complex treatment
Number of receptions: 3-4 times a day
Duration: 25-30 days

Toxicosis of pregnant women

Mode of application: Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water
Reception features: One hour before meals or one hour after meals
Number of receptions: 3 times a day
Duration: 10-14 days


Mode of application: Day 1 – take 5 times a day every hour. Day 2 – take 4 times a day every hour.
Reception features: Drink more fluids
Number of receptions: 1 day – 5 times. Day 2 – 4 times.
Duration: 2 days

Polysorb is a modern sorbent with a wide spectrum of action that binds harmful substances and removes them from the body. Polysorb is used for diseases such as,. Polysorb is also used to remove toxins and harmful substances. Approved for use from birth.

If you have difficulty calculating your individual dose of Polysorb, you can getfree consultation by phone:8-800-100-19-89 , or in the sectionconsultations.

You can purchase Polysorb at any pharmacy in your city. For your convenience, you can use the serviceapteka.ru , which will deliver the drug to a conveniently located pharmacy.

Polysorb- a powerful new generation sorbent based on natural silicon, effective for the treatment of diarrhea, poisoning, allergies, toxicosis, hangover syndrome and for cleansing the body.

Indications for use:

Acute and chronic intoxication of various origins in adults and children;

Acute intestinal infections of any origin, including food poisoning, as well as diarrheal syndrome of non-infectious origin, dysbacteriosis (as part of complex therapy);

Purulent-septic diseases accompanied by severe intoxication;

Acute poisoning with potent and toxic substances, including drugs and alcohol, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals, etc.;

Food and drug allergies;

Viral hepatitis and other jaundices (hyperbilirubinemia);

Chronic renal failure (hyperazotemia);

Residents of environmentally unfavorable regions and workers of hazardous industries, for the purpose of prevention.

What are the main advantages of Polysorb?

The highest sorption surface among sorbents is 300 m2/g.

High safety profile - 18 years of experience in using Polysorb in Russia.

Instant speed of action immediately after entering the gastrointestinal tract, relief occurs 2-4 minutes after administration.

Prescribed to children from birth, pregnant and lactating women, elderly and adults.

Get consultation or check out the nearest In your city.

Shelf life: 5 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Storage conditions: At a temperature not higher than 25°C. After opening the package, store in a tightly closed container. The shelf life of the aqueous suspension is no more than 48 hours. Keep out of the reach of children.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: Without a prescription.

Telephone free hotline for consultations:8-800-100-19-89

Polysorb- inorganic non-selective polyfunctional enterosorbent based on highly dispersed silica with particle sizes up to 0.09 mm and with the chemical formula SiO2.

Polysorbhas pronounced sorption and detoxification properties. In the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract the drugbinds and removes from the body endogenous and exogenous toxic substances of various nature, including pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, antigens, food allergens, drugs and poisons, heavy metal salts, radionuclides, alcohol.

Polysorbalso absorbs some metabolic products of the body, incl. excess bilirubin, urea, cholesterol and lipid complexes, as well as metabolites responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis.

Polysorb has pronounced sorption and detoxification properties. In the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug binds and removes harmful toxic substances from the body, including pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, antigens, food allergens, drugs and poisons, heavy metal salts, radionuclides, alcohol. Polysorb, like a magnet, also attracts some metabolic products of the body, including excess bilirubin, urea, cholesterol and lipid complexes, as well as metabolic products responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis. The drug is not broken down, not absorbed, and is excreted unchanged.

Compared with the old generation sorbent activated carbon, powder Polysorb– a new generation enterosorbent with a high speed of operation – action within 2-4 minutes after administration (no time is required to dissolve the tablets). 1 tablespoon of Polysorb powder replaces 120 tablets of activated carbon in terms of the volume of its sorption surface, envelops the gastrointestinal tract as thoroughly as possible and collects all harmful substances, accordingly, the quality of its work is much higher. In addition, drinking a small amount of powder with water is much more pleasant than swallowing dozens of tablets several times a day, which is why patients prefer an aqueous suspension of Polysorb. Over two decades, Polysorb has “settled” in every third family. Doctors know the drug well, thanks to its long experience of use in Russia and the CIS countries and the maximum qualities by which enterosorbent is evaluated.

Rarely- allergic reactions, dyspepsia, constipation. Long-term use of Polysorb for more than 14 days may impair the absorption of vitamins and calcium, and therefore prophylactic use of multivitamin preparations and calcium is recommended.

Interaction with other medications. It is possible that the therapeutic effect of medications taken orally may be reduced.

Contraindications: Polysorb 3 gram sachet Cans of 12, 25, 50 grams

Bag3 grams– a single dose in a convenient pocket package.
12 grams– the volume of the full course of treatment for the child.
25 grams– a necessary product in the home first aid kit for any occasion for the whole family.
35 grams– a three-day course for the treatment of diarrhea in an adult.
50 grams– a complete course of treatment for adults in economical packaging.
