Polysorb for cleansing the body reviews, instructions for use, dosage, indications, price

The drug Polysorb is intended for cleansing the body, reviews about it are excellent from both users and doctors.

Today we will learn how to take Polysorb, what problems it will help solve, what ailments it can get rid of, whether it can be used by children, how to use the drug correctly and, of course, we will find out its cost (price).

Recommended for everyone who leads a healthy lifestyle. Cleansing the body occupies an important place in a healthy lifestyle. I am often asked how one can safely cleanse the body without using dietary supplements, that is, pharmaceutical products.

Of course, it is better to cleanse in a natural way - through food and fractional nutrition, but in the modern world people pay little attention to fractional nutrition - and then Polysorb will help put many systems of the body in order, removing poisons and toxins, mucus and oxidized foods.

Polysorb MP is a new generation enterosorbent or drug that binds and retains toxins, pathogenic microflora, various allergens and poisons.

Has a wide range of action. This powder is soluble in water and is not absorbed in the intestines. It is completely excreted naturally in the feces. The active substance is silicon dioxide.

It starts working almost immediately after administration (within 3-4 minutes). It is not contraindicated for children of all ages, pregnant women and can be used during breastfeeding.

Polysorb: price or how much Polysorb costs

Today the cost of the drug is relatively low. The difference in price depends on the weight of the powder in the package.

The release form is in powders of 3 grams, which is equal to a single daily dose, and in jars of 12, 25 and 50 grams.

See below for the exact cost of each package:

As you can see, the price of Polysorb ranges from 35 rubles for a disposable package weighing 3 grams to 350 rubles for 50 grams of powder in a jar.

How to take the drug

The duration of administration and dose of the drug vary depending on the indication for use. There are several general rules for taking the drug:

The sooner treatment begins, the faster the positive effect will occur. In order for the therapeutic effect to be greater, Polysorb must be taken separately from other medications.

The sorbent neutralizes the effect of antibacterial drugs, so it should be used after recovery from a bacterial infection. Promotes the removal of harmful microorganisms and toxic substances.

It is recommended to use the sorbent for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in a course (7-14 days). Then getting rid of harmful metabolic products will be more effective.

Instructions for preparing a suspension of the drug for internal use consist of the following steps:

There are some peculiarities of taking the drug for various diseases, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking it.

As soon as the drug in the form of an aqueous suspension enters the stomach, it begins to collect all harmful substances on its surface.

In contact with water, Polysorb particles form unique spatial structures that easily bind waste and bacteria, poisons and toxins on their surface.

In the intestines, the sorbent, like a sponge, completely absorbs harmful substances, bacteria, allergens and toxins of bacterial origin.

Acts only inside the intestines. The sorbent itself is not absorbed by the intestinal walls and is not absorbed into the blood. It is excreted directly in the feces unchanged, taking with it all harmful substances.

Polysorb for cleansing the body reviews: why it is necessary to cleanse the body, indications for use

Before we find out in what cases Polysorb is used to cleanse the body reviews, let’s find out why it is necessary to cleanse the body.

Why is it necessary to cleanse the body?

In the process of our life, the body is constantly exposed to harmful substances. Cleansing the body is a necessary measure to prevent many diseases.

This helps strengthen the immune system, improve the digestion process, and increase mental and physical activity. The so-called general cleaning of the body occurs.

It can be done safely with the help of Polysorb, thereby improving the quality of life and health for many years, and getting rid of many ailments.

In what cases is Polysorb used?

Polysorb is a universal enterosorbent. Therefore, the scope of its application is quite wide:

  • various types of poisoning (poisons and toxic substances, food, alcohol and drugs)
  • intoxication of any origin and course (acute, chronic)
  • skin diseases (dermatoses, eczema, psoriasis)
  • infections (intestinal, viral)
  • for cosmetic purposes (acne masks)
  • in hazardous industries for preventive purposes
  • treatment of liver and kidney pathologies
  • simple body cleansing

The drug is taken orally only in diluted form. Be sure to follow the instructions for use. The dose of sorbent depends on the reason for use, weight and symptoms. It is not recommended to use the drug on your own; consult your doctor.

Preventative cleansing

Cleansing for preventive purposes should be carried out several times a year, at least twice. Especially if there is a love of junk food, frequent stress and colds, and metabolic disorders.

In this case, toxins and allergens that have entered the body will be removed.

For this purpose, Polysorb is taken right before meals. Strict adherence to the dose of powder is necessary; the amount of water can be slightly exceeded. The duration of such cleansing depends on the intensity of the provoking factors.

You can take the drug in a course of 1 week for 3 months.

As an emergency treatment for poisoning, gastric lavage is done with a polysorb solution (2 grams per 100 ml). Then after 3 hours drink with sorbent (6 grams).

The remaining 6 grams are given to drink in several approaches every hour and a half. The next day, the suspension is consumed four times, 3 grams each. Course duration is from 3 to 5 days.

I offer an interesting comparison of Polysorb and activated carbon in terms of effectiveness in cases of poisoning:


To treat various infections, use dosage regimens according to the instructions for use. The drug significantly reduces the time of intoxication. Recovery occurs much faster.

When treating viral infections, the use of Polysorb can reduce the load on the immune system. The sorbent is included in the complex therapy of infections. In any case, you should consult a doctor to prescribe treatment.

Use of Polysorb for cosmetic purposes. Polysorb mask

A sorbent suspension helps cure acne on the face. According to enthusiastic reviews from patients, procedures with Polysorb helped get rid of inflammation on the face and made the skin smooth and elastic.

This may be due to the fact that enterosorbent acts on the skin in the same way as in the intestines - it collects and removes various toxins, thereby cleansing the skin and tightening pores.

For this purpose, prepare a mask from diluted powder (1 spoon of sorbent / 200 ml of water). The resulting mass in the form of a paste is applied to the face for 15 minutes.

After washing off the mask with water, you need to apply a nourishing cream to the skin. It is recommended to do a cleansing mask once a week. When treating acne, do it every day, also taking a solution of Polysorb in the form of a suspension internally - then the effect is much better.

How to prepare a suspension for internal use is described above.

Alcoholism and Polysorb

It is unlikely to help cure alcoholism, but it will help get rid of alcohol intoxication (hangover). To prevent a hangover, drink a suspension of the drug before drinking alcohol.

In case of alcohol poisoning, the Polysorb suspension is taken for 3-5 days; in case of chronic binge drinking, the intake should be longer, up to 10 days.

Polysorb for allergies: how to take

Polysorb is able to quickly localize acute allergic manifestations, bind and remove allergens from the body.

For these purposes, a suspension is prepared from the powder and administered into the intestines as an enema to remove a large amount of the allergen at once. Subsequently, the enterosorbent is consumed orally 3 times a day until recovery.

For chronic allergies, Polysorb is taken for a long time, in courses of 10 to 20 days, with mandatory breaks of 15 to 20 days.

Polysorb is safe for a pregnant woman and does not threaten the health of the fetus; it is completely protected from the effects of the drug. Expectant mothers take the drug to get rid of symptoms of toxicosis, vomiting, and poisoning. Use with caution for constipation and hemorrhoids.

We should not forget that the drug removes both harmful substances and vitamins and microelements from the body. Therefore, during pregnancy, you should not use the drug for a long time, and after taking it, take a course of vitamin therapy.

Polysorb for children, how and in what cases to take

Polysorb is not contraindicated for children at any age, even infants and newborns. The drug is used occasionally, only when problems occur.

Used for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as:

  • diathesis, allergies
  • gastrointestinal disorder
  • for the treatment of food, intestinal poisoning and infections
  • dysbacteriosis

At the first signs of the disease, the powder is diluted in water and drunk fresh an hour before or after a meal.

The dose is calculated individually, taking into account body weight. Usually this is the child’s weight divided by 10, which is how a single dose of the drug is obtained. Use the powder 4-5 times a day.

According to the instructions, Polysorb for infants and newborns is recommended to be used only as prescribed by a doctor. It is often used for intestinal colic in the first months of a baby's life.

Literally 1-4 minutes after taking the medicine - and the child feels relief, stops crying and sleeps normally.

How to give Polysorb to children? Dilute half a teaspoon of powder in 30 ml of water (warm) and let it drink until the flakes settle to the bottom. The child needs to drink the water suspension 5-6 times throughout the day. Can be added to compote, milk, soup, juice.

There are analogues of Polysorb, which also do not enter the blood, collect toxins and exit through the rectum:

  • Smecta
  • Filtrum
  • Enterosgel
  • Polyphepan
  • Carbolong
  • Sorbex
  • Atoxyl

Sometimes, when taking sorbents, children may vomit if the permissible dosage is exceeded. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations.

Slimming effect from sorbent

Once inside, the drug swells and fills the stomach. As a result, food consumption decreases. This promotes weight loss.

Along with waste and toxins, extra pounds are removed. This effect is especially popular among women. Sometimes the weight of toxins is quite significant - 8-10 kg, and due to their binding and removal by Polysorb, weight loss occurs.

Due to swelling, the sorbent reduces the feeling of hunger and shortens the residence time of food in the digestive tract. To use the drug as an additional means for losing weight, you need to consult a nutritionist.


The drug has earned positive reviews from doctors. They believe that it effectively cleanses the body of toxins, allergens, and toxins. It is important not to violate the rules for taking the drug, dosage and timing. But despite the positive reviews , the drug has some contraindications:

  • stomach ulcer
  • stomach bleeding
  • individual intolerance
  • decreased or absent intestinal motility (atony)

An overdose of the drug can lead to disorders of the digestive tract. Because along with harmful substances, a small amount of beneficial bacteria is removed from the intestines. Normally, after some time the beneficial microflora will be restored.

Uncontrolled use of Polysorb leads to a decrease in vitamins and microelements in the body. To prevent a deficiency of these substances, vitamin and mineral complexes are used.

Therefore, in order not to undermine your health, you should not use the drug without consulting a doctor.

Today the purpose of our article was to find out what Polysorb is for cleansing the body reviews,
how and why to take Polysorb, what problems it will help solve, what ailments it will relieve, and also whether it can be used by children, how to use the drug correctly and what its cost (price) is.

Health to you and your children!
