Prepare lamb eggs. Lamb eggs: benefits and harms, cooking methods

People have been eating eggs of domestic animals or, scientifically, testes for a long time. Dishes, the main ingredient of which are the reproductive organs of bulls and rams, are considered a delicacy in many countries around the world. And, as it turns out, not in vain.

Myths of Ancient Greece

Even in ancient times, legends circulated about the miraculous properties of livestock testes. For example, participants in the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece consumed bull testicles immediately before the competition. The Greeks believed that in this way the strength of this powerful animal was transferred to them, thanks to which the reward for victory would not be long in coming.

In many countries of the world, and in Europe in particular, the testes of bulls and rams were used for medicinal purposes. Basically, healers recommended them to men who, for one reason or another, were losing their virility. And in France, lamb testicles were even considered an excellent remedy for female frigidity.

And in fact…

In fact, animal testes contain a large amount of protein (13%), which is also easily absorbed by the human body. Lamb and bovine eggs are very nutritious, their calorie content is about 230 Kcal per 100 grams of product. Therefore, it would not be surprising if the ancient Greeks actually experienced some kind of uplift after such a meal.

In addition, the testes of bulls and rams are not oversaturated with fat, of which these organs contain only 34%. That is why they can be eaten even by those who are on a diet or people prone to obesity.

Also, cattle testicles are rich in vitamins B, E, H and PP, as well as minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron, sodium and iodine.

As for the treatment of impotence using the testes of a bull or ram, doctors are quite skeptical about this kind of witchcraft. Animal testicles do contain the male hormone testosterone. However, it is unlikely that animal hormones have any effect on the human body. Moreover, in order for this to actually happen, theoretically, the testes should be eaten raw, since during heat treatment the hormones simply disappear. Eating raw eggs is extremely dangerous to health, just like poorly cooked meat.

Faint-hearted and particularly susceptible males should probably skip this post, since the recipe describes and illustrates the cutting of the main product in detail. At the same time, please take into account that in the Caucasus (and in Asia in general) lamb eggs are considered a delicacy and are offered as a treat to the most dear guests. This dish is really very tender and tasty - I advise you to try it.

Ingredients needed:

4 lamb eggs

3 fairly large onions

A couple of sweet peppers (preferably different colors - it’s more fun)

400 g broccoli and cauliflower mixture

2 medium garlic cloves

Oil for frying

Since lamb eggs are sold unshelled, the hard shell must be removed from them. To do this, we make this cut:

and carefully peel out the tender inner part (it comes off quite easily).

This is the picture we get.

We cut each specimen lengthwise into 8 parts.

It is worth noting that lamb eggs release a lot of liquid during heat treatment. In order not to have to worry about evaporating the latter in a frying pan, boil the chopped product in salted water for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, chop the onion not very finely and fry until half cooked in olive oil.

Add chopped peppers and broccoli with cauliflower to the onions. Add a finely chopped clove of garlic there. Salt. Fry covered until done.

In another frying pan, fry boiled eggs with the addition of black and red pepper (a pinch each) and a finely chopped clove of garlic. Salt to taste.

Once all the ingredients are ready, mix them and leave under the lid on low heat for another 5-7 minutes.

All. The dish is ready.

Bon appetit!

Our dear guests!

It's no secret that we all love to eat well, and one of our favorite dishes is Lamb's eggs. Therefore, many people, especially our beloved women, sooner or later wonder: how to cook lamb eggs. A simple recipe was written especially for you, which briefly and clearly explains how to cook Lamb eggs at home. Here, all the recipes are written in simple, understandable words, so even the most inexperienced cook can easily prepare. For this purpose, special recipes have been created with detailed photographs and step-by-step descriptions of the preparation steps. By following the written recipe, you can easily prepare this delicious dish and feel its beneficial properties and impeccable taste. If you, dear readers, after viewing this material still do not understand, how to cook lamb eggs, then we suggest you look at our other recipes.

Lamb eggs, just like the testes of hogs and bulls, belong to the category of delicacy products. Residents of many Arab countries prefer to use this delicate and specific product as a decoration for delicious pilaf. Only the most honored and respected guests are given the right to taste this delicacy.

It should be noted that while lamb eggs are in a raw state, their size is much larger than after the heat treatment process - frying or boiling.

The quality of lamb eggs is quite easy to determine by eye - they are characterized by a pink color with veins that have a lilac tint. This product should feel elastic to the touch. Never buy lamb eggs that have a soft and inelastic consistency, as well as an unhealthy greenish or grayish color - such a product has already expired.

Before you start preparing a dish from lamb eggs, you need to completely peel them from the shell. Since it is quite durable, you should use a well-sharpened kitchen knife. First you need to make a small and shallow cut, after which you need to turn the eggs inside out and very carefully and carefully manually separate the core from the skin. At the next stage, the product must be cut into several equal parts and washed thoroughly.

It is worth noting that lamb eggs are prepared according to the same recipes as animal kidneys. In their taste properties, lamb eggs are similar to pork eggs, however, their taste is more subtle and delicate. One of the advantages of lamb eggs is that, unlike kidneys, they do not have to be soaked for some time.

Composition and beneficial properties

Lamb eggs are beneficial to human health as they are an excellent source of natural animal protein. This product is quite easily digested in the body and is very nutritious. Many people are confident that lamb eggs help increase potency. But in truth, for this it would be necessary to eat them raw, since any heat treatment completely destroys the hormones contained in lamb eggs that are responsible for male strength.

Yes, lamb mutton... Competitive!

Accept the final recipe for the hot competition dish for everyone to gossip about and let justice be done, as they say)
P.S. I immediately apologize wildly for not having time to add New Year’s symbolism to the dish. Not allowed! They just didn’t give it! They ate it so quickly that I had time to try it myself.
Well, just a piece...

So, I have one recipe, exclusively for men, delicious and, most importantly, very healthy. Initially, the East didn’t let me sleep peacefully, and my love for oriental cuisine probably came after living in Mongolia, and from my father’s roots, but that’s not what we’re talking about.
So, let's meet (drum roll!)

...And in the cold winter, and in the green spring
And with you and with me, these are eggs.
You'll wake up at dawn
Do you hear the children laughing?
If only there were these
These are Eggs...(c)

Let's start with the main product itself:

Or as in the nursery rhyme: “Early in the morning, two rams met on the bridge...”.
Well, you see what’s actually left of them) (I’ll tell you a secret right away,
the dragon didn’t want to give his own away cheaply - we’ll have to limit ourselves to what’s left of the rams
and bring them in the wok to the taste of dragon).

Let's add to this: a couple onions, coriander, garlic, cilantro, cumin, scallop sauce, wine to set the mood, salt pepper taste:

In the preparation of this dish, an important part is occupied by cleaning the product, which has its own technology. The whole thing that you see in the picture needs to be cleaned, or in other words, to get out what is hidden under the shell.

For particularly sensitive people, I immediately warn you - during this procedure the smell is specific. So if you want to amaze your friends with a new unusual dish, then they can be allowed into the kitchen only at the stage of final frying and explain to them that this is a fillet of a new chicken raised using special technology

Let's return to the technology, in photo 2 you see the product deep frozen, so the main task is to defrost it so that the top layer is already slightly defrosted, but the insides remain frozen. Believe me, this will greatly facilitate the extraction process. We make a neat shallow incision (it’s just a surgical incision)

And we turn the eggs inside out, like taking off a jacket. As a result, we get such “naked ones”...

...which we immediately cut into strips with a sharp knife.

The second important part of the technology: it is necessary to boil the final product for 10-15 minutes. This will remove the smell and moisture, which would prevent us from frying the product normally, turning everything into a stewing process at once. After cooking:

Prepare finely chopped garlic, cilantro and onion.

Heat the wok on the fire and send the boiled product there:

The girls, meanwhile, propose to celebrate 2011 homemade whiskey with a freshly opened jar of salty drinks:

Add onion to the fried eggs, stir and let fry:

Add seasonings:

And pour the scallop sauce and just a little wine.

Turn off the heat, let it sit for a while, add chopped cilantro and garlic on top:

Let it breathe under the lid, stir and place on a plate.

Let's take a close-up:

And we send it to the table...

Having managed to add only a couple of sprigs of greenery...

The end result of all this was that the dish sold out, never making it into 2012,
the dragon was left with no loss, and the two stubborn rams could not reach an agreement on the bridge...

P.S. In the East, there is an opinion that a man who consumes this dish regularly and in advance has all the prerequisites for procreation as part of his surname...

Yours sincerely,
Siberian CoT.

For those who are impressionable, please remove them immediately.
I’m glad to present everyone else, Lamb’s eggs, and the right “testicles”
Have you tried it? In vain...
This is just a name that is so scary and disgusting for some, but in fact it is the most delicate and delicious product!
And it takes about 15 minutes to prepare.
If you give someone a try without mentioning the real name of the product, you are unlikely to understand what you ate, you will only be surprised that it is tender, tasty and... at a loss, “Well, what was it anyway?”
Well, let's start...
Fried lamb eggs

- lamb eggs
- some favorite seasonings for meat. I use bharat 1-2 tsp
- black pepper
- salt
- 0.5-1 onion
- 2 tbsp olive oil

This exotic product for our tables can be purchased at the market from the butcher. I think in some places it will be completely exotic, but if you still want to try it and you sell lamb, then nothing is impossible! Just ask you to postpone (bring) this item next time.
If the butcher’s eyes become round and the question arises as to what you will do with this organ, then don’t hesitate! Before the “primera” it is better to practice at home so that the answer is convincing...
They say yes... we know, we ate... it’s healthy and finally it’s a delicacy!
Pay and walk away proudly!

So, eggs are usually sold “as is.” Small leather bags. We pay by the piece.
This time I was lucky, the butcher himself removed the skin on the spot. You'll have to do it yourself.
First, rinse each piece well and make a shallow cut 5-6 miles long with a sharp knife.
Using your fingers, scoop out the inner flesh and turn it out. We simply throw away the leather bag.
We get:

Heat a frying pan, pour in oil. We clean the onion, finely chop it (you don’t have to use onion at all, but it tastes better) and lightly fry it for 1-2 minutes in oil.
Meanwhile, cut the tender pulp into large pieces. Literally in half and then each half into 2-4 parts.

Place in a frying pan, pepper, add seasonings and fry over high heat for 5 minutes.

A lot of liquid will be released, we evaporate it by half. Then reduce the heat and simmer over low heat under the lid for 10-15 minutes.
Place on a plate and sprinkle with freshly chopped herbs.

Bon appetit!

I wanted to add another option, but it didn’t work out. in general, you can do the same, but keep them in milk and then add fresh pepper during the process.

I cooked it, I really wanted to try it. I bought 5 of them, cooked them, and served them with mashed potatoes and salad. delicious. I didn’t tell my husband))) he really liked it
