Using Polysorb for weight loss

Taking Polysorb for weight loss? Of course, yes, because you have long been tormented by excess weight, which constantly returns. Like a boomerang - you just have to limit yourself in nutrition for a couple of weeks and train in the gym for a month, you will lose weight. A week passes at sea - and again the belly, sides and other decorations. There must be a reason why we don't get what we want?

The developers of Polysorb claim that these are toxins. Our body is not ready to process the amount of sugar and fats that we put into it. Hence the weight. And what about Polysorb? It supposedly helps cleanse toxins. If you read this quickly and in the right mood, you can buy a jar - another substance that resembles ash. And sellers don’t need more.

How polysorb for weight loss works: official version

So, our poor organisms are “suffocating” from various junk foods, sweets and all sorts of strange semi-finished products that we absorb. Polysorb is a sorbent and “draws in” toxins. Its cellular structure allows us to get rid of poisons, the body is cleansed, and we feel better.

This whole “chain” helps us get rid of troubles like a strict diet and helps us lose weight naturally. Remove toxins, metabolism will be restored, you will lose weight. So?

Not really, otherwise we could just buy activated and white charcoal, and wash down the tablets with water, and then brag about our slimmer waist. In reality, polysorb for weight loss almost does not work. Or it works, but not the way we would like.

Mechanics or why we lose weight from Polysorb

Here it is worth thinking about why we eat. Ideally, only because we are hungry. This ancient mechanism helps us get rid of nutritional deficiencies and restore strength. We feel hunger and satisfy it with reasonable amounts of food that “turns up” at the moment.

Of course, food today is not at all the same. Fats, dyes, sweeteners and everything else that you could do without, but that's what makes food so delicious! We buy what tastes best and eat it. And this is not the best choice. But even if we eat something with colors, thickeners and unhealthy fats in smaller quantities and can create a calorie deficit, the weight will be lost. How so? Very simply, the most important rule for losing weight is to create an energy deficit. Then the body itself will start the hormonal process of burning fat, and the weight will begin to normalize on its own.

How to eat less? This question plagues many. Human wisdom offers the following answers:

  • we take exclusively low-calorie foods, eat them in the usual quantities, but get full faster due to the volume;
  • drink water before meals, eat an apple, cucumber, or some other product that helps reduce appetite;
  • we eat, write slowly, trying to chew every piece;
  • we use small plates;
  • Finally, we only eat where the portions are small and don’t take extras.

You can also “snack” before eating something that is almost not digestible. This is how polysorb actually works. Mix a tablespoon of it in a glass of water and drink the suspension. Half an hour after the “preliminary meal” you can eat normally. But just according to the producers, you should no longer want to eat.

The mechanical filling of the stomach sends so-called satiety signals to the brain. They help us eat less and we lose weight. But this doesn't work for all people.

And there is also a “white” polysorb, which is drunk after meals. It is supposed to “interfere with the body’s absorption of food toxins.” What is meant by food toxins? Unfortunately, it was not possible to find out. Who are they, and why should we look for them in approved food? Is it worth drinking polysorb for weight loss after a meal if we had lunch, for example, with buckwheat on water and a piece of chicken breast? It’s not clear, especially considering that “toxins are everywhere.”

Why Polysorb is not a fat burner

Polysorb is an industrially developed analogue of non-digestible fiber. In appearance and taste, the powder resembles... ground charcoal or almagel, if we are talking about white, appetizing, isn’t it? Talking about how this substance helps cleanse yourself of toxins is great, of course, but it has no effect on weight loss.

Moreover, it seems that regular polysorb, which is drunk before meals, is effective; it will at least help curb your appetite. But the white one, used after? What does it affect?

Why polysorb for weight loss may not work

Imagine that you have eaten a bun. While you chew, the enzyme alpha-amylase “processes” the food bolus and the absorption of carbohydrates begins. As soon as food enters the stomach, gastric juice enzymes are activated to “decompose” the food into amino acids and glucose. Food moves through the gastrointestinal tract and fats begin to be absorbed. All this will end in 3-4 hours or a little faster if you are hungry and the bun is small.

Now imagine that we want to disrupt the absorption of food. Let's say we ate and managed to absorb a certain amount of glucose and amino acids. We don't want fats to be digested. And then we take, say, a lipase blocker. The caloric content of what is absorbed decreases, but digestion is also disrupted.

And this logic has nothing to do with Polysorb. It does not contain lipase blockers, or any other enzymes. Its manufacturers claim that we remove toxins. But, in fact, we simply slightly reduce the acidity of gastric juice and thereby slightly worsen the digestibility of food.

Is Polysorb good for health?

If we are poisoned and actually encounter the activity of pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, then it is very useful. These organisms produce toxins that are not imagined by weight loss supplement manufacturers, but are very real. Polysorb molecules “bind” them and remove them from the body. Therefore, despite the whole dark history with weight loss, Polysorb is a useful thing and having it in your home medicine cabinet against food poisoning is a good solution.

It’s another matter if we haven’t been poisoned, but are simply trying to lose weight. Is it beneficial to disrupt the process of food absorption? Definitely not. When we go on a diet, we already face a task of increased complexity. Most foods that are good for weight loss contain a lot of protein, dietary fiber and fiber. And all these things are difficult to understand. In order to efficiently process such food with enzymes, we need a healthy gastrointestinal tract. And constantly reducing the acidity and concentration of gastric juice by drinking sorbents does not help here.

There is no evidence that polysorb can cause digestive problems in this form, but it is worth thinking about the advisability of taking it. If we take the method of administration in which we wash down food with polysorb, unfortunately, the most “harmful and voluminous” part in terms of calorie content, namely the energy obtained from simple carbohydrates, has long been absorbed. That is, we are not blocking what we would like. We have absorbed “harmful” calories, but have problems absorbing “healthy” ones, and in the end we are unlikely to become thinner as a result.

Polysorb is designed to solve the problem of weight gain, however, it does not contain any substances that can protect against this. What, in principle, can protect us from weight gain “in the second round”? Perhaps such substances are unknown to medicine, at least when it comes to scientific medicine.

How to take Polysorb and reviews about it

You can take Polysorb either by stirring a tablespoon in water and drinking it before meals, or by drinking Polysorb with your regular meal. Both options are present in folk recipes and both are used in practice.
