Prokofiev" (abridged). Presentation on the topic “Ballet “Romeo and Juliet” by S.S.

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Presentation on the topic: Romeo and Juliet

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LOVE STORY “You burst into my life stunningly and irrevocably - stay here as long as you want. I’m very glad to see you!..” Romeo and Juliet - strength and fragility, tenderness and courage; For the whole world, their names are a symbol of pure and true love that has defeated enmity, hatred and deceit. The beauty of their feelings is attractive, which for many centuries continues to delight us with its sincerity and invincible strength. The fire of their hearts warms and comforts us, more and more convincing us that true love exists, it still exists.

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“Love is a feat, a sacrifice, the pinnacle of development of the human soul. One of the facets of this feeling - the love of a man and a woman - is captured in many creations of the human spirit, sung by writers and poets, composers and artists...” A monument to such omnipotent love is the beautiful and at the same time sad story of Romeo and Juliet - young lovers who overcame the power of their feelings, it would seem that the most insurmountable thing is hatred, enmity and even death itself. You can’t help but wonder: were Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet real, or are their images just fiction? Oh no! “Go to Verona - there is a Lombard cathedral and a Roman amphitheater, and then Romeo’s grave...” wrote the poet Count A.K. in 1875. Tolstoy.

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Italians date the story of Romeo and Juliet to the period 1301-1304. Dante Alighieri in The Divine Comedy even mentions certain Cappelletti and Montagues: “Come, careless one, just take a look: Monaldi, Filippeschi, Cappelletti, Montagues - Those are in tears, and those are trembling!” In any case, it is known that families with similar surnames lived in Verona in the 13th century - Dal Capello and Monticolli. But the researchers were unable to establish what kind of relationship they had. Perhaps in hostile relations, which was not uncommon for that time.

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ETERNAL PLOT Luigi da Porto first introduced the images of Romeo and Juliet into literature, making them the heroes of his short story “The Newly Found Story of Two Noble Lovers and Their Sad Death, Which Occurred in Verona in the Time of Signor Bartolomeo Dalla Scala.” Later, the outstanding short story writer of Renaissance Italy, Matteo Maria Bandello, was inspired by prefacing it with the following subtitle: “All kinds of misadventures and the sad death of two lovers: one dies after taking poison, the other from great grief.” She, paler than the shroud, whispered: “Allow me, Lord, to follow him; There are no other requests, and I ask so little - Let me be where the one I love is!” And then grief tore her heart apart.

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Later, the story of “Romeo and Juliet” attracted the attention of Gherardo Bolderi. This plot also interested Masuccio Salernitano. The same theme formed the basis of Luigi Groto’s tragedy “Adriana”. In France, Adrian Sevin turns to him, in Spain - the famous Spanish playwright Lope de Vega, in England - William Peitner. Finally, the great Shakespeare turns to the legendary plot. He enriches the narrative with new details that enhance the drama of the tragedy. Mercutio from an episodic character turns into the second most important hero after the main characters, whose death is perceived as vividly as the death of unhappy lovers. The ending in Shakespeare's play looks different from previous versions. In order to show the turning point that took place in the soul of the matured Romeo, and to enhance the tragedy of the final events, the playwright “forces” Romeo to kill Paris.

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Oh Shakespeare... Poetic language, sublime and at the same time alive. The action is compressed in time - everything happens unusually quickly, in about four to five days. Shakespeare makes Romeo and Juliet younger: his Juliet is 14 years old, Romeo is probably two years older. The description of the dates of Romeo and Juliet is an example of love poetry. The heroes' speeches are filled with vivid metaphors, images, comparisons, but they captivate not with external beauty, but with enormous moral strength, transforming young lovers into mature, courageous people, filled with unshakable spiritual firmness. We feel the color and atmosphere of Italy, brilliantly conveyed by Shakespeare.

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Forever in literature...... However, Shakespeare did not become the last in the literary chain - the theme of the Verona lovers turned out to be too significant and relevant for all times. Based on this plot, the following were created: in Spain - the tragedy of Don Francisco de Rojas Zorilla "The Gangs of Verona" in England - the drama of Thomas Otway "Caius Marius" in France - the version of Jean Francois Duquis "Romeo and Juliet" in Germany - the drama of Heinrich von Kleist "The Family of Schroffenstein" » in Austria – Gottfried Keller’s short story “Rural Romeo and Juliet” in Russia – Grigory Gorin’s tragicomedy “A Plague on Both Your Houses”. ... and many other literary works.

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In painting... The theme of the sacrificial love of Romeo and Juliet did not leave indifferent representatives of the fine arts, who captured the images of young heroes in their creations: De Lacroix - “Romeo in Juliet's Crypt”, John Waterhouse - “Juliet”, a series of works by Francesc Aieza - “ Farewell Romeo and Juliet on the balcony", "Wedding", William Turner - "Juliet and the nurse watching the festivities in Verona", Heinrich Susli - "Romeo stabs Paris in the crypt", "Romeo over the body of Juliet", Scipione Vannutelli - "Juliet's funeral "...

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Slide description: music... And in music, this legendary plot has become fertile ground for composers. Franz Benda, Rumling, Dalairak, Daniel Steibelt, Nicolo Zingarelli, Guglielmi and Nicola Vaccai, and Manuel Del Popolo Garcia dedicate their works to him. The famous Italian composer Vincenzo Bellini wrote the opera Capulet and the Montagues. French composer Hector Berlioz created a dramatic symphony with soloists and chorus, Romeo and Juliet. In 1869, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky created the overture - the fantasy “Romeo and Juliet”. The music, captivating with its passion and sincerity, immediately becomes world famous.

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In dance... Finally, Sergei Prokofiev's ballet "Romeo and Juliet", which brought great success to the author. Thanks to the freshness of the musical language, intonation and rhythmic originality, richness of harmony and instrumentation, this work has become one of the most popular theaters in the world. The image of Juliet, captured in dance by the great Galina Ulanova, amazes with trembling, fragility and at the same time unbending strength. Her dance reflected the slightest nuances of the heroine’s inner life, shades of her moods, unconscious emotional impulses and movements.

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In cinema... Cinema combines everything - the art of acting, the plasticity of dance, the originality of the literary language, the talent of the director, cameraman, music, which participates in the development of the action, helping the audience to better understand and feel the general concept, “confirming” what was unsaid by the heroes. Norma Shearer and Leslie Howard starred in the 1936 Hollywood version. Robert Wise's film "West Side Story" Abel Ferrara - his "Chinese Girl" Baz Luhrmann directed "Romeo + Juliet" But the best interpretation will always be the picture of Franco Zeffirelli. Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting

"Romeo and Juliet" LOVE STORY“You burst into my life stunningly and irrevocably - stay here as long as you want. I’m very glad to see you!..”

  • Romeo and Juliet - strength and fragility,
  • tenderness and courage; For the whole world, their names are a symbol of pure and true love that has defeated enmity, hatred and deceit.
  • The beauty of their feelings is attractive,
  • which for many centuries continues to delight us with its sincerity and invincible strength.
  • The fire of their hearts warms and comforts us,
  • more and more convincing that true love exists, it still exists.
“Love is a feat, a sacrifice, the pinnacle of development of the human soul. One of the facets of “Love is a feat, a sacrifice, the pinnacle of development of the human soul. One of the facets of this feeling - the love of a man and a woman - is captured in many creations of the human spirit, glorified by writers and poets, composers and artists...”
  • The monument to such omnipotent love is the beautiful and
  • at the same time, the sad story of Romeo and Juliet - young lovers who, with the power of their feelings, overcame what seemed to be the most insurmountable things - hatred, enmity and even death itself.
  • You can’t help but wonder: were there
  • Are Romeo Montagues and Juliet Capulet real, or are their images just fiction?
Oh no! “Go to Verona - there is a Lombard cathedral and a Roman amphitheater, and then Romeo’s grave...” wrote the poet Count A.K. in 1875. Tolstoy.
  • Italians date the story of Romeo and Juliet to the period 1301-1304
  • Italians date the story of Romeo and Juliet to the period 1301-1304
  • years.
  • Dante Alighieri in The Divine Comedy even mentions certain
  • Cappelletti and Montagues: “Come, careless one, just take a look: Monaldi, Filipeschi, Cappelletti, Montagues - Those are in tears, and those are trembling!”
  • Verona in the 13th century lived families with similar surnames - Dal Capello and Monticolli.
But the researchers were unable to establish what kind of relationship they had.
  • Perhaps in hostile relations, which was not uncommon for that time.
  • Luigi da Porto first introduced the images of Romeo and Juliet into literature,
  • making them the heroes of his novella “The Newly Discovered History of Two Noble Lovers and Their Sad Death, Which Occurred in Verona in the Time of Signor Bartolomeo Dalla Scala.”
Later inspired by the outstanding short story writer of Renaissance Italy
  • Matteo Maria Bandello prefaced it with the following subtitle: “All sorts of misadventures and the sad death of two lovers: one dies after taking poison, the other from great grief.”
  • She, paler than the shroud, whispered: “Allow me, Lord, to follow him;
  • There are no other requests, and I ask so little - Let me be where the one I love is!”
  • And then grief tore her heart apart.
  • Later, the story of Romeo and Juliet attracted the attention of Gherardo Bolderi
  • Later, the story of Romeo and Juliet attracted the attention of Gherardo Bolderi
This plot also interested Masuccio Salernitano. The same theme formed the basis of Luigi Groto’s tragedy “Adriana”.
  • In France, Adrian Sevin addresses him, in Spain - the famous Spanish
  • playwright Lope de Vega, in England - William Peitner.
  • Finally, the great Shakespeare turns to the legendary plot. It enriches
  • love lyrics. The heroes' speeches are filled with vivid metaphors, images, comparisons, but they captivate not with external beauty, but with enormous moral strength, transforming young lovers into mature, courageous people, filled with unshakable spiritual firmness. We feel the color and atmosphere of Italy, brilliantly conveyed by Shakespeare.
Forever in literature...... However, Shakespeare did not become the last in the literary chain - the theme of the Verona lovers turned out to be too significant and relevant for all times. Created for this story:
  • in Spain - the tragedy of Don Francisco de Rojas
  • Zorilla "Gangs of Verona"
  • in England - Thomas Otway's drama "Caius"
  • Marius"
  • in France - version by Jean François Duquis
  • "Romeo and Juliet"
  • in Germany - drama Heinrich von
  • Kleist "The Schroffenstein Family"
  • in Austria - a short story by Gottfried Keller
  • "Rural Romeo and Juliet"
  • in Russia - tragicomedy by Grigory Gorin
  • "A plague on both your houses."
... and many other literary works.
  • painting... The theme of the sacrificial love of Romeo and Juliet did not leave indifferent representatives of the fine arts, who captured the images of young heroes in their creations:
  • De Lacroix - "Romeo in Juliet's Crypt"
  • John Waterhouse - "Juliet"
  • series of works by Francesc Aietz – “Farewell
  • Romeo and Juliet on the balcony", "The Wedding",
  • William Turner - "Juliet and
  • nurse watching the festivities in Verona",
  • Heinrich Susli – “Romeo Stabs”
  • Paris in the Crypt", "Romeo over the Body of Juliet",
  • Scipione Vannutelli - "Funeral"
  • music... And in music, this legendary plot has become fertile ground for composers.
  • Franz Benda, Rumling, Dalairak, Daniel Steibelt, Nicolo Zingarelli, Guglielmi and Nicola Vaccai, and Manuel Del Popolo Garcia dedicate their works to him.
  • Famous Italian composer Vincenzo
  • Bellini wrote the opera Capulet and the Montagues.
  • French composer Hector Berlioz
  • created a dramatic symphony with the participation of soloists and choir “Romeo and Juliet”.
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky creates in 1869
  • year overture - fantasy "Romeo and Juliet". The music, captivating with its passion and sincerity, immediately becomes world famous.
  • ...dancing... ...dancing...
  • Finally, Sergei Prokofiev's ballet Romeo and Juliet,
  • by the great Galina Ulanova, amazes with trepidation, fragility and at the same time unbending strength. Her dance reflected the slightest nuances of the heroine’s inner life, shades of her moods, unconscious emotional impulses and movements. the cinema...
  • Cinema combines everything - the art of acting, the plasticity of dance, the originality of the literary language, the talent of the director, cameraman, music, which participates in the development of the action, helping the audience to better understand and feel the general concept, “confirming” what was left unsaid by the characters.
  • Norma Shearer and Leslie Howard shone in
  • Hollywood version of 1936.
  • Robert Wise's film "West Side
  • story"
  • Abel Ferrara - his "Chinese
  • young woman"
  • Baz Luhrmann directed
  • “Romeo + Juliet” But the best interpretation will always be the painting by Franco Zeffirelli.

Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting

William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

Gavrilova Tatyana


Russian language teacher and


MKOU "Sosnovskaya Secondary School"

  • The history of the tragedy The plot of the imaginary death of a girl, which led to the suicide of her lover, and then to the suicide of the girl herself, first appears long before William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Written in the 1st century AD. The ancient Roman writer Ovid's poem "Metamorphoses" tells the story of lovers who lived in Babylon - Pyrama And Thisbes . The parents of Pyramus and Thisbe were against their relationship and the lovers decided to meet secretly at night. Thisbe arrived at the meeting place first and saw a lion with a bloody muzzle, who had just returned from hunting bulls. Thisbe ran away and dropped the handkerchief, which the lion tore. Soon Pyramus arrived, saw Thisbe’s bloody handkerchief and, deciding that his beloved was dead, stabbed himself with a sword. Thisbe returned and saw that Pyramus was dying. Then she also threw herself on the sword. Shakespeare was familiar with the story of Pyramus and Thisbe and even used this story in his comedy"A dream in a summer night"

, where the play about Pyramus and Thisbe is being rehearsed by an amateur theater.

  • Tristan Isolde In 1524, the Italian writer Luigi da Porto wrote in a novella develops a theme begun by Ovid in the story of Pyramus and Thisbe. Luigi da Porto moves the action to Verona, where Romeo and Juliet, belonging to the warring houses of Montague and Cappelletti, fall in love with each other (it should be noted that Montague and Cappelletti are first mentioned in the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, where the author places them on the second ledge Pre-purgatory among the careless who died a violent death). Further in Luigi da Porto's novella the plot develops almost the same as in Shakespeare, although there are a number of differences: in Shakespeare's Juliet is almost 14 years old, in Luigi da Porto - almost 18; if in Shakespeare Romeo dies before Juliet awakens, then in Luigi da Porto Juliet, waking up, sees Romeo dying and they have time to talk for the last time; finally, if in Shakespeare Juliet, like Thisbe, stabs herself, then in Luigi da Porto Juliet, like Isolde, simply dies next to him, not imagining herself without her lover: “with great pain in her soul, with the thought of the loss of her dear lover, she decided not to live anymore, took a deep breath and held her breath for a while, and then let it out with a loud cry and fell dead on Romeo's lifeless body."

Luigi da Porto's novella was revised several times in Italy, and then this plot came to England - in 1562, Arthur Brooke wrote the poem "Romeo and Juliet." It was Brooke's poem that served Shakespeare as the main, and perhaps even the only source for his play. However, if Brook's action lasts 9 months, then Shakespeare's tragedy lasts only 5 days. Shakespeare also changed the time of action from winter to summer and added a number of very expressive scenes that Brook does not have.

Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare's early tragedies, written between 1591 and 1595. One can hardly call "Romeo and Juliet" a tragedy in the full sense of the word. Firstly, because of the ending: Romeo and Juliet die, but the ancient enmity between the Montagues and Capulets recedes before the power of their love. Secondly, unlike Shakespeare's later tragedies ( "Othello" , "Macbeth", "Hamlet") there is no tragic conflict in the souls of the main characters: Romeo and Juliet are sure that they are doing the right thing by following their love. Thirdly, the general background of Romeo and Juliet is light. Shakespeare researcher A.A. Smirnov wrote: “The whole play is somehow especially “dressed up” and colorful. The abundance of funny scenes and jokes in it is remarkable. We will also find a comic element in other, later tragedies of Shakespeare (“Hamlet”, "Macbeth", especially "King Lear"), but there he aims to enhance the tragic, shading it. Here it acquires almost independent meaning, weakening the tragic. In a similar way, the picture of such a short, but such complete and radiant happiness of lovers balances, if not overcomes, the bitterness of their sad end.”

  • Macbeth

King Lear

So, let's read the tragedy...

In Verona, two noble families are at enmity: the Montagues and the Capulets (it is worth noting that Dante or Luigi da Porto wrote "Cappelletti"), which does not prevent Romeo from the Montague family from coming to a masquerade ball at the Capulet house, where the young man hopes to see his love - Rosaline . However, Romeo immediately forgets Rosaline when he sees a beautiful girl - Juliet. He comes up to her and takes the girl by the hand:

Ball at the Capulet House

Romeo (to Juliet) When with an unworthy hand I rudely desecrated the holy altar - forgive me. Like two humble pilgrims, lips can sweep away the traces of sin with a kiss.

Juliet Dear pilgrim, you are too strict towards your hand: there is only piety in it. Saints have hands: a pilgrim can surely touch them with his hand.

Romeo Is the mouth given to saints and pilgrims?

Juliet Yes, - for prayer, good pilgrim.

After parting, Romeo learns that Juliet is the daughter of Capulet: “So my whole life was given to the enemy as a loan.” Juliet finds out that Romeo is a Montague:

There was only hatred in the heart - And life gave only love. Not knowing, I saw too early And, alas, I found out too late. But I can’t overcome this feeling: I’m burning with love for my worst enemy.

What does the name mean? Rose smells like rose...

Romeo by any name would be

The height of perfection that he is...

Who's that creeping in in the dark

In my cherished dreams?

Love brought me here

Walls don't stop her

Holy night, holy night! But what if

Is this all a dream? So immeasurable happiness

It’s all so fabulous and wonderful!

If you, Romeo,

He decided to marry me in earnest,

Let me know tomorrow when and where the wedding is.....


My love has no bottom, and my kindness is...

Like the vastness of the sea. Than me

The more I spend, the more vast and richer I become….

Goodbye, goodbye, but there’s no way to separate!

So I would repeat forever:

" Good night".

Tell me, Juliet, is it the same with you?

Does your heart beat with happiness?..

My love has grown so terribly that I cannot embrace and


Are you leaving? It's not yet dawn...

I need to retire in order to live... The day is getting rosy and darker...

It’s easier for me to stay than to leave... goodbye.....

The reason for the separation of the lovers was the duel between Romeo and Tybalt,

By which Tybalt was killed, and Romeo

sentenced to exile in Mantua.

Romeo's best friend, Merku, also dies.

cio. Family feud is to blame.


Despair and melancholy of Romeo without


My love! My wife!...

I'm sorry! Juliet, for

Why are you so beautiful?

(drinks poison)

I drink to you, love! (dies)

Juliet awakens:

Where is my Romeo?

(sees dead Romeo)

Juliet kisses still warm lips

Romeo, hoping to be poisoned, but poison

It's time to finish. But here

a dagger, fortunately.

Grabs Romeo's dagger

Sticks it into himself.

Be here and I'll die.

director Zeffirelli

And modern Verona

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Ballet "Romeo and Juliet". Prokofiev Sergei Sergeevich. “Romeo and Juliet” (op. 64) - ballet in 3 acts 9 scenes with a prologue and epilogue by Sergei Prokofiev. libretto by Leonid Lavrovsky, Adrian Piotrovsky, Sergei Prokofiev and Sergei Radlov based on the tragedy of the same name by William Shakespeare. The ballet premiered in 1938 in Brno (Czechoslovakia). However, the edition of the ballet, which was presented at the Kirov Theater in Leningrad in 1940, became widely known. Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet is one of the most popular ballets of the twentieth century. Sergei Sergeevich ProkofievSergei Sergeevich Prokofiev (April 11, 1891, Sontsovka, - March 5, 1953, Moscow) - Russian and Soviet composer, pianist, conductor, writer. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1947). Winner of the Lenin Prize (1957) and six Stalin Prizes (1943, 1946 - three times, 1947, 1952). One of the most significant composers of the 20th century. Author of 11 operas, 7 ballets, 7 symphonies, 8 concerts for solo instrument and orchestra, oratorios and cantatas, chamber vocal and instrumental music, music for cinema and theater. “Romeo and Juliet” Composer - Sergei Prokofiev Date and place of composition - 1935 Parts - four acts Date and place of first production - December 30, 1938, National Theater in Brno (Czechoslovakia). Ballet in Act 1, choreographer Ivo Vanya Psota, production designer V. Skrushny, conductor K. Arnoldi. Libretto: A. I. Piotrovsky, S. S. Prokofiev, S. E. Radlov. In the USSR - January 11, 1940 Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater named after S. M. Kirov Libretto author - Leonid Lavrovsky, Adrian Piotrovsky, Sergei Prokofiev, Sergei Radlov Choreographer - Leonid Lavrovsky Scenography - Peter Williams Subsequent productions - June 26, 1979 - Yu. N. Grigorovich Scenography - S. Virsaladze er - A. Juraitis History of creation The idea of ​​a ballet based on Shakespeare's tragedy (1564-1616) "Romeo and Juliet" about the tragic death of lovers belonging to warring noble families, written in 1595 and which inspired many musicians from Berlioz and Gounod to Tchaikovsky, soon arose from Prokofiev after the composer returned from abroad in 1933. The topic was suggested by the famous Shakespeare scholar, at that time artistic director of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater named after Kirov (Mariinsky) S. E. Radlov (1892-1958). The composer was inspired by the proposed plot and began to work on the music, simultaneously creating a libretto together with Radlov and the prominent Leningrad critic, theater critic and playwright A. Piotrovsky (1898-1938). In 1936, the ballet was presented to the Bolshoi Theater, with which the authors had an agreement. The original version of the script provided for a happy ending Characters Escalus, Duke of Verona. Paris, a young nobleman, Juliet's fiancé. Capulet Capulet Capulet's wife. Juliet, their daughter. Tybalt, Capulet's nephew. Juliet's nurse. Samsone, Gregorio, Pietro - Capulet's servants. Juliet's friends. Page of Paris. Montague Montague. Romeo, their son. Mercutio and Benvolio, friends of Romeo. Lorenzo, priest Abramio, Balthazar - servants of Montague. Page Romeo. Maids. Rosaline. The owner of the tavern. Beggars. Troubadour. Jester. A young man in battle. A greengrocer. Townspeople Summary For a long time, two Verona families, the Montagues and the Capulets, have been at enmity. But for true love, enmity is nothing. Two young creatures - Romeo and Juliet, despite their families, love each other. And no one can stop them from being together. The attacks of Juliet's cousin Tybalt, who killed Romeo's friend Mercutio, are stopped by the sword of young Montague. Juliet is in despair, but her love for Romeo is stronger. A girl takes a potion to make everyone think she is dead. But evil fate leads Romeo to her “lifeless” body; the young man kills himself in despair. When Juliet wakes up, she sees her dead lover in front of her. Nothing on this earth can calm the grief, her place is next to him, Juliet is stabbed with a dagger... The Montagues and Capulets bend over the bodies of their children, they understand that they became the cause of this tragedy. Great grief unites enemies. Conclusion Prokofiev's work continued the classical traditions of Russian ballet. This was expressed in the great ethical significance of the chosen theme, in the reflection of deep human feelings in the developed symphonic dramaturgy of the ballet performance. And at the same time, the theme ballet score of “Romeo and Juliet” was so unusual that it took time to “get used to” it. There was even an ironic saying: “There is no sadder story in the world than Prokofiev’s music in ballet.” Only gradually did all this give way to the enthusiastic attitude of the artists, and then the public, to music. First of all, the plot was unusual. Turning to Shakespeare was a bold step for Soviet choreography, since, by all accounts, it was believed that the embodiment of such complex philosophical and dramatic themes was impossible through the means of ballet. Prokofiev's music and Lavrovsky's performance are imbued with the Shakespearean spirit.

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Title "Romeo and Juliet" by W. Shakespeare

W. Shakespeare (1514-1616)

Main life events Born in Stratford on the Avon River in the family of a craftsman and merchant. He spent his childhood among ordinary people and mastered the folk language. He received his education at a grammar school and studied ancient languages. From the age of 14 he helped his father in business. I educated myself and read books. At the age of 18, he got married and went to London in search of work and changed a number of professions. In 1594, he linked his fate with the theater, working both as an actor and as a playwright. I was sick for the last four years of my life. He died at the age of 52 and was buried under the altar of the Church of the Holy Trinity in his hometown; literary heritage - 37 plays, 154 sonnets, several poems and poetic cycles

In what circumstances was the love of Romeo and Juliet born? The first act begins with a brawl between servants who belong to two warring families - the Montagues and the Capulets. It is unclear what caused the enmity; it is only clear that it is long-standing and irreconcilable, drawing both young and old into a whirlpool of passions. The servants are quickly joined by noble representatives of the two houses, and then by their heads themselves. A real battle is brewing in the square bathed in the July sun. The townspeople, tired of the strife, have difficulty separating the fighting. Finally, the supreme ruler of Verona, the prince, arrives, orders the clash to end on pain of death, and angrily leaves. On the occasion of his engagement to Paris, Capulet gives a carnival ball. There the heroes meet.

What can you say about Juliet? Through whose eyes do we look at Juliet? Juliet appears before us through the eyes of Romeo. Light Purity Stars-eyes Bright angel A look more dangerous than twenty daggers

What can you say about Romeo? Romeo The pinnacle of perfection The highest good Passionate Fearless

What does it say about the power of the heroes’ love? They must overcome an obstacle - tribal enmity.

Which of the heroes is more difficult? It's more difficult for Juliet. She must marry the count, she must overcome her father's will. Count Paris is in a hurry with the wedding, and his father has already decided on the wedding the next day. The girl begs her parents to wait, but they are adamant. Or an immediate wedding with Paris - or “then I’m no longer your father.” After her parents leave, the nurse persuades Juliet not to worry: “Your new marriage will outshine the first one in its benefits...” “Amen!” - Juliet remarks in response. From that moment on, she no longer sees the nurse as a friend, but as an enemy. The only person left whom she can still trust is brother Lorenzo.

Secret wedding Their attorneys are the monk Friar Lorenzo, Romeo's confessor, and Juliet's nurse and confidante. Lorenzo agrees to secretly marry them - he hopes that the union of the young Montagues and Capulets will serve peace between the two families. The wedding ceremony takes place in Brother Lorenzo's cell. The lovers are filled with happiness.

What solution does Lorenzo offer to the lovers? She needs to pretend to be submissive to her father’s will, prepare for the wedding, and in the evening take a miraculous solution. After this, she must plunge into a state resembling death, which will last exactly forty-two hours. During this period, Juliet will be buried in the family crypt. Lorenzo will let Romeo know about everything, he will arrive by the time she awakens, and they can disappear until better times... Lorenzo could not inform Romeo about this. Romeo, thinking that his wife is dead, kisses Juliet for the last time and with the words “I drink to you, love!” drinks poison.

Reconciliation of families after the death of lovers. Lorenzo is late for a moment, but he is no longer able to revive the young man. He arrives just in time for Juliet's awakening. Seeing Romeo dead, she only thinks about how to die herself as quickly as possible. She is annoyed that Romeo drank all the poison alone. But next to him lies a dagger. It's time. Moreover, the voices of the guards can already be heard outside. And the girl plunges a dagger into her chest.

What is the significance of Shakespeare's tragedy? Love wins a moral victory over the world of evil.
