Simple quince jam

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

How can you not love winter? These are not only beautiful landscapes with white fluffy snow on icy tree branches, not only your favorite holidays, but also fun and funny adventures on skis or sleds. This is also an opportunity to spend more time with family and drink delicious tea with buns, buns and pies on long winter evenings. And, of course, it’s time to pamper your loved ones with homemade sweets, prepared since the fall and patiently waiting in the pantry. All kinds of preserves, jams, pears, cherries, strawberries, grapes. The list can be continued as long as you like, but, unfortunately, housewives very rarely add such a tasty delicacy as quince jam, the most delicious recipe for which you will learn today.
Perhaps this is due to the fact that quince is not the most common fruit in our region, and many simply do not know what can be made from it. Well, let's try to figure out this exotic fruit. In fact, quince can be grown here, but it will not be as tasty and aromatic as in Mediterranean countries, for example. After all, this is a southern fruit and it needs enough sun to make the fruit juicy and aromatic.
Quince can be used to make jam, marmalade or marmalade, which can be used as a filling for baked goods. If you want to have a romantic dinner, be sure to bake a quince pie. The fact is that quince is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs, because it was not without reason that in ancient times it was a symbol of love and fertility.
To make this jam, we will choose ripe quince; these can be round apple-shaped or oblong pear-shaped fruits. We will not remove the peel from them, since it is more aromatic than the quince pulp itself; it is enough to simply brush it well and rinse it in running water.
You can seal this jam in jars with twist-off lids. We first wash the jars well with soda solution and sterilize them.


- quince fruits - 500 g,
- granulated sugar - 250 g,
- water - 120 ml.

Recipe with photos step by step:

We wash the quince, dry it and cut it into several pieces. Cut out the core and stalk from it.

Pour water into the pan and put the quince cores, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes, and then strain the broth.

We crush the quince pieces with a blender or pass them through a meat grinder.

Add granulated sugar and a decoction of the cores to the quince puree, mix and put on low heat.

Boil the jam for 45-50 minutes, stirring constantly so that it does not burn.

We take it out to a cool place for storage. We also advise you to see how you can prepare
