Dream Interpretation: Why parents dream. What did dead parents dream about?

Seeing a deceased parent in a night vision is a signal of an important event in life. The deceased wants to convey some important information. Much depends on the exact situation in which this person dreamed, and what happened. Most likely, parents warn their child against committing some rash actions and give advice on how to act correctly in a difficult life situation.

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    Dream about deceased parents

    Dreams are for a person the key to his own consciousness and subconscious. Sometimes in a person’s dreams his deceased father and mother come to him. The California International Association for the Study of Dreams published a study saying that 50% of women and 40% of men have dreams about deceased parents. This is due to the fact that parents are the most dear people to every person, and even after death they do not lose touch with him.

      A person dreams of deceased parents if he subconsciously wants to return to his past life. Reasons for the appearance of deceased parents in a dream:

      • They want to influence their offspring and force them to resolve a difficult life situation.
      • They warn of an upcoming event for which you need to prepare in advance.
      • They want to remind themselves. In this case, you need to remember them in church.

      Why do you dream about your ex-husband - interpretations in dream books

      Key interpretations

      Many psychologists believe that the appearance of deceased parents in a dream does not portend anything special. If a person sees deceased relatives in a dream, then he would like to communicate with them and often remembers them. In this case, death becomes a physical, but not a spiritual barrier to communication between loved ones.

      The famous psychologist Tsvetkov claims that when you dream about the closest dead people, you need to try to remember as many details as possible of what you saw: how they were dressed, what they said. If peace and prosperity reign in their home, then something pleasant awaits the dreamer in real life. And if they swear and threaten, it means something in life urgently needs to be changed.

      The esoteric dream book interprets such dreams gloomily. Deceased relatives dream about precisely when living relatives feel sick or are worried about problems at work. Under no circumstances should you follow the deceased if they call for you.

      The Zhou-Hun Dream Book states that deceased parents dream about receiving important news. These messages will concern relationships in the family: about weddings, divorce, receiving an inheritance. Talking with dead parents about business is a warning about changes in life.

      A family dream book says that the appearance of a deceased mother promises success and promotion. If she calls you to follow her, then you don’t need to agree, otherwise in reality there is a high risk of getting seriously ill.

      Vanga's dream book interprets the appearance of a deceased parent in a dream as a warning. If your daughter dreams about them, then she needs to stay away from the guy with whom she started an affair. The husband's late parents warn about his infidelity.

      Folk mythology considers such dreams as weather signs. Both deceased parents at once in a dream foreshadow worsening weather and rain.

      Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

      Dead father

      If the late father began to appear frequently in dreams, this fact deserves close attention. This warning should not be ignored. Deceased relatives in this case mean that you need to remember them, visit church to light a candle for the repose and confess. A good way to honor the memory of the deceased is to buy candy and cookies and distribute them to friends and acquaintances. If the deceased is holding something in his hand, then you need to purchase this item and bring it to the cemetery.

      According to Miller's dream book, seeing a deceased father in a dream is an important event that the dreamer has been waiting for a long time. If he hugs his parent, then his endeavor will be crowned with success.

      If a son dreams of a father, then he needs to carefully check his friends and find out whether they can be trusted.

ABC of dream interpretation

Parents -

Seeing your parents in good surroundings and circumstances means the well-being of your life.

Deceased parents come to you with a threat - disapproval of your affairs and their deterioration.

Talking with deceased parents means receiving help and support.

American dream book

Parents - the dream could represent your own parenting skills.

Lunar dream book

For the parents of the deceased - well-being; stepfather or stepmother - annoyance, boredom.

Maly Velesov dream book

Living parents - a warning of misfortune; dead - good / death; stepfather, stepmother - annoyance, boredom.

Newest dream book

Why do you dream about Parents in a dream?

Godparents - warning of danger.

Family dream book

Seeing your parents happy and cheerful in a dream means you can count on good luck, harmony in relationships and pleasant communication. For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity.

A dream about deceased parents is a warning of impending troubles. Be especially careful in business.

If your parents are pale and dressed in black, serious disappointments await you.

Symbolic dream book

Parents in a dream represent the leading fateful tendency of any long or important period in the sleeper’s life (depending on how they look and what they do and say).

The image of a father or mother in a dream emphasizes both the significance of the event and some independence of this event from the consciousness of the sleeper.

Father - embodies a more decisive, rough, testing stream of consciousness, fate, warning, or an opening prospect with which the dreamer comes into contact.

Mother - plays the role of fate (its segment), rewards, desires, career, business, obstacles in marriage (for a woman).

Positive images of a father or mother are tantamount to parental blessing and good luck.

All the rest, other relatives in a dream are more often interpreted in negative meanings, as interference, quarrels, troubles.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Parents?

Seeing cheerful, joyful parents in a dream portends harmony and pleasant friends.

If you dream of dead parents, such a dream warns of impending disaster. You should be especially careful when conducting business.

Seeing happy parents in your home is a prediction of pleasant changes in fate. For girls, such a dream usually portends marriage and prosperity.

If the parents are pale, tired and dressed in black, deep disappointments await you.

If the parents in your dream look good, are healthy and happy, the dream promises you favorable circumstances. Your affairs, both commercial and personal, will be successful.

Seeing exhausted, sad parents means that luck will pass you by unnoticed.

Dream book of the 21st century

What did Parents dream about in a dream?

Seeing your parents means getting help; talking to them is a sign that true friendship awaits you.

To lose them means to be forced to rely on someone else's help.

Seeing both deceased parents together is a sign of happiness and wealth.

Seeing your father dead in a dream means loss of inheritance; seeing him sick means grief; talking to your deceased father means understanding something correctly; arguing with him means a decline in business.

Seeing a mother in a dream means prosperity, a happy event, a sick person means trouble, a mother’s breast means the road.

A deceased mother, by her appearance in a dream, most often warns against rash actions, and also announces significant changes for the better; sometimes she dreams before illness or death.

Mother and child in a dream - to longevity and great happiness.

Dream book of the future

If your parents are alive and you dream of them in a good mood, this promises harmony in relationships and pleasant communication; if you dreamed of deceased parents, this may be a warning of impending troubles and you should be especially careful; however, dreams about parents can have many other meanings related to the relationship you have with your parents.

Dream book for lovers

Seeing your parents happy in a dream means that your relationship with your chosen one will be strong and long.

However, if the parents are pale and upset about something, expect loneliness and disappointment.

A girl whose parents dreamed of being calm will marry successfully and be happy in her marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing parents means getting help.

Talking to them is good friendship.

To lose them is to be forced to rely on someone else's help.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

The roles played by family members usually change dramatically. But, despite these changes, stereotypical ideas about parents always live in the memory of our souls. In these memories, the father is always associated with authoritarianism and with a linear thought process.

The father can be a symbol - of your own projecting power and your inner authority. This image can symbolize your own father or your fathering skills that you apply to your children.

Stereotypical images of mothers traditionally symbolize the perceptive, feminine principles of intuition and care. This image can also represent your own mothering skills.

Dream book for a bitch

Parents - good life changes, happiness and harmony in family relationships, pleasant communication with close friends, well-being and well-being of your home, quick marriage or strengthening of marriage ties.

Seeing your parents healthy, laughing and happy with life in a dream means happiness and joy in the home, success and good luck in all matters and endeavors, great mutual love.

Dream Book of David Loff

If you dream of adoptive parents, perhaps you are trying to satisfy someone's need for additional care and guardianship. Or maybe you are looking for this yourself.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

To see thoughtful parents in a dream means you will go crazy.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream of them after death, this is a warning of impending troubles and you should be especially careful in your affairs.

If your parents are alive and in a dream you see them calm and happy in your home, this means pleasant changes for you. For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity.

If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you are in danger of serious disappointment.

If you dream that you are looking at your parents looking healthy and happy, this is a sign that fate is protecting you: your affairs and love will prosper.

If they look unhealthy or sad, you will find that luck has passed you by without recognizing you.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Parents in a dream?

Seeing your deceased parents in a dream and having conversations with them means that you will soon receive unpleasant news, the consequences of which can be completely catastrophic for you.

If you dreamed of healthy parents, cheerful and friendly in your dream, you will find good health and success with men, and if your parents are sad or angry, this means that you can damage your reputation due to a reckless act.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Parents - if you see your parents cheerful and happy in a dream, this portends harmony in relationships with loved ones. Fate protects you, your personal and professional life will delight you.

If in a dream you see your parents calm and happy visiting you, pleasant changes await you. For a young woman, such a dream usually foreshadows a happy and prosperous marriage.

If your parents are pale and dressed all in black, serious disappointments await you.

If they look unhealthy or sad, luck will pass you by for the time being.

If you dream of them after your death, this is a warning of impending troubles: you must be especially careful in your affairs.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Parents according to the dream book?

Parents in general are models of behavior or relationships, life positions played out and existing in the sleeping person’s family.

Parents are advisors, helpers, signposts, pressure, power, warning (about danger, wrong actions), punishment (guilt).

Seeing both parents together means upcoming important changes in life, a blessing, for a woman - marriage.

Beating one of the parents in a dream is an expression of internal protest, defending the right to one’s point of view and independence - to psychological satisfaction, agreement, reconciliation with oneself and to benefit, benefit from being beaten in reality.

Freud's Dream Book

If you dream of your parents who are still alive, such a dream indicates that you have an Oedipus complex (for women, the Antigone complex). At the same time, you tend to blame your failures and troubles in your intimate life on anyone but yourself.

Deceased parents symbolize your regrets about missed opportunities and memories of past successes.

If you dreamed that your parents died (and they are alive), it is possible that you really subconsciously wish for them to die, since they are preventing (or have prevented) you from fulfilling your desires.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

To see parents who have died turning to you is incredible news; being a parent yourself means returning lost property or deeds.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Seeing deceased parents talking to you is serious news; advice and warning.

For a girl to see her father and mother together is a happy marriage; to good luck.

Seeing yourself in the role of a parent means returning lost property or deeds.

Medieval dream book

Becoming the parent of an already adult daughter portends either security, wealth, or increase.

Esoteric dream book

Living parents - initial vital data.

Cheerful, young - they remind you that you were initially given a lot.

Old, sad - you did not have the necessary starting base, but you rise above your parents.

They scold you - you pay too much attention to the opinions of your loved ones.

They praise you - you are building your life, neglecting the interests of your loved ones - this is dangerous.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Parents according to the dream book?

A dream in which your parents are smiling promises you well-being and communication with kind people.

If they are no longer there, this is a warning that something wrong may happen to you.

They are exhausted and in black robes - something will plunge you into hopeless sadness.

According to the dream book, parents who look great and are in a good mood come to visit you - soon your life will change for the better.

If a young lady has dreamed of a guy’s parents, most likely in real life your relationship will develop into a strong, happy family, especially if mom and dad were pleased with the meeting.

If you dreamed of deceased parents, know that you will soon encounter great difficulties, but you should not give up, just be prepared for trials and remember that they are fleeting.

Why do you dream that your parents are dying?

In general, death in a dream symbolizes a long and carefree life in reality. But it's not quite that simple. It is very important to consider the circumstances under which a person’s death occurred. Therefore, for accurate prediction, it is necessary to remember all the small details in the dream.

The dream where parents die is described in great detail in Sigmund Freud’s dream book. The author is sure that the person who had such a dream has more than once thought about the death of his father and mother. According to him, it is worth preparing yourself for the fact that after some time they will be gone and you will have to live on your own. Sigmund is sure that this dream should push a person to take some actions that will benefit him and his family. Many children have incomplete families. That is, one mom or one dad. Therefore, if a child sees his mother dying in a dream, then a white streak will soon come and life will seem like paradise. However, if dad dies in a dream, then new ideas will appear in the near future that will exceed all expectations. Death is always the beginning of new discoveries, so you should prepare yourself for changes in life. But there is no need to be afraid. All events and news will be favorable for the person.

It is very important to pay attention to how the parents died. If this is murder, then in reality freedom awaits. In most cases, schoolchildren or students have such a dream. This means that they are now free from studying, and can safely go about their business, as well as turn ideas into reality.

It wouldn’t hurt to look into Felomen’s dream book. It says that the passing of mom or dad means unexpected trips. There is no need to be afraid for their health. Such a dream foretells a long life. If in a dream the father killed the mother, then in reality the father will approve of some idea and offer his help. It happens that parents commit suicide. This suggests that in reality adults will allow themselves to choose to solve their own problems. It is also not bad if in a dream your parents die from illness. This means that in the near future nothing threatens the father and mother, and there is no need to worry about them. However, a terrible sign is the unexpected resurrection of parents. In reality, this foreshadows tears and quarrels. It is undesirable for there to be many people near the deceased. In real life, bad and false rumors about the family may spread. Therefore, you should be a little more careful, and it is better not to tell anyone about your plans, otherwise they may collapse.

Irik Sadykov, a participant in the TV show “Battle of Psychics,” says that death in a dream foreshadows a life without hassle. If a close friend died in reality, then soon the friendship will be even stronger and stronger. The psychic also answered the question of why we dream that parents die in their sleep. He is sure that such a dream does not foretell bad news. The clairvoyant Irik is sure that the death of his parents promises happiness in business. In most cases, such a dream occurs in young and promising people. For them, such a sign is a huge success, because everything will go uphill. It is advisable that the torment of the parents is not visible in the dream. But if this happens, then you shouldn’t be upset. This suggests that success will be achieved after a long time. Moreover, a good result will not be noticeable immediately. Irik Sadykov advises all people not to be afraid to open their own business, as it will turn out to be very profitable and profitable.

The lunar calendar says that prophetic dreams are those dreams that fall on Saturday night to Sunday. It is also worth remembering numbers such as 4.5, 6.4, 28. On these dates, dreams have great magical power that can make dreams come true.

We should not forget that all dreams happen for a reason. These are some signs that are sent from above in order to protect a person from upcoming troubles and dangers. The only thing that is required of people is to correctly decipher the dream.

Why do you dream about Parents?

You can find out for free in the dream book, Why do you dream about Parents?, having read below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see something other than Parents in a dream, use the search form for online dream interpretations.

Why do you dream about Parents?

Seeing your parents cheerful in a dream foretells harmony in your relationships and pleasant communication.

Seeing Parents in a dream

What does the dream mean Parents

Parents (living) - Initial vital data. Cheerful, young - they remind you that you were initially given a lot. Old, sad - you did not have the necessary starting base, but you rise above your parents. They scold you - you pay too much attention to the opinions of your loved ones. They praise you - you are building your life, neglecting the interests of your loved ones - this is dangerous.

Seeing Parents in a dream

What do dreams mean Parents

Alive - a warning of misfortune; dead - good // death; stepfather, stepmother - annoyance, boredom.

Dream about Parents

What does Parents mean in a dream?

Meaning of dreams Parents

If you see your parents cheerful and happy in a dream, this portends harmony in relationships with loved ones. Fate protects you, your personal and professional life will delight you. If in a dream you see your parents calm and happy visiting you, pleasant changes await you. For a young woman, such a dream usually foreshadows a happy and prosperous marriage.

What does Parents mean in a dream?

Meaning of sleep Parents

What does Parents predict in a dream?

Get help.

What does it mean to see Parents in a dream

Godparents are a warning about danger.

Interpretation of sleep Parents

They reflect those qualities, good or bad, that you adopted from your parents and recognize in yourself.

What does the dream predict? Parents

Seeing your parents in a dream means getting the help you need.

Exactly! Dad will solve the problem for you, Mom will write the essay.

Dream meaning Parents

You are doing something wrong.

This is a sign for you.

Seeing Parents in a dream

Seeing deceased parents talking to you is a sign of serious advice and warning.

For a girl to see her father and mother together means a happy marriage and good luck.

Seeing yourself in the role of a parent means returning lost property or deeds.

Sleep Prediction Parents

The roles played by family members: usually change dramatically.

But, despite these changes, stereotypical ideas about parents always live in the memory of our souls.

In these memories, the father is always associated with authoritarianism and with a linear thought process.

The father can be a symbol of: your own projecting power and your inner authority.

This image can symbolize your own father or your fathering skills that you apply to your children.

Stereotypical images of mothers: traditionally symbolize the perceptive, feminine principles of intuition and nurturing.

This image can also represent your own mothering skills.

Gift from parents

Dream Interpretation Gift from Parents dreamed of why you dream about a gift from your parents? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a gift from your parents in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Becoming a parent in a dream means that you will take on a new business for which you have high hopes. Seeing dead parents in a dream is a sign of receiving news about some unusual events. Often such a dream predicts trouble. Seeing parents in a dream foretells receiving news. The worse your parents look in a dream, the more unpleasant the news you will receive. If your parents look bad or are dressed in black, then the dream indicates that business failures and disappointments await you. See interpretation: father, mother, children, baby.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your parents cheerful in a dream foretells harmony in your relationships and pleasant communication.

If you dream of them after death, then this is a warning of impending troubles and you should be especially careful in your affairs.

If your parents are alive and in a dream you see them calm and happy in your home, this means pleasant changes for you.

For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity.

If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you are in danger of serious disappointment.

If you dream that you are looking at your parents looking healthy and happy, this is a sign that fate is protecting you: your affairs and love will prosper.

If they look unhealthy or sad, you will find that luck has passed you by without recognizing you.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

They reflect those qualities, good or bad, that you adopted from your parents and recognize in yourself.

Seeing your parents in good surroundings and circumstances means the well-being of your life.

Deceased parents come to you with a threat - disapproval of your affairs and their deterioration.

Talking with deceased parents means receiving help and support.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your parents happy in a dream means that your relationship with your chosen one will be strong and long. However, if the parents are pale and upset about something, expect loneliness and disappointment.

A girl whose parents dreamed of being calm will marry successfully and be happy in her marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Gift

If you were given a crystal vase in a dream, this means that you will soon achieve your cherished desire. If a young woman dreams that her lover is giving her a pearl necklace, happy events await her in reality, during which she will hear words of love from her boyfriend and an offer to marry.

To dream that you have a dog fried is a harbinger of a prosperous life full of comfort and pleasure. Receive a box of expensive chocolates as a gift - in reality you will find yourself in an intelligent society, where your talents will be appreciated and will always be happy to welcome you.

A dream in which you are given a stunning fur coat made of natural fur means that in reality you will find yourself in an awkward situation when you will be mistaken for the wrong person, and you will not reveal your true name, so as not to aggravate your situation.

Receiving jewelry as a gift is a sign of exceptional attractiveness and luck in love, promising a wonderful husband and a luxurious life in complete carefreeness.

A dream where you receive a car or a yacht as a gift from some sponsors is a sign of suspicious goodwill of people who have always demonstrated a hostile attitude towards you.

To receive wonderfully designed books as a gift in a dream is a sign of joyful news from friends from abroad. If in a dream you did not receive the expected gift, this portends a clear threat to your current position.

If on your birthday you received flowers as a gift from a loved one, such a dream predicts good luck in all areas. A dream in which you are given golden things means that you will be able to go far on the path to wealth and universal recognition.

A dream where you yourself present gifts to relatives foreshadows financial assistance from them. Giving a gift to your superiors on their anniversary indicates your deeply indifferent attitude towards your leadership, as well as towards any subordination in general. If in a dream you send an expensive gift by mail, in reality you are not using the chance given by fate to arrange your life.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your deceased parents in a dream and having conversations with them means that you will soon receive unpleasant news, the consequences of which can be completely catastrophic for you. If you dreamed of healthy parents, cheerful and friendly in your dream, you will find good health and success with men, and if your parents are sad or angry, this means that you can damage your reputation due to a reckless act.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

In general, these are patterns of behavior or relationships, life positions that are played out and existing in the sleeping person’s family. Parents are advisors, helpers, signposts, pressure, power, warning (about danger, wrong actions), punishment (guilt). Seeing both parents together about upcoming important changes in life is a blessing, marriage for a woman. Beating one of the parents in a dream is an expression of internal protest, defending the right to one’s point of view and independence to psychological satisfaction, agreement, reconciliation with oneself and to benefit, benefit from being beaten in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

If your parents are alive, a dream about them promises harmony in the family. If you dream about dead parents, this is a sign that they should be remembered in church.

If you dreamed of one of your deceased parents, remember him: light a candle and give alms for the repose of your soul.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your parents happy and cheerful in a dream, you can count on good luck, harmony in relationships and pleasant communication. For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity.

A dream about deceased parents is a warning of impending troubles. Be especially careful in business.

If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you will be seriously disappointed.

Parents Day

Dream Interpretation Parents' Day dreamed of why you dream about Parents' Day in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Parents’ Day in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Becoming a parent in a dream means that you will take on a new business for which you have high hopes. Seeing dead parents in a dream is a sign of receiving news about some unusual events. Often such a dream predicts trouble. Seeing parents in a dream foretells receiving news. The worse your parents look in a dream, the more unpleasant the news you will receive. If your parents look bad or are dressed in black, then the dream indicates that business failures and disappointments await you. See interpretation: father, mother, children, baby.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your parents cheerful in a dream foretells harmony in your relationships and pleasant communication.

If you dream of them after death, then this is a warning of impending troubles and you should be especially careful in your affairs.

If your parents are alive and in a dream you see them calm and happy in your home, this means pleasant changes for you.

For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity.

If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you are in danger of serious disappointment.

If you dream that you are looking at your parents looking healthy and happy, this is a sign that fate is protecting you: your affairs and love will prosper.

If they look unhealthy or sad, you will find that luck has passed you by without recognizing you.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

They reflect those qualities, good or bad, that you adopted from your parents and recognize in yourself.

Seeing your parents in good surroundings and circumstances means the well-being of your life.

Deceased parents come to you with a threat - disapproval of your affairs and their deterioration.

Talking with deceased parents means receiving help and support.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your parents happy in a dream means that your relationship with your chosen one will be strong and long. However, if the parents are pale and upset about something, expect loneliness and disappointment.

A girl whose parents dreamed of being calm will marry successfully and be happy in her marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your deceased parents in a dream and having conversations with them means that you will soon receive unpleasant news, the consequences of which can be completely catastrophic for you. If you dreamed of healthy parents, cheerful and friendly in your dream, you will find good health and success with men, and if your parents are sad or angry, this means that you can damage your reputation due to a reckless act.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

In general, these are patterns of behavior or relationships, life positions that are played out and existing in the sleeping person’s family. Parents are advisors, helpers, signposts, pressure, power, warning (about danger, wrong actions), punishment (guilt). Seeing both parents together about upcoming important changes in life is a blessing, marriage for a woman. Beating one of the parents in a dream is an expression of internal protest, defending the right to one’s point of view and independence to psychological satisfaction, agreement, reconciliation with oneself and to benefit, benefit from being beaten in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Parents (relatives)

Among all people, the most significant for any person are his father and mother (brother, sister). Parents in a dream represent the leading fateful tendency of any long or important period in the sleeper’s life (depending on how they look and what they do and say). The image of a father or mother in a dream emphasizes both the significance of the event and some independence of this event from the consciousness of the sleeper. The father embodies a more decisive, rough, testing stream of consciousness, doom, warning, or new perspective with which the dreamer comes into contact. The mother plays the role of fate (its segment), rewards, desires, career, business, obstacles in marriage (for a woman). Positive images of father or mother are equivalent to parental blessings and good luck. All the rest, other relatives in a dream are more often interpreted in negative meanings, as interference, quarrels, troubles. Deceased parents in a dream have increased significance: see Deceased parents in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

If your parents are alive, a dream about them promises harmony in the family. If you dream about dead parents, this is a sign that they should be remembered in church.

If you dreamed of one of your deceased parents, remember him: light a candle and give alms for the repose of your soul.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your parents happy and cheerful in a dream, you can count on good luck, harmony in relationships and pleasant communication. For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity.

A dream about deceased parents is a warning of impending troubles. Be especially careful in business.

If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you will be seriously disappointed.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Get help.

Talking to your parents means true friendship awaits you.

Losing your parents means being forced to rely on someone else's help.

To see deceased parents is a sign of happiness and wealth.

Seeing your father dead means loss of inheritance.

Seeing your father sick is disappointing.

Talking to a deceased father means understanding something correctly.

Arguing with a deceased father means a decline in business.

Seeing a deceased mother means prosperity, a happy event.

Seeing a sick mother means trouble.

Seeing a mother's breast means heading towards the road.

A deceased mother warns against rash actions, and also announces significant changes for the better, dreams of before illness or death.

Mother and child in a dream - to longevity and great happiness.

Meeting your stepmother, even if you don’t actually have one, is a sign of sadness, annoyance, and trouble.

Talking to your stepmother in a dream means that soon an event will happen in your life as a result of which you will experience sadness, annoyance or unpleasant memories.

Children don't listen to their parents

Dream Interpretation Children do not obey their parents dreamed of why in a dream Children do not obey their parents? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Children do not obey their parents in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your parents cheerful in a dream foretells harmony in your relationships and pleasant communication.

If you dream of them after death, then this is a warning of impending troubles and you should be especially careful in your affairs.

If your parents are alive and in a dream you see them calm and happy in your home, this means pleasant changes for you.

For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity.

If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you are in danger of serious disappointment.

If you dream that you are looking at your parents looking healthy and happy, this is a sign that fate is protecting you: your affairs and love will prosper.

If they look unhealthy or sad, you will find that luck has passed you by without recognizing you.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Becoming a parent in a dream means that you will take on a new business for which you have high hopes. Seeing dead parents in a dream is a sign of receiving news about some unusual events. Often such a dream predicts trouble. Seeing parents in a dream foretells receiving news. The worse your parents look in a dream, the more unpleasant the news you will receive. If your parents look bad or are dressed in black, then the dream indicates that business failures and disappointments await you. See interpretation: father, mother, children, baby.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

They reflect those qualities, good or bad, that you adopted from your parents and recognize in yourself.

Seeing your parents in good surroundings and circumstances means the well-being of your life.

Deceased parents come to you with a threat - disapproval of your affairs and their deterioration.

Talking with deceased parents means receiving help and support.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your parents happy in a dream means that your relationship with your chosen one will be strong and long. However, if the parents are pale and upset about something, expect loneliness and disappointment.

A girl whose parents dreamed of being calm will marry successfully and be happy in her marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your deceased parents in a dream and having conversations with them means that you will soon receive unpleasant news, the consequences of which can be completely catastrophic for you. If you dreamed of healthy parents, cheerful and friendly in your dream, you will find good health and success with men, and if your parents are sad or angry, this means that you can damage your reputation due to a reckless act.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

In general, these are patterns of behavior or relationships, life positions that are played out and existing in the sleeping person’s family. Parents are advisors, helpers, signposts, pressure, power, warning (about danger, wrong actions), punishment (guilt). Seeing both parents together about upcoming important changes in life is a blessing, marriage for a woman. Beating one of the parents in a dream is an expression of internal protest, defending the right to one’s point of view and independence to psychological satisfaction, agreement, reconciliation with oneself and to benefit, benefit from being beaten in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Parents (relatives)

Among all people, the most significant for any person are his father and mother (brother, sister). Parents in a dream represent the leading fateful tendency of any long or important period in the sleeper’s life (depending on how they look and what they do and say). The image of a father or mother in a dream emphasizes both the significance of the event and some independence of this event from the consciousness of the sleeper. The father embodies a more decisive, rough, testing stream of consciousness, doom, warning, or new perspective with which the dreamer comes into contact. The mother plays the role of fate (its segment), rewards, desires, career, business, obstacles in marriage (for a woman). Positive images of father or mother are equivalent to parental blessings and good luck. All the rest, other relatives in a dream are more often interpreted in negative meanings, as interference, quarrels, troubles. Deceased parents in a dream have increased significance: see Deceased parents in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

If your parents are alive, a dream about them promises harmony in the family. If you dream about dead parents, this is a sign that they should be remembered in church.

If you dreamed of one of your deceased parents, remember him: light a candle and give alms for the repose of your soul.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your parents happy and cheerful in a dream, you can count on good luck, harmony in relationships and pleasant communication. For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity.

A dream about deceased parents is a warning of impending troubles. Be especially careful in business.

If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you will be seriously disappointed.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Get help.

Talking to your parents means true friendship awaits you.

Losing your parents means being forced to rely on someone else's help.

To see deceased parents is a sign of happiness and wealth.

Seeing your father dead means loss of inheritance.

Seeing your father sick is disappointing.

Talking to a deceased father means understanding something correctly.

Arguing with a deceased father means a decline in business.

Seeing a deceased mother means prosperity, a happy event.

Seeing a sick mother means trouble.

Seeing a mother's breast means heading towards the road.

A deceased mother warns against rash actions, and also announces significant changes for the better, dreams of before illness or death.

Mother and child in a dream - to longevity and great happiness.

Meeting your stepmother, even if you don’t actually have one, is a sign of sadness, annoyance, and trouble.

Talking to your stepmother in a dream means that soon an event will happen in your life as a result of which you will experience sadness, annoyance or unpleasant memories.

Deceased parents

Dream Interpretation Deceased Parents dreamed of why you dream about dead parents? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Dead parents in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Deceased parents in a dream (previously deceased in reality)

Their arrival in a person’s dream after his physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: an attempt at psychological defense to neutralize strong feelings of loss, grief, loss in connection with what happened; which, as a consequence, leads to the harmonization of the mental activity of the sleeper. At the same time, deceased parents (relatives) act as a connecting element of human consciousness with the transcendental, otherworldly world. And in this case, the meaning of their image in a dream is significantly enhanced. Our deceased parents come “from there” at important periods in the sleeper’s life and serve as a sign of guidance, advice, warning, and blessing. Sometimes they become messengers about the death of the dreamer himself and even take and accompany the person to another world (these are prophetic dreams about one’s own death!).

Dream Interpretation - Seeing both deceased parents together

Happiness, wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream means getting rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will be extended. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon become rich. If the deceased whom you see in a dream does something bad, then he warns you against doing it. Seeing a single deceased means marriage, and seeing a married deceased means separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased whom you saw in a dream did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks with the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person in a dream, he will receive benefits and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a deceased person he knows, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left behind by him. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with a deceased person will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a deceased woman has come to life and has had sexual intercourse with him will have success in all his endeavors. See in a dream of a deceased person, he is silent, which means that he from the other world treats favorably the person who saw this dream. Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing in life from the other side. , from where he does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad act in the future. Seeing the deceased rich in the next world means that he is doing well in the next world. Greeting the deceased in a dream means receiving favor from Allah. naked in a dream, it means that he has not done any good deeds in life. If the deceased informs the dreamer about his imminent death, then soon he will really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. “And to those whose faces turn black, (it will be said): “Have you not renounced the faith that you accepted?” (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased and does not come out will be on the verge of death, but then will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping in the same bed with a deceased person means longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die in the same way as the deceased died. Seeing a deceased person performing Namaz in a dream in the place where he usually performed it during life means that he is not doing well in the afterlife. Seeing him performing Namaz in a different place than where he performed it during his life means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for his earthly deeds. A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque indicates that he is deprived of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream a deceased person leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the lives of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead person. If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that goodness, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the residents of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / a change in the weather or severe frosts begin.

But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow in his wake - serious illness and troubles / death.

It's even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illness / danger to life.

Give a photo to a dead person - the person in the portrait will die.

Taking something from a deceased person in a dream means happiness, wealth.

Congratulating him is a good deed.

Those who long to see him are poorly remembered.

Talking to a deceased friend in a dream is important news.

Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, “ambassadors of the future.”

Seeing a portrait of the deceased is spiritual help in material need.

Seeing both deceased parents together is happiness and wealth.

Mother - with her appearance most often warns against rash actions.

Father - warns against something that you will later be ashamed of.

A deceased grandfather or grandmother appears in a dream before significant ceremonies.

A deceased brother is fortunate.

A deceased sister means an unclear, uncertain future.

Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance

Dream Interpretation - Parents of the deceased

well-being; stepfather or stepmother - annoyance, boredom

Dream Interpretation - Seeing the parents of the deceased

To danger.

Dream Interpretation - Parents who died took with them

Towards death.

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who no longer exist in reality continue to live (exist!) in our minds. According to popular belief, “seeing the dead in a dream means a change in the weather.” And there is some truth in this, as a result of sharp changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones of the dead, either phantoms of deceased acquaintances or lucifags from non-physical dimensions of the earth’s noosphere most easily penetrate into the dreams of people in order to study, contact and influence the sleeper. The essence of the latter can be clarified using special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (non-human), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although lucifags very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones, loved ones who have passed on to another world, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, instead of joy, for some reason we experience special discomfort, strong excitement and even fear! However, what saves us from making direct destructive energetic contact with genuine representatives of underground infernal spaces is the lack of full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them. However, quite often we may see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of close people who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from deceased relatives we can receive good parting words, a warning, a message about future events, and real spiritual-energy support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream represent our own projections, showing the so-called “unfinished gestalt” - an unfinished relationship with a given person. Such non-physically ongoing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, and resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by feelings of sadness, guilt, regret, repentance and spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Becoming a parent in a dream means that you will take on a new business for which you have high hopes. Seeing dead parents in a dream is a sign of receiving news about some unusual events. Often such a dream predicts trouble. Seeing parents in a dream foretells receiving news. The worse your parents look in a dream, the more unpleasant the news you will receive. If your parents look bad or are dressed in black, then the dream indicates that business failures and disappointments await you. See interpretation: father, mother, children, baby.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your parents cheerful in a dream foretells harmony in your relationships and pleasant communication.

If you dream of them after death, then this is a warning of impending troubles and you should be especially careful in your affairs.

If your parents are alive and in a dream you see them calm and happy in your home, this means pleasant changes for you.

For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity.

If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you are in danger of serious disappointment.

If you dream that you are looking at your parents looking healthy and happy, this is a sign that fate is protecting you: your affairs and love will prosper.

If they look unhealthy or sad, you will find that luck has passed you by without recognizing you.

I'm looking for my mother in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Looking for a mother. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams I’m looking for a mother mean, or what it means to see I’m looking for a mother in a dream.

The deceased mother breaks dishes in her sleep

I dreamed of a calm, deceased mother. We were standing in the living room of the house and she seemed to accidentally break a tall glass, it was clean and beautiful. I was unhappy and told her about it. Then she again, smiling, as if by accident, breaks a second one exactly the same. I already understand that this is not accidental, but that she is doing it on purpose, and I began to scold her loudly. Then she again, with a stupid look, as if by accident, hits the third one, I begin to behave very aggressively and even grabbed her by the face. We had problems in life before her death, but she loved me and my son very much. And she always looked happy when she looked at us. But I behaved terribly towards her and the feeling of guilt will never leave me...

Mother of the Gods in a dream

I run with babies in my arms.

They are boys.

My sons.

I'm running away.

I'm running away from my pursuers.

Angels run next to me on both hands.

Angel of Darkness and Angel of Light.

My children are Gods.

God of Light and God of Darkness.

I am the Mother of the Gods.

The Dark Ones attacked us.

We're running away.

Everything is burning.

Winged creatures shoot arrows at us from bows.

There is open space all around.

Fields and rivers.

I see a small house.

We all run there.

We are being attacked.

We are under attack.

The dark ones begin to win the battle.

I, with my children and my retinue, go deeper into the house.

There is a well.

One of the darkness jumps out of the well and takes my dark child.

I'm turning into my dark angel.

I have black beautiful wings.

First I protect my people from the dark ones in dark guise.

Having won, I hand over the bright child for safekeeping to the bright angel and mother goddess.

And I jump into the well.

I'm being sucked into the vortex.

I know I'm going to hell.

Hell is in turmoil and they need a new ruler, a new god.

I'm walking on lava.

I approach the throne, on the throne in the cradle is my son.

The Advisor approaches me.

This is Putin.

He comes up to me, asks how I’m doing, and then says:

In heaven, of course, it’s good, but in hell the company is more pleasant.

I, seeing that they need, really need, a new god, I say that my son should stay here with the dark angel, but that everyone remember until he grows up who his mother is. And who will protect him.

I wake up.

This dream is also vivid because I experienced very vivid emotions. As a mother goddess, I protected my child gods, the god of light and the god of darkness. I knew about their purpose. But I didn’t know about their fates. I still flash in my dreams. That is, at first I was a mother goddess, then a dark angel. But I am me, no matter what reincarnation I am in. When I was a dark angel, I flew, fought, used magic. Even in my dreams, the feeling of power does not leave me. I had this dream a long time ago, but I remember it to this day. I had this dream on the eve of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin’s second term. T.K. When I woke up in the morning, I knew who to vote for and who would be re-elected for a second presidential term.

Mother in a dream

Good afternoon. I had this dream as a child, but it is still etched in my memory and can’t get out of my head. When I dreamed about this, I was only eight or nine years old. I wake up in my bed. The lights are turned off in the room and it is dark, through the frosted glass of the front door you can see the light from the corridor and the kitchen from where the voices of my parents and the owners of the apartment can be heard (my parents were renting a room at the time). My mother is standing in the middle of the room. I was surprised what she was doing in the room, got out of bed and approached her. She did not move, when I looked closely at her face, it was distorted into a terrible grimace, quite simple, but not human. I got scared and rushed to the door to leave the room. Through the glass in the door, I saw that the light was on in the kitchen and heard the laughter of adults, but I could not open the door, no matter how much I tried. My “mother” walked towards me. Then the thought came to me that I needed to turn on the light in the room. Naturally, no matter how much I tried, it didn’t work, I already felt her breathing behind me and then I woke up. The worst thing for me then was that I woke up not in bed, but standing in the middle of the room. The room was as dark as in the dream, only there was darkness outside the door and my parents were sleeping on their bed in the room. As a child, I was very scared then because of what I saw, because it was not just some person in my room, but it was my mother, whom I loved very much then

Mother cross tattoo in a dream

Her mother asked her to get a green cross tattooed on her entire back. At first, I carefully began to apply the image, a barely noticeable green outline, because I don’t know how to tattoo. But my mother asked me to make it bolder and fill the cross completely with color... She had no fear or pain, but I liked the green, emerald color...

Looking for a loved one in a dream

I dream that I’m looking for my soulmate, although I’m married, my husband seems to be my favorite, I’m sorting through men, this one is not like this, not this one, I feel like someone is beckoning me but I can’t understand, I look at my husband, no, it’s not him, there are no SUCH feelings for him , although it’s like family... I’m well aware of everything... A girl helps me, like a friend... And it turns out that among whom I’m looking, men who were once dear to me, I felt some kind of feelings for them, I’ve been with one not the same with someone else.. Everything is wrong... And suddenly I understand that the girl who helps me loves my husband, I don’t resist, I allow them to meet, since there is love between them, and I continue to search and find everything is mutual and this is not my husband , and our mutual friend and I feel at ease and I’m happy.... I wake up and have a ache in my chest...

The person I found in a dream is a mutual acquaintance with my husband, I still feel something for him, but not as a friend... I don’t know anything about him now, since 2005 I haven’t known anything about him

I'm looking for paper, I found envelopes in a dream

In a hurry, I look for 22 blank sheets of paper, but I can’t find them. I wanted to tear the pages out of the notebook, but it was all written down. Then I found 22 blank envelopes and selected them.

Looking for a toilet in a building under construction in a dream

I'm looking for a toilet in the newly built 9th floor. Admin. Building, in a dream I know that this is either my apartment or work, (they built it for me too), and in the dream I recognize the organization in the cat. I want to work. It's dark outside, autumn. The building is also dark, because it has not been put into operation, renovations have not been completed, and communications have not been installed. I'm on the 5th floor. I go into the toilet and through the window I see the administrator standing next to me. Building. It is located so close that I can see 2 women (one very elderly, the other younger). I hide from them, hoping that the toilet is dark and they can’t see me, but it looks like they are aware of my existence, I hear them talking about me: “When communications are brought to this building, we will not have enough heat at all!” And then I ask myself the question “Will I have enough warmth here, will I be comfortable here?” And then I somehow find myself in the future: This unfinished room has turned into a beautifully furnished apartment, cozy and very! Warmth, and I felt this warmth physically in contrast!! Feeling of a well-heated room and comfort.

I'm looking for the way to my father's house in a dream

I have the same dream over and over again. The village where my father was born and where my grandfather lived all his life is located 7 km from the village where I was born. But I dream about my grandfather’s village, I am always looking for his house, and then from there I find the way home and I always follow it on foot, and the road is easy for me. I don’t get home, but I go out to the outskirts. With every dream, grandfather’s village grows, high-rise buildings, large supermarkets, etc. appear. And it is increasingly difficult to find the house where grandfather lived. This time I couldn’t find my grandfather’s house or the way home. I was very upset. As a child, I didn’t like my grandfather. Neither his village and I don’t miss him.

Looking for a meeting in a dream

I always dream that I am looking for him, I want to meet him. But for some reason, either I can’t find it, or something is stopping me on the way to it. Either I get stuck, then I can’t walk, then water and other obstacles appear. Once I overcame myself through a dream, and I got there, we met, hugged, talked. But the last dreams are again such that I can’t reach him or shout out to him

I still love this man

Looking for a room in a dream

I dream I’m running up and down the stairs, looking for room 25. In my hands is a large package as tall as I am, sealed. I don’t know where I got it from or what’s there. I decided that there were knitting threads because the package was light. I never found the room. I went out into some yard without the package and talked to strange women.

I'm looking and can't find a certain person in a dream

I dream that I am walking along the road with a close friend, and I see that in the distance, with his back to me, a friend of mine is standing and smoking with his friend. I tell my friend, I went to look for him. To which she answers me - then give me your backpack and keys, I will go to your house while you look for it. I take off my backpack and give it to her, and give her two of my keys (they are on the same ring).

And after that I can't find him. Then I sit down on the bench at the stop where I saw him at the beginning of the dream. I dial his number and immediately hang up. After that, he calls me back and says something into the phone, not in Russian, but in the background, I hear the child saying something. Although in real life he does not have a child.

In my dream I never found him. I have been having similar dreams for several months. I look for him in them and cannot find him. Please help me interpret my dream! Sincerely, Elena.

I'm looking for a cure in my sleep

I am with my daughter at a bus stop, on a dusty, empty road. Before that, I also traveled on some kind of bus, I don’t remember the details. I’m standing and thinking that my daughter needs to take some medicine and go and take one bus that’s about to arrive, but then I’ll have to go back and go in a different direction, also for medicine, but to a different place.

Looking for my native roots in a dream

I see myself as a girl - lonely, in dirty clothes, chatty, cheerful. I have some piece of paper in my hand, I’m running, waving it and there’s such joy in my chest that I can’t stand still. And the dream, like in a movie, returns to the beginning of the story.

I'm interested in an ancient story about a powerful clan of pirates and their treasures, and I'm starting to look for the origins of where their family came from. I find myself a descendant of them. I continue my search, finding my maternal lineage and where my relatives live. I come to them with a birth certificate and what I found, they don’t want to hear anything about me, they say that they have everything put together so well that I don’t fit into their system. I'm offended, but I'm not leaving. I continue to dig up family history. I find that they are not like relatives to each other, everyone in the family is adopted, and there is also one family that also lays claim to the pirates’ inheritance. They say that they are on their father's side and that they moved away from pirate affairs, became aristocrats, and atoned for the guilt of their ancestors by doing charity and not robbing anyone. And those who consider themselves to be a family of pirates on their mother’s side are impostors. Now these two families are at war with each other. I find that even there they are not related to each other by blood.

But the “tribal system” of these two clans is very strong. Before my eyes, a pyramid of these two clans begins to grow, the young are holding their parents on their shoulders, and they are holding theirs. At the tops of the two pyramids stand: on the paternal side - the eldest fathers of the fathers. Pirates have mothers of mothers. Their monumentality is amazing, but I say: “It’s okay, you have a place for me too, I’m yours.”

Mother in a dream

I dream about my dead mother, she gets angry and says: “why didn’t you tell me everything” and her injured hand is bandaged

Mother eats her baby alive in her sleep

Three young women were walking in the forest with strollers. They walked up the path. One of them talked about successfully saving her child from a fatal disease. Meanwhile, they climbed to the top of the hill. Evening came, the sun set. Mothers' behavior has changed. They began to sniff the air around them like animals. And suddenly, as if for the first time, they saw their children. With interest, they pulled out the babies, examined them carefully... And clung to their bodies. The babies screamed loudly while their mothers ate.

I dreamed about my deceased parents

Dream Interpretation I dreamed about my deceased parents I dreamed about why I dreamed about it in a dream. Did you dream about your deceased parents? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your deceased parents in a dream by reading below for free dream interpretations from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your parents cheerful in a dream foretells harmony in your relationships and pleasant communication.

If you dream of them after death, then this is a warning of impending troubles and you should be especially careful in your affairs.

If your parents are alive and in a dream you see them calm and happy in your home, this means pleasant changes for you.

For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity.

If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you are in danger of serious disappointment.

If you dream that you are looking at your parents looking healthy and happy, this is a sign that fate is protecting you: your affairs and love will prosper.

If they look unhealthy or sad, you will find that luck has passed you by without recognizing you.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Becoming a parent in a dream means that you will take on a new business for which you have high hopes. Seeing dead parents in a dream is a sign of receiving news about some unusual events. Often such a dream predicts trouble. Seeing parents in a dream foretells receiving news. The worse your parents look in a dream, the more unpleasant the news you will receive. If your parents look bad or are dressed in black, then the dream indicates that business failures and disappointments await you. See interpretation: father, mother, children, baby.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

They reflect those qualities, good or bad, that you adopted from your parents and recognize in yourself.

Seeing your parents in good surroundings and circumstances means the well-being of your life.

Deceased parents come to you with a threat - disapproval of your affairs and their deterioration.

Talking with deceased parents means receiving help and support.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your parents happy in a dream means that your relationship with your chosen one will be strong and long. However, if the parents are pale and upset about something, expect loneliness and disappointment.

A girl whose parents dreamed of being calm will marry successfully and be happy in her marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your deceased parents in a dream and having conversations with them means that you will soon receive unpleasant news, the consequences of which can be completely catastrophic for you. If you dreamed of healthy parents, cheerful and friendly in your dream, you will find good health and success with men, and if your parents are sad or angry, this means that you can damage your reputation due to a reckless act.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

In general, these are patterns of behavior or relationships, life positions that are played out and existing in the sleeping person’s family. Parents are advisors, helpers, signposts, pressure, power, warning (about danger, wrong actions), punishment (guilt). Seeing both parents together about upcoming important changes in life is a blessing, marriage for a woman. Beating one of the parents in a dream is an expression of internal protest, defending the right to one’s point of view and independence to psychological satisfaction, agreement, reconciliation with oneself and to benefit, benefit from being beaten in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Parents (relatives)

Among all people, the most significant for any person are his father and mother (brother, sister). Parents in a dream represent the leading fateful tendency of any long or important period in the sleeper’s life (depending on how they look and what they do and say). The image of a father or mother in a dream emphasizes both the significance of the event and some independence of this event from the consciousness of the sleeper. The father embodies a more decisive, rough, testing stream of consciousness, doom, warning, or new perspective with which the dreamer comes into contact. The mother plays the role of fate (its segment), rewards, desires, career, business, obstacles in marriage (for a woman). Positive images of father or mother are equivalent to parental blessings and good luck. All the rest, other relatives in a dream are more often interpreted in negative meanings, as interference, quarrels, troubles. Deceased parents in a dream have increased significance: see Deceased parents in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

If your parents are alive, a dream about them promises harmony in the family. If you dream about dead parents, this is a sign that they should be remembered in church.

If you dreamed of one of your deceased parents, remember him: light a candle and give alms for the repose of your soul.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your parents happy and cheerful in a dream, you can count on good luck, harmony in relationships and pleasant communication. For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity.

A dream about deceased parents is a warning of impending troubles. Be especially careful in business.

If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you will be seriously disappointed.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Get help.

Talking to your parents means true friendship awaits you.

Losing your parents means being forced to rely on someone else's help.

To see deceased parents is a sign of happiness and wealth.

Seeing your father dead means loss of inheritance.

Seeing your father sick is disappointing.

Talking to a deceased father means understanding something correctly.

Arguing with a deceased father means a decline in business.

Seeing a deceased mother means prosperity, a happy event.

Seeing a sick mother means trouble.

Seeing a mother's breast means heading towards the road.

A deceased mother warns against rash actions, and also announces significant changes for the better, dreams of before illness or death.

Mother and child in a dream - to longevity and great happiness.

Meeting your stepmother, even if you don’t actually have one, is a sign of sadness, annoyance, and trouble.

Talking to your stepmother in a dream means that soon an event will happen in your life as a result of which you will experience sadness, annoyance or unpleasant memories.

Deceased parents fighting mother

Dream Interpretation Deceased parents fighting mother dreamed of why in a dream the deceased parents are fighting the mother? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see deceased parents fighting with your mother in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mother of the deceased

Change of situation for the better.

Dream Interpretation - Mother

Seeing your mother in a dream foretells prosperity, joy, and good luck. If she is sick and complains about her illnesses, this means trouble in real life. Seeing her dead means illness in the family and sad news from relatives.

If in a dream your mother is bustling around in the kitchen, cooking dishes, washing dishes, etc., in reality this foreshadows a long life and bright prospects that will certainly come true.

Having a long, emotional conversation with your mother means that you will soon receive good news. If your mother is silent and does not want to talk to you, it means that you will be deprived of something extremely necessary.

If in a dream you hear the voice of your mother calling you, this means that you will make a serious mistake in your affairs, but your friends will help you correct it. If you hear your mother crying in a dream, in reality the partners will reveal to you their intentions regarding further joint actions.

Seeing your mother living with you means pleasant responsibilities in married life. Seeing the mother of one of your friends in a sick condition or near death in a dream foreshadows sad events in your home.

Seeing your mother resting in a rocking chair means that you will be visited by happiness that you could not even imagine in your highest dreams. To dream that you are kissing your mother foretells that success in business and the love and respect of friends await you.

If you see a young nursing mother in a dream, this means that you will have a great opportunity to realize your potential. Seeing yourself as a nursing mother means that in reality you will have to refute the accusations against you and fully prove your honesty.

Dream Interpretation - Mother

Seeing your mother appearing in the house in a dream foretells encouraging results in any business.

Conversing with her in a dream means that you will soon receive good news about matters in which you are extremely interested.

If a woman sees her mother in a dream, it means pleasant responsibilities and marital happiness.

Seeing someone's mother sick or dead portends sadness.

Hearing in a dream that your mother is calling you means that you are abandoned by everyone, and that you have chosen the wrong direction in your affairs.

Hearing her cry in a dream is a sign of her illness or misfortune that threatens you.

Dream Interpretation - Mother

Mother, appearing in a dream, prophesies the future of your family.

Seeing a crying mother in a dream is a bad sign that foreshadows major quarrels, scandal or even family breakdown, but since you received a warning, you have time to prevent and correct all this.

A dream in which your mother is young and sings a lullaby to you means that you are too busy with what is happening outside the family, while she needs your constant attention. Don't miss the moment - now you can still maintain warm and trusting relationships with your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Mother

Mother, appearing in a dream, prophesies the future of your family. If you dreamed of your mother as she is at the moment, do not expect any changes. Seeing a crying mother is unlucky. If you quarrel with her, trouble awaits you. If your mother sings you a lullaby, it means that you are paying too little attention to your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Mother

A dream about your mother appearing in your home foretells encouraging results in any business.

Talking to your mother in a dream means you will receive good news.

For a woman, a dream about her mother promises pleasant responsibilities and marital happiness.

A mother's crying is a sign of her illness or misfortune that threatens you.

A dream about a nursing mother indicates that you are in favorable conditions to realize your plans.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga believed that your mother, appearing in a dream, prophesies the future for your family.

She interpreted dreams about her mother as follows.

If you dreamed of your mother as she currently is in reality, it means that you do not expect serious changes in the near future; your family affairs are under control.

Seeing a crying mother in a dream is a bad sign that foreshadows major quarrels, scandal or even family breakdown, but since you received a warning, you have time to prevent and correct all this.

If in a dream you quarrel with your mother or she hits you, then this means that your family will suffer a misfortune for which you will blame yourself, but in fact there are no one to blame for this event, everyone will be victims.

A dream in which your mother is young and sings a lullaby to you means that you are too busy with what is happening outside the family, while she needs your constant attention.

Dream Interpretation - Mother

Seeing your mother in a dream means well-being in everything.

Talking to her is good news.

If your mother died a long time ago, the meaning of dreams does not change, but if a living mother is seen in a dream as sick or dead, this means sadness and trouble.

For a woman it also means failure in marriage or divorce, and for a man it means difficulties in business and loss of career.

The frequent appearance of your mother in a dream predicts some important event in your life.

If your mother calls you, you need to think: you are acting incorrectly and risk being left alone.

Dream Interpretation - Mother

Mother symbol: usually indicates the nurturing properties of nature: mother earth and divine mother.

Mother is a wise woman living in you, even if you are a man, you have feminine energies.

The meaning you attach to this symbol reflects the part of yourself that your mother symbolizes.

Jung states that the mother: is a symbol of the collective consciousness and the inner or nocturnal side of life, and also a symbol of the source of water.

Dream Interpretation - Mother

Any dream in which you see your mother means well-being and blessing, premonition, recognition. Seeing her face or how she does something in a dream is a sign of receiving news from her, her concern for your well-being.

Seeing her soaked to the skin and doing something unusual means that a scandal will break out in your family over your mother and all your relatives will blame her for their misfortunes. The dream suggests that this time you will not be able to stay away from common problems. Seeing your mother dead in a dream is a harbinger of illness, unpleasant troubles and family squabbles. Seeing her agony in a dream means anxiety, grief. If you dream that your mother is sick, then expect all sorts of family troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Becoming a parent in a dream means that you will take on a new business for which you have high hopes. Seeing dead parents in a dream is a sign of receiving news about some unusual events. Often such a dream predicts trouble. Seeing parents in a dream foretells receiving news. The worse your parents look in a dream, the more unpleasant the news you will receive. If your parents look bad or are dressed in black, then the dream indicates that business failures and disappointments await you. See interpretation: father, mother, children, baby.

Dream Interpretation Parents If you see your parents cheerful and happy in a dream, this portends harmony in relationships with loved ones. Fate protects you, your personal and professional life will delight you. If in a dream you see your parents calm and happy visiting you, pleasant changes await you. For a young woman, such a dream usually foreshadows a happy and prosperous marriage. If your parents are pale and dressed all in black, serious disappointments await you. If they look unhealthy or sad, luck will pass you by for the time being. If you dream of them after your death, this is a warning of impending troubles: you must be especially careful in your affairs. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Parents Seeing cheerful, joyful parents in a dream: foretells harmony and pleasant friends. If you dream of dead parents: such a dream warns of impending disaster. You should be especially careful when conducting business. Seeing happy parents in your home: a prediction of pleasant changes in fate. Girls have such a dream. If the parents are pale, tired and dressed in black, deep disappointments await you. If the parents in your dream look good, are healthy and happy: the dream promises you favorable circumstances. Your affairs, both commercial and personal, will be successful. Seeing exhausted, sad parents means that luck will pass you by unnoticed. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Parents Seeing your deceased parents in a dream and having conversations with them means that you will soon receive unpleasant news, the consequences of which can be completely catastrophic for you. If you dreamed of healthy parents, cheerful and friendly in your dream, you will find good health and success with men, and if your parents are sad or angry, this means that you can damage your reputation due to a reckless act. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Meaning of sleep Parents Seeing your parents happy in a dream means that your relationship with your chosen one will be strong and long. However, if the parents are pale and upset about something, expect loneliness and disappointment. A girl whose parents dreamed of being calm will marry successfully and be happy in her marriage. Dream book for lovers

Sleep Parents Parents: reflect those qualities, good or bad, that you adopted from your parents and recognize in yourself. To see parents in good surroundings and circumstances: the well-being of your life. Deceased parents come to you with a threat: disapproval of your affairs and their deterioration. Talk with deceased parents: get help, support. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Parents Parents. Seeing your parents cheerful in a dream foretells harmony in your relationships and pleasant communication. If you dream of them after death, then this is a warning of impending troubles and you should be especially careful in your affairs. If your parents are alive and in a dream you see them calm and happy in your home, this means pleasant changes for you. For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity. If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you are in danger of serious disappointment. If you dream that you are looking at your parents looking healthy and happy, this is a sign that fate is protecting you: your affairs and love will prosper. If they look unhealthy or sad, you will find that luck has passed you by without recognizing you. Big dream book

Why do you dream about Parents? If your parents are alive and you dream of them in a good mood: this promises harmony in relationships and pleasant communication; if you dreamed of deceased parents: this may be a warning of impending troubles and you should be especially careful; however, dreams about parents: can have many other meanings, related to the relationship you have with your parents. Dream book of the future

Dream Interpretation Parents Seeing your parents happy and cheerful in a dream, you can count on good luck, harmony in relationships and pleasant communication. For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity. A dream about deceased parents is a warning of impending troubles. Be especially careful in business. If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you will be seriously disappointed.
Adoptive parents or children in a dream If you dream of adoptive parents or children, you may be trying to satisfy someone else's need for additional care and guardianship. Or maybe you yourself need it. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Parents Parents are alive: initial vital data. Cheerful, young: they remind you that you were initially given a lot. Old, sad: you did not have the necessary starting base, but you rise above your parents. They scold you: you pay too much attention to the opinions of your loved ones. They praise: you are building your life, neglecting the interests of your loved ones; this is dangerous. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Parents Remember: the roles played by family members usually change dramatically. But, despite these changes, stereotypical ideas about parents always live in the memory of our souls. The father symbolizes power and linear thinking. Radiation of power. Yang energy. Mother usually signifies the yin principle of nurturing, the inner worlds, intuition and magic. The dream could also signify your own parenting skills. Lynn's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Parents The roles played by family members: usually change dramatically. But, despite these changes, stereotypical ideas about parents always live in the memory of our souls. In these memories, the father is always associated with authoritarianism and with a linear thought process. The father can be a symbol of: your own projecting power and your inner authority. This image can symbolize your own father or your fathering skills that you apply to your children. Stereotypical images of mothers: traditionally symbolize the perceptive, feminine principles of intuition and nurturing. This image can also represent your own mothering skills. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Parents PARENTS - in general - are models of behavior or relationships, life positions played out and existing in the family of the sleeping person. Parents are advisors, helpers, signposts, pressure, power, warning (about danger, wrong actions), punishment (guilt). Seeing both parents together means upcoming important changes in life, a blessing, for a woman - marriage. Beating one of the parents in a dream is an expression of internal protest, defending the right to one’s point of view and independence - to psychological satisfaction, agreement, reconciliation with oneself and to benefit, benefit from being beaten in reality. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Parents Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Parents Parents: if you see your parents cheerful and happy in a dream. If in a dream you see your parents calm and happy while visiting you, pleasant changes await you. A young woman has such a dream. If the parents are pale and dressed all in black, serious disappointments await you. If they look unhealthy or sad: for the time being, luck will pass you by. If you dream of them after your death: this is a warning of impending troubles: you must be especially careful in your affairs. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Parents They reflect those qualities, good or bad, that you adopted from your parents and recognize in yourself. Seeing your parents in good surroundings and circumstances means the well-being of your life. Deceased parents come to you with a threat - disapproval of your affairs and their deterioration. Talking with deceased parents means receiving help and support. Self-instruction manual for dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Parents Seeing your parents happy and cheerful in a dream: you can count on good luck, harmony in relationships and pleasant communication. A young woman has such a dream. A dream about dead parents: this is a warning of impending troubles. Be especially careful in business. If your parents are pale and dressed in black, serious disappointment awaits you. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Parents Seeing dead parents talking to you: serious advice and warning. For a girl to see her father and mother together: a happy marriage means good luck. Seeing yourself as a parent: returning lost property or deeds. Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Dream Interpretation Deceased Parents Deceased parents (who died earlier in reality) - Their arrival in a person’s dream after their physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: an attempt at psychological defense to neutralize strong feelings of loss, grief, loss in connection with what happened; which, as a consequence, leads to the harmonization of the mental activity of the sleeper. At the same time, deceased parents (relatives) act as a connecting element of human consciousness with the transcendental, otherworldly world. And in this case, the meaning of their image in a dream is significantly enhanced. Our deceased parents come “from there” at important periods in the sleeper’s life and serve as a sign of guidance, advice, warning, and blessing. Sometimes they become messengers about the death of the dreamer himself and even take and accompany the person to another world (these are prophetic dreams about one’s own death!). Our deceased grandparents stand apart - they come to us in our dreams at the most critical moments of our lives.
Parents in a dream Parents (relatives) - Among all people, the most significant for any person are his father and mother (brother, sister). Parents in a dream represent the leading fateful tendency of some long or important period in the sleeper’s life (depending on how they look and what they do and say). The image of a father or mother in a dream emphasizes both the significance of the event and some independence of this event from the consciousness of the sleeper. Father - embodies a more decisive, rough, testing stream of consciousness, fate, warning, or an opening prospect with which the dreamer comes into contact. Mother - plays the role of fate (its segment), rewards, desires, career, business, obstacles in marriage (for a woman). Positive images of father or mother are equivalent to parental blessings and good luck. All the rest, other relatives in a dream are more often interpreted in negative meanings, as interference, quarrels, troubles. Deceased parents in a dream have increased significance: see Deceased parents in a dream.

Parents in a dream - Seeing dead parents in a dream- fall under someone's influence.
For a young woman, for example, such a dream is a harbinger of a successful, good marriage.
If you dreamed about your parents- this is a good sign. He says that difficulties await you on the path to success, but you will cope with them thanks to the help that your loved ones will provide you.
If you dreamed about your parents- expect help in a matter that is important to you.
If you dreamed about your mother- a joyful, happy event awaits you ahead, which you will remember for a long time.
If in a dream you saw your mother sick- to the illness of you or someone in your family.
If you see your father in a dream- this means that you have great difficulty overcoming problems in your affairs and difficulties.
If in a dream you talked to your parents- look forward to meeting an interesting person who will soon become your good friend.
If in a dream you argued or argued with your father- your affairs will go badly.
If you saw your father in a dream- you will receive a large profit that will solve all your financial difficulties.
If in a dream he was upset- your things at work will go badly, and you will have to make a lot of efforts to keep your job.
If you saw them happy and cheerful- this means that harmony and understanding will be established in your relationships with family and friends.
If happy and calm people came to you in a dream and were visiting you, then this is a sign of pleasant changes.
If mom is deceased- then, oddly enough, to prosperity, a joyful mother - to danger, it’s worth listening to her voice.
If the parents are wearing all black and they are pale in the face, then this is a disappointment.
If they are sad and unhealthy- then this is a series of failures.
If a young woman sees her father in a dream, it means that perhaps her beloved man will soon deceive her.
If you dream about mom- this is for the implementation of plans.
If you dreamed about your parents after death- this dream warns of impending troubles; you will need to be attentive to your affairs. A positive image of a mother or father is a kind of luck and parental blessing.
Losing your mother in a dream- to an act that you will be forced to commit and for which you will suffer pangs of conscience.
Losing parents in a dream- for problems that you cannot solve on your own, you will have to turn to loved ones for help.
Losing your mother in a dream- to illness, difficulties and failures.
A mother who dreams in a dream foreshadows an event that will make you very happy.
Talking to your parents in a dream suggests that you will soon meet an interesting person with whom you will develop a good friendship.
A dream in which you saw your parents together promises you happiness and prosperity.
The dream in which you saw your father promises you profit.
A dream in which you lost your parents in a dream does not bode well - you will begin to have difficulties that you cannot solve on your own and will resort to the help of unfamiliar people.

The dream came true

Parents are always the closest and dearest people in the life of any person. Therefore, when they appear in a dream, you definitely want to understand what events in real life such a dream may be a harbinger of. In various dream books, it is possible to distinguish the decoding in two directions, namely, whether you dreamed about living parents or whether you happened to see a father and mother who had already died in your night dreams. Moreover, in both cases, it is important to remember the mood of the parents, as well as their actions.

Why do you dream about living parents?

If you dreamed of parents who are alive, then this may be due to the fact that you are not paying enough attention to them. That is, your subconscious focuses on the fact that you are doing the wrong thing and in reality you definitely need to change your behavior.

On the other hand, smiling parents in a good mood symbolize the fact that everything is fine with you. In the near future you will be under the protection of higher powers, and good luck will accompany you in all your endeavors.

Parents laughing and talking

It’s very good when you dreamed of parents laughing and talking to each other. In this case, it is not at all necessary to listen to their words; it is enough that you saw such a picture. It is she who symbolizes complete harmony in your life. Most likely, quite recently your life was filled with troubles and problems, and such a dream foreshadows the onset of a period of measured and calm life.

If, during your parents’ communication in your nightly dreams, you notice how a spark of love and tenderness jumps between people dear to you, then this indicates that positive changes will occur in your personal life. Such a dream is especially positive for family people. After it, partners realize how dear they are to each other.

If in a dream your parents turn to you and give advice, you should definitely listen to it. As a rule, their words are prophetic. Quite often, such advice is a guide to action and leads to a happy marriage.

Boyfriend's parents

Many girls are interested in the question of why a guy’s parents dream. In most cases, this is a good sign, foreshadowing an imminent marriage.

The following main plot lines of such night dreams can be distinguished:

    The crying mother of the chosen one indicates the girl’s experiences in reality, but most of the problems in this case can be resolved on their own; The guy’s mother is in a good mood - this is a sign that this woman is an absolute authority for your son and this fact should be taken into account when building relationships; Mom your chosen one is in a bad mood - you are afraid of the need for the first acquaintance; Together with a woman you are in charge of the kitchen - you can build a trusting and warm relationship with her.

Girl's parents - dream book

On the other hand, young people are also often tormented by the question of why the girl’s parents dream. If they were in a good mood, then for a guy this dream always has a positive interpretation and indicates that he made the right life choice.

Why do you dream about the death of your parents?

It is important to know why you dream about the death of your parents, because a very scary dream is in which the dreamer sees the death of his closest relatives. But in fact, there is no need to worry, since such a dream does not bode well. It refers to the dreams of shifters, and, therefore, promises a long life for the parents. But at the same time, if such a dream is very disturbing for the dreamer, then this indicates that in real life the time has come to change something.

Living parents are not in the mood

A bad sign is a dream in which you saw your living parents not in the best mood and dressed in dark clothes. After such a dream, a period of life disappointments begins, and it can be very long. You will have to be disappointed in the actions of people from your immediate circle, and also due to the fact that many undertakings will turn into pipe dreams.

A dream in which your parents scold you is not very good. It indicates that you will have to make incredible efforts to move towards your goals. But such a dream also emphasizes the fact that you are very dependent on your parents. Think, maybe it’s time to become a more independent person.

Drunk parents

Seeing drunk parents in a dream is considered a bad sign. This dream is a harbinger of unkind life changes. And if drunken parents begin to swear in their night dreams, this may indicate that the dreamer will have health problems in the near future.

Deceased parents - how to interpret a dream

Many people are interested in the question of why dead parents should be photographed. Sometimes such a dream indicates that the dreamer constantly returns his thoughts to his relatives who have left this world, but much more often such a dream is symbolic and indicates certain events that can happen in real life. To understand why dead parents dream, you need to try to remember all the details of the dream plot. If you dreamed about recently deceased parents, then this is a reflection of the subconscious about unbearable grief and terrible loss. Therefore, such a dream is unlikely to be associated with events occurring in the real world.

Most often, parents who have already passed away appear in dreams before any significant life changes. It is important to pay attention to their actions, as they can give hints on what to do in a given situation or focus attention on the right decision.

Tsvetkov’s dream book provides a decoding of dream plots in accordance with the mood of the deceased parents:

    If your loved ones look well, and you see them in a dream together in a cozy home environment, then this indicates the well-being of your affairs in real life; If your deceased parents give you a gift, then this portends happiness and wealth in real life; When parents who died, offer you money, then this indicates that hard times are coming in life, so you need to be more economical; If your parents scold you or threaten you, then this indicates that in reality you can commit a serious offense that you can cause great harm or later you will greatly repent of it; If you are talking with deceased parents, this means that you really hope to get a hint from them on how to act in a given situation. Such a dream may be a harbinger that in reality other people will help you.

When in your night dreams you saw your dead parents sad and sorrowful, this symbolizes that a period in life begins, filled with strong experiences. If, according to the plot of your dream, you happened to hug your deceased parents, then this portends you many years of life. In addition, after such a dream you will get rid of internal fears and life will be filled with bright colors and positive emotions. If you had to kiss one of your deceased parents in a dream, this means that you are forgiving someone in real life, or you yourself will be forgiven by the person you offended.

The newlyweds dreamed about their dead parents

A favorable sign is a dream with deceased parents, which one of the newlyweds dreams of. Thus, relatives send their blessing to the marriage and indicate the correctness of the choice of the chosen one. If in a dream the focus is on one of the parents, then when deciphering you should take into account:
    The late mother warns against rash actions in real life; The late father warns against shameful actions in reality.

Late father

It is important to know why a deceased parent dreams. Very often the deceased father in a dream warns about the dreamer’s illness. This often happens when the cause of death of a loved one is illness.

Adults dream of deceased parents

When adults who have a family and raise children dream about deceased parents, this may indicate that they need to analyze their attitude towards their own children. Maybe it’s time to treat them like adults and sincerely talk about their hobbies or plans for their future life, and, if possible, help them decide on a life path. Also, after a dream in which deceased parents appeared, you need to analyze the events of your own life. You need to try to understand whether the decisions you make go against your conscience. But most importantly, it is important to assess how much your actions can harm other people. To correctly interpret a dream with your deceased mother and father, it is important to pay attention to the situation that surrounded them in your nightly dreams. A gloomy plot that caused a feeling of mental discomfort foreshadows discord in the family. A harbinger of the breakup of your family may be crying parents in a dream you see. Situations can only be saved through a sincere conversation between partners in order to find compromises.

I often dream about dead parents

Many people are concerned with the question: why do they constantly dream about dead parents? If you have such dreams very often, then you definitely need to go to church and order a service for the repose of the souls of the deceased and also light candles for the repose. And if possible, you should visit the graves of your relatives and leave treats there.

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