Morning exercises in the dhow. Complexes of morning exercises in kindergarten

Children are very active, they want to play, run, and constantly move. In kindergarten, it is better to start the morning with useful exercises that should be done in a fun, playful way. This small, but filled with positive emotions, physical activity should be carried out to rhythmic music, accompanied by poems, songs, riddles, competitions and relay races. Children will look forward to a well-planned morning exercise in kindergarten in the evening, happily attending kindergarten.

Purpose of the lesson

Morning exercises allow anyone not only to wake up from sleep, but also to tune in for the whole next day. Monotonous exercises give you the opportunity to think and plan your day. If you start exercising at a certain time, it, as a daily obligatory activity, is an excellent discipline. For an adult, morning exercise can consist not only of exercise, but also of walking the dog in the morning, getting the children ready for kindergarten, school, preparing breakfast, and getting ready for work.

Children are unlikely to go to kindergarten on their own. Parents have difficulty getting them up, helping them get dressed, comb their hair, and making them eat breakfast. Morning exercises await them in the kindergarten. This particular exercise is not just a physical exercise procedure, but the baby’s first mandatory independent work. Although children repeat the exercises after the teacher, they still learn to do work in a disciplined manner at a certain time, and then in a team. In the long term, this is the main goal of morning exercises, and not the physical development of children, who already move so much that they need to be stopped, and not forced to do anything.

The teacher’s task is not a formal approach in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, but to develop, based on state standards, his own complex, convenient for the teacher. When developing, it is necessary to take into account the usefulness for children from different sides - it is important to develop not only physical qualities, dexterity, but also listening skills, musical qualities, possibly speech skills, as well as the ability to accurately perform tasks at the request of the teacher.

An ideal exercise should last no more than 15 - 20 minutes and include a warm-up, exercises, a game part, and possibly a small quiz. The task of creating a good complex is not an easy one, but, as in any pedagogical work, after working hard for the first year, getting the kids interested in fun play exercises of the author’s work, you can enjoy the fruits of your achievements for many years.

Physical development

Children in kindergarten are very different. There are those with increased activity who need to be constantly reined in, and there are also those who have been sitting in front of the TV, computer, or game console since early childhood and need to be forced to move. There are also children with excellent health, and there are healthy ones, but with peculiarities in the development of the body, and there are also children with various chronic diseases. Since gymnastics in kindergarten has a developmental significance and is done in a group of several or several dozen children, it should be universal enough so as not to be taught individually to each child. Therefore, complex exercises are unacceptable; you can complicate the exercises with the help of gymnastic accessories and speeding up the pace of movement.

Morning exercises should solve the following problems:

  • awakening from sleep, increasing the child’s concentration;
  • improvement of metabolism, blood circulation of internal organs;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • develop strength, speed, flexibility, coordination and other physical qualities;
  • have basic movements in your program, the gymnastic complex can be gradually supplemented with exercises that will enrich the children’s skills;
  • interest children in fun exercises that they will happily repeat in the group and at home;
  • instill an interest in sports;
  • develop abilities and physical qualities, morning exercises help to identify children who do exercises with ease, they can play sports;
  • motor skills that are already available are strengthened during morning exercises.

Critics point out the impossibility of fulfilling the tasks set above; they point out that there are no physical education specialists in the kindergarten, that the exercises given are not effective, and there are no conditions for doing physical education. But this is not therapeutic gymnastics, which should be done by exercise therapy specialists in special rooms, these are play exercises, which require an area no larger than a play carpet. And accessories should be in minimal quantities - gymnastic sticks, hoops, cubes, jump ropes.

Another incorrect statement is that motor activity does not need to be developed, since children already move a lot. But you need to develop purposeful movements, coordinated work skills, the internal need to be organized and the ability to set and achieve goals. These psychological problems can be solved by performing a set of morning exercises, since in young children physical and psychological development go hand in hand. Since children are not yet sitting at school desks, cognition needs to be combined with play, which can become part of morning physical activities.

Examples of exercises

Parents and educators need to remember that physical education in an educational institution is impossible without an adequate attitude to a healthy lifestyle at home. Parents should set an example for their children, not having bad habits, and also take care of their children - go with them to the sports ground, to the river, and on hikes.

Tazhetdinova Dinara Vakilevna, teacher of kindergarten No. 106 “Zabava”, Naberezhnye Chelny, RT

Long-term plan for October

Morning exercises

Target: continue to exercise children in walking, running, bending, and squatting. Develop the ability to act on a signal. To teach children to perform exercises in accordance with the spoken words, to make children want to participate in morning exercises.

Complex ORU "Friendly Family"

1. I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back; slap in front of the face 8 times while the teacher says:

Dad, mom, brother and I, Together - a friendly family!

Place your hands behind your back. Repeat 3 times.

2. We all bend over together and do physical exercise!

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Bend forward, palms on knees, look forward. Return to i. n. Repeat 5 times.

3. Dad is big, and I am small. I may be small, but I am remote.

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. Sit down, hands down. Return to i. n. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. We jump together, This is very necessary! Who will jump higher - Mom or Misha?

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Perform 6-8 jumps; short walk (5-6 sec). Repeat 2 times.

5. We inhale air through our nose, and exhale air through our mouth. We are not afraid of colds, We don’t need to see doctors!

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, inhale through the nose. Return to i. p., exhale through the mouth, lips with a tube. Repeat 3-4 times.

Gymnastics after sleep.

Target: promote awakening after daytime sleep, tone the entire body, affecting biologically active points. Strengthen the respiratory tract. Give a boost of energy for the second half of the day.

1. “Stretch”. I.P.: lying on your back, arms along the body, stretching.

2. “The forest dweller sleeps in a hanging cradle in the summer.” (nut).

I. p.: lying on your back, arms along your body, inhale, sit with straight legs, hands to your toes, exhale, inhale, etc. P.

3. “Here the Christmas tree bent over, green needles.”

I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands below, inhale, exhale, bend the torso forward, inhale, etc. n., exhale, tilt.

4. “Here is a tall pine tree standing and moving its branches.”

I. p.: O. With. inhale, arms to the sides, exhale, tilt the torso to the right, inhale, exhale, tilt the torso to the left.

5. “Children wearing berets fell from a branch and lost their berets” (acorns).

I. p.: O. With. , hands behind your head, inhale - rise on your toes, exhale - sit down.

6. “Alena is standing, green foliage, thin figure, white sundress” (birch).

I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, inhale, arms up through the sides, rise onto your toes, exhale, etc. P.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Target: help relieve static tension in the eye muscles and improve blood circulation. Help strengthen the eye motor system.

1. Slow blinking for 10 seconds.

“The butterflies flew and flapped their wings.” Children flutter their eyelashes.

2. Improve visual tracking vertically and horizontally; fixation of gaze.

Raise your head up - look at the ceiling; lower it down - look at the floor. Turn your head left, right. Head movements are accompanied by eye movements.

Use bright toys as guides.

3. “Let’s warm our eyes.”

Invite children to rub their palms together and cover their eyes with them. (eyes under palms closed). “Let’s rub our palms so they become warm. Let’s close our eyes and put our palms on them, warm our eyes.” (Eyes closed for 5-10 seconds).

Finger gymnastics.

Target: develop hand motor skills, coordination of finger movements, train children to reproduce actions according to the text, cultivate attention and memory.

"Leaf Fall"

Leaf fall, leaf fall!

Leaves are flying in the wind:

Raise your hands up. Swinging your hands from side to side, slowly lower your arms (leaves fall).

From maple - maple,

Straighten your fingers and spread them as far apart as possible.

From oak - oak,

Straighten your fingers and press them tightly together.

From aspen - aspen,

Connect the index and thumb in the form of a ring.

With rowanberry.

Straighten your fingers and spread them slightly to the sides.

The forest and garden are full of leaves

What a joy for the guys!

Clap your hands.


The winds shake the apple trees.

Hands stand on the table, resting on the elbows (trunks), fingers spread apart (apple tree crowns). Shake your arms.

Leaves fly off the branches.

The hands are relaxed and parallel to the table. Using smooth movements from side to side, slowly lower your hands onto the table surface (leaves fall).

Leaves are falling in the garden

I row them with a rake.

The fingers of both hands rest on the table surface with pads (rake). Raising your hands, scrape your fingers along the surface of the table, pretending to work with a rake.

Breathing exercises.

Goal: to develop the respiratory muscles, speech apparatus, coordination of movements, muscles of the arms and spine, promote correct rhythmic breathing and pronunciation of sounds.

1. "Leaf Fall"

Target: development of smooth, long inhalation and exhalation.

Invite your child to blow on the leaves so that they fly. Along the way, you can tell which leaves fell from which tree. 4-5 times

2. "Tree in the Wind"

Target: formation of the respiratory apparatus.

IP: sitting on the floor cross-legged (options: sitting on your knees or on your heels, legs together). The back is straight. Raise your arms up above your head with an inhalation and lower them down to the floor in front of you with an exhalation, while bending your torso slightly, as if bending a tree.

3. "Angry Hedgehog"

Target: development of smooth, long exhalation.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Imagine how a hedgehog curls up into a ball when in danger. Bend down as low as possible without lifting your heels from the floor, clasp your chest with your hands, lower your head, exhaling “p-f-f” - the sound made by an angry hedgehog, then “f-r-r” - and this is a satisfied hedgehog. Repeat with your child three to five times.

Hardening procedures.

Target: prevention of colds, help maintain and strengthen physical and mental health, strengthen the immune system.

Sun, air baths,

Health walks, daily;

Extensive washing, washing with cool water before eating, after each contamination of hands;

Air baths after sleep, during physical education class

Walking barefoot under normal conditions and on ribbed paths after sleep, during physical education classes (time increases gradually)

Articulation gymnastics.

Target: development of articulatory motor skills.

1. “Let’s count the bottom teeth”

Smile, open your mouth slightly. Place the tip of your tongue against each lower tooth in turn. The jaw doesn't move.

2. “The steamer is humming”

Lips in a smile, open your mouth, say with tension a long “y-y-y...”

3. "Smile"

Stretch your lips to the sides without showing your teeth. (hold until 10).

4. “Delicious jam”

Smile, open your mouth, and lick your upper lip with a wide, cup-shaped tongue.

Health-improving exercises are very important in childhood, as they help to properly develop the figure and strengthen the immune system. That is why we will next consider various types of gymnastics performed for children in kindergarten, which it is advisable for a child to do in order to be healthy and strong.

Gymnastics classes for kindergarten are divided into several types:

  • health-improving (therapeutic) gymnastics;
  • rhythmic;
  • articulatory;
  • finger;
  • After sleep.

Health-improving (therapeutic) gymnastics

Therapeutic gymnastics or exercise therapy is carried out for children suffering from minor deviations in physical development.

Health-improving exercises have 3 parts:

  • preparatory;
  • main;
  • final.

Among the stages presented above, the first is considered unchanged, the remaining two vary depending on the age of the children and the charging time:

  • up to 4 years – 25 min;
  • up to 6 years – 35 min.

  • strengthen joints;
  • improve general immunity;
  • harden the body;
  • reduce the risk of back and foot diseases;
  • improve the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and lungs;
  • form correct posture;
  • learn to move correctly and listen to the body.

To obtain results, it is advisable to follow the following rules:

  • do exercises every day;
  • increase the load gradually;
  • perform various exercises, making changes periodically;
  • set a specific time interval;
  • relax using static, relaxing exercises.

As an example of tasks included in the exercise therapy complex, it is worth indicating:


Gymnastics for children in kindergarten is not only healthy, but also entertaining: exercises are performed to the accompaniment of fun, varied music.

The essence of rhythm:

  • teamwork training;
  • adaptation among peers;
  • teaching a sense of rhythm;
  • training of already known movements;
  • learning new movements;
  • teaching and training in the use of sports equipment during exercise.


Gymnastics is a preparation not only of the body for adult life, but also of the tongue.

For clarity, here are a few examples:

In addition to the indicated exercises, it is recommended, especially for children under 4 years old, to carry out this exercise in the form of a fairy tale “About the Tongue”, in which all actions are also shown using the lips, teeth and tongue.


Finger gymnastics involves active actions with the fingers and palm.

Among the exercises it is worth noting:

  • the tale of the magpie-crow‒ first, circular movements are made in the open palm, improving the functioning of not only the muscles of the hand, but also the intestines, and after the fairy tale, the fingers are bent and unbent, forming a fist and unclenching it;
  • okay- clap your palms together, saying ok-okay, where you were, at grandma’s...
  • rub your palms against each other, warming them;
  • lock- interlace the fingers of both hands and make: now a house, now a bird;
  • handshake- clasp both hands in turn, simulating a handshake;
  • fireworks– open and close each hand at certain intervals.

After sleep

Gymnastics for children in kindergarten is carried out not only in the morning, but also after lunch.

As exercises that help you become cheerful again, it is worth noting:

For children suffering from cardiovascular dystonia, the last exercise is recommended to be carried out without sudden movements, in order to avoid the risk of fainting and feeling unwell. Exercises are carried out directly in bed, so as not to traumatize the children’s psyche.

The benefits of breathing exercises

Gymnastics for children in kindergarten, carried out in the morning, is desirable and useful not only for the body, but also for breathing.

In the process of performing breathing exercises, you must do the following exercises:

There is a more complex version of this exercise: not one candle, but several, is blown out with the distributed air existing in the body.

  • breeze - you need to take in air, filling your cheeks, and exhale in a stream, simulating the wind.

Experts advise performing the presented exercises in order to:

  • develop correct speech– for correct breathing and voice control before reading any text in written form or in a memorized state;
  • awakening vigor and tranquility– the ability to control breathing allows you to feel confident while performing on stage or in front of a large audience;
  • stress relief– in the process of proper breathing, it is easier to relax and rest without reacting to irritants;
  • Preparation for sleep– the use of certain breathing exercises, for example pumping, will allow the student not only to calm down, but also to tune in to sleep;
  • hardening of the body— frequent changes of air flows allow you to “ventilate” the body, removing possible sources of infection and maintaining the baby’s health;
  • disease control– the correct technique of breathing through the nose – enter through the nose, exhale through the mouth – allows, especially in cold times, to not freeze and breathe calmly when walking, without chilling the throat and internal organs.

All breathing exercises must be done under the strict supervision of a teacher.

Goals of morning exercises in different kindergarten groups

Carrying out morning exercises in kindergarten is necessary to achieve the following goals:

Junior group - children under 3 years old Middle group – children under 5 years old Senior group - children under 6 years old
Coordination trainingArm and leg workoutStrengthening the muscles in the arms and legs
Studying the sides of the direction (left, right, front, back)Training in working with objects
Spatial orientation trainingReducing the risk of musculoskeletal system diseasesEndurance training
Finger trainingEndurance trainingConsolidating previously acquired skills
Breathing education and trainingFormation of the skill to follow certain rulesLearning the principle of working on a team
Formation of posture and correct walking.Development of fantasyEnhanced development of imagination and logical thinking
Training different types of memory:
  • muscular;
  • visual.
Forming the ability to accept information presented in different waysFormation of strong-willed character
Discipline trainingStrengthening the desire to play sportsstrengthening the love for sports
Generating interest in games with movementStrengthening teamwork skills
Formation of love for sports
Learning to work in a team
Training in diligence and determination

Using music to accompany exercises

Gymnastic exercises in kindergarten should be accompanied by music so that children learn not only movements, but also a sense of rhythm.

To achieve the above goals, the musical accompaniment must be selected in accordance with the nature of the gymnastics.

Songs or music should be:

  • rhythmic;
  • cheerful;
  • bright;
  • varied;
  • has a positive effect on the student’s psyche;
  • causing the desire to move.

The main tasks of music while charging:

  • awaken the child;
  • help to gain vigor;
  • cheer up.

In addition to the main task, there are secondary ones that educators solve using music:

  • creating an image of action - performing a movement is associated with some musical fragment;
  • comprehensive development;
  • entertainment;
  • psychological relief.

General rules for doing morning exercises

Gymnastics for children in kindergarten provides the following rules during its implementation:

  • It is recommended to do morning exercises 30 minutes before. before breakfast.

Exercises for kids can be shown:

  1. physical education specialist;
  2. teacher

The charging location can be:

  • It is recommended to wear shoes intended for gymnastics immediately before performing exercises, and not earlier.
  • When performing the exercises, it is advisable to use a ball, hoop, skittles, and jump rope.
  • It is recommended to do exercises accompanied by rhythmic music or counting.

Gymnastics for children in kindergarten should include:

  • exercises without movement;
  • moving exercises.

The timing of gymnastics must be regulated depending on the age of the children:

  • up to 4 years – up to 5 minutes;
  • up to 5 years – up to 7 minutes;
  • up to 6 - up to 12 min.

During exercise, you can use a fitball to diversify the exercises and train children's coordination of movements.

Complex for children 4 years old

Exercises for preschoolers 3–4 years old should be carried out for 10–15 minutes.

During this time, children go through 3 parts of exercises:

1. Introductory - necessary for general warming up of muscles:

  • in a straight line, in a circle;
  • with obstacles - you need to run around chairs and skittles;
  • when performing exercises on other parts of the body - move your arms.


2. The main one is carried out in a playful way and is needed to train all muscles:

3. Final – necessary for rest and gradual exit from exercise in free time. This part includes:

  • calm walking;
  • exercises to restore breathing, for example, the sun - raise your arms with an inhalation, lower them with an exhalation and bend over, relaxing.

Complex for children 5 years old

1. Introductory part:

  • walking with a ball held on outstretched arms in front of you;
  • obstacle course - you need to run around various objects (pins, balls, cubes) without touching them;
  • walking with an object raised above the head: a stick, dumbbells, a ball, a cube;
  • tightrope walking - put a rope on the floor and walk along it: necessary for training coordination;

2. Main part:

Each given exercise must be performed 5 to 10 times.

3. Final part:

  • the ball goes home– bend down with the ball in your hands until it touches the floor and throw it into the equipment storage box.

Complex for children 6 years old

Pupils of senior preschool age are recommended to repeat the exercises studied a year earlier, however, in addition to the movements presented above, the exercises for them include:

  • eye exercises:

  • chair exercises:
  • hide legs - straightening your legs in front of you and bending them under a chair;
  • scissors – straight legs should be crossed in front of you;
  • foot dance - rolling from toe to heel and back.

Gymnastic exercises performed for children in kindergarten are necessary not only for training all muscle groups, but also for adapting the child to various types of loads. In addition to physical adaptation, the student also undergoes social adaptation, as he learns to communicate with peers and work in a team, which is useful in adult life.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about gymnastics for children

Fun and healthy gymnastics for children:

. (25 sec)

A squirrel lives in the forest,

Collects cones

We'll find her now

Let's play with her.

Walking on an inclined board. (30 sec)

To find a squirrel,

We need to start running.

Run. (30 sec)

Walking and forming in a circle to perform general developmental exercises. While walking, children are given one cone.

1. (30 sec)

Here is an unprecedented success -

I climbed higher than everyone else.

2. “The squirrel is jumping”

Jumping on two legs (20 sec), walking (15 sec), jumping on one leg (15 sec), walking in circles (15 sec), Along the way, the teacher collects cones.

We all did a great job

We even became friends with the squirrel.

Children imitate the movements of animals.

Complex of morning exercises “Game in the clearing”

Because of the forest, because of the mountains

Grandfather Yegor is coming.

On a horse myself

Wife on a cow

Children on calves

Grandchildren on baby goats.

Walk around the group room, raising your knees high.

The teacher says: “Tall and low trees grow in this clearing. At the “high” signal, walk on your toes, arms up; at the “low” signal, walk in a half-squat. Little sparrows are flying into the clearing.”

Game "Sparrows"-jumping on two legs with forward movement, transition to walking backwards. Construction for performing general developmental exercises; Along the way, the teacher distributes leaves.

1. "Tall Tree"

We reached higher

To get the tree.

IP - legs together, hands with leaves below.

Raise your arms forward, up, show how tall the trees have grown, lower your arms down to the sides. (5-6 times)

2. “The trees shake their branches”

The wind blows in our faces

And the tree shakes.

I.p.-legs at the width of the foot, hands below.

Raise your arms to the sides, up, wave them, lower your arms to the sides. (6-8 times)

3. The leaves are falling,

They spin, they fly,

All the guys today

They want to please.

IP - feet shoulder-width apart, hands below.

Sit down, put the leaves on the floor, straighten up, arms to the sides, sit down, take the leaves, return to the i.p. (5 times)

4. Who is there, under the Christmas tree,

Hidden from us?

Bunny or squirrel?

Or a red dog?

IP - standing on your knees with support on the palms of your hands, head raised.

Crawling to the Christmas tree, which stands in the middle of the circle. With the words “No one is there,” the children crawl back. (4-5 times)

5. Suddenly a breeze came

The branches swayed

The yellow leaf flew

And the children are happy.

Running around the group room, freely waving your hands with leaves (25-30 sec), transition to calm walking, as they walk, children put leaves in a basket.

Complex of morning exercises “Rain, rain, more…”

. (20-25 sec)

We wanted it today

Get up early in the morning,

I wanted to frolic

Play and dance.

Run after each other with a change of direction. (25-30 sec)

“We’re going across the bridge.”

Walking on a gymnastic bench, arms spread to the sides, back straight. (4-5 times)

Jumping from hummock to hummock like frogs (jumping from hoop to hoop).

Here are the frogs along the path

They jump with their legs stretched out.


Stretching out your legs.

Walking, forming in a circle to perform general developmental exercises.

1. I'll take an umbrella with me

And I'll hide from the rain.

IP - standing, legs slightly apart, arms down.

Raise your arms up through your sides, connect them above your head, slightly bend your elbows, and look at them. Lower your arms down to your sides (close the umbrella). (4-6 times)

2. “Let’s pat some water”

I.p.-sitting, arms supported behind, legs spread to the sides.

Bend forward, arms forward, return to IP. (4-6 times)

3. “Let’s swim in the water”

Rolls from stomach to back. Swim on your stomach, then on your back and vice versa (3-4 times).

4. “Relaxing”

IP - lying on your back, legs together straight, hands on the floor along the body, palms down.

Raise straight legs up, lower down. (5 times)

5. “The rain has stopped”

Jumping in place. Feet together, to the sides, clapping your hands above your head. (20-25 sec)

6. Walk calmly. (20-25 sec)

The sun came out

And I went for a walk,

And on our street

He liked everything.

Alternating large and small steps.


“Morning exercises in kindergarten”

Morning exercises are a set of specially selected exercises aimed at setting up and “charging” a person for the whole coming day. Its health benefits lie in its effect on the body, taking into account the anatomical, physiological and mental characteristics of children. During morning exercises, the tasks of physical, mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education are solved, the necessary motor skills, beauty and accuracy of movements are formed, speed, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility are developed, and health is strengthened.

Morning exercises in kindergarten are important not as a means of awakening, but as organized communication between children in the process of motor activity. At the same time, emotional tone increases, being the result of “muscular joy” from movements in a group of peers, psychological stress from parting with parents is relieved, attention is collected, and behavior is disciplined.

Options for morning exercises.

Traditional gymnastics with outdoor switchgear.

Gymnastics of a gaming nature.

Using an obstacle course.

Using simple simulators.

Including health jogging.

Rhythmic gymnastics.

The structure of morning exercises.

Introductory part:


Two or three types of walking;

One type of running.

In conclusion, normal walking, formation to perform outdoor switchgear.

Main part:

Breathing exercises and exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle;

Muscles of the trunk;

Abdominals and legs.

Final part:

Walking, round dances, etc.

Planning morning exercises.

It is closely related to the planning of all material on the development of movements in physical education classes. Complexes of morning exercises are compiled taking into account the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”, the level of physical development and preparedness of each child, as well as taking into account the location (indoor or on site), seasonality, availability of physical education aids and equipment.

It is better to start a new complex on Monday. In terms of educational work, it is described in detail:

Names of exercises;

Starting points;

The number of repetitions of each exercise, words and sound combinations used to regulate breathing when performing the exercise.

Sets of exercises for morning exercises without aids alternate with complexes using small physical education aids (flags, cubes, hoops, balls, sticks, etc.). Their use makes the lesson interesting and improves the quality of the exercises.

The complexes are made up of exercises that children have mastered in physical education classes, since already familiar exercises are performed correctly, and this increases the effectiveness of their influence on the child’s body and reduces the time for explanation and demonstration.

More complex complexes can be used during sports events and entertainment evenings.

Conditions for morning exercises.

Morning exercises are carried out in the hall, group room. In spring and summer - on the site (with children of all age groups). The teacher, depending on the weather, selects exercises and regulates the physical activity: in cool weather, increases it (changes the pace, number of repetitions, etc.), in warm weather, reduces it to avoid overheating of the body.

Methodology for morning exercises.

The methodology includes:

Organizing children (arranging them to do exercises);

Preparation, distribution of benefits;

Methods and techniques for teaching movements.

Arranging, distributing, collecting items.

All this should not take much time. The following methods of distributing items are used in preschool educational institutions:

The teacher himself approaches the child and gives him an object (before or after construction), standing in a circle, he throws or rolls the ball to each student;

The teacher or attendant places objects (cubes, etc.) on the floor, the children line up around them;

The teacher puts out baskets, boxes with balls, cubes and other objects, the children take them apart at a signal;

Children take objects laid out on chairs or benches;

The attendants or column guides distribute items to the children of their column;

Children independently take them out of the rack (baskets, stands, racks, nets);

Objects are disassembled while walking in a column one at a time.

These techniques can also be used when collecting objects after completing exercises.

The choice of methods for distributing and collecting objects depends on the age and preparedness of the children.

Methods of teaching physical exercises.


Repeating exercises without changes;

With changes;

Game-based learning;

In a competitive manner.


Name of the exercise;

Its description;

An explanation of how to perform it correctly;

Directions, orders, commands;

Questions for children;

Story, conversation.


Use of visual aids;


Sound signals;

Visual landmarks.

Requirements for physical education equipment.

Pedagogical, aesthetic and hygienic requirements are imposed on physical education equipment.

Equipment is selected in accordance with the program objectives of comprehensive education of children. The amount of equipment is determined by the number of children involved, its size and weight - according to the age of preschoolers. When designing places for physical exercise, it is necessary to take into account the combination of individual equipment in shape, color, and size.

To store physical education equipment in group rooms and the hall, built-in or sectional furniture with drawers and trolleys for small supplies is used. They do not violate the aesthetics of the interior and are convenient for use when working with children. The most important requirement is the safety of physical education equipment. The quality of the equipment, stability, and strength are checked by the teacher before class.

Exercise areas must be kept clean. For this purpose, regular cleaning of premises and areas and cleaning of equipment is carried out.

During morning exercises, it is necessary to ensure the correct physical, mental and emotional stress.

Physical load should increase gradually (by increasing the number of repetitions of each movement, the pace of their execution and reducing the interval between them, the total duration of gymnastics), reaching its highest value during jumping and running, it decreases towards the end of the lesson.

It is important to ensure high motor density, therefore, minimal time is allocated for explaining and demonstrating exercises, distributing physical education equipment and changing formations.

Motor density during morning exercises is achieved:

Special selection of exercises;

Their repetition, dosage;

Using outdoor games, running;

Physical education benefits;

Proper organization of children;

Venue (outdoors);

Musical accompaniment.


The head nurse monitors the condition of places for physical exercise on the site, indoors (wet cleaning, ventilation), physical education equipment, cleanliness of suits and shoes. During morning exercises, she measures the pulse, monitors the children’s posture, breathing, and well-being, identifies signs of fatigue or insufficient exercise, and if necessary, insures the pupils.

The reaction to physical activity can be determined by external signs:

Facial skin color (redness, paleness, blueness);

Sweating (face, forehead);

Breathing (through the mouth, shortness of breath);

Heart function (increased heartbeat);

Behavior (decreased attention and interest in activities, absent-mindedness, indiscipline, restlessness, excessive mobility, excessive activity, lethargy);

Deterioration in the quality of exercises performed (impaired coordination of movements, loss of rhythm, decreased speed);

Observable signs

Severity of fatigue



Facial skin color

Slight redness

Significant redness

Facial expression



Sweating on the face



Somewhat faster

Sharply rapid


Cheerful, tasks are completed accurately

Uncertain, unclear, additional movements appear. Excitement or lethargy.


Good, no complaints

Complaints of fatigue, refusal to complete tasks

The most important elements of preparing for morning exercises.

Compliance with hygienic conditions and timing.

The presence of three parts of morning exercises.

Correspondence of the outdoor switchgear to the age of the children.

Duration of morning exercises.

Use of physical education equipment.

Dosage of exercises.

Techniques for regulating breathing.

Use of musical accompaniment.

Children's well-being and their mood.

Working with parents.

Morning exercises should become a necessity not only for every kindergarten student, but for every member of the preschooler’s family. As a rule, children in preschool educational institutions willingly do exercises because working out together is fun and interesting. Of course, it is more difficult to create such conditions at home, but you definitely need to find an approach to the baby, set him up for the fact that gymnastics needs to be done every day.

The teaching staff should work with parents, explain the importance of morning exercises, and advise on how to organize it at home. This can happen at parent meetings, “demonstration performances” of children, consultations with the teacher, and in individual conversations.

Teachers can set up special “Parents Corners”, where they post articles about doing morning exercises at home, and sets of exercises that are currently being carried out in this group.

From early childhood, it is necessary to form the habit of doing morning exercises every day. And the personal example of parents is a great force in raising children. Therefore, in those families where adults do morning exercises, the child gets used to the correct daily routine from an early age.

The joint efforts of preschool employees and parents, the unity of requirements for organizing and conducting morning exercises will contribute to the development of children’s physical activity and strengthening their health.

Fun exercises

for preschoolers.

Exercises that reduce motor and psycho-emotional stress.

Such exercises are a kind of bridge, a transition from one type of activity or activity to another. They improve the ability of the central nervous system to rebuild, adapt, adjust to new conditions and rhythm of activity, and also weaken negative emotions, especially in hyperactive children.

Each exercise is performed 3-4 times.

"Circus Performers"

"Good cat"

"Angry Cat"

"Hold your shoulders"

"Chop wood"

"Scattering the clouds"


Exercises that activate and unite the motor and speech centers of the brain.

These exercises are a kind of exercise for the nervous system, helping to relieve tension. In addition, they are a good means of preventing diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Each exercise is performed 3-4 times.

"Merry Locomotive"





Exercises to help prevent muscle weakness.

The introduction of exercises with elements of acrobatics into the structure of physical education classes is of a playful, plot-based nature. They are performed with a positive emotional component and proper strength load after physical training, when the muscles are already warmed up. When performing exercises, the teacher assesses each child’s level of development of certain muscle groups, thereby individualizing the amplitude and number of repetitions.

Each exercise is performed for two weeks with gradual complication 3-4 times.


Strength exercise

Refers to the power part of the load, improves the structural characteristics of the muscles of the back and front surfaces of the body.


Exercise for the back and abdominal muscles.

Activates the volitional motor qualities of the body.


To strengthen the function of the flexor-extensor muscles.

Increases their endurance.

"Get the Cloud"

For coordination of movements and to strengthen leg muscles.

Improves the elasticity of blood vessels and normalizes muscle tone.


To strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs, back; on flexibility and coordination of movements.

Improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.


For the muscles of the back, abdomen, legs.

Increases blood flow to the chest, stimulates the motor system.

"Smart hedgehog"

To strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back and abdomen.

"Good Elephant"

For the muscles of the back, legs, buttocks.

Improves the functioning of the intestines and pelvic organs.


Lie on your back, without lifting your shoulders and feet from the floor, raise your torso for 3 - 4 seconds.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the hip joint.

Helps strengthen the muscles of the hip joint, popliteal ligaments, muscles of the ankle joint, strengthens the skeletal muscles of the back with a change in the functions of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.


To correct posture.

"Cheerful bear cubs"

For leg muscles.

Strengthens the leg muscles and improves coordination of movements with the transfer of body weight to one supporting leg.


Relaxation exercises.

The best way to relieve any tension (fatigue) - physical, nervous, mental and remove the irritation factor - to relax, regardless of the presence or absence of special conditions, guided only by your own desire, moving into one or another fairy-tale mini-story, using only auditory analyzers. The ability to relax the muscles of the body, starting with the muscles of the face, is one of the areas of rehabilitation therapy.

The proposed exercises allow you to relax, restore strength, improve mental functions, activate memory, imagination, attention, and imaginative thinking. Musical accompaniment helps create complex images of imaginary reality. The text is read calmly, in a fairly loud voice, at a measured pace, with pauses.

"Kitten's Dream"

"The lazy and lazy badger"

"Walk in the Woods"



- We are going for a walk in the autumn forest. Today

unusually good morning. The sun is shining brightly, its rays warm us. We enter the forest along a narrow path and find ourselves in the forest kingdom. We walk through the fallen leaves and listen to the rustling of the leaves. We lie down on the magic blanket. It smells like leaves and mushrooms. We enjoy these scents and feel happy. Somewhere in the heights, birds are singing, cranes are crowing. We lie on a soft carpet of leaves and listen to the sounds of the forest.

And now we slowly get up, open our eyes and see that the world around us is as kind and beautiful as the morning forest.

Lie on the floor, close your eyes, breathe easily, slowly.

"Dream on the Seashore"

"Quiet Lake"

"Swimming in the clouds"



- Today is an unusually good day. You lie down and look up at the clouds - big, white, fluffy clouds in a beautiful blue sky. Breathe freely. As you inhale, you begin to gently rise above the ground towards a large fluffy cloud. You rise even higher to its very top and gently drown in it. Your arms and legs are spread freely to the sides, and you are floating on the largest and softest cloud that you can currently see in the sky. Then your cloud floats smoothly down, sinks lower and lower until it reaches the ground. Finally, you stretched out safely on the ground, and your cloud returned to the sky. It smiles at you and you smile at it. Flying on a cloud was so good!

It is comfortable to lie on the floor, stretch out, relax, close your eyes.
