Seeing smoke in a dream. I wonder what smoke means in dreams? We'll find out

Some dreams are forgotten almost immediately after waking up, while others remain in the memory for a long time, giving no rest.

It happens sometimes that not the entire plot of a dream is remembered, but only a certain fragment, a bright symbol - and then it goes without saying that it needs to be deciphered. Symbols do not come without a reason - they always mean something, and if you can interpret them correctly, then you can apply the knowledge gained in reality and make the state of real affairs better.

Smoke is a natural phenomenon, but also a powerful symbol. There is no smoke without fire, as the proverb says. Smoke always appears from a campfire or fire, from a fire, it can be black or white, it can rise from a chimney, or it can simply appear in the form of a thick fog covering everything around.

All these symbols promise something, and always something unique. How to understand why you dream of smoke, what to expect in reality?

The main meaning that this symbol carries is illusion, deception or self-deception, something inexplicable, unclear, foggy. It all depends on the type of this phenomenon, on the environment and sleep scenery, and on many other factors.

A dream book will certainly help you decipher what smoke means in dreams. But before you look into it, you should very carefully remember your dreams and analyze all the details. Scenarios for such “smoky” dreams can be as follows:

  • Just seeing smoke in a dream, by itself.
  • It swirls from the chimney in the house.
  • In a dream, it rises exactly vertically from the pipe.
  • There are many smoking chimneys in dreams.
  • I dreamed of a certain vessel filled with smoke.
  • I dream of a heavily smoking fire.
  • A very large, catastrophic fire in a dream.
  • Smoke comes from a fire or fire.
  • Black thick smoke.
  • The smoke is white, foggy.
  • Find yourself in smoke.
  • It rolls towards the dreamer like a wave.
  • Multi-colored or colored haze.
  • The room in the house was filled with smoke.
  • The forest is on fire, the trees are shrouded in smoke.
  • You can't see it, you can just feel the smoky smell.
  • A smoking cigarette or pipe in a dream.
  • A large and beautiful smoking flame.

There are a lot of options that the interpreter offers - and here you should be more careful when choosing the right one so as not to make a mistake. The meaning of each scenario is very peculiar and unique, and if you understand what smoke means in a dream, correctly and accurately, then you can not only avoid failures in reality, but also bring greater happiness closer.

What is it for?

Smoke, as is easy to understand, hints at the fragility, deceptiveness and illusory nature of reality. Often this phenomenon is dreamed of by those who are in illusions, live in dreams, and are divorced from reality.

Thus, the Universe, as it were, gives advice, hints that it is probably time to come down to earth and face reality.

But this is far from the only meaning, and it can relate to different areas of life. If it were so easy to decipher what smoke means in dreams, a dream book would not be needed - intuition alone would be enough. But everything is much more complicated.

1. As the dream book says, smoke that simply appears in a dream, as if without fire, by itself - this is precisely the very symbol of self-deception and illusions. You need to be more realistic and not be deceived by your dreams.

Real life not only passes by while you are in illusions, but, in addition, you can receive a serious blow from it - and it will be unpleasant. Live in reality, be aware!

2. In your dreams, seeing thick smoke pouring out of the chimney of a residential building or a cozy cottage is a good sign. In this case, the dreamer expects success in business, and the dream book also promises that nothing and no one can definitely prevent you from implementing your plans and planned projects.

3. As the dream book indicates, smoke that rises from the chimney exactly vertically upward, as if along a ruler, is a good sign. It also promises good luck, but in family and personal matters. Happiness awaits you!

4. Many smoking chimneys, for example, in a factory, are a clear symbol of the fact that in ordinary, everyday reality the dreamer will have to experience contradictions and make difficult choices. In addition, the interpreter advises to be more careful, not to succumb to illusions, so that the choice is correct.

5. Such an unusual dream, in which smoke filled a certain vessel, is a symbol of quick money. But the interpreter warns that if they are obtained dishonestly, they will not bring happiness at all. Be careful and smart!

6. A fire in a dream is always a serious sign. If in your dreams the cause of the smoke was a fire, be sure to look further at what this symbol means.

As for the smoke that appeared in this way, it is a symbol of the fact that your fears are interfering with your business. Moreover, most likely, they are illusory and have no basis.

7. A huge fire from which black, dark smoke came out is an indication of the dreamer’s fear of any serious changes. A dream will not just appear - so you should definitely do something about it, think carefully, and try to change it. Fear of change, fear of the new is an obstacle to happy events.

8. Smoke from a campfire or fire is a sign to protect your health. This is exactly what the interpreter advises, and says that your health is weakened during this period of time, your body is susceptible to illnesses. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, you just need to take better care of yourself.

9. Black smoke - warning. The interpreter says that thick, dark, black smoke in a dream is a symbol of bad talk, gossip, and deception.

This is what you should avoid at all costs - be careful, do not provoke unkind people with your behavior, do not participate in the spread of rumors or lies, avoid empty chatter. And check everything you hear so as not to become a victim of deception!

10. But, according to the dream book, white smoke is a symbol of quick love, which will bring you happiness. Just believe in the best and know that soon life will sparkle with new colors - a great bright feeling will appear in it!

11. If in your dreams you yourself found yourself in smoke, in its ring, or in the thick of it, you couldn’t get out, you were suffocating, or you were simply wandering around as if in a fog - there are many options - this is a direct symbol, and quite understandable. It is obvious that you are completely captivated by illusions, self-deception, and live in fantasies.

Or maybe you are afraid of reality and hide in your dreams? One way or another, it’s time to understand that this will not make life happy - but on the contrary, it will lead to loneliness and disappointment. Start living real events, don’t be afraid of life, open up to it!

12. If a wave of smoke rolled towards you in a dream, this is a direct hint that in your reality you are worried and worry a lot, or this is what awaits you. But is it worth worrying so much? It is better to learn to accept any difficulties and everyday adversities more calmly.

13. Beautiful colored fog is a symbol of fantasy and creativity. It’s worth doing this, your soul is yearning for creative manifestations!

14. If a room is filled with smoke in a dream, deception is possible in the family, in the house. Try to avoid this.

15. If in your dreams the forest was burning and filled with smoke, this is a hint of your helplessness and inability to make a decision. The interpreter advises to be bolder and more confident!

16. The smoky smell that you smelled in your dream is a symbol of flattery. They can surround you and bewitch you with it - be careful, notice and separate sincerity from flattery!

17. A cigarette, a pipe, or maybe smoked in a dream? One way or another, the dream book interprets this as a symbol of pride. And he advises you to think about whether it is excessive, whether it harms harmonious relationships with others?

18. A huge, beautiful flame spreading clouds of smoke is a good sign. The problems will soon go away and dissipate like this smoke. Everything will be fine!

This is such a multifaceted and complex symbol. It does not always and does not predetermine happiness for everyone - however, the advice that the dream book gives is useful and valuable.

They are the ones who will be able to help avoid deception, flattery and gossip, endure difficulties with dignity, and bring great success closer! Author: Vasilina Serova

Why does a woman dream about smoke:

What is smoke for / Smoking - see also Fire. 1. Smoke in a dream suggests a feeling of danger, especially if it is impossible to determine the location of the fire. Smoking in a dream is an attempt to control wolf singing. If a person smokes in real life, and in a dream he recognizes that he has given up this bad habit, it means that he can overcome difficulties. If a smoker is trying to get rid of cigarettes in real life, he will constantly dream that he smokes. 2. Smoke in dreams represents passion, although it may not flare up, as well as purification or infection. 3. From a spiritual point of view, smoke - a prayer going to heaven, or the raising of a soul that wants to escape from time and space.

1 Smoke by Tsvetkov's dream book

Seeing smoke in a dream means:

Smoke in the room is a near scandal; from many smokers - agreement in important matters; smoke outside is a disappointment (depending on the density); a lot in the distance - to very important news after a while.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Disappointment; bad news; argument.

White - pleasant illusions or expectations.

Blue, gray smoke - friendly agreement, friendship; black - disagreement between friends.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Smoke by Danilova's erotic dream book

Dreaming of smoke means:

Symbol of anxiety, doubts and fears. Perhaps you are faced with a choice and don’t know what to choose. Your partner is no longer interested in you as much as before, but you are frightened by the possibility of destroying or changing an established relationship that is convenient for you. You need to figure out the reason for such anxiety together with your friend.

1 Smoke by Dream interpretation for a bitch

Smoke dream meaning:

Slight malaise.

Smell the smoke - you will succumb to flattering persuasion, allow yourself to be carried away by a dangerous game.

1 Smoke by Dream interpretation for a bitch

There is no smoke without fire. Smoke can be a warning of danger.

May mean the situation is unclear. Things are indistinguishable in the haze.


Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Smoke by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

What smoke can mean in a dream:

To see smoke from a cigarette, from a fire, or smoke coming from a chimney in a dream - your dream of wealth will disappear like smoke.

1 Smoke according to Azar's Dream Interpretation

Smoke in a dream means:

Smoke pours straight out of the chimney - happiness in the house, warmth and comfort

smoke - danger

smoke from a direct chimney - peace and happiness in the house

black smoke - squabbles

a lot of smoke - great joy

fire and smoke - an unfortunate misunderstanding

1 Smoke by Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Danger; empty troubles.

1 Smoke by Russian dream book

Why does a woman dream of smoke:

To gossip, bad news, which in fact may turn out to be unreliable.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Smoke by Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Why does a woman dream about smoke:

You see how the smoke rises and the flame burns - all sorrows and anxieties will go away.

Fire and black smoke - portends illness.

1 Smoke by Dream book of catchphrases

Seeing smoke in a dream means:

SMOKE - “there is no smoke without fire” - bad consequences or the cause of negative events. “Drink into the smoke (into the smoke)”; “and the smoke of the fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us”; “smoke screen” (camouflage). “Smoke with a rocker (even if you hang an ax)” - confusion, chaos, quarrels; “smoke from a locomotive, chimney, stove...” - production movement, activity, a harbinger of something being prepared or a peaceful situation. See add. steam.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

A dream with smoke in the dream book is interpreted as:

Seeing a column of smoke in a dream means your friends will write a denunciation or slander against you.

In a dream you were choking on smoke - expect a lot of trouble.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

Dreaming of smoke means:

Danger or minor illness.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Smoke dream meaning:

Indicates illusions, heavy premonitions, misconceptions. Black, billowing smoke - unfortunately, danger. Light, transparent smoke - the appearance of happiness, which will be fleeting

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

What does it mean if a woman dreams of smoke:

If you see yourself in smoke, there is uncertainty in business caused by your indecision in action.

Smoke in the room means family quarrels, smoke on the street means disappointment.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Smoke according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

What smoke can mean in a dream:

Seeing smoke in a dream means news, praise, encouragement.

Smoke without fire is surprising news.

To smell smoke or suffocate in it in a dream means that you will experience fright or fear, there may be confusion in business, minor troubles, but everything will turn out quite favorably for you.

Dark smoke most often dreams of trouble, white smoke brings happiness in love.

Seeing white smoke from a chimney in a dream means fulfillment of desires, dark smoke means discord in the family.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Smoke in a dream means:

For the wedding, miracle, wondrous news, praise / cattle will die, gossip, quarrel, road, rain, danger, minor illness, false fame, death, failure; in the house - a quarrel; on the street - disappointment; smoky - it will be wonderful; smoke up - good luck; down - failure; black - gossip, obstacles, sadness, whiteness.

1 Smoke according to Dream Book 2012

If a girl dreams of smoke, it means:

The need to seek the truth. Reflection of the accomplishment of something inaccessible to ordinary understanding (including magic). A reminder that the usual, conventional understanding of things does not provide the answer. Not everything is what it seems at first glance.

1 Smoke by Intimate dream book

Why does a woman dream of smoke:

If you see smoke in a dream, it means that in reality you are filled with fears and doubts. You are probably faced with some difficult choices, and you don’t know what to choose. But when you dream of smoke, it is a warning that your situation will only get more complicated. Sometimes smoke in a dream indicates that your current partner is no longer interested in you as before, you would like to break up with him, but the very thought that you need to destroy such a comfortable relationship, change your current way of life turns out to be extremely frightening for you . In this situation, it is difficult to give any advice; most likely, you should discuss it with your partner and come to a common decision.

1 Smoke by Dream book of Nina Grishina

Seeing smoke in a dream means:

To bad weather / deception, self-deception, appearance of happiness.

Dark smoke is something unpleasant.

White is most often something associated with love/happiness in the future.

From the chimney of a residential building it goes vertically upward - family happiness, praise.

A column of smoke suddenly rises in front of you - sudden danger.

The horizon in it is the hopeless power of passions over you / everyday troubles obscure the bright future that is being prepared from your view.

To be in a ring of smoke is a captivity of illusions/self-deception.

It rolls towards you like a cloud - worries and mistakes are coming.

Seeing how strange, colored formations from smoke grow around you - you can live carefree among your fantasies / dream image of fantasy play.

Seeing a lot of smoke from a steamship or locomotive is an ominous premonition that will most likely come true.

Fumigating a house or bed with it is a disease.

To see a lot of smoking chimneys is to be torn apart by conflicting desires and petty passions.

A huge smoking chimney is a petty passion/small hobby that has swallowed up everything else and become dangerous.

A person comes out of it or stands in it - an image of his own position in life.

A vessel filled with smoke is money that will not bring happiness.

Your apartment is filled with smoke, but there is no fire in it - false fears.

1 Smoke by Modern dream book

Interpretation of a dream about smoke:

1 Smoke by Russian dream book

Interpretation of a dream about smoke:

Confusion, doubts and fears; if you see yourself in smoke, someone is trying to entangle you with flattery and influence you.

1 Smoke by Jewish dream book

Smoke in a dream predicts:

Smoke filling the apartment A dream you had on Monday night means that you should pay attention to your health; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to great confusion and uncertainty in business; on the night of Saturday or Sunday - an attempt to deceive.

1 Smoke by Psychotherapeutic dream book

Why do you dream of Smoke:

To a small danger that ended safely and without a trace.

1 Smoke according to the Mayan Dream Book

Good meaning: If in a dream smoke comes from the chimney of a house, then nothing and no one can stop you from realizing your plans. Light a candle near each window, then you will definitely succeed.

Bad meaning: If smoke comes from a fire in a dream, then in the near future your health condition may sharply deteriorate. To protect yourself, make a decoction of golden mustache, strain it and brew coffee with it. Drink throughout the day.

1 Smoke by Gypsy dream book

If you see smoke coming from a chimney or from a fire, you will enjoy a short period of joy.

Smoke from a cigarette or pipe means that you are too self-confident, which may have no basis.

1 Smoke by Old Russian dream book

1 Smoke by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Smoke from a fire - you will become aware of your friend’s divorce.

Smoke from the stove - to quickly passing sadness.

Seeing smoke from a cigarette means an empty life.

1 Smoke by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

Why do you dream of Smoke:

Seeing smoke from a fire means going on a hike.

Smoke from a cigarette - your dreams of a better life will disappear like smoke.

1 Smoke by Eastern dream book

If you dreamed that everything around you was in smoke - your doubts and fears do not allow you to think sensibly. Also beware of envious people who, using flattery and praise, can harm you.

1 Smoke by Magic dream book

Smelling smoke means suspecting friends of slander. Smoke spreads across the ground - petty gossip. Smoke rises in a column upward from a fire or from a chimney - all the bad things will be left behind. Seeing strong smoke coming from the stove means sadness. If the wind disperses the smoke, get rid of false slander. Black smoke - squabbles or obstacles. A smoky room means a calm attitude towards one’s poverty.

1 Smoke by Ukrainian dream book

Miracle; failure. If you dream of smoke, there is no fire, then there will be some kind of miracle; strange news; road; praise. Smoke is a miracle and death. Black - obstacles, gossip.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

You dream of smoke in the sky - after your many mistakes you will lose self-confidence; doubts will drive you to despair; Unfounded fears will make the world seem gray. You seem to be enveloped in clouds of smoke and suffocating - people who want to take advantage of you will start with a firm handshake, a friendly smile and pleasant words; their flattery will elevate you in your own eyes; Before you know it, you will become dependent; Don't tell people too much just because you like them; their attitude towards you may change tomorrow.

1 Smoke according to the Online Dream Book

Why do you dream of Smoke:

You see smoke in a dream - in reality you have your head in the clouds too much, you can be wrong in many ways, trust only your feelings.

If its clouds are white, the dream foretells you some kind of dreams, maybe you will even break up with someone. If they are black

Seeing smoke coming from a chimney in a dream means your idea will definitely come true. In order to get as close as possible to quick success

If you dream of smoke that is light and almost invisible - perhaps the luck that you see on the horizon will be very short-lived.

If in a dream he surrounds you on all sides, your hesitation and fear of something will not give you the opportunity to look at the situation from a sober point of view.

If you dream that you are sniffing smoke - beware of lung disease or you may be developing some kind of psychological illness. The dream book says that the essence of such a dream will directly depend on whether you end up suffocating or not.

If in a dream you see a haze emanating from a fire, this means that you may get slightly lost among your hesitations and fears, but your comrades will help drive them away from you.

If you dream that in the smoke you suddenly begin to stop breathing - the dream says that you may soon suffer at the hands of a cunning deceiver and trickster who has been working right behind your back for a long time

To see smoke from a fire in a dream - in real life, you will be faced with a situation the way out of which is very ambiguous. You need to make a decision, but your fears will completely confuse you.

Seeing smoke in a dream is a sign of deceptive glory. See black smoke, a column of smoke, a large amount of soot, black smoke in which ash and sparks fly

Seeing smoke in a dream, but not seeing fire (smoking remains of a fire, seeing smoke from afar) - in reality, you perceive reality too acutely and exaggeratedly. You're making a mountain out of a molehill.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Smoke - “there is no smoke without fire.”

Plumes of white smoke - dreams, possible separation; black smoke - trouble, change for the worse.

A thin bluish stream of smoke - a romantic relationship.

1 Smoke according to Aesop's Dream Book

If you dreamed of smoke, this is most likely due to the expression: “Smoke without fire,” that is, making a problem out of nothing, talking out of nowhere.

Seeing puffs of white smoke in a dream - such a dream foreshadows a period of anxiety, but all your worries will be in vain, having no basis other than your wild imagination.

If you dreamed of black smoke with fumes and flying sparks, expect bad changes soon; through no fault of yours, an event will occur for which you will have to pay.

Seeing a thin bluish stream of smoke - such a dream promises a love affair, which, due to your carelessness, may become public.

Seeing smoke rings in a dream means someone is playing a dishonest game with you, but you will not understand this until he plays his role to the end and gets what he wants from you.

1 Smoke according to Hasse's dream book

Poverty, but happily, calmly; rising straight from the chimney - home peace and happiness; divergent - a difficult thing, but easy to do; black - squabbles or obstacles

1 Smoke by Family dream book

If you dream of smoke, it means you will be completely confused in your doubts and fears.

If in a dream you smell smoke, perhaps someone will try to entangle you with flattery.

1 Smoke by Esoteric dream book

Why do you dream of Smoke:

Smoke from the chimney of a house means home warmth and improved family relationships.

From the factory chimney - “everything will go away like smoke”, all troubles will disappear.

Bonfire, fire - you don’t see the obvious, “it’s covered in a veil,” it’s time to see the light.

1 Smoke by Rick Dillon's Dream Book

If you saw thick smoke in a dream, blocking the surrounding picture from you, it most likely symbolizes the fact that in life you are filled with certain fears and doubts that prevent you from objectively assessing what is happening. Wait a little, let the smoke clear, and only then make some important decision. If you dream that acrid smoke got into your eyes, causing pain and tears, this is a warning that you may be offended by your own child. If the smoke was barely noticeable, you didn’t even dream of smoke, but of haze, it indicates that the relationships in your family are very fragile and can change at any moment.

1 Smoke by Dream book for the whole family

To great danger, which, contrary to expectations, will end in your resounding success.

If your house is on fire and the smoke prevents you from breathing, it is a sign of great luck.

Smoke spreading through the valley is a dangerous journey.

1 Smoke by Imperial dream book

This is your own yin internal state that has come out. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the smells of smoke and burning indicate disturbances in the small intestine and heart: these organs and meridians are inflamed, burning, their native element of heat has outgrown reasonable sizes.

Seeing/feeling smoke in a dream/looking for and not finding a way out or salvation from the smoke/trying to see something behind a smoke screen and so on - the dream states a complete loss of the ability to navigate the surrounding space, which symbolizes the loss of the purpose of movement - the loss of the meaning of life.

If in a dream you experience fear, which is clearly distinguished from the range of negative emotions, then the kidneys are already affected. The dreamer has long been possessed by a latent awareness of the depletion of one’s strength and depression, which clouds the eyes with smoke. Such a state leads to quarrels, severance of previous relationships without the guilt of others and collapse in business.

If the dreamer sees smoke in a room or at home, this foreshadows a family showdown, a scandal.

If the source of the smoke is outside the house, losses and disagreements of a non-family nature are expected.

If you painfully try to see something ahead through a veil of smoke in a dream, this is a future spoiled by the smoke of your own intemperance and illness.

Faces that are still recognizable through the veil of smoke are people with whom relationships may be broken.

Choking and coughing in smoke is a very pronounced symptom of fever in the lungs, ready to manifest itself as inflammation in reality.

Even mild smoke should give rise to a feeling of danger; increasing smoke in a dream is evidence of a rapidly deteriorating mental and physical state.

Smoke and fire in a dream in autumn is a state of the body on the verge of disaster. The dream requires the realization that all the troubles are an outburst of one’s own internal yin state of depression; immediate treatment from a specialist is required.

1 Smoke by dream book of Nostradamus

To see thick smoke in a dream - a dream predicts the eruption of a large volcano. It is possible that settlements located near the volcano will suffer from this eruption.

If you dreamed of black smoke, it means that times will come when most people will be completely dependent on nicotine. Dependence on tobacco products will become so great that there will be a need for compulsory treatment.

If in a dream smoke obscures your eyes and you can’t breathe, then this is a bad omen. Perhaps there will be a big fire in the future. Because of the smoke of this fire, people will suffer: they will not be able to breathe. For several weeks, it will be impossible to walk on the streets without a protective mask.

Seeing smoke and fumes in a dream is a harbinger of an environmental disaster. There will come a time when a gray cloud will descend on Earth, which will bring serious illnesses to people. For the dreamer, such a dream predicts a serious illness.

If in a dream you saw smoke with flames, then in the not too distant future the Earth is threatened by severe drought, which will result in a lot of fires. Such a dream predicts a friendly party with old friends, where you will have a wonderful time.

Seeing smoke from a speeding train in a dream means a very large train accident, as a result of which a large number of people will suffer. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies an unhappy journey. It is possible that some misfortune will happen to you along the way: a train will derail or a plane will crash.

1 Smoke by French dream book

Why do you dream of Smoke:

Symbolizes deceptive glory. If in a dream you are blackened by smoke, this means that you will soon waste all your wealth.

1 Smoke by Dream book alphabetically

To a small danger that will end completely safely. Smoke rising straight up from the chimney foreshadows home peace, comfort and family joys. Smoke blown by the wind in different directions - you have to do something that for many is a certain difficulty, but is almost not worth the effort for you.

Seeing thick black smoke from a factory chimney in a dream means squabbles or obstacles on the part of your husband’s or fiancé’s relatives. Seeing smoke coming from a steam locomotive or steamship in a dream means a slight malaise, however, fraught with complications if the necessary measures are not taken.

Smoke from a fire portends that you will become entangled in doubts and fears, but your friends will dispel them like smoke. Choking in a dream from the smoke filling the room - in reality you will become a victim of the insidious deception of a schemer who has been operating under your very nose for a long time.

Seeing smoke from an explosion in a dream means failure in business. Going down a chimney in a dream foreshadows sad events, possibly the loss of relatives.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

The upcoming journey will be unhappy.

Imagine that it started to rain and the smoke cleared.

1 Smoke by Dream book of the 20th century

1 Smoke according to Rommel's Dream Book

Clouds of smoke, smoke creeping around you - to illness, trouble.

The smell of something burning means sadness or some situation in which you will feel awkward.

Smoke also signifies confusion in affairs, doubts, submission to other people, or your exposure to flattery from ill-wishers.

1 Smoke by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Sniffing smoke is a respiratory disease, a possible onset of mental illness, the meaning of the dream increases if you are suffocating.

Seeing smoke means you will find yourself in an extremely illusory situation, which you will fully realize when it is already too late.

1 Smoke by Dream book for girls

Choking on smoke means getting confused in business.

Therefore, never smoke, don’t even try!

1 Smoke by Astrological dream book

To false rumors and slight malaise.

After such a dream, you may be in little danger.

White, fragrant smoke is a good sign - you will be lucky in your homeland, you may receive an inheritance, fame in your homeland.

Black smoke from rubber or tires is a very bad sign.

if in a dream such smoke envelops you completely or you inhale it and suffer, then it can even mean death.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Smoke seen in a dream prophesies that your consciousness will be clouded by doubts and fears.

If in a dream you are enveloped in smoke, in reality envious people, using flattery and praise, will harm you.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dreamed that you were shrouded in smoke, this means that you will fall in love with your enemy, who will deliberately use you for his own purposes.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

If you see smoke in a dream, try to remember exactly what it was like and what it looked like. Plumes of white smoke in a dream symbolize pleasant dreams, and sometimes predict separation from a loved one. If you dream of black smoke, some troubles await you, and your current situation will change for the worse. Smoke rising in a thin bluish stream is a good sign, predicting a pleasant romantic relationship. And remember that there is no smoke without fire.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Seeing smoke, but no fire anywhere, the dream warns that you are not noticing something obvious. If you do not see the light in the near future, this can lead to sad consequences for you. If you dreamed of smoke rising from the chimney of a house, the dream turns out to be a very good sign for you. He predicts you home comfort, peace, improved relationships in the family and with loved ones. If you dreamed of smoke rising from a factory chimney or from the chimney of a steamship or locomotive, it suggests that you do not need to attach much importance to temporary troubles. Everything will pass like smoke, all your troubles will soon disappear.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Seeing smoke predicts a poor, but calm and happy life for you. If you dreamed of smoke that disperses when the wind blows, the dream warns that you will have a difficult task, which will be quite up to you. And when it is completed, you will only believe in your own strength even more. Seeing smoke rising from a chimney means home peace and family happiness. And only black thick billowing smoke has a frankly negative meaning in dreams, predicting squabbles, quarrels, obstacles and delays in your business.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

If you see smoke, you should pay attention to this dream. Because he warns you of some danger that threatens you. You are already in a difficult situation for yourself, but, for some reason, you simply underestimate it, as evidenced by the smoke that you dream about. Or the danger will arise in the very near future. In any case, try to be careful and soberly assess the consequences of each step you take. The good news is that after a short time, this danger will disappear without any trace. Like smoke that was blown away by a fresh wind.

1 Smoke by Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing smoke - when smoke appears in a dream - this indicates that. that you are in a very difficult situation for yourself. The whole point is that you are full of fears and some doubts about your chosen one. And if you dream of smoke, it warns that you will only become even more entangled in them. To see that you have inhaled smoke, it has stupefied you - in reality you are under the influence of a person who, with flattering speeches, is trying to paralyze your mind and completely subjugate you to himself. Be careful.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

If you dream about smoke, it has several different interpretations that may contradict each other. Smoke in a dream is a positive omen. Then he predicts surprise, good news, praise, wedding. But smoke often has a negative meaning. If you dream of smoke, you need to be wary of gossip, quarrels, minor illness, some kind of accident, false fame, failure, death. Therefore, in order to correctly understand the meaning of this dream, you need to remember the general impression that you left after it. Sometimes smoke just means rain. Seeing smoke in the house means a quarrel; on the street it means disappointment. Smoke rising upward in a column means good luck, spreading downward means bad luck. If you dream of black smoke, expect gossip, obstacles, illness, and you will be sad.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

To correctly understand the dream in which you see smoke, it is necessary to take into account its other details and details. In general, smoke in a dream predicts that you will soon have to endure great danger. Which, contrary to expectations. It will end with your resounding success. You dream that your house is on fire and you are choking on smoke, do not be alarmed, the dream predicts great luck for you in reality. And if you see a certain valley stretching out in front of you, covered with smoke, in reality you will have an interesting journey, which may turn out to be dangerous. Sleep is a real boon for adventure lovers.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

In most cases, when you dream of smoke, it predicts a loud quarrel or some kind of scandal in the near future. If you dream of smoke in the room where you are, next to you, it means that a scandal is very close, it is about to break out literally in a matter of hours. But if this smoke was from many people smoking, the room was so smoky that even if you hang an ax, the dream, on the contrary, predicts agreement and agreement in important matters. When you dream of thick smoke creeping along the street, expect some kind of disappointment in reality.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Seeing smoke is a sign of surprise or failure. If you dreamed of smoke, but you did not see fire, the dream predicts that some amazing event will happen to you, which can be called a real miracle - there is no smoke without fire. It is also possible that you will receive extremely strange news that will cause you considerable surprise. The white smoke creeping below predicts the path. When you dream of black smoke, expect all sorts of obstacles and misfortunes in reality. Gossip. Sometimes thick, enveloping black smoke dreams of the dreamer's death.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

As a rule, seeing smoke is not a very good sign. Usually it predicts disappointment, quarrel, bad news. However, there may be various nuances in the interpretation of a dream. Depending on what kind of smoke you saw in your dream. White smoke often indicates that you have pleasant illusions or expectations; if it rises upward, it is a good sign that promises you success. Black smoke dreams of quarrels and disagreements between friends. Blue or bluish cigarette smoke in a dream turns out to be a positive omen; you will be able to reach a friendly agreement in some matter.

Tobacco smoke - Blue, gray - friendly agreement, friendship; black - disagreement between friends.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

If you dream of smoke, it means that you will receive the fame that you are striving for. But it will turn out to be very deceptive. Or, you will gain fame of a dubious nature. To see that you are in the smoke and are blackened by it, covered with soot, the dream warns you that you should be more careful with your finances. Your expenses have probably been exceeding your income for some time now. And if this continues, you will completely waste all your wealth.

1 Smoke by New dream book 1918

In most cases, a dream in which you dream of smoke is negative in nature and warns that you may soon find yourself at the center of some kind of scandal. Moreover, the closer the smoke was to you, the sooner this scandal would happen. If you dreamed of smoke rising from a chimney, expect some dangerous situation in reality. Most likely, it will not be too serious, and everything will be resolved safely, without causing you significant damage, without any serious consequences.

1 Smoke by ABC of dream interpretation

Smoke in a dream does not appear by chance. Thus, your subconscious and intuition signals you that you are about to experience difficult moments in your life. You yourself are already full of heavy forebodings, you just tried not to pay attention to them. Seeing smoke indicates that your sixth sense is not deceiving you. When you dream that you are in smoke, this symbolizes the illusions that control you, dangerous misconceptions about some matter. To see thick clouds of black smoke - expect some kind of misfortune in reality. The light, light, transparent smoke you see indicates that your current happiness is only an illusion and seems very fleeting. You will be bitterly disappointed.

1 Smoke according to Miller's dream book

Smoke in dreams is a symbol of your far-fetched fears and doubts that overwhelm you. Dealing with them will not be easy, and if you dream of smoke, it predicts that you will only become even more confused. You probably need to make some difficult choice; it seems to you that both options fall into the “both worse” category. If in a dream you saw that you were in the smoke for too long and it stupefied you, the dream warns you not to believe the person who sings your praises. In fact, he is very dangerous, and only seeks to entangle you as much as possible with his flattery in order to gain your trust and completely subordinate you to his will.

1 Smoke by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

To see smoke spreading along the ground and gradually filling everything around, the dream has a very simple meaning. It means that there will be some rumors and gossip around you. Most likely, they will concern not you personally, but one of your close acquaintances, a person whom you know well. If you dream about smoke. This is a clear warning not to trust everything you hear. A little time will pass, the smoke will be dispelled by a fresh wind, and you will see how everything really is.

As you know, in night dreams a person can see different things. People have long been interested in the question of what dreams symbolize. Are they a reflection of the current life situation or are they harbingers of future events? Today we propose to try together to find out how the dream books that enjoy the greatest trust and respect today interpret such a phenomenon seen at night as smoke. We hope that the above interpretations will help you correctly decipher the dreamed images.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

To begin with, we suggest finding out how one of the most famous American esotericists interprets the image in question. Thus, according to Gustav Miller, smoke in a dream warns a person that in reality he risks becoming completely entangled in his fears and doubts. If you dreamed that you were intoxicated by toxic fumes, then in real life you should be careful. After all, you risk falling into the network of bad people who will try to entangle you in networks of flattery or even completely subjugate you to their will. Since smoke is closely related to fire, the collection under consideration also provides an interpretation of this image. Thus, a flame, according to Gustav Miller, is considered a good sign if you do not get burned yourself. Such a vision will bring particular success to sailors, travelers and farmers. A fire in a dream that destroys a house predicts true friends and obedient children. If a businessman sees his enterprise burning, then big profits await him. If in a dream you are fighting a fire to prevent it from spreading, then in real life you will have hectic work. If you kindle it yourself, then fate will present you with pleasant surprises.

Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

Smoke, according to the interpretation of this collection, indicates that poverty threatens you. If it rises directly from the pipe, then your life will be quiet, measured, happy and calm. If you see smoke spreading in all directions, then you have to do something very difficult. However, once you get down to business, you will be surprised at how easy it is for you to complete it. Black smoke is considered a harbinger of squabbles and discord in the family and in relationships with friends and colleagues. This image can also symbolize the occurrence of some obstacles on your path.

Intimate dream book

What does smoke mean in dreams, according to the compilers of this collection? This image reflects fears and anxieties. It is quite possible that at this stage you are faced with a serious choice and do not know which option to prefer. Your current partner is probably no longer as interested in you as he once was. But at the same time, you are afraid to destroy established relationships and, as they say, leave your comfort zone. The compilers of the collection advise not to be tormented by such thoughts, but to try to discuss the situation with your partner. Perhaps it makes sense to even involve a psychologist in solving the problem. If you do, in the near future you will experience intense love. Moreover, this feeling will be mutual. You and your new partner will be perfect for each other in every way, making you a great couple. Warming your hands by the fire means an unforgettable love adventure or just an interesting acquaintance. Feeling intense heat from a campfire or fire is a sign of sizzling passion, which can result in the most unpleasant consequences.

Ancient French dream book

Smoke, according to the authors of this collection, is a symbol of deceptive glory. If in your dream you are blackened by smoke, then soon in real life you risk wasting all your money. Therefore, you should be more careful about your own finances.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Gray or blue smoke from cigarettes, according to information from this source, promises strong friendship. If it is black, then, on the contrary, you will have a disagreement with a friend. White smoke is seen as the onset of a period of pleasant anticipation or illusions that you do not want to part with.

Aesop's Dream Book

This source indicates that dreamed smoke promises participation in empty conversations. It is quite possible that you will have to face a problem that has arisen out of nowhere, which, however, can cause you a lot of difficulties. Plumes of white smoke indicate that you are in for a period of anxiety. However, fortunately, all experiences will not have a strong basis. Most likely, your overactive imagination will be to blame. Black smoke with burning and sparks flying in all directions indicates a series of problems. So, perhaps, soon, through no fault of yours, some event will happen, but you will nevertheless have to pay for the results of it. A thin bluish stream of smoke promises a love affair, which, as a result of carelessness, can receive wide publicity. Therefore, you should be careful and tell others less about your new partner. Dreaming of smoke rings indicates the fact that someone is playing a dishonest game against you. Moreover, you will most likely only be able to find out the truth when this person achieves his goal.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

This image is considered by the compilers of this collection as a minor danger that will not have any serious consequences. Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about this, because everything will be resolved successfully. The dream book interprets smoke rising straight up from the chimney as a good sign, foreshadowing family joys, peace and comfort in the house. If the wind blows its clouds in different directions, then you will have to do something that for most people is almost impossible. However, oddly enough, you will be able to easily cope with this matter. Black thick smoke from a factory or factory chimney means obstacles that will be caused by relatives of the male half of your family. Also, such a vision for a girl may mean that her fiancé’s relatives will not approve of his choice and will try in every possible way to prevent the wedding. What does smoke from a steamboat or locomotive promise the dreamer? Such a vision, according to the compilers of this collection, predicts a slight illness. However, if you do not take action, it may result in serious complications. Smoke from a fire indicates that you are at risk of becoming entangled in doubts and fears. However, friends will come to your aid and help you figure it out and put everything in its place. If at night you dreamed that you were literally suffocating from thick smoke, then in reality you risk becoming a victim of a skilled schemer who has long been plotting his intrigues under your very nose. A vision in which you go down a pipe stained with soot is considered a bad sign, predicting sad events. The smoke from the explosion is seen as an impending failure in business.

If you light a fire in a dream, then a whirlwind romance awaits you; if you extinguish it, then get ready to change your plans depending on how the situation develops. A fire in a fireplace promises joyful events for a woman, and a feeling of annoyance for a representative of the stronger half of humanity. A fire is seen as a harbinger of pleasant surprises, and a torch promises fun entertainment with true friends. A fire with thick smoke indicates that, due to your own carelessness and naivety, you can find yourself in an extremely unpleasant situation, from which it will be extremely difficult to get out. If you dreamed that you were in a hurry to fight a fire, then in reality be ready to rush to the aid of a faithful friend. Putting out a strong flame means hard work involving risk. Suffering from a fire means disappointment in love.

American dream book

The compilers of this collection interpret smoke as a warning of possible danger. If you see such an image somewhere, then you should be careful not to run into problems. Also, such a vision may mean that you will need to spend a lot of effort to understand the current situation.

Large universal dream book

The authors of this collection of interpretations of night visions also consider smoke as a symbol of the fact that you risk becoming completely entangled in your doubts, worries and fears. If in a dream you smell its pungent smell, then someone in real life will try to entangle you in a web of flattery in order to achieve their selfish goals. Moreover, you are unlikely to be able to recognize a liar until he achieves his goal. Thick smoke from a speeding train can be a harbinger of a major train accident. Also, such a vision is seen as a warning about an unsuccessful trip or business trip. Black smoke that clouds everything around indicates the need to fight nicotine addiction, which brings people nothing but health problems. If you can't breathe and can't see because of the acrid fumes, you're probably in for some serious problems. So, you may be in danger of a fire or a serious illness. However, if you take action in time, the damage will be minimal. If it was a dream on Saturday, then it is also recommended to visit the hospital and have your respiratory organs checked.

Gypsy dream book

If in your night dreams you saw smoke from a chimney or from a fire, then in the near future you will be able to enjoy a period of joy. However, you should not relax too much, as it is unlikely to last long. Smoke from a pipe or cigarette may indicate that in real life you are overconfident. It is quite possible that this does not have any compelling reasons. Therefore, try to realistically perceive the surrounding reality and your place in it. If you see a slowly smoldering fire, from which there is practically no smoke, then in reality, most likely, you are suppressing some strong desire within yourself. A strong flame indicates that the situation is about to get out of your control. So it is necessary to take measures as quickly as possible to prevent this from happening. If you dream that you are starting a fire, then you will soon have to do something that will have a huge impact on your life. Extinguishing the flame means victory over your opponents.

Newest dream book

If you dreamed that you were sniffing smoke, then you may be at risk of respiratory disease. Also, such an image may indicate the onset of a psychological illness. At the same time, the meaning of the vision increases if you felt like you were suffocating. The dream book also considers smoke as a risk of falling into an illusory situation. Moreover, you realize how things are only when it is too late to change something.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does smoke mean in dreams, according to the authors of this collection of interpretations? Thus, such an image is considered as a harbinger of praise, encouragement, and good news. Smoke without fire promises the dreamer to receive amazing news. If you smell it and begin to choke, then you will experience severe fear and fright. There may also be confusion in business and a series of minor troubles. However, you can deal with them without much difficulty. Dark-colored smoke, according to the compilers of the dream book, promises trouble, and white smoke promises love and happiness. Fire as a whole is considered by the authors of the collection as a powerful symbol associated with reincarnation and initiation into something new. This is the only element that man cannot pollute. Therefore, fire predicts purification for the dreamer.

A collection of tips received in a dream

Let's look at a few more interpretations. So, this dream book considers smoke as a sign of unclear anxieties and vague doubts. If you are choking on acrid fumes or see this happening to someone else, then by following your own doubts and fears, you are making your life unbearable and painful. Therefore, you need to rethink your perception of the world. Otherwise, you are unlikely to become a happy person. Please also note that if it was a dream on Saturday, then the smoke can also be considered as a warning about the possible occurrence of mental illnesses.

In general, fire in a dream is considered by this collection as a reflection of our emotions. So, the brighter the flame, the stronger the feeling. If you see that the fire threatens to harm someone or something, then due to your own intemperance you risk harming yourself. A clean fire without smoke or sparks indicates the purity of your thoughts, and also portends good luck and happiness. In this case, the threat you feel from the flame can only be a reflection of your internal anxieties and experiences, which in fact do not have any serious basis. If you see that smoke is coming from the fire in all directions, and sparks and charred brands are flying, then a series of quarrels, skirmishes, conflicts and, possibly, losses awaits you. To avoid this, you should look at life more optimistically, avoiding negative thoughts. Putting out a fire means a lot of trouble and worry.

Smoke - bad weather, deception, self-deception, the appearance of happiness.

Dark smoke is something unpleasant.

White smoke is most often something associated with love, happiness in the future.

Smoke from the chimney of a residential building goes vertically upward - family happiness, praise.

A column of smoke suddenly rises in front of you - sudden danger.

The horizon in the smoke is the hopeless power of passions over you, everyday troubles obscure the bright future that is being prepared from your view.

To be in a ring of smoke is a captivity of illusions, self-deception.

Smoke is rolling towards you like a cloud - worries and mistakes are coming.

To see how strange, colored formations from smoke grow around you - you can live carefree among your fantasies, a dreamlike image of fantasy play.

Smoke flying in wisps in the wind - your life is uncleanly and quickly burning.

Seeing a lot of smoke from a steamship or locomotive is an ominous premonition that will most likely come true.

Fumigating a house or bed with smoke is a disease.

Clothes are a benefit.

To see a lot of smoking chimneys is to be torn apart by conflicting desires and petty passions.

A huge smoking chimney is a petty passion, a small hobby that has swallowed up everything else and become dangerous.

A person comes out of the smoke or stands in the smoke - an image of his own position in life.

A vessel filled with smoke is money that will not bring happiness.

Your apartment is filled with smoke, but there is no fire in it - false fears.

The flow of smoke either closes or opens objects - temporary delusions. You need to make an effort to see the world soberly.

Interpretation of dreams from

Find out from the online dream book what Smoke means in dreams by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

What does smoke mean in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Smoke and what does it mean:

Smoke - Seeing smoke in a dream means news, praise, encouragement. Smoke without fire is surprising news. To smell smoke or suffocate in it in a dream means that you will experience fright or fear, there may be confusion in business, minor troubles, but everything will turn out quite favorably for you.

Dark smoke most often dreams of trouble, white smoke brings happiness in love.

Seeing white smoke from a chimney in a dream means fulfillment of desires, dark smoke means discord in the family.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Smoke in a dream?

A dream about smoke suggests that you will become completely entangled in your doubts and fears.

If you dream that you are intoxicated by smoke, then people who are dangerous to you will entangle you with flattery, and perhaps even subjugate you.

Idiomatic dream book

What does smoke mean in dreams?

“There is no smoke without fire” - bad consequences or the cause of negative events. “get drunk into the smoke (into the smoke)”; “and the smoke of the fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us”; “smoke screen” (camouflage). “smoke like a rocker (even if you hang an ax)” - confusion, chaos, quarrels; “smoke from a locomotive, chimney, stove...” - production movement, activity, a harbinger of something being prepared or a peaceful situation. See Add. Steam.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about Smoke?

The appearance of smoke in a dream is a sign that you will become completely entangled in your doubts and fears.

Why dream - If you dream that you are stupefied by smoke, beware of flatterers who will try to subjugate you.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about Smoke

I dreamed of Smoke - a symbol of anxiety, doubts and fears. Perhaps you are faced with a choice and don’t know what to choose.

Why do you dream about smoke - Your partner is no longer interested in you as much as before, but you are frightened by the possibility of destroying or changing an established relationship that is convenient for you. You need to figure out the reason for such anxiety together with your friend.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about smoke?

Smoke - For the wedding, wonder, wondrous news, praise // the cattle will die, gossip, quarrel, road, rain, danger, minor illness, false fame, death, failure; in the house - a quarrel; on the street - disappointment; smoky - it will be wonderful; up - good luck; down - failure; black - gossip, obstacles, sadness, whiteness.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing in Smoke, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream

To great danger, which, contrary to expectations, will end in your resounding success. If your house is on fire and the smoke prevents you from breathing, it is a sign of great luck. The smoke spreading through the valley is a dangerous journey.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Smoke - Scandal.

There is a near scandal in the room; from many smokers - agreement in important matters; smoke outside is disappointing (depending on the density).

Semyonova's lunar dream book

What is night vision about?

It means danger.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Smoke?

Symbolizes – a miracle; failure. If you dream of smoke, there is no fire, then there will be some kind of miracle; strange news; road; praise. Smoke is a miracle and death. Black - obstacles, gossip.

Intelligent dream book

What to Expect If You See Smoke

Why see Smoke - To a small danger that ended safely and without a trace.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Smokes from your dream

Tobacco - Blue, gray - friendly agreement, friendship; black - disagreement between friends.

Ancient French dream book

What does smoke mean in dreams, interpretation:

Symbolizes deceptive glory. If in a dream you are blackened by smoke, this means that you will soon waste all your wealth.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about Smoke?

To see in a dream is a Scandal; smoke from a chimney is a minor danger that will end in prosperity and without any serious consequences.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of Smoke, what does it mean?

Indicates illusions, heavy premonitions, misconceptions. Black, billowing smoke - unfortunately, danger. A light, transparent smoke is a semblance of happiness, which will turn out to be fleeting.

Azar's Dream Book

Why did you dream about Smoke according to spiritual sources?

It threatens with danger.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Means – Poverty, but happily, calmly; rising straight from the chimney - home peace and happiness; divergent - a difficult thing, but easy to do; black - squabbles or obstacles.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about Smoke?

To see thick smoke in a dream - a dream predicts the eruption of a large volcano. It is possible that settlements located near the volcano will suffer from this eruption. If you dreamed of black smoke, it means that times will come when most people will be completely dependent on nicotine. Dependence on tobacco products will become so great that there will be a need for compulsory treatment. If in a dream smoke obscures your eyes and you can’t breathe, then this is a bad omen. Perhaps there will be a big fire in the future. Because of the smoke of this fire, people will suffer: they will not be able to breathe. For several weeks, it will be impossible to walk on the streets without a protective mask. Seeing smoke and fumes in a dream is a harbinger of an environmental disaster. There will come a time when a gray cloud will descend on the earth, which will bring serious illnesses to people. For the dreamer, such a dream predicts a serious illness. If in a dream you saw flames, then in the not too distant future the earth is threatened by severe drought, which will result in a lot of fires. Such a dream predicts a friendly party with old friends, where you will have a wonderful time. Seeing smoke from a speeding train in a dream means a very large train accident, as a result of which a large number of people will suffer. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies an unhappy journey. It is possible that some misfortune will happen to you along the way: a train will derail or a plane will crash.

Esoteric dream book

See Smoke:

From the chimney of the house - to home warmth, improved family relationships. From the factory chimney - “everything will go away like smoke”, all troubles will disappear. Bonfire, fire - you don’t see the obvious, “it’s covered in a veil,” it’s time to see the light.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Smoke - poverty, but happy and calm - rising straight from the chimney - home peace and happiness - diverging - a difficult task, but doable - black - squabbles or obstacles.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about Smoke

If you dreamed of smoke, then most likely this is due to the expression: “Smoke without fire,” that is, making a problem out of nothing, talking out of nowhere.

Why do you dream about smoke - Seeing puffs of white smoke in a dream - such a dream foreshadows a period of anxiety, but all your worries will be in vain, having no basis other than your wild imagination.

Why dream - If you dreamed of black smoke with fumes and flying sparks, then expect bad changes soon; through no fault of yours, an event will occur for which you will have to pay.

Why do you dream about smoke - Seeing a thin bluish stream of smoke - such a dream promises a love affair, which, due to your carelessness, may become public.

Why do you dream of smoke - To see smoke rings in a dream - someone is playing a dishonest game with you, but you will not understand this until he plays his role to the end and gets what he wants from you.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

If you saw thick smoke in a dream, blocking the surrounding picture from you, it most likely symbolizes the fact that in life you are filled with certain fears and doubts that prevent you from objectively assessing what is happening. Wait a little, let it dissipate, and only then make some important decision. If you dream that acrid smoke got into your eyes, causing pain and tears, this is a warning that you may be offended by your own child. If it was barely noticeable, you didn’t even dream of smoke, but a haze, it indicates that the relationships in your family are very fragile and can change at any moment.

Universal dream book for the whole family


There is no smoke without fire. Clouds of white smoke, dreams, possible separation; black smoke, trouble, change for the worse. A thin bluish stream of smoke, a romantic relationship.

Modern dream book


Smoke is gossip.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Smoke from a fire - You will become aware of your friend’s divorce.

Why do you dream of Smoke from the stove - To quickly passing sadness.

Smoke from a cigarette - Seeing smoke from a cigarette means an empty life.

Acrid smoke - Seeing acrid smoke in a dream is a sign of insult received from one’s own child.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Smoke from a fire - Seeing smoke from a fire means going on a hike.

Why do you dream of Cigarette Smoke - Your dreams of a better life will disappear like smoke.

Acrid smoke - To feel acrid smoke in a dream - there is no smoke without fire: expect trouble.

For those born in September, October, November, December

To see smoke from a cigarette, from a fire, or smoke coming from a chimney in a dream - your dream of wealth will disappear like smoke.

Acrid - Feeling acrid smoke in a dream means a fire.
