The meaning of the name Irina is brief. The meaning of the name Irina

Translated from Greek, the name Irina means “peace.” The character of its owner combines such properties as cheerfulness and firmness, activity and determination. In addition, she has an analytical mind and a well-developed sense of humor. She knows exactly what she wants from life.
Irina values ​​her independence above all benefits; she wants with all her might to become independent, so her desire to reach the top of the career ladder is almost impossible to stop. Indeed, a leader named Irina can be found quite often. Irina’s prudence, calmness, and gentle sense of humor help her to establish relationships with her subordinates and superiors.

In family life, the bearer of this name copes well with household chores, but housework cannot replace her work: a woman with this name does not strive to be a housewife. However, there is no need to fear that Irina will forget about her family while moving up the career ladder. This woman can easily cope with all her responsibilities, as she knows how to combine professional workload with caring for her husband and children.

Name Astrology

Irochka has been determined and independent since early childhood. If you ask her what she wants, the girl will tell you in detail about her dreams. This name is in harmony with the signs of Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces and Sagittarius, but not Leo, Libra and Taurus. The patronymic is a continuation of the name...

Irina is a determined and independent person. This female name gives its owner a certain rigidity of character. The meaning of the name Irina allows us to talk about her as a person who is able to quickly adapt to even the most difficult life circumstances.

Russia is difficult to fool. Thanks to her innate intuition, she quickly detects even minor lies in intonation. This representative of the fair sex makes decisions truly with lightning speed. Such speed in some cases leads to irreparable errors that can be difficult to correct.

The meaning of the name Irina for a girl reveals her as a diligent student. Studying comes quite easily to such a child. The world around her evaluates soberly. In his free time he likes to read books. Most often he chooses detective novels, as well as science fiction. The thickness of the book does not matter. Irinka is able to “swallow” an interesting story in just one night.

The meaning of the name Irina for a child also speaks of these girls’ penchant for playing sports. They can attend several sports clubs at once. Thanks to her intuition, Irusa manages to achieve greater mutual understanding precisely in relationships with the opposite sex.

According to the interpretation of the name, it is almost impossible to see Irina moved to tears by a sad still from a movie. This young lady is not familiar with excessive sentimentality. He tries not to give in to emotions. These women attach greater importance to the mind, rather than to feelings and emotions.


Irina is always in pursuit of the ideal, including in her sex life. Often this means that he falls in love quite violently, but even after truly falling in love, he does not lose his head and always thinks soberly. It is very popular among the stronger sex. Men see Irinka as a source of joy and pleasure.

Unhappy love almost never happens in her life. Capable of giving her partner true spiritual intimacy. Irusa likes traditional romantic courtship, meaningless flirting, and conversations on frank topics. Often feels lonely. At the same time, the degree of closeness and strength of feelings for a partner are not particularly important.

Wives of women named this way turn out to be very faithful, caring and loving. Irinka is one of those who love in family life not for something, but in spite of everything. Enjoys the respect of her husband and her children. Irinka never becomes just a housewife. At the same time, he is engaged in his favorite hobby. This means that self-realization is important for such ladies.

A particularly happy family union is possible with Ivan, Boris, Stepan, Andrey, Leonid. There is a high probability that life will turn out unhappily in a marriage with Dmitry, Valery, Roman and Konstantin.
Business and career

She is very responsible and collected at work. Attaches particular importance to the praise of colleagues and superiors. She loves to be indispensable in the workplace, and therefore the best employee in the company. He is quite active in his career, but only if he does what he loves. Cannot stand routine and boredom at work. Prefers the work process to be dynamic and non-stop. Does not recognize authorities. He may not finish what he started.

Capable of being fully realized only in purely female professions. Irusa should try her hand at design or nursing. There is also a chance to become a music teacher, a philosophy teacher, a salesperson, or an ordinary cashier.
Origin of the name Irina

The origin of the name Irina is Greek. Its history is ancient. Etymology - "peace, tranquility." The secret of the name says that this adverb arose from the goddess of peaceful life, whose name was Eirene. Where this adverb came from undoubtedly left its mark on it.

Characteristics of the name Irina

Self-control is of great importance for Irinka. The ability to control herself even when it would seem impossible for more than one person helps her get out of the most difficult situations. The characteristic of the name Irina also speaks of the ability to become aggressive under certain circumstances. It is very difficult to lead such a person.

The pros and cons of character speak of perseverance and determination. Irusya gets along easily with previously unfamiliar people. She feels most relaxed in male company. All her life Irinka tries to adhere to the image of an independent and business-like woman, seemingly cold and imperturbable. Words mean a lot to her. Always thinks what he says and tries not to allow himself to make hasty judgments.

By nature, Irusya is a real extrovert. Can easily adapt to any circumstances. It can be both subjective and objective at the same time. The patience of this representative of the fair sex sometimes borders on real sacrifice. He never, under any circumstances, tries to show his mental anguish and experiences to those around him.

Has the skill to accurately and quickly understand the hidden secrets of others. The mindset is subtle diplomatic. He uses his abilities as an excellent diplomat quite often in everyday life. He loves life and is sincerely interested in and admires it. Loves to travel around the world. On such trips he especially appreciates new impressions and discoveries.

Can irritate people with his overly correct behavior. Irinka is a true friend. Her friendly feelings are disinterested and firm. She is not capable of being offended and angry for a long time. It is difficult to tolerate insults and unfair statements addressed to him. Justice in general is important to her in life.

Irusa should especially carefully monitor the health of her stomach. It is this organ that can cause her many problems throughout her life.

The mystery of the name

The stone has fallen.
Name days April 29, May 18 and 26, October 1.
Horoscope or zodiac sign named Taurus.

Famous people

Irina Shayk (born 1986) is a Russian model. The face of the brands Beach Bunny, Armani Exchange, La Perla, Guess, Lacoste.
Irina Slutskaya (1979) - Russian figure skater, Honored Master of Sports in figure skating.
Irina Dubtsova (1982) - Russian singer, poet and composer.

Different languages

The translation of the name Irina from ancient Greek is “peace, tranquility.” Listed below is how the adverb is translated and how it is written in several foreign languages:

In Chinese - 伊丽娜 (Ili na).
In Japanese - イレーネ (Sekai - peace or anger).
In English - Irene (Irene).
In Latin - Irene (Irene).
In Greek - Ειρήνη (Eirene).
In French - Irina (Irin).

Meaning and Origin: Irina- peace (Greek).

Energy and Karma: in the name Irina qualities such as firmness, cheerfulness, mobility and determination are perfectly balanced.

At the same time, there is sufficient independence in him and therefore all of the above properties are difficult to level out in the process of education. This is for the better, since a balanced combination of such character traits can make Irina’s fate quite favorable.

Secrets of communication: sometimes when communicating with Irina, you may get the impression that she either has no problems at all, or she treats them quite easily. It is unlikely that this is actually the case, she just usually prefers not to show the full depth of the experiences themselves. But if you suddenly notice these experiences, you should not show too intrusive pity. It is much better when compassion is combined with gentle humor - Irina loves it.

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.
  • Planet: Jupiter.
  • Name colors: brown, steel, red.
  • Talisman stone: agates, topaz, rock crystal.

Meaning of the name Irina option 2

Name Irina of ancient Greek origin and it means: peace, tranquility.

Since childhood, Irina has been distinguished by independence and determination. More drawn to his father than to his mother. She is capable of studying well, it does not require much effort from her. She takes a sober approach to assessing the world around her.

Likes to read detective novels, science fiction, and attends sports clubs. Not sentimental, on the contrary, somewhat harsh. Seeing Irina cry over the suffering of soap opera characters is a rarity. She is sociable and easily finds common language with strangers. In company he behaves relaxed, willingly drinks, sometimes a little more than decency requires. Feels more comfortable and easier in the company of men, among women Irina gets bored quickly. Direct and harsh in judgments and statements. Jealous.

By nature, Irina is amorous. However, they always maintain independence. Women with name Irina They almost never dissolve in a loved one, family, and do not subordinate their lives only to home. Acquiring a profession and then professional growth is an important and obligatory moment for her. And these are, as a rule, valuable employees.

Irina always knows what he wants. Married Irina easily gains the authority of not only her husband and children, but also her work colleagues and neighbors. She is no less thorough when choosing a husband. The latter may not doubt her devotion, but only on condition that he constantly makes her feel her significance. Underestimation of Irina by her husband is dangerous - it can push her to cheat, although she is unlikely to decide on a divorce - because of her love for stability and peace.

Irina cooks well, is interested in new systems of raising children, and loves to read special magazines. Most often, Irina tends to be overweight. Mothers-in-law usually do not like Irin for their independence.

Irina will have a successful marriage with Leonid, Boris, Andrei, Sergei, Stepan, Efim, Ivan. Less luck with Dmitry, Konstantin, Yaroslav, Roman, Valery.

Meaning of the name Irina option 3

Irina the name means “peace, tranquility” (Greek meaning)

Since childhood, Irina has been distinguished by independence and determination. More drawn to dad than to mom.

He prefers repairing his father's car to mom's chores in the kitchen. She studies well, it does not require much effort from her. She takes a sober approach to assessing the world around her. Likes to read detective novels, science fiction, and attends sports clubs. Not sentimental, on the contrary, somewhat harsh. Seeing Irina cry over the suffering of the heroes of an Indian film is a rarity. Sociable, Irina easily finds a common language with strangers. In company she behaves relaxed, without hesitation she can invite the man she likes to dance, she willingly drinks, sometimes a little more than decency requires. She feels more comfortable and easier in the company of men; she is bored among women. Direct and harsh in judgment. Jealous.

Irina always knows what he wants. If she doesn’t get married early, she will have time to master several professions, graduate from college or technical school, attend embroidery courses, and learn photography. He does everything thoroughly, so he enjoys authority in the family, at work, among neighbors and friends. She approaches her choice of husband no less thoroughly. The latter may not doubt her devotion, but only on condition that he constantly makes her feel her significance. Underestimation of Irina by her husband is dangerous: it can push her to cheat, although she is unlikely to decide on a divorce - because of her love for stability and peace.

He cooks well, is interested in new systems of raising children, and loves to read special magazines. Her mother-in-law usually dislikes her for, as it seems to her, excessive independence.

Irina has a weak stomach and an unstable nervous system; she is stressed.

"Winter" Irina cutting, direct in statements, jealous.

“Autumn” - energetic, active, amorous. Can work as a consultant in the field of trade. The name matches patronymics: Vladimirovna, Vitalievna, Aleksandrovna, Borisovna, Sergeevna, Efimovna.

"Summer" Irina proud, prefers the company of men.

“Spring” is selfish, quick-tempered. Can work as a programmer, pharmacist, music teacher, choirmaster.

Name Irina suitable for patronymics: Valerievna, Alekseevna, Arkadyevna, Emilievna, Vasilievna, Alanovna, Pavlovna.

Meaning of the name Irina option 4

Impulsive, enticing. Energetic in search of sexual satisfaction. They have no complexes. Irina's are usually attractive and flirtatious in appearance.

Very affectionate towards romantic people.

They are often unhappy in their personal lives, but do not lose their attractiveness until old age. Irina is sociable and cheerful. Usually, Irina doesn't like his own name.

Meaning of the name Irina option 5

Irina- from Greek peace, folk Arina; vernacular Orina.

Derivatives: Irinka, Rina, Irisha, Ira, Irunya, Irusya, Irusha, Irena, Rena, Ina, Inulya, Arinka, Arisha, Aryukha, Aryusha.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Aunt Arina spoke in two ways.

Arina sits with her mouth open.

Ignat is not to blame, and Irina innocent; It’s only the hut’s fault for letting Ignat into the night.

April 29 - Irina- the destruction of the coast, the removal of snow: around this time, according to a popular remark, it begins to melt off the coast: “Hollow water washes away the coast.”

May 18 - Irina-seedbed: they burn the grass in the fields - “There is thin grass out of the field for Irina” - and they plant cabbage seedlings in the garden, saying: “Don’t be long-legged, but be pot-bellied; don’t be empty, but be tight; don't be red, but be tasty; don't be old, but be young; don't be small, be big"


The usual image of Irina, which she diligently creates for herself, absolutely does not correspond to her nature. Outwardly, she is a cold, independent, business woman. Irina decisive, sober in her assessments, and sometimes even overly categorical. But look deeper into her world - and you will discover a loving and jealous soul, vulnerable and unprotected, thirsting for harmony and peace.

Meaning of the name Irina option 6

Name Irina- peace (Greek).

Name day: April 29 - Holy Martyr Irina, with her sisters, pious Christians, died as martyrs for the faith of Christ (IV century).

May 18 - Holy Great Martyr Irina, baptized by the Holy Apostle Timothy; By preaching and miracles she converted thousands of people to the faith of Christ, and for this she endured great torment, but remained unharmed; died in a cave (2nd century).

  • Zodiac sign - Taurus.
  • Planet - Venus.
  • Color - pale blue.
  • The auspicious tree is chestnut.
  • The treasured plant is lily of the valley.
  • The patron of the name is the owl.
  • The talisman stone is opal.


Irina independent and decisive, sober in assessing the world around her, not sentimental, even somewhat harsh. Irina easily gets along with people, relaxed in unfamiliar company, especially in male ones; direct and harsh in judgments and statements. A good, or rather, inventive housewife.

Irina all her life she has been busy working to create the image of a cold, independent, business woman, hiding a jealous and vulnerable soul, a loving heart, a wild imagination and a thirst for solitude and peace.

Meaning of the name Irina option 7

Irina independent, decisive, capable of actions inherent in men. Maybe, at the call of his heart, he can go to the North to explore uncharted lands.

He can rush to the ends of the world for his loved one. She is very amorous by nature. However, she always maintains independence, never dissolves in a loved one or family, does not obey circumstances, is not able to get bogged down in the household, or completely devote herself to caring for children and her husband.

Acquiring a profession Irina always strives to improve. Her career is not in last place. As a result, as a rule, he becomes a valuable employee. At the same time, Irina manages to surprisingly harmoniously combine administrative abilities with charming femininity, although Irina and doesn't put any effort into it. External severity and even formality in behavior compete with a love of trinkets and jewelry, which together creates a unique style. However, the special taste Irina is not different. He doesn't like handicrafts either.

Irina often inclined towards fullness.


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    used to be a very common name (3-4 girls in the class); the name is sharp, sonorous (everyday “rr” excites, does not allow you to relax, focuses attention - it builds character, disciplines; “and” - delicate taste...) they prefer to be friends with those who are equally strong, but they will not give up leadership. surprising, sexually preoccupied (two classmates gave birth at the age of 14 and 16; a neighbor at her own housewarming party cheated on her husband, who reacted as if it were an ordinary thing; the worst thing is that my relative, because of another rejected love, took her own life, leaving the child orphaned.. .) I think that in our fast-paced times, this name is the most successful, this “locomotive” will make its way for itself, and infantile husbands, and inert colleagues, and capricious children (you decide for them and do everything..., but many then take example with moms...).I wish you, Irina, good luck and sober thinking!

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    I’m also very jealous) As a child, for some reason I didn’t really like my name, but as I got older I fell in love with it. I’m a Sagittarius and in many ways I agree with all the compliments addressed to Irina, but with completeness, it’s a clear mistake! All the Irinas I know are very attractive, good-looking, beautiful, slim, well-groomed and proud! As a child, I preferred cars, pistols and the company of robber boys, and now I feel at ease in the company of men! I think all Irinas, like me, are freedom-loving and the truth is that it’s easier for me to hammer a nail or nail a shelf to the wall than to stand at the stove! Irina is a strong character and brave owner of this beautiful name, but very vulnerable! I think many will agree with me! IRINA is a very beautiful and feminine name! I wish all owners of this beautiful name good luck and prosperity! Peace to your home!

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    Yes, Irki are prostitutes, definitely! Irka studied in our group, such a blunt cutter!!! I can't stand your name! How creepy you are, I have very bad associations with the name Ira. A real-life story about Irina: from the first year she was known as a klutz, did not communicate with the team, studied so-so, and was always late everywhere. This Ira was ugly and had a “Fat” complex! Guys wouldn’t approach her anyway, but she was still constantly fixated on this. Well, she really pissed everyone off, especially me and my friends. What did she forget at the institute? Let her go to the market as a seller or wash floors. Oh no, I got excited. Only flooring is her calling, because in the market it is necessary to competently offer and sell goods, as well as correctly count out the change, but she doesn’t have enough brains for this! Conclusion: Irka is a fool and has the same name!

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      Hello everyone!!! My name is Irinka too)) I’ve read so much here and haven’t missed the comments either))) I completely agree with everything and with many Irinkas too! I’m Rybka... I’m 26... I have a son... there’s really no way to gain weight)) and this makes me happy, but in general I agree we all love sports... personally, I was involved in professional dancing))) We hit the nail on the head with the company)) both about family and work) )) They even call me Guardian Angel since childhood... and even those who have known me for a couple of days)) Even so, we really bring Peace and Tranquility!)) Irishki have strong personalities!

      Much love to you all

      And not earthly happiness...

      Bring peace to the world...

      In the hearts of all those who are close to you...

      And let them answer you kindly...

      A smile of light and warmth...

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      Hello to all Irochkas:*

      Regarding the tendency to be overweight, I think that this has nothing to do with the name, but with genes. I’m still in adolescence, so I don’t think it’s even worth thinking about now)

      About cruelty, yes. I like to make fun of people) I don’t quite agree about sentimentality. I remember watching Titanic and crying so much! I don’t think it’s true about my husband and family either. I dream madly about a family. I will devote a lot of time to her! About the career to the point.

      My zodiac sign is Virgo :)) Society of men... well, I don’t know. But I quickly find a common language if I’m in the mood to communicate with someone)

      In general, there is a lot of truth, but I also don’t agree with a lot. And the article is super!*

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      About completeness - a lie. I can’t even gain extra pounds. Everything about attractiveness is true. Pro-technical inclinations and preference for male companies over female ones, the same is true. I love my father! I didn’t like the name as a child, but now I’ve gotten used to it and it’s okay. I like that it’s short. About preferring work and career to family, lies! Family comes first for me! It’s true about sharpness and restraint. About sentimentality, it’s true. About underestimation by a husband and betrayal in the end, it’s all a lie! We are Irina-loyal, even too patient and prone to sacrifice! If we are loved, we will break into pieces for this person so that he is happy!

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      height 173 weight 54. obesity is not in danger for the next... years. my son is 18. You need to eat less!!! Chef by training. but in general: I’m disgusting, mean, creepy, but I’m so lovely))) that I like myself like that))!!! I agree with the names Irina, Irinka, Irishka, Irochka, Risha, Irisha. I love diminutive affectionate suffixes. Almost everything in the article is correct. We are strong and this is a fact. And the fact that boys are also true. For friends, I am the sun in the window. For enemies, the last bitch. According to the horoscope, Scorpio is a rat, in general an abomination. And of course, an utter delight!!! whoever disagrees with the fact that Irishki are such gold, better keep quiet)))) he will be healthier!!!)))

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      Hello to all Irks! =Ъ At first I didn’t really like my name... Basically, as it says, but when I found out its meaning, I am a thousand times grateful to my mom, Oksana. EVERYTHING IS TRUE THE COMPLETENESS OF NOTHING I AM THIN, and all the Irochkas I know are THIN!!! My paternal grandmother, aunt, 4 friends of Irishka, all thin! And everyone studies well, just like me = Kommersant About character, right in YablO4kO, everything is true))) Irish girls are the most independent! I will never submit to anyone) I’m a Gemini, May 27, everything is fine, except that I’m fat and 6.7 spewed fairy nonsense)

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      Almost everything is true, except that I am a Cancer and am not inclined to be overweight. I also disagree with the fact that I don’t dissolve in my loved one and home is not a priority. For me it's just the opposite. Family is the most important thing for me. The first marriage is not successful. Now I live in a civil marriage, and have completely dissolved in the person I live with. He is the most IMPORTANT and IMPORTANT for me. As for the fact that Irina is jealous, that’s spot on, at least I judge by myself. Mine is MINE. Although I suffer very much from this feeling and my loved one suffers.

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      But I’m fat, although Irina, I don’t know what it is about taste, you can’t look at yourself from the outside, but it still seems to me that I don’t have enough beautiful clothes; it’s difficult to choose something beautiful; my mother didn’t want to call me Irina, but my dad insisted, maybe that’s why I’m fat that this name doesn’t suit me, I don’t really like it, I especially hate it when they call me Ira, someone tell me how to lose weight, I tell myself that I won’t eat, but I eat myself, I don’t have the willpower, although I’m so mobile, and nowhere is it true about my zodiac sign I'm a fish

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      And I’ve met a lot of overweight Irins, and terribly so, it just really depends on genetics and a person’s health. For example, I’m 166 tall and weigh 84 kg, and I can’t say that being overweight disfigures me greatly, besides, I have very large breasts, so if it’s normal to watch. But girls, don’t be upset, whoever needs us will love us. I’m 24 years old. and that’s okay. I found a guy and he is not afraid of my shape. And those girls write that their personal life is not working out, you will be patient and your time will come, and you will be happy. Good luck to everyone.

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      And I’m a Leo, I’m prone to being overweight, but I try not to overeat - I go to the gym, and this is what unites us. I don’t like the name Ira - it’s annoying, so I write Arina. I had no luck with my husbands, I lived with my second for 29 years, gave birth to 4 children for him, the men turned around and looked into his eyes, and this male stole the children and took him to the MOUSE! I don’t know how to dress - nonsense! Not a needlewoman - nonsense! I can even build! Devoted to the point of self-destruction, but unhappy. Probably you need to spit on them and have them all to the fullest!

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      completeness absolutely does not depend on the name - this is complete nonsense (my height is 160 cm, weight is 45 kg). The main thing here is heredity, the ability to limit oneself in food and health! I agree that Irina prefers male company. Personally, I can’t find a common language with women. men with the name Roman are completely unsuitable for us (verified). This name is the only favorite among all the others. I can completely agree with the rest. I wish I could find another worthy Sergei, Andrey or Ivan...

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      All people have two names, but I only have one. Because my parents named me Irina and in church they gave me the name Irina. Sometimes my name and surname just infuriate me to the point of horror (Irina (9th place in the prevalence of female names) Ivanova (2nd place) Aleksandrovna (1st place). I don’t know how fatness depends on the name, but personally I have a high risk of gaining weight due to consequences. And you know, my character is described there personally, no additions or amendments, except that I am a Libra.

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      Everything is 99.9% true. Apart from cruelty, this is not about us. Very sentimental! From the comments it is clear that among Irins there are many crayfish, and I am also a Cancer =) Men love us because we understand them and are happy to be friends with them, because we are really MUCH more interesting with men than with women! I don’t like it when they call me Ira, it just sounds terrible!!! Irina is truly beautiful and is always loved by men. Be happy: Irishki, Irochka, Irinka!!!

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      Almost everything is correct, especially regarding the fact that not only a home and family is required, but also a job. Preferably not in last place and not in last roles. Studying was really easy, and since childhood I was in company only with boys, and to this day it is really easier to communicate with men than with women. Well, I’ve been struggling with the tendency to be overweight for about 5 years now, with varying success, but for now I’m maintaining the weight, we’ll see what happens later.

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      Greetings from Prague. As a child, I didn’t really like my name, especially when they called me Ira. As I got older I probably stopped paying attention to it. I don’t agree with the tendency to be overweight and according to my horoscope I’m a Virgo, I really like handicrafts. I love it when everything is peaceful and calm... that’s very accurate. It’s funny that in Czech our name sounds like Irzhina, from the masculine Irzhi in Russian Georgiy, Irzhinka is translated as a dahlia flower. I really like these flowers. Good luck to all!!!

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      Looks like there's not much there for me. I'm a Gemini and was born on June 1st, and I agree about my favorite color. I’m not sure about how plump it is, although I knew about my grandmother, her name was Irina, she was plump. Well, maybe it's because she gave birth to many children. It’s a pity that there’s nothing there about possible professions! but despite all this, what sticks out to me the most is the second meaning. I think we have a very beautiful name!!!)))))))))))

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      Options 1 and 4 are almost completely true for me. I’m also prone to being overweight, but I think it doesn’t depend on the name, rather on the genes)))))))) I especially liked this: “Irina has been busy all her life working to create the image of a cold, independent, business woman, hiding a jealous and vulnerable soul, a loving heart, a wild imagination and a thirst for solitude and peace.” in option 5, this is the absolute truth!!!

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      Hi all! My name is Irina too! “Businesswoman”, has a son, divorced because... I couldn’t stand a loser next to me, I’m also slim and I can’t gain weight (even after the birth of a child!). Zodiac sign: Aries. I consider myself the luckiest person with a wonderful name (although as a child I hated my name!). It's all true! Good luck and love to everyone! And to the “namesakes” - a special hello!!!

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      I agree about being plump. After 2 births I gained a lot of weight. I would strongly argue about needlework. I can’t live without knitting! I have been knitting and doing other types of needlework for 20 years now. I read all the information. About 80% agrees. On the contrary, I love home and family. And a career is not important to me. Maybe because my sign is Virgo. My mother-in-law really can’t stand me , but I found my Sergei!

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      It's very similar. For me, it’s easier to make repairs or organize the construction of a house than to do ironing, wipe off every speck of dust, etc. I just don’t agree about being fat, I’m thin. And about sentimentality: I feel very sentimental about pitying every bug and every flower. Well, I’ll never invite a man first, I’ll make sure he does it himself. And my sign is Scorpio.

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      Almost everything is on point! But I strongly disagree with sentimentality and completeness! I didn’t like my name as a child, but now I love it! As for the trinkets, that’s right, I can’t help but put on some interesting thing :)) And in general, I think that we are IRISH, the most unpredictable and irresistible, and therefore the most desirable! Therefore, we deserve great and pure LOVE! :)))

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      Irina herself is familiar with girls and women with the same name. All of them and I are prone to obesity. Nobody writes that we are fat, they write about predisposition, that’s all. We all control ourselves, don’t relax, and that’s why we look great.

      Almost everything is true, there are some inaccuracies, but mostly about me. And I don’t like my name - we must have hit the nail on the head here)))

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      Almost everything is about me. I give the impression of a cold lady. It’s not true, I really like to do handicrafts, whatever I can get my hands on. Yes, I love male company, I can’t find a common language with women, especially young ones. I’m sentimental, I can cry over the series, well, I got that from my mother. I love films about love. I am conscientious, I do everything thoroughly. My zodiac sign is Aquarius.

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      My zodiac sign is Gemini, I really prefer male company and give preference to a career, but... I’m not inclined to be overweight, that’s for sure :) I’m not so harsh, I can be sentimental. I also believe that character and future life depend not only on the name, but also on upbringing, social circle, etc. A lot in this article is about me :) but a lot of it is pure nonsense :)

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      yes, there really are a lot of coincidences, I haven’t thought about the meaning of my own name and its influence on my behavior before... I don’t suffer from obesity yet. I love sports, I like male company better, they say I have a zest... I believe that I was born for some special mission...;))) I love my name!!! Greetings to all Irinkas!!!

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      A lot coincided, almost everything... And about the tendency to be overweight, girls, I have no doubt that you are now young, beautiful, and slim... You are like that yourself;) But... I have a lot of Irin friends who, with age, and with the birth of a child We couldn’t maintain our slim figure... I’m afraid of this myself, and my best friend is the gym! and I advise you)))

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      Everything matches, almost. As for completeness, some people doubt this, but I will say about myself personally: before the age of 35, my weight was 46 kg, and after giving birth (before giving birth, 52), after 35, I began to gain weight. As it turned out later, it was influenced by a gynecological disease. So, obesity is quite possible for reasons beyond our control.

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      Basically everything is correct. Even about being overweight, I’ve recently started to gain weight, and for me it’s a disaster. With a height of 170 cm, my weight has always been 56-60 kg, even after giving birth I quickly returned to normal, but over the past 2 years I have gained almost 15 kg. I really want to lose weight, although they say that this is even better.

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      A lot is true. About the character... and external data... this cannot be taken away... although I wouldn’t say that all Irinas are beautiful...

      I'm a Gemini. As for being fat... maybe in the distant future... or after giving birth... but obviously not now... Very slim... no matter how much I eat.)

      At first they wanted to call her Alexandra)

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      My horoscope is Capricorn, there are a lot of coincidences, especially that Irina is tough and arrogant on the surface, but inside she is sentimental and vulnerable. But as for the love for dad - no, I love my mom more. I didn’t like the name as a child either, but now it’s okay! I wish all Irish people health and all earthly blessings!!!

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      Everything is written correctly, I am very proud of my Irishka! Only she’s not plump, but very slender and indescribably beautiful, and smart, and independent, and has had a great career (that’s all about her). And she dumps guys instantly as soon as she sees that they underestimate her. In general, everything is correct!

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      Almost everything is right on point, both about the company of men and about beauty... Everyone seems to me that Irinka is lovely*** But in the personal section they write correctly... I have difficulties... I still can’t find one that suits me ((( (And so I live and rejoice, life is simply wonderful.

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      I adore my name, I love the company of men, my mother-in-law loves me, my husband is Sergei, I dissolve in my family, the 1st option suits me better and in general I was born on Friday, January 13th and I’m proud of it, I know a lot of Irin’s friends and almost all of them are slim, There are exceptions to every rule!

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      Several options apply to me!!! I’m really a Capricorn, but regarding being fat, go in for sports, dance and you will have a great figure!!! I’ve been dancing for 9 years now and I like to quit or want to, I like it and my figure is great!!! If you decide to lose weight “GOOD LUCK”

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      About being overweight, who cares, even you Irina, even Karina, even Marina... I personally don’t suffer from this) About taste, I think, it’s nonsense. Irish girls are the first to fashion :) A LITTLE sentimental... The characteristics do not match in some places, but only SOMEWHERE :)) According to my Zodiac Sign, I am Libra. Respect to all Irks!:D***

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      I completely agree, but everyone in my family is like that, so I don’t know if it has anything to do with the name or not. I'm terribly sentimental, although I try to hide it. It doesn’t work out probably because my horoscope is Pisces. I completely agree about falling in love, independence and work.

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      Something fits. The advantage of our name is that in fact IRINA can be compatible with almost every man, because she understands them much more than others! Irina, first of all, is a man’s best friend! And this is very important and a very good start... :-)

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      Option 3 suited me best... I don’t agree about the taste... although I am inclined to be overweight, I have an ideal weight... and about sentimentality is also not true... and about science fiction and detective stories it’s nonsense... and I also feel great in any company, except for girls who are younger me

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      Irina Ivanovna works at our place of work, she is already over forty, her daughter is my age. She looks super sexy))) I WANT TO FUCK HER SO MUCH. There really is a husband, Volodya (stupid boar) I’ll get it off anyway. Oh fuck, hold on Irina Ivanovna, you’ve never known such tenderness before)))

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      Everything matches, almost nothing can be corrected about being overweight. He is more drawn to dad than to mom. She will prefer repairing her father's car to her mother's chores in the kitchen. She feels more comfortable and easier in male company; among women, Irina quickly gets bored. This is Prada)))) That's it))**

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      I used to approach all the options exactly, but then I changed a lot, not for the better, and now everything is exactly the opposite (((

      And about plumpness... I also haven’t met plump Irina yet))) I’m slim myself and my friend Irishka is actually thin)

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      matches 95%

      I'm fierce, not sentimental... just an iron lady... on the outside!

      I don’t dissolve in my beloved... I tend to be overweight...

      Sincere, since childhood I love my dad more than my mother! it just so happened!

      I didn’t like the name before, but now I love it!

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      And here are the inaccuracies. I love my name very much, I have long since crossed the 40 mark and I am slim and beautiful, and my skin is soft, smooth and has more than a few wrinkles. I live in Tbilisi, I eat delicious meat, khachapuri, and pastries. Height 170 cm, weight 55 kg.


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      I would argue about handicrafts and lack of taste. And the zodiac sign is different. And the partner is one of those “who doesn’t fit.” Everything else is spot on. Even about being overweight. Although I’m skinny, I’m very prone to being overweight. Diet - DO NOT EAT. But I chose the wrong profession...

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      Salute to all Irins! I really love my name. I tell those Irins who don’t like their name. It is not the name that adorns a person, but the person’s name. I myself am from Dagestan, here if they call girls, you’ll break your tongue to pronounce it. For example, Suparnat is terrible!

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      According to my horoscope, I am a Scorpio and was born in the year of the Ox. I agree with almost everything. I have only met one fat Irene in my entire life. I can stand up for myself and will not let anyone hurt me. She chose her husband herself (although he thinks that he chose it), and she was jealous. I love my name.

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Ira, Irochka Irina is an unusually beautiful and at the same time simple name, which has not lost its popularity for several centuries. For a long time, the name Irina was given only to representatives of the upper classes; it was often worn by royal or princely daughters.

The name has Greek roots - it is derived from the name of the goddess of peaceful life, Eirene. Translated from ancient Greek, Irina means “peace” and “tranquility.”

In the Middle Ages, the name Irina (Arina) was widespread, as evidenced by many proverbs. For example, such as “Aunt Arina spoke in two ways” or “Ignat is not to blame, but Irina is innocent, only the hut is to blame for letting Ignat into the night.”

Among women there are many famous owners of this wonderful name. Such as athletes Irina Slutskaya and Irina Rodnina, singers Irina Allegrova and Irina Bilyk, actresses Irina Muravyova and Irina Alferova, as well as many others.

Name days and patron saints of Irina

In the Christian tradition, the name Irina is most often associated with the first woman to become a great martyr in Byzantium - Irina the Great. Once upon a time, this woman was born into a noble pagan family, but then a miracle happened: a dove flew into her window, and there was an olive branch in its beak. Leaving the branch on the table, the dove flew away. An hour later, an eagle flew into the window, in its beak there was an olive wreath. The last one to fly into the window was a raven - he brought a snake with him.

The dove symbolizes virtue, the olive branch symbolizes goodness, the eagle symbolizes high spirit, and the wreath symbolizes overcoming passions. The raven and the snake symbolize the devil. Irina the Great took these offerings as a sign of the need to convert to Christianity.

Irene of Macedonia was baptized by the Apostle Timothy. With sermons and miracles, she first brought her parents and then thousands more people to Christianity. For her holy faith in Christ she was burned alive by the pagans.

Irene also has several other patron saints, such as Martyr Irene of Aquileia, Martyr Irene of Egypt, and Martyr Irene of Corinth.

Irina celebrates her name day several times a year: January 12 and 16, February 26, April 29, May 18 and 26, August 17 and 22, September 30, October 1 and November 2.

Characteristics of the name Irina

Although the name Irina is translated as “peace” and “tranquility,” the character of its owner is far from angelic. This “peaceful” name endowed its owner with optimism and a strong-willed character, capable of withstanding both enemies and circumstances.

Irina is not at all sentimental, even a little cruel. Self-control is Irina’s main character trait, which helps her get out of the most difficult life situations. Direct and harsh in her judgments and statements, she gives the impression of a cold, businesslike, independent woman. However, this is absolutely not true. Ira just knows how to pretend that she is unfamiliar with mental anguish and torment.

Lack of sentimentality, ostentatious cheerfulness and apparent carelessness are the main character traits of Irina.

Irina is a subtle diplomat, and she skillfully uses this quality. It is not for nothing that Irina has been considered in Rus' since ancient times as a symbol of peacemaking and common sense. She has an inquisitive mind and excellent memory, she is moderately curious and inquisitive. Ira has a great sense of humor, but with her impeccable behavior she can irritate people. We can say for sure that a woman lives more with her mind than with her heart.

Ira knows how to make friends, she is kind and unforgiving, but she reacts very sharply to any insult or injustice - she will tell her offender right in the face everything that she thinks about him. It is difficult to deceive her, since Ira feels people very subtly. Due to her toughness and straightforwardness, Irina does not have many friends, and this despite the fact that Irina easily makes new acquaintances and feels great in any company.

Irina is very touchy - she is easily offended by a careless word, and at the moment of offense she can say too much or even commit an act that she will later regret in the depths of her soul, but, as always, will not show it.

By personality type, Irina is an extrovert who knows how to adapt to life’s difficulties. Very patient and reserved, she tries never, under any circumstances, to show her mental anguish. Ira will greatly value her independence all her life.

Irina has been self-educating all her life, reads a lot, and loves to travel. He can change several professions, but will never rush into any adventure. Irina is a crystal honest person who will never covet someone else’s property.

Irina in childhood

The girl Irina is the dream of any mother, as she is growing up as an obedient, problem-free child. She prefers quiet solitude to noisy active games; she can play with dolls or look at books for a long time. As he gets older, he spends a lot of time reading. From early childhood, there is something of an adult in the child; she is serious and independent.

If guests come to the house, Irochka will not sit at the table with them or otherwise draw attention to herself. You shouldn’t ask her to sing a song or recite a poem - Irochka doesn’t like that. It's better to leave her alone, the girl doesn't like to be the center of attention.

Studying at school is easy for Ira - she has a good memory and a sharp mind. The girl gets along well with both boys and girls; teachers love her for her good studies and diligent behavior.

If parents send their daughter to the sports section on time, Irina can completely devote herself to sports and achieve significant results. Playing sports will also help the girl learn to overcome laziness, which is also common to all Irinas. Managing Irina is not easy; her parents will only have to gently guide her.

You can be sure that after graduating from school, Irina will definitely try to get a higher education, since an idle lifestyle is not for her. The girl understands perfectly well that education is the path to independence and independence.

Irina's health

Adult Irina loves holidays and feasts, loves to eat well and drink strong. A woman needs to monitor her weight and proper nutrition, but she does not have a natural tendency towards alcoholism. Irina has had an excellent appetite since childhood; she should not overeat.

A woman may have problems with gynecology, often inflammation of the ovaries, and an ectopic pregnancy may occur.

In general, Irina is the owner of good health, but she needs to take care of her nervous system. All her illnesses are from nerves.

Irina's sexuality

Irina has many fans, as she is pleasant to talk to and always looks great. A woman loves flirting, beautiful courtship, conversations on the verge of a foul, but she will never be captured by a truly deep and strong feeling. She lives with her mind, not her heart. Through love and male worship she asserts herself. For this reason, Irina rarely experiences unhappy love.

We can say that after reading novels about love, Irina loves love itself, and not a specific man.
Irina is able to give her partner a sea of ​​tenderness and affection, however, it will be difficult for her to get rid of the feeling of loneliness.

Marriage and family, Irina’s compatibility with male names

Irina often falls in love, but she will choose her husband thoroughly. Family will be of great importance to her, however, a woman will never devote herself only to it. She will not completely devote herself to the interests of her husband and children, since self-realization is very important for Irina. Her husband will have to become the head of the family.

Irina will become a good housewife and caring wife, and will be respected by her husband and children. It is very important for a woman to feel needed and loved - only in this case will Irina be happy. If Ira does not feel her husband’s love, her moral principles will allow her to cheat. However, divorce is possible only as a last resort, since Irina values ​​​​stability and acquired wealth.

The habit of approaching everything seriously will also affect family life. Irina will raise children using the latest methods, prepare dishes according to new recipes, and will devote a lot of time to work and hobbies. Ira will support her husband in all his endeavors and will help him make a successful career.

A successful marriage for Irina is possible with men named Andrey, Alexey, Yuri, Sergey, Anton, Danil and Boris. You should refrain from an alliance with Oleg, Stepan, Anatoly, Nikita, Kirill, Denis, Roman and Leonid.

Business and career

Irina strives for a high standard of living, but she will always achieve success exclusively through honest work. Any machinations, risks and adventures are alien to her. A woman knows how to quickly establish the necessary business contacts and easily meets people, which contributes to the successful development of her own business.

Wherever Irina works, she will always be a responsible and valuable employee. Ira can become a good specialist in the field of technical and exact sciences, work in a design bureau or in the field of engineering. And her diplomacy, sharp mind and ability to communicate will help her make a career as a politician, diplomat, lawyer or lawyer.

Irina knows how to get along well not only with management, but also with subordinates, so she will make an excellent leader. Ira will never raise her voice, humiliate or insult a subordinate, but everyone will obey her unquestioningly.

Talismans for Irina

  • Patron planet - Venus.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Taurus.
  • Happy time of year is spring, Happy day of the week is Friday.
  • The colors that bring good luck are blue, yellow and light blue.
  • Totem plant - lily of the valley and chestnut. Lily of the valley symbolizes love, fidelity and peace. Chestnut will give vital energy, give strength, and remove pain and malaise.
  • Totem animal - termite and owl. The termite is a symbol of change and vital activity, and the owl has long been considered a symbol of wisdom and loneliness.
  • Talisman stone - opal and rock crystal. Opal has healing properties - it treats nervous diseases, insomnia and depression, and relieves negative emotions. Rock crystal attracts joy, prosperity and love.

Horoscope for Irina

Aries- a simple and sincere nature, infecting everyone around with her vital energy. There is always a lot of noise and fun around her, she is always the life of the party. Irina-Aries attracts many people to carry out any task, but no one is offended by her. Men, too, can rarely resist the pressure of her passion.

Taurus- a meticulous and persistent person who pays great attention to detail. She can go towards her dream for many years, and will definitely achieve it. Having met the man of her dreams, she will give him all her affection and care, but will never forgive his betrayal.

Twins- an absent-minded and fussy person, which extremely irritates those around him. She knows how to create the appearance of vigorous activity, but then she happily pushes everything onto others. You should never take her words and promises seriously. In love, Irina-Gemini is also promising, but fickle.

Cancer- a vulnerable and fearful personality, with a fine mental organization. He tries to please everyone and ultimately loses his individuality and the respect of others. Irina-Cancer is afraid of any changes and changes in life. She needs a strong and confident man for her husband, who will instill in her confidence in herself and in the future.

a lion- extremely selfish and narcissistic Irina, who doesn’t care about those around her. For her, there is only one correct opinion - her own. She has no qualms about using people to achieve her goals. She has few friends, and she doesn't need them. In relationships with men, she feels like a queen whom everyone should admire.

Virgo- a creative person with a bright personality. It can breathe a spark into the most routine task, make it interesting and educational. Irina - Virgo has an analytical mind, knows how to think rationally and plan her budget, as she is used to relying only on her own strengths. She is a huge success among men, but she needs a man who can appreciate her bright personality.

Scales- a delicate and sophisticated woman who knows how to listen and hear. He always takes into account the opinions of others, never imposes his vision of a situation, and knows how to admit when he is wrong. Irina-Libra is capable of compassion and will never refuse to help someone in need. A big coquette, she loves flirting, but always remains faithful to her man.

Scorpion- hot-tempered and emotional, has an extremely hot temper. She loves to be the center of attention, but she is not liked in society because of her incontinence with her tongue. Irina-Scorpio always considers herself right, does not know how to admit her mistakes, and always notices those of strangers. She always looks impressive and extravagant, which attracts fans. Irina is amorous, but not constant.

Sagittarius- a born leader with the gift of persuasion. Her suggestions and ideas are always fresh and rational, she knows how and loves to work for results. She enjoys the respect of others and great success among men. Irina-Sagittarius easily starts new romances, breaking many hearts along the way. Only true love can stop her.

Capricorn- a low-emotional, business woman. She knows how to completely immerse herself in work, without being distracted by extraneous matters. Gives the impression of a closed, gloomy person who does not know how to relax. However, this is not entirely true - Irina just needs the right company in which she will feel comfortable. Her personality is fraught with many secrets that will only be revealed to a close person.

Aquarius- a cheerful optimist with an excellent sense of humor. Able to think rationally and objectively approach any problem. Gets along well with people, especially men. Able to work both in a team and independently. Men adore her for her humor and easy-going character.

Fish- a selfish person prone to narcissism. He always has a high opinion of himself and demands the same from those around him. She devotes a lot of time to her appearance, loves to read fashion magazines and go shopping. Demands worship and admiration from men. There is no way to bring it down from heaven to earth, all that remains is to come to terms with it.

Hello, dear readers of the Sprint-Response website. In this article we will find out the correct answer to the thirteenth question in the game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” for January 5, 2018, in which Gennady Khazanov and Anna Bolshova took part. The release was a replay of the January 3, 2014 game. The question in the game concerned the meaning of the name Irina.

How is the name Irina translated from ancient Greek?

Irina is a female Russian personal name of Greek origin; goes back to ancient Greek. Εἰρήνη - the name of the goddess of peaceful life in ancient Greek mythology, Eirene; also εἰρήνη - “peace”, “peace”.
Irina is a rebel by nature, bright, with an analytical mind and organizational skills, capable of decisive actions, with a contradictory character, which does not at all live up to her name, which comes from the Greek goddess Eirene, born in the union of two Greek gods, Zeus and Themis. Translated into Russian, her name means "Peace".

Other forms of the name: colloquial - Arina, Erina, Yarina, Irinya; arose under the influence of Western European languages ​​- Irena, Irena, Irene, Irene; ancient church - Orina, Irinia. Common short forms of the name: Ira, Rina, Rena. Some of the listed forms are used as independent personal names.

Gennady and Anna take the hint Calling a friend: the friend does not have time to answer.
Next, players take another 50:50 clue - options B and C remain.
The correct answer is B

A: Liberty
B: World
C: Happiness
D: Anger

As it has already become clear to us, the correct answer to the question is: world .
