Holy Martyr Daria. Christian icon of Saint Daria St. Martyr Daria icon

Daria was a priestess of Pallas Athena. Her husband Chrysanthos converted her to the Christian faith. They both suffered martyrdom under Emperor Numerian at the end of the 3rd century. Martyr Daria is addressed in prayer to strengthen faith in persecution and temptation, to help convert unbelievers and sectarians. Martyr Daria is an example of fidelity and obedience to her husband.


Troparion to the Martyr Daria of Rome, tone 4

Your Lamb, Jesus, Daria cries out loudly: “I love You, my Bridegroom, and, seeking You, I suffer, and I am crucified and buried with You in Your baptism, and I endure torment for You, that I may reign in You, and die for You, so that I may live with You; but accept me as an immaculate sacrifice, offered to You with love!” Through her intercessions, as the Merciful One, save our souls.

Troparion to the martyrs Chrysanthus and Darius of Rome, tone 7

From your youth you loved the faith of Christ, blessed Chrysanthe, despising the enemy’s charms, enjoying the kindness of God, you brought the pure bride Daria to Christ, and with her you accepted the cruel torment of the martyr most pleasing to God for us, praying by faith, perfecting your memory.

Kontakion to the Martyr Daria of Rome, tone 2:

Your all-honorable temple, as if you have found spiritual healing, all the faithful cry out loudly to you, O great martyr Darius, pray to Christ God unceasingly for all of us.

Prayer to the martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria

Oh, holy and blessed passion-bearers, martyrs of Christ Chrysanthe and Daria! We, unworthy, resort to you at the throne of God and to our warm, quick helpers and our prayer books. Hear now this prayer of ours and pray to our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, Him whom you confessed in your grave torment before the insane tormentors and persecutors of the holy faith of Christ, for us unworthy sinners. For the sake of the faith of Christ, you endured much torment and were put to death, adorning the Church of Christ and crowning with crowns of immortal glory, in unspeakable joy you are installed with the faces of angels in heavenly villages. Illuminated with divine light. Show us also a powerful intercession: preserve the faith of Christ in purity, show courage in suffering and temptation, contentment in everyday needs, always have constancy in prayer and love for God and neighbors. Instruct us, holy martyrs, with your prayers on the path of salvation, strengthen our feet to walk firmly and unshakably in the path of the Lord’s commandments, admonishing those who are lost, granting healing to the sick, deliverance to the needy, protection to those living in marriage, and everything useful to us for salvation. As we are guided by your prayers and strengthened by your intercession, let us glorify our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His beginningless Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The icon of Daria the Great Martyr is presented in our store.

Martyr Daria, whose icon depicts the saint, was the wife of Saint Chrysanthus. Chrysanthus was born into a pagan family. He was given a good education. While studying books, he came across works in which pagans talked about Christianity. Christopher wanted to read a book written by Christians. He found the book of the New Testament, and after reading the book his soul was enlightened.
Later I found the presbyter Carpophorus, who was under persecution and accepted Baptism. After Holy Baptism, the young man became a preacher of the Gospel. Chrysanthus's father resisted his son's passion in every possible way and married him to the priestess of Athena Pallas Daria. Chrysanthus converted his wife to Christ, and together they decided to lead a virgin married life. When Chrysanthus's father died, the couple went to different homes. Young men who believed in Christ gathered around Chrysanthus, and around Daria there were pious girls.

Residents of the city turned to Eparch Keleripus with a complaint that Daria and Chrysanthus were preaching celibacy, after which Chrysanthus was handed over to the tribune Claudius to be tortured. The severe torment did not shake the spirit of Chrysanthus, because he believed in God and who helped him. Claudius was amazed by this and decided to also accept the Christian faith with his wife Ilaria and sons Maurus and Jason. His household warriors also converted to Christianity. Emperor Numerian found out about this and gave the order to execute Claudius and his entire family. Claudius was drowned, and his sons and their soldiers were beheaded.

The executed martyrs were buried in a cave, where Saint Hilaria began to come. She prayed for the souls of the departed, but she was tracked down and brought to severe torture. She asked to be given a little time to pray and at the end of the prayer she died quietly. Saint Hilaria was buried next to her sons.
Daria was sent to whoredom. The Lord God did not abandon the saint there and sent her to guard the lion. The lion knocked all those who attempted to kill Daria to the ground, but did not take their lives. Saint Daria preached a sermon about Jesus Christ and showed the way of salvation.

The martyr Chrysanthos was thrown into a stinking pit into which all the sewage flowed. But the Heavenly Light shone, and the stench turned into fragrance. The emperor decided to punish Chrysanthus and Daria with the help of executioners. After severe torture they were buried alive in the ground.

Christians celebrated the death of the great martyrs in the cave. They prayed and performed Divine Services, receiving Holy Communion. The emperor found out about this and ordered the entrance to the cave, where there were many praying Christians, to be filled up. Two names of the dead martyrs remain known - Presbyter Diodorus and Marian the Deacon.

The icon of St. Daria the Roman Martyr will protect you from deception and betrayal.

It is appropriate to turn to the icon for those parents whose daughters are experiencing teenage problems, thereby the saint will protect the girl from making the wrong mistakes. The face of the saint teaches us to carefully perceive information that comes from outside, and also to correctly determine where is good and where is evil and strictly follow our convictions.

If you touch on the meaning of this icon, then it protects family well-being and happiness! Daria is considered an assistant in motherhood and women's health. They pray to her for the gift of a good husband and in marital infertility. The holy martyr is a healer of people from the most severe mental and physical illnesses. Since ancient times, the icon of St. Paraskeva Friday was placed at city markets as the patroness of trade; she is also considered the patroness of tailors.

The Legend of Daria the Great Martyr

From the lives of Saints Chrysanthus and Daria we learn details from almost one thousand seven hundred years ago. Chrysiaf, Daria's future husband, came from a wealthy patrician family; having received a good education, he became disillusioned with the foundations of the pagan Roman faith and the vices reigning around him led him to the Christian faith. In Christianity he saw salvation for himself and his loved ones. The young man's family was hostile to his faith, and in the hope of returning him to the shadow of old Roman customs, Chrysiaph's father married him to Daria, who was then a priestess of Pallas Athena. The calculation did not come true - the young Christian not only strengthened in his faith, but also converted his wife to the Christian faith. In a fit of piety, the young couple took a vow of celibacy, living like brother and sister and rejecting carnal love. After some time, a small circle of young boys and girls gathered around the young couple, who also believed in the dogmas of Christianity. This aroused the anger of the city authorities; on their orders, the young man was tortured, but seeing the steadfastness of Chrysiaph’s faith, even the governor of the province himself converted to Christianity. Having learned about this, the Roman Emperor Numerian, by personal edict, ordered the death of Chrysiaph and all his followers. As a mockery of the couple's celibacy, Daria was sent to a brothel.

If you believe the life, God showed a miracle: Leo fled from the arena of the Colosseum, who, by God’s command, protected Daria of Rome from desecration. For some time the girl lived in safety under the protection of the mighty son of the Savannah, until her enemies decided to burn her alive with all her household. Seeing the danger that threatened her loved ones, Saint Daria released the lion and accepted martyrdom from her pursuers.

Veneration of the icon of the Great Martyr Daria

On the icons, the Great Martyr Daria is depicted raising a cross in her right hand, her left hand blesses the suffering. On the right side of the icon we see the outstretched palm of Jesus Christ.

People turn to the icon of Daria of Rome in the hope of avoiding deception and adultery

It is believed that the icon can protect against temptations and helps to recognize where good and evil are. Christians believe in the miraculous healing effect of the icon of St. Daria of Rome. She is also considered the patroness of all women named Daria; the day of remembrance is celebrated on March 19 according to the old style and April 1 according to the new style.

The relics of Saints Chrysanthus and Darya of Rome are located in Rome, in a church located in the Square of the Holy Apostles. With a high degree of probability, the icons of the great martyrs Daria of Rome and Chrysanthus are also located there. In the Catholic world, Saints' Day of Remembrance is celebrated on October 25th.
Also famous icons of Daria of Rome are in the churches of Metz and Strasbourg.

The prayer to Saint Daria and her husband is as follows:

Oh, holy and blessed passion-bearers, martyrs of Christ Chrysanthe and Daria! We, unworthy, resort to you at the throne of God and to our warm, quick helpers and our prayer books. Hear now this prayer of ours and pray to our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, Him whom you confessed in your grave torment before the insane tormentors and persecutors of the holy faith of Christ, for us unworthy sinners. For the sake of the faith of Christ, you endured much torment and were put to death, adorning the Church of Christ and crowning with crowns of immortal glory, in unspeakable joy you are installed with the faces of angels in heavenly villages. Illuminated with divine light. Show us also a powerful intercession: preserve the faith of Christ in purity, show courage in suffering and temptation, contentment in everyday needs, always have constancy in prayer and love for God and neighbors. Instruct us, holy martyrs, with your prayers on the path of salvation, strengthen our feet to walk firmly and unwaveringly in the path of the Lord’s commandments, admonishing those who are lost, granting healing to the sick, deliverance to the needy, protection to those living in marriage, and everything useful to us for salvation. As we are guided by your prayers and strengthened by your intercession, let us glorify our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His beginningless Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Church ministers claim that when turning to the face of a saint and praying to an icon, one’s thoughts must be pure. In general, Saint Daria helps to expose deception and adultery. Help a person understand what is good and what is bad.

Far from being Russian, the female name Daria, popular in Russia, came to us from Greece, or rather from Byzantium, along with Christianity. It, among other things, has its own church history, since it belonged to different saints. Accordingly, those girls and women who bear the name Daria can celebrate their name days according to the church calendar at different times. We will tell you exactly when and with which saints they can be associated in this article.

Martyr of Rome - April 1

Daria's name day is most often associated with the martyr of the same name, who came from Rome. Church tradition has preserved the following legend about her life and death. In the third century in Rome, when the empire was ruled by the pagan Emperor Numerian, who was not very supportive of Christians, the son of one of the pagans, having fallen under the influence of Christian literature, was baptized and began to preach Christ as he understood him. And he understood it from the point of view of the modern orthodox church position somewhat heretically, because he rejected marriage. This young man's name was Chrysanthus. His father, annoyed by his son’s views, decided to return him to the mainstream of his usual life and therefore intended to marry him. The will of the parent was fulfilled in accordance with the customs of that time, and a girl devoted to the pagan faith named Daria was chosen as the bride. Not wanting to betray his religious principles, after the wedding ceremony Chrysanthus did not fulfill his marital duties, but, on the contrary, tried to convert his wife to his faith. And, according to church tradition, he succeeded, since the girl was soon baptized and agreed to live with her husband as a sister. So they lived, imitating a happy family, until Chrysanthus’s father died, after which they completely separated and began to live in different houses. Their example, however, inspired many Christians, and even, as life testifies, contributed to an active influx of converts.

Seeing this, dissatisfied pagan residents reported to the governor of the province against their Christian neighbors, after which the eparch imprisoned them and subjected Chrysanthus to torture in order to extort from him a renunciation of his faith. But something opposite happened - seeing the young man’s perseverance, the impressed eparch himself wished to become a Christian and was baptized along with his entire family.

According to the life, having learned about this act of the official, Emperor Numerian ordered the execution of the eparch himself and all members of his family, and Chrysanthos was thrown into a pit. Daria, by decision of the authorities, had to go to work in a brothel, which, however, was prevented by a wild lion, which, as the life says, guided by God, began to block the path to the girl for anyone who tried to deprive her of honor. Ultimately, the emperor personally ordered the couple to be put to death. When the believing members of the community in which Chrysanthus and Daria were members mourned their death (which was actually a festive event, since martyrdom promised the kingdom of heaven and a meeting with Christ in paradise), the cave in which they were located was filled up, thus burying alive everyone who had gathered there. Of their names preserved for history, we know only two clergymen - Presbyter Diodorus and Deacon Marian. For those who bear the name Daria in honor of this martyr, Orthodox name days fall on April 1.

Martyr Darius Timolina - August 18

Daria Timolina - this woman is Russian by origin. She was born in 1870. From her youth she was distinguished by her religious zeal, which was met negatively by her parents, who did not believe in God. Daria refused the marriage that was forced on her, and twice ran away from home to live next to her teacher, Evdokia Sheikova, performing the duties of a cell attendant. This is how she lived her whole life, until in 1919 her mentor was sentenced to death. Together with two other novices, Daria Timolina decided to accompany Evdokia to the place of execution and share her fate with her. They were shot and buried in a common grave, and in 2000 they were canonized by a council of bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Martyr Daria Ulybina - August 18

On the day of their common memory, Daria's name day is celebrated, named in honor of another novice Evdokia, who died with her - Daria Ulybina. All that is known about her life is that she was born in the late 1870s, and from 1916 she became a cell attendant to the aforementioned mentor Evdokia. The general name day of Daria, named in honor of these martyrs, is celebrated on August 18, as well as on the day of remembrance of the new martyrs and confessors of Russia and on the day of remembrance of the Nizhny Novgorod saints. The last two holidays are moveable and fall on different dates every year.

Martyr Daria Zaitseva - March 14

Another religious woman who suffered at the hands of the Soviet regime is Daria Zaitseva. She was born in 1870, and upon reaching the age of twenty, she entered a monastery. After its closure in 1928, she lived in peace, and since 1934 she acted as the elder of one of the churches in the Moscow region. Based on a denunciation accusing her of selling holy water and lamp oil, Daria was arrested and shot in 1938. Daria's name day, established in memory of this woman, is celebrated on the day of her execution - March 14, as well as on the Day of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

Other dates for name days

There are, of course, many other saints named Daria, little known or completely unknown in the Russian Church. If you have to choose which one to give preference to before baptism, you should choose the day closest to Daria’s birthday. A name day can also be dedicated to the exact saint you want, regardless of the proximity of her memory and her birthday according to the calendar - this practice is also allowed.

Lives of the martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria and with them the martyrs Claudius, Hilaria, Jason and Maurus, Diodorus the presbyter and Marian the deacon

Saint Khri-sanf came from a pagan family; got a good idea. Among the books he was given were those in which pagans talked about Christianity. But the young man wanted to read books, na-pi-san-nye sa-mi-mi hri-sti-a-na-mi. The young man managed to find the book No-in-the-Za-ve-ta. Sacred Pi-sa-nie about the light of the soul of the mind of a young man. He found the priest Kar-po-for-ra hiding from the government and received Holy Baptism from him. After this, he began to open the door of Evan-ge-lie. The young man's father tried his best to turn his son away from Christianity and married him to the beautiful Daria, a priestess Athens Pal-la-dy. One day, Saint Khri-sanf managed to convert his wife to Christ, and the young spouses agreed with each other -this is the decision to lead a virgin life. After their father’s death, they began to live in separate houses. Saint Khri-sanf gathered around himself several young men converted to Christ, and around Saint Daria the blessed gathered. good-looking women.

The city-ro-zhans complained to the epar-hu Ke-le-ri-pu that saints Khri-sanf and Daria pro-we-are unmarried . Saint Khri-sanf was given to the torment of three-bu-nu Claudius.

However, torture was not able to get a young man's manhood, for the power of God is clearly -mo-ga-la to him. Married by this, Tri-bun Claudius believed in Christ and received Holy Baptism together with his wife Ila-ri-ya, with sy-no-vya-mi Ia-so-nom and Mav-rum and with all the do-mash-ni-mi and in-i-na-mi. When the news of this reached him-pe-ra-to-ra Nu-me-ri-a-na (283-284), he ordered all of them to execution. Mu-che-nik tri-bun Claudius was drowned in the sea, and his sons and vo-i-ns were decapitated. Christ-sti-ane-ho-ro-ni-li-te-la holy mar-y-co-s are not in the cave, and Saint Ila-ria st- la sto-yang-but go there to pray. One day you tracked her down and brought her to torment. The saint tried to give her a few minutes to pray, and after finishing it, she died. The servant served the saint in the cave next to her sons.

Saint Da-ria is far from being in the blue. But there she was guarded by a lion sent by God. The lion knocked everyone who tried to desecrate the holy thread to the ground, but left them alive. Mu-che-ni-tsa pro-po-ve-va-la named after Christ and set out on the path of salvation.

Holy Hri-san-fa threw himself into the stinking pit, where all the evil spirits of the city have gone. But the Heavenly Light shone to him, and instead of the stench, the pit was filled with goodness.

Then im-pe-ra-tor Nu-me-ri-an ordered to give the saints Hri-san-fa and Da-riya into the hands of pa-la-whose. After this experience, the mu-w-would-you-have-lived in the ground.

In the cave, located not far from the place of execution, did Christians begin to join forces, celebrating day of the much-needed end of the saints. They performed divine services and partook of the Holy Ta-in. Having learned about this, the pagan authorities began to block the entrance to the cave, which was filled with prayer.

So, in agony, many Christians perished, of which two are known by name: mu-che-ni-ki pre-svi-ter Di-o-dor and dia-kon Ma-ri-an.

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Prayer to the martyrs Chrysanthus and Darius of Rome

Oh, holy and blessed passion-bearers, martyrs of Christ Chrysanthe and Daria! We, unworthy ones, come to you who stand before the throne of God and our warm, quick helpers. Hear this prayer today and pray to our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, Him you confessed in your grave torment before the insane tormentors and persecutors of the holy faith, Christ Oh, about us unworthy sinners. For the sake of the faith of Christ, you endured much torment and were put to death, decorating the Church of Christ and crowning with crowns of immortal glory, in unspeakable joy from the face of You are installed as angels in heavenly villages, surrounded by Divine light. Show us a powerful intercession: preserve the faith of Christ in purity, show courage in suffering and temptations, contentment in everyday needs, constancy in prayers and love for God and neighbors always have it. Guide us, holy martyrs, with your prayers on the path of salvation, strengthen our feet to walk firmly and unwaveringly along the path of the commandments of the Lord, admonishing those who are mistaken, giving Healing for those in need, deliverance for those in need, protection for those living in marriage, but for all of us, everything is useful for salvation. Let us glorify our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, through your prayers and your intercession. To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His beginningless Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to the holy martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria

Kontakion 1

The chosen martyrs of Christ, Chrysanthe and Darius, adorned with crowns of Divine glory and having come to Christ through faith and suffering to a more serene life, accept our unworthy prayers for the glory of God and the praise brought to you, delivering us from temptations and all kinds of troubles, singing to you with love and joy:

Ikos 1

The holy martyrs of Christ Chrysanthe and Daria, shining with angelic purity. You have shunned the charms of the godless by nature, enjoying the incomparable Divine kindness, singing the praises of the Lady of all blessedness. In the same way, amazed at your exploits, rejoicing, we cry out to you with tenderness:
Rejoice, wondrous confessors, who have loved the divine truth; Rejoice, having driven away the charms and sweets of the enemy from yourself.
Rejoice, having strengthened yourselves well in the faith of Christ; Rejoice, you who have counted the sweets of this world for nothing.
Rejoice, you who boldly exposed the charms of idols; Rejoice, you who turned many of your unfaithful words to God.
Rejoice, Chrysanthe and Darius, together with all the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the enemy's charms and the sweetness of kindling, the most blessed Chrysanthes, armed with faith, overthrew the many-wily serpent, fulfilling the good will of the rational, and like a most abundant bride-dyer, you brought Darius, the blameless bride to Christ, singing with her praise songs to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Illuminated by the mind of the truth, the divine fragrance was filled with nature, the all-praised martyrs. The valor of Christ has adorned your hearts in confessing the faith of the True God. For such boldness, glorifying your exploits, accept this praise:
Rejoice, having loved the truth of the Divine faith; Rejoice, faithful to the Orthodoxy of the true God who erects.
Rejoice, having kept the commandments of Christ in purity; Rejoice, having pleased God with a chaste life.
Rejoice, having adorned your souls with the love of Christ; Rejoice, having despised the charms of this world and vanity.
Rejoice, Chrysanthe and Darius, together with all the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ.

Kontakion 3

The power of the divine autumn has fallen upon you, sufferers of Christ, in your dark seclusion. Standing in the midst of the foul stench, illuminated by the radiance of the Lord’s grace, suffering for the faith of Christ, singing with incessant voices: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a great desire to be adorned with the crowns of martyrdom for Christ, you holy passion-bearers Chrysanthe and Darius, tirelessly preached the faith of God, denouncing the insane vacillation of the enemy of idolatry, strengthening the faithful in the faith of the true God and instructing on the path of salvation. In the same way, we see your zeal for God, and we boldly cry out to you:
Rejoice, true confessors, who were not afraid of the coming torment; Rejoice, you who teach everyone not to be afraid of human reproaches.
Rejoice, having placed your hope and hope in God in everything; Rejoice, having taught all believers to believe in God’s Providence.
Rejoice, having fearlessly put to shame the deceits of Satan; Rejoice, having spent all your time in prayerful deeds.
Rejoice, Chrysanthe and Darius, together with all the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ.

Kontakion 4

The storm of rage and fierce misfortunes of the persecutors cannot shake your faith in Christ, all-blessed sufferers. You, filled with the Holy Spirit, courageously sang to the Creator in front of everyone: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the words of the Holy Scriptures, that God is love, blessed Chrysanthe, love your soul faith in the true God. We instruct Presbyter Carpophorus, having been confirmed in the faith and by it you brought Darius, the priestess of the temple of Minerva, to Christ, so that the love of the Heavenly King may be glorified by the incomparable kindness, in which we also abid, and glorify you with these appeals:
Rejoice, for you have kept the fire of love for God in your hearts in purity until the end of your life; Rejoice, for you have strengthened your soul with true theology.
Rejoice, for the Church of Christ is the defender of glory; Rejoice, faithful mentor and intercessor of Divinia.
Rejoice, and teach us to fulfill the Divine commandments; Rejoice, Chrysanthus and Darius, together with all the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ.

Kontakion 5

The revealed stars of heaven appeared, Chrysanthe and Daria, when in voluntary agreement you wished to live in a celibate marriage. In replacing the life of temporary and carnal love, you have adorned your souls with Christ’s love. By this divine grace you sang the song to the Lord of Heaven and Earth: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing your life pleasing to God, adorned with the voluntary consent to serve the Lord, you tirelessly preached the faith of Christ, calling everyone to courageously depart from the faith of Christ in no way, denouncing the darkness of idolatry, and directing everything to heavenly bliss. Remembering your pious life, we cry out with love:
Rejoice, you who have shown the image of true Christian marriage; Rejoice, having filled your home with the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, thou boldest zealot of the orthodoxy of God; Rejoice, luminaries of the bright love of Christ, burning.
Rejoice, Divine Glory, fearless preacher; Rejoice, you who endured both mental and physical torments for Christ.
Rejoice, Chrysanthe and Darius, together with all the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ.

Kontakion 6

Your words have become a great preacher, O martyr Chrysanthes. Calling on the faithful to reject the temptations of this world, as befits those seeking salvation and think on heaven. Having accomplished this, O blessed one, you brought Daria to Christ, and with her, strengthened in faith, you boldly sang to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Rise in your hearts like the sun, the light of heavenly glory, the true sufferers of Christ. For all the piety of your life and faith in one God, the Father Almighty, is visible, I come to you. Your house was like a holy monastery, and in it many faithful found salvation. Surprised by your life, you faithfully sang to you:
Rejoice, spiritually shining stars in the firmament of heaven; Rejoice, for through your prayers you have opened the door of the Kingdom of Christ to many.
Rejoice, diligent organizers of honest abodes; Rejoice, vessels of the choice of divine grace.
Rejoice, heavenly patrons of honest marriage; Rejoice, having adorned yourself with the purity of your souls.
Rejoice, Chrysanthe and Darius, together with all the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ.

Kontakion 7

Wanting to turn you away from the faith of Christ and offer sacrifices to vile idols, the city governor Kalerin ordered to torture you, holy passion-bearers. But you, having endured much suffering, with boldness and faith courageously sang to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The inhuman tormentor Kalerin shows new rage, as if it is not possible to turn you away from the truth of Christ. Marveling at the majesty of your patience and faith, thinking about some kind of magic, I commanded you to be subjected to the most severe torture. But nothing can and will not be able to resist you, as no torture or trick can shake your faith. When I saw your suffering, I cried out to you:

Rejoice, Chrysanthe and Darius, together with all the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ.

Kontakion 8

A strange miracle happened when Claudius the Tribune recognized the truth of God, seeing your suffering, holy martyrs, saying that even a sorcerer could not endure such torment as you have endured. Command you to stop your torment, and begin to confess the faith of Christ yourself, singing with you to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You, the holy martyrs Chrysanthe and Daria, rejoiced with all your heart and the love of Christ, seeing the conversion to the faith of Christ not only of Claudius the tribune, but also of his entire household: Hilary's wife and the children of Jason and Maurus, and the soldiers tormenting them, asking for the Baptism of the Lord. Therefore, having believed in Christ, begin to glorify God and cry to you with the faithful in spiritual joy:
Rejoice, your souls are filled with the grace of Christ; Rejoice, you who illuminate many with the divine light.
Rejoice, as you astonish the lawless tormentors with courage; Rejoice, you who fearlessly marched through the exploits of suffering for Christ.
Rejoice, you who through your suffering called many tormentors to Christ; Rejoice because you bore the cross of Christ with patience and devotion.
Rejoice, Chrysanthe and Darius, together with all the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ.

Kontakion 9

All angelic nature rejoiced greatly, holy martyrs, seeing how you had brought a congregation of sufferers to Christ. Instructing everyone with divine words and showing the path of salvation, the faithful should fearlessly endure torment, praising God, who is wondrous in His saints, with the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Human violence cannot resist you, sufferers of Christ Chrysanthes and Daria. Who can speak of your sufferings, or who can speak of your deeds for Christ our God? Having neglected earthly glory and the greatness of temporal life, you laid down your souls for the faith of God. Praising so much of your deeds, we cry out to you with love:
Rejoice, zealous planters of the faith of Christ; Rejoice, bold opponents of idol worship.
Rejoice, faithful ones leading from the darkness of idolatry to the light of Christ; Rejoice, you who surprised the tormentors with many miracles.
Rejoice, you who endured fierce beatings for Christ; Rejoice, you have put the tormentor Numerian to shame through your suffering.
Rejoice, Chrysanthe and Darius, together with all the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ.

Kontakion 10

Although you may save the souls of the faithful, holy martyrs, for you are adorned with the wisdom of Christ, you have overcome the unwise vacillations, the pure vessels of the Almighty have appeared, calling upon all to abide in the immeasurable glory of God and to sing to the Creator: Alleluia

Ikos 10

The new tormentor of Christians, Numerian, appeared on walls harder than stone, when in his madness he ordered to betray you to other torments. Chrysanthe ordered you to be plunged into a cesspool of sewage, and Darius to be sent to a public house to be desecrated. But the power of God will keep you unharmed, and the light of heaven will shine upon you. Seeing the current, dignify your praises with tits:
Rejoice, pillars of steadfastness, standing firm in the faith of Christ; Rejoice, you who endured the stench of sewage for Christ.
Rejoice, having endured reproach and suffering without fear; Rejoice, illuminated by the light of Heaven in your torments.
Rejoice, you who did not impute the wrath of Numerian to anything; Rejoice, you who appeared harder than stone in your torments.
Rejoice, Chrysanthe and Darius, together with all the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ.

Kontakion 11

We bring auspicious singing to you, the wonders of the martyr of Christ. You have glorified the exploits of your hero Christ, our Savior, and with the strength of your faith you have shamed your tormentor. We, thanking the Lord for this, sing to Him with reverence and love: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The luminous Sun of Truth illuminates the hearts of the faithful, when they see the glorious miracles of God. Wonderful Divine light shone upon you, passion-bearers Saints Chrysanthes and Daria, when you were led to suffering and death for the name of Christ. You are a faithful wife who has remained in the firmament of faith to the end against all temptations of the enemy. Reverently remembering your exploits and sufferings, we bless you with these praises:
Rejoice, luminaries of Christ, shining in the darkness of wickedness; Rejoice, you who denounce the evil of idolaters.
Rejoice, fearless defenders of the Christian faith; Rejoice, having strengthened your love for Christ with your wounds.
Rejoice, you who endured reproaches and annoyances for Christ; Rejoice, having remained good in the confession of Christ.
Rejoice, Chrysanthe and Darius, together with all the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ.

Kontakion 12

Filled with grace from the Lord, all praises to Chrysanthe and Daria, in joy your memory is glorified by the faithful, and magnified by warm prayers to you. For you, having endured severe suffering, having accepted the death of your souls for the faith of Christ, have been vouchsafed by nature in the villages of paradise with the angels to sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your glorious death, holy martyrs, through which you glorified the true faith of God and the true sufferers, you appeared in the midst of beasts, like lambs, preaching the incarnation of the Divine, poured out even to the flesh, and inheriting non-painful diseases from the Divine. Remembering this, we exclaim to you with emotion:
Rejoice, for you were buried alive in a deep ditch for the faith of Christ; Rejoice, glorified by many signs of God's mercy.
Rejoice, for your memory is preserved through the services and prayers of the faithful; Rejoice, for in the unapproachable light in heaven your souls have passed away before God.
Rejoice, having been crowned by the Trinitarian Divinity with the crowns of the Heavenly Kingdom; Rejoice, Chrysanthemum and Darius, with all the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ.

Kontakion 13

Oh, glorification and long-suffering saints, Chrysanthe and Daria! Accept this praiseworthy singing from us, unworthy, who pray to you with tenderness. Offer up your warm prayers for all who glorify your memory, and through your intercession at the Throne of God, deliver us from troubles, sorrows and illnesses and eternal torment, so that in the heavenly villages we may be worthy to sing to God: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


Oh, holy and blessed passion-bearers, martyrs of Christ Chrysanthe and Daria! We, unworthy, resort to you at the throne of God and to our warm, quick helpers and our prayer books. Hear now this prayer of ours and pray to our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, Him whom you confessed in your grave torment before the insane tormentors and persecutors of the holy faith of Christ, for us unworthy sinners. For the sake of the faith of Christ, you endured much torment and were put to death, adorning the Church of Christ and crowning with crowns of immortal glory, in unspeakable joy you are installed with the faces of angels in heavenly villages. Illuminated with divine light. Show us also a powerful intercession: preserve the faith of Christ in purity, show courage in suffering and temptation, contentment in everyday needs, always have constancy in prayer and love for God and neighbors. Instruct us, holy martyrs, with your prayers on the path of salvation, strengthen our feet to walk firmly and unwaveringly in the path of the Lord’s commandments, admonishing those who are lost, granting healing to the sick, deliverance to the needy, protection to those living in marriage, and everything useful to us for salvation. As we are guided by your prayers and strengthened by your intercession, let us glorify our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His beginningless Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
